Molly's Cop

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Molly's Cop Page 13

by Joannie Kay

  "I feel bad. If you can spank me when I don't feel I need one, why can't you spank me when I feel I do?"

  "You'll feel differently in the morning. You're tired right now... and did you even have dinner tonight?" he demanded. She shook her head 'no'.

  "Molly, this is enough! As of right this minute I am putting my food down. You are going to maintain normal work hours. You are going to eat three meals a day. You are going to take vitamins, and you are going to exercise in some way. You can't bury yourself in work to avoid grieving for Gram. You look pale and exhausted. You've lost weight you can't afford to lose. No more. If you miss a meal, you are getting your fanny spanked... Same for working overtime. It stops."

  "We've been so busy," she explained.

  "Then ask your boss to hire more help."

  "It's only temporary," she explained.

  "Then call a temp agency."

  "What am I going to do about your Mom?" Molly asked. "I feel like I violated her privacy... I didn't do it on purpose, Michael... But will she believe me?"

  "She is the one who has been asking Pop to fix that door. She'll believe you, and she knows you won't tease her in front of the kids. You aren't like that, honey."

  "I just feel so awful," Molly's lower lip trembled again.

  Michael looked at her standing there so dejected. Molly's spirits were lower than he'd ever seen them. Even when he'd put her out of her shared apartment and she had nowhere to go, she was full of fire and spirit. He needed to snap her out of her mood.

  Molly gasped when Michael took her arm, sat on the side of the bed, and then pulled her down over his left thigh. In the next instant his right hand smacked on her panty-clad bottom with a loud crack. She cried out in a mixture of surprise and pain. A second later she felt another stinging spank and realized that Michael was going to take away her guilt and pain with pain of another kind. She was relieved and thankful, but she was also a bit frightened. She cried out in pain with the next spank. "Oh, Michael, that hurts!" she told him a second later when he spanked her again.

  "Spankings are supposed to hurt," he said quietly, giving her another sharp smack. He could already see that her delicate skin was turning red beneath her pretty pink panties. While he didn't think Molly did anything to warrant a serious spanking, she needed something to snap her out of the mood she was in, and to take away the overwhelming guilt she was focusing on herself. He suspected there was more involved than overhearing his parents, but whatever the reason for Molly's guilty feelings, she needed release. Guilt was an emotion that could destroy a person if not dealt with. He continued to spank her, making each spank firm enough to sting without overwhelming her. Michael wasn't going to stop until the little redhead was ready to forgive herself.

  The spanking hurt, and Molly finally started crying and declaring she was sorry.

  "What are you sorry for, honey?" he asked.

  "For everything!" she bawled.

  "Tell me," he said firmly, his hand moving to redden her sit spots.

  "For eavesdropping on your parents when I should have moved away, or knocked on the door... I should have done something besides running away!" she said, the words hard to understand because she was crying.

  "And what else are you feeling sorry for?" Michael was relentless.

  "For working so late and forgetting to call. For worrying you and your family."

  "Good. What else?" he asked, knowing there was more.

  "For being so happy with my life now... Gram tried so hard, but... I was so happy... and Gram was dying, and it was like she knew and felt I didn't need her anymore!" Molly didn't even realize that Michael stopped the painful spanking and picked her up and cuddled her on his lap. She just knew that her Gram was gone and it hurt.

  Michael cried, too, his heart aching for the woman he loved. He waited and let her cry as long as she needed to cry, and when she finally quieted, he said, "Molly, honey, Gram would want you to be happy, wouldn't she? The fact that she slipped so peacefully from this life to the next told me she was no longer worried about leaving you alone. She knew you had family to love you and to protect you."

  "Right before I got the call I was thinking how perfect my life was. I was enjoying buying Christmas gifts for your family, thankful that for the first time ever I had people on my list to shop for. I enjoyed Thanksgiving so much, and even though I knew I was going to lose Gram eventually, I just wasn't prepared for that call. Every day I catch myself either calling to check on her, or planning a visit after work... only to be reminded that she is gone. I haven't been handling her death very well, Michael... And I'm taking it out on everyone else. I'm grumpy, and I can't seem to get in the Christmas spirit. It's as though people should be grieving for Gram and they aren't! How unreasonable is that?"

