Mommy's Hot Erotica

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Mommy's Hot Erotica Page 22

by Alina Sawyer

  Once their food came they ate, cheerfully talking about old times. Lilly seemed to go back to the ease of talking with him about anything rather quickly. She tried to steer away from the sex topic; though they both loved to talk about it she didn't know how well she would be able to talk about erotic things considering her earlier thoughts.

  Louis forked the last pieces of pasta, and looked across the table at Lilly who was nibbling at a piece of bread. "Hey... have you ever thought about us? I mean.... we always used to talk about it but it just never really happened."

  Lilly's face went pink. "Well... yes.... Sometimes I guess. But every time we did talk about it, I was unavailable." She took another bite of her bread and then a sip of her wine.

  "Yes, but you are available now." Louis smirked some looking at her. Now he really noticed her flushed expression. He was curious what thoughts were running through her mind.

  Lilly nodded a little. "I don't know..." She shrugged. "Oh I got my bachelors from Western last year." It was obvious she was trying to change the subject; she knew it had to have been.

  Louis didn't say anything about the fast change; he just went along with it. But he couldn't get the thought out of his head, he wanted her, and the way she had been looking at him all night... he knew she wanted him. He stretched his leg out some letting it brush against hers.

  It was a light touch, maybe even accidental, but her heart skipped a beat and all at once her body was on fire again. She tried desperately to pretend it didn't happen, but she couldn't. She glanced up and saw Louis sliding around to the other side of the table. They were sitting in a booth with a U shaped bench. He reached out and grabbed her wrist pulling her so she sat next to him.

  He had to try; he knew if he didn't he would regret it. He pulled her close so her thigh was pressed to his. He slid an arm around her waist. Looking down at her. He reached out brushing a stray piece of hair behind her ear. " I really did miss you."

  Lilly heard the words, but they didn't process through her mind, she could hardly make sense of anything that was going on around her. The only thing she could manage was the burning desire she felt. She leaned toward him and put her head on his shoulder. Her hands trailed up along his chest to lightly caress his cheek. She looked up at him.

  Louis looked down at her, his eyes filled with a passion, a need, she had never seen in any mans eyes before. Her breath caught in her throat as he moved his head closer to hers. She could feel his breath on her mouth. Her heart raced. He paused there almost hesitant. Lilly shut her eyes and closed the space still between them, pressing her mouth firmly to his. They both took in a deep breath as their lips met. Immediately she opened her mouth to allow his tongue entry.

  They were almost in a dream state; he was shocked when she kissed him. His tongue stroked along hers, and teased. His eyes fluttered closed, he had wanted to kiss her all night. His right hand moved down to her thigh and caressed gently.

  Lilly was lost, her mind a tangled mess. Had she really wanted him for so long? Her tongue moved with his in a slow dance, she felt his hand on her thigh; it sent warmth, and a strange tingling through her body. Her hand on his face was trembling; slowly she moved it down his chest, lower. It disappeared beneath the table. She rubbed her palms and fingertips along his thighs before moving her hand between his legs rubbing his cock gently through his pants.

  She didn't know what came over her, why she did this, especially in public. She knew he was enjoying it, the short intake of breath and the hardening organ beneath her hand told her that. She grinned, as his cock grew harder under her ministrations.

  He was nearly groaning aloud. He hadn't imagined she would do such a thing... she was stroking his cock through his pants, in public. His heart was racing. He wanted her, he had to get her somewhere he could have her. He would have her, many times tonight. He pulled his lips from hers. His face was flushed. "We should...go."

  "Your right." She smiled up at him lustfully. "I will go wait outside for you." She jumped up and grabbed her purse and headed for the door. She walked out into the cool crisp air taking in a deep breath. What was she doing? She did want him, god did she ever want him! She was confused though, she didn't know if she should do this or not, her heart was racing.... She just didn't know.

  Louis had to wait a few moments before standing up. She had really turned him on. Every cell in his body wanted to reach out and grab her. He would have fucked her right on the table had it gone much further. He took in a deep breath and then stood, luckily he was able to hide his erection. He paid for their dinner, left a tip, and then went out side.