  "I would say it's pretty normal, honey. I also think that it will get easier now. You needed to let go of your emotions." He kissed the top of her head and added, "My family won't expect you to buy them a bunch of gifts, Molly. They all understand you are grieving for Gram."

  "That isn't acceptable, Michael. I love all of them, and I am going to show that by doing my best to be happy and cheerful."

  "We've lost other family members, Molly. Lloyd lost his brother three years ago, and he tried to be cheerful for Kat and the kids, but he needed extra hugs, and he got them. That is what family does, and they'll all understand and want to help you through the holidays, Molly. Just be yourself." He gave her a squeeze and said firmly, "I do mean what I said about taking care of yourself, little girl. That is not an option."

  "My butt stings," she mumbled against his chest.

  "I'm sure it does." He felt rotten.

  "Thank you, darling. I feel better now; put back together. I was falling apart. I don't know why I needed that so much, but I did, and I feel better."

  Michael answered her, and he realized she was sleeping. He carefully stood up, turned around, and gently put her in bed. He covered her, and then turned off the light and left the room. Molly was sleeping peacefully and he hoped she was herself in the morning.

  Molly was shocked when she woke up to find sunlight streaming in the spare bedroom in Michael's house. She'd overslept! She jumped up and went in search of a clock, and a telephone to call her boss and apologize. Michael was in the kitchen, taking something that smelled heavenly from the oven.

  "I overslept!" she told him, looking at the clock on the microwave and learning it was already nine o'clock and she was an hour late for work! "I need to call Mr. Bridges!"

  "I called in for you, Molly. I told Drake I was keeping you home today and he agreed that you'd been working too many hours and you needed a day off." He saw the irritation in her pretty green eyes. "Yes, I made a decision for you, but you needed to sleep, and you look beautiful this morning," he ended with a compliment for her.

  "I haven't even showered yet, or run a brush through my hair!" Molly exclaimed in exasperation. "What is in that casserole? It smells so good!"

  "It's breakfast," Michael replied with a grin. "Sit down and I'll dish up."

  Molly's mouth watered. "I need to use the bathroom first," she said, and then took off for the downstairs bathroom. When she came back, there was a plate with a generous serving of the casserole at her place at the table. Michael also served buttered toast and there was orange juice and coffee. He sat down across from her and watched as she sat down. Molly looked at him in surprise.

  "I spanked you because you needed a spanking, honey. It wasn't a punishment, and you'll sit on that pillow and enjoy your breakfast."

  "Thank you, darling," Molly said with a smile. "I love you."

  "I love you, too."

  "Will you go with me to see your parents, or do you have to be at work?"

  "I'm off today, unless something comes up that I'm needed for, and I am definitely going with you to see the folks. Pop is home today... He gave his crew a three day weekend."

  "Are you sure Mr. Bridges doesn't need me today?" she asked.

"He told me to see to it you take Monday off, too, if I think you need more rest. Molly, the man cares about you as a person, not just as an assistant."

  "I know he does," she admitted. "This is heavenly, Michael. You should share this recipe with Bridget."

  "She's the one who gave it to me," he confessed. "The kid can cook, can't she?" he said with obvious pride. Molly nodded, her mouth full. He looked at her. "Do you really feel better today, Molly?" he wanted to know.

  She looked at him and saw the worry in his dark eyes. "I feel much better. You helped me through a bad time. Thank you." When he continued to look at her, she said, "Don't feel bad for spanking me. You were right when you said it was what I needed; I did. You helped me understand why I was so upset and driven, and while I know I will still have some rough moments, I won't try to repress them and hide from my emotions."

  "Good. And, my dear, you are going to remember to keep your cell phone charged, aren't you?" he asked quietly. "I panicked when I couldn't reach you or find you anywhere."

  "I'm sorry, darling. I'll do better."

  "I'll remind you if you forget," he promised, holding his hand threateningly.

  "I don't think I'll want a spanking for a very long time," she said, making a face. In truth, her bottom was very sore and tender. For a man who didn't think she deserved a spanking last night, he did a very thorough job. Sitting on the pillow was difficult, but sitting without one would be nearly impossible. It was what she needed, though, and Michael loved her enough to put aside his feelings and spank the daylights out of her. She would have to plan something special to thank him.

  Michael insisted she go and shower and get dressed while he cleaned the kitchen. By the time she was dressed, he was also ready. "I'll follow you, honey, and this would not be a good time for you to speed," he warned, tapping the end of her nose.

  "I intend to be very good," she told him. And she did drive with care. The warning served to remind her that he'd promised her a sound spanking the next time he caught her driving too fast. Right now, that promise loomed big and she planned to do nothing to make him angry with her. The drive was uneventful, and she and Michael parked on the street and walked up the driveway.

  "Don't be nervous. Ma and Pop will understand," Michael said as he took her hand and walked her up the driveway and in the house by way of the kitchen.

  Mary and Seamus were in the kitchen. Seamus had a cup of coffee in front of him and Mary was loading dishes into the dishwasher. Seamus immediately got to his feet and walked over to put his hands on Molly's shoulders. "Molly, I did not mean to frighten you, dear. I am truly sorry."

  "You had every right to scold, Seamus. I was inconsiderate and you were right to call me on it. Mary, I'm so sorry I worried you."

  "Why didn't you come home, dear? We were frantic until Michael called to tell us you were at his house!" Her eyes were full of concern. "We didn't know if you'd had an accident or if someone grabbed you off the street!"

  "Ma, could we get our coats off and sit down. There is an explanation," Michael told her.

  "Of course. We are being pushy," Mary said. "I'll get coffee, and we'll go into the living room and sit in there where it is more comfortable."

  "That would be wonderful," Molly quickly agreed.

  Seamus shot his son a look. He knew why Mary wanted a softer seat, but Molly sounded as though she needed one, too. His son's eyes were full of sympathy for the little redhead, and that only increased Seamus' concern.

  It didn't take long to grab mugs of coffee and walk into the comfy living room. Once they were seated, Michael spoke first. "Molly did come home last night, folks. Pop, you need to get the door on your bedroom fixed pronto. Molly heard you and Ma having a fuss, and she blamed herself and ran over to my place to hide. Ma, Molly was sure you would hate her for getting you in trouble with Pop." He felt bad for his mother; she was blushing and near tears with embarrassment.

  "That had nothing to do with you, Molly, dear," Mary said. "I said something to Seamus I shouldn't have said. I have a terrible temper at times."

  "Mary didn't think I should give you a right proper scolding for being late, honey, that's true, but she has a right to her opinion, and she has a right to disagree with me and tell me when she thinks me wrong. That isn't what got her into trouble with her husband. And what she said to do that is between the two of us. I'm sorry you were frightened for Mary. I would never ever harm her." He turned to his wife and took her hand in his, "I'm sorry, my love, for your embarrassment. I promise to make it up to you, and I swear the door will be fixed before bedtime tonight. Forgive me?" he pleaded.

  "It was not intentional, Seamus, and I am glad it was Molly and not one of the younger children." She kissed him. "Molly, I earned that punishment... so don't be thinking harshly of Seamus."

  "Michael assured me that Seamus wouldn't take his anger with me out on you, but in the moment I wasn't thinking clearly. I'm sorry I ran off without a word."

  "We tried to call you, little girl," Seamus scolded. "You didn't answer your phone."

  "I forgot to charge my cell phone and it died," she admitted.

  Michael could see his Pop was ready to explode and he stepped in. "Molly's been having a rough time... All of what happened last night was piled on top of what she was suffering and trying to hide from all of us." He gave Molly an encouraging smile and said, "I think she is feeling a bit better now."