  He stepped out expecting to see Lilly waiting outside for him. But he didn't see her. He looked down the street... she wasn't there. He was confused, where the hell had she gone? He started to walk toward his car hoping she had gotten in already... but she wasn't inside. She left. "Damnit." He whispered to himself. He knew he shouldn't have let her go out here on her own, for some reason in the back of his mind he knew she was going to take off. He swore once more under his breath and got in his car. He turned over the engine and pulled out of the parking lot.

  Lilly was sitting in her own car; across the parking lot she had been watching him. What the hell was she doing? She wanted him, hell sometimes she even wondered if she loved him. And she was just letting him go? She wasn't sure why she had gotten so scared... they had talked about having sex... on many occasions. She was almost afraid she would not be able to live up to his expectations in the bedroom. Lilly watched the clock; ten minuets had passed since he pulled out. She was still hot, still aroused. "Fuck it!" She turned the key and pulled out of the parking lot rather recklessly.

  She was not going to let herself pass up the chance to be with him. She knew he wanted her... and she had wanted him. It was about time they both sate the growing hunger, as often as needed. She pulled right on the wheel and drove into a gas station parking lot. She was quick about what she did. She didn't know if Louis had condoms, and she didn't want to give herself another reason for leaving him.

  She threw them into her purse and headed toward his house. She felt like shit for leaving him, but she couldn't ignore this anymore, and she knew he was probably pissed off. She would make it right. She turned off her headlights before she pulled into his driveway.

  With a deep breath she got out of the car and went up to the front door. She hesitated and then knocked lightly. "Louis?" She knocked again almost desperately. She heard footsteps and then the door opened. He didn't look happy.

  "I'm sorry... I don't know what happened. I freaked out." She looked up at him; her cheeks were once more flushed. Just seeing him was making her wet.

  "You expect me to just let you in now? What the hell were you doing?" Louis was angry, but then again he was rather surprised to see her there. Perhaps not all was lost after all. "You get me all excited and then leave..."

  "But I'm here now." She looked up at him almost pleading. "Louis, I tried to ignore it, a few years ago I managed to... but not now." Her voice was almost hypnotic. She nibbled her bottom lip for a moment then took a step toward him. "Please." She reached up wrapping her arms around his neck; she pressed her lips to his again, though his time her tongue slid into his mouth.

  Louis wrapped his arms around her a groaned. He broke the kiss. " I will just have to tie you up this time." He smiled and then pressed his lips to hers again pulling her into the house with him and shutting the front door.

  They stumbled recklessly through the house. Nearly tripping over his pet cat. Lilly was sure they knocked over a picture or two. Going down the stairs was slightly more difficult then one might imagine. They had to break apart for that. She felt like her knees would give out at any moment. She clung to the railing as she walked shakily down the steps, her heart pounding in her ears.

  Together they moved into the bedroom, their arms wrapped around each other. Their lips locked, and tongues dueling. Her head was buzzing, if it wasn't for her now rather sensitive skin she wasn't
sure she was even in her own body.

  Louis stopped and broke the kiss, as they now stood together in the middle of his bedroom. It looked almost the same as it had last time she had been down there. Her eyes met his and she took several deep breaths, trying to control her rapid gasps for air. "What?" She asked after several minutes had past.

  He shook his head softly looking down at her. "It's about time... that's all." He smiled and moved toward her again, his mouth coming down on hers. He reached around to the back of her head and pulled the chopsticks from her hair, dropping them onto the floor.

  Wavy dark brown hair fell around her shoulders; the strands tickled her skin and made her shudder. She could feel her desire for him pooling low between her legs. Each time she moved her legs, even slightly, she could feel how slick she was. She pressed herself up against his body her teeth lightly nipping at his bottom lip.

  Reaching between them Louis gently cupped her breast, his thumb lightly rubbing back and forth over her hardening nipple. He groaned against her mouth as she nipped his lip. Perhaps she hadn't forgotten how rough he was. He pinched her nipple hard coaxing a rather loud moan from her. "Those clothes will do you no good here." His voice was low and sexy, almost a growl.

  Lilly pulled her mouth from his and looked up at him, her eyes twinkling innocently. "You don't think so?" She nibbled at her bottom lip as she looked up at him, her hands moving over her own body.

  "Take them off." He demanded, again his voice was raspy.

  With a grin, Lilly ran her hands over her breasts. "As you wish." She turned her back to him and reached around to the back of her neck. She unclasped the kimono and wiggled out of it. Letting it fall around her feet.