  "But Michael isn't," Molly confessed. "He took away all of my guilt but now he is feeling guilty!"

  Chapter Twelve

  "Guilty for what, Michael?" Mary turned to her son to inquire.

  "He gave the girl a spanking," Seamus shrewdly guessed, and his dark eyes were full of disapproval.

  "Oh no!" Mary was shocked, and her eyes filled with sympathy for Molly. "Oh, Michael!"

  "Please don't scold him. I asked him to spank me because I was feeling so terrible. He said 'no' at first, but I was wallowing in self-pity and guilt, and it was exactly what I needed to help me put everything in perspective. I feel so much better now," she admitted, although her cheeks were pink with embarrassment.

  "Why were you feeling so guilty, honey?" Seamus questioned, his expression one of confusion.

  "It had to do with Gram's death, Pop," Michael inserted. "Gram wouldn't want Molly to feel guilty because she is loved and happy, but that is what she was doing."

  Mary nodded in understanding. "I felt the same way when my best friend died, dear. I didn't know why I was so privileged to survive the accident without a scratch while she was killed."

  "You had a terrible time of it," Seamus said, taking her hand in his. "Son, you did what you needed to do for the woman you love. You'll look back one day and know it was the right thing." Seamus gave his wife a smile.

  Michael decided to change the subject. "Since we both have the day off, do you want to come and help me finish Christmas shopping, Molly?"

  Molly quickly nodded. "I'll run upstairs and change my clothes."

  After she left the room, Seamus said, "I wish I'd known that little Molly was suffering like that, son. I wouldn't have scolded her like I did."

  "You heard Molly, Pop. She knew she was in the wrong, and she came home to apologize to you and Ma. It's a good thing this all happened. It's hard telling how long it would have continued to bother her, and now she can hopefully enjoy Christmas. She'll still be sad over losing her Gram, but the guilt is gone now."

  "Are you feeling less guilty, Michael?" Mary questioned, her voice soft with concern.

  "I'll make it up to Molly," he promised.

  "Make sure she has some warm boots, son," Seamus suggested. "Those fancy ones she's been wearing to work won't do at all if it snows hard."

  "I'll take care of it, Pop," Michael said with a grin for his father. The man noticed every little thing.

  Christmas shopping with Michael was fun and Molly found herself giggling over each purchase he made. He put so much thought into each gift for his siblings, and he found some o
f them much easier to buy for than others. Bridget was easy; cookbooks and utensils. His brother Daniel was a problem. "What do you buy him when he is entering the Seminary?" he asked Molly. She suggested a new watch, and Michael liked the idea.

  Molly finished her shopping, too, and by the time the bags were all stuffed into Michael's car, there was barely enough room for them. They drove to his house, carried everything inside, and spent the evening wrapping gifts. "You have a very large family, Michael O'Keefe!" Molly told him solemnly. They both had another small pile of gifts for co-workers and friends, but the family pile was enormous. "We'll never get all of this over to your parent's house in one car."

  "You're right," he agreed. "Can you imagine the huge stack of presents that fill the folks' living room on Christmas Day? It's overwhelming. We'll probably have no choice but to draw names one of these years, but for now, we enjoy the chaos. It's fun to spoil each other a bit." He looked at her and suddenly asked, "Do you know about the other tradition we have?" By Molly's blank look, he had his answer. "No, I can see you don't. Ma and Pop wanted to make sure that the true meaning of Christmas wasn't buried in wrapping paper and gifts, so each year one of us is responsible for expressing Christmas to the rest of the family. This year it is Kathleen's turn. So far she hasn't asked anything of me. A couple years ago the folks picked Bridget, and we were all prepared to smile politely when the baby of the family did something simple. That 'baby' let us know how many people didn't have food to eat in this country, fed us a meal, and charged us for each helping of food we took. She then turned in the money to the food pantry in town, and volunteered each one of us to work a shift helping out there. Last year Daniel had the little ones help him enact the birth of Christ, and they sang Silent Night. It was beautiful. I don't have a clue what Kathleen will come up with."


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