  Underneath she wore a pair of black thongs with a blood red rose on the front, and a matching bra. She looked over her shoulder at him seductively. Her heart was beating so hard she was afraid that he might hear it.

  He licked his lips watching her. Every part of him wanted to reach out and rip her clothes off, claim her as his. She was not getting away from him this time. She was his, and there was no going back after this. He took a few steps backwards and sat down on the bed looking up at her. "Come here."

  Seductively Lilly began to sway her hips back and forth, almost as if she were dancing to a secret tune in her head. She took only a couple tiny steps at a time, prolonging the wait. She grinned mischievously at him.

  Louis smiled and reached out grabbing her by the wrist and pulling her to him. "Tease." He accused. He reached up and ran a fingertip down her body starting at her neck. His finger tickled between her breasts, slid into her naval, and then lightly teased the velvety edge of her thong. He watched her face attentively. Searching for hints of sexual frustration, and pleasure.

  Lightly her eyelashes fluttered against her cheeks. Every muscle in her body tried to tense and relax at the same time. Was this really happening? Was she really about to do this? Her mind raced and then before she was able to think about anything her mind was wiped blank as Louis slowly began to tug at her thong. The feel of the velvet sliding down her skin sent a shiver racing up her spine.

  He smiled, watching her, as he tossed her thong to the floor. She wouldn't need those any time soon. Lightly he ran his fingertips up her leg, and traced her inner thigh. Her skin was soft, and smooth. Leaning forward he kissed her hip, and then ran his tongue over her skin. He let out a soft groan approving of the taste.

  "Louis." She moaned his name and reached up, her hands tugging at her bra. Her breasts ached for his touch, her hard, sensitive nipple begging to be tasted. The material of her bra was almost painful. Reaching between her breasts she unclasped it and let it float to the floor to join her other clothes.

  With a grin he reached up, his thumb grazing her nipple. He kissed along her belly, dipping his tongue into her naval. His mouth came tantalizingly close to her heated core, but he always moved away, just before touching it. He could smell her arousal; her hot musky sent was beginning to drive him wild. His pants were beginning to become painfully tight. He nipped playfully at her hip and then he stood up, his fingertips tracing the sides of her breasts. "You're trembling." His voice was soft, a whisper.

  "You do that to me..."

  "Do I?" He moved around her, wanting to get a good look at every inch of her body. His hand trailed along her bottom. A fingertip teased the small of her back. He smiled to himself as he watched her squirm under his light caress.

  Gulping, Lilly nodded her head watching him through half open eyes. "Yes..." Her voice was more of a squeak then anything else. Goosebumps rose along her skin. She felt like she might go up in flames.

  Louis grabbed her by the shoulders and kissed her once, softly. He moved her toward the bed, his eyes looking deeply into hers. Lightning was crackling between their tense, and incredibly hot bodies.

  Carefully he pushed her back onto the bed. She shivered as his hands very lightly brushed against her breasts. She was starting to find it difficult to breath. She wiggled against the comforter sprawled out beneath her. She watched him as he began to move away from her towards a dark corner of the bedroom. "What are you doing?" Her voice sounded strange to her, and overly loud.

  Chuckling, Louis bent down and picked up a little black chest, moving it closer to the bed. He then sat down next to her. Reaching up to brush the hair from her face. "Do you remember the little chest of toys I told you about?" An evil grin tugged at the corners of his mouth. He took off his glasses setting them aside on the nightstand.

  Lilly's heart pounded painfully against her chest. Oh, she remembered the chest of toys. Whips, chains, bondage, crops, and clips. She even vaguely remembered him telling her about a cattle prod once... she wasn't sure she wanted to mess with that. "Go easy on me Louis. I'm not used to things... that rough." She bit down on her bottom lip, now somewhat nervous about what they were about to do.

  A smile lit his face and he leaned down kissing her softly. His tongue pushed past her lips to explore her mouth. She arched her back, pushing her breasts closer to him, nearly pleading with him to touch her. She was on fire, a fire only he could extinguish, if only for a moment.

  As he kissed her, his hand rested lightly on one of her breasts, his thumb lightly grazing her nipple. Coaxing it into a rock hard peak. With his other hand he reached down and opened the chest, pulling something out of it.

  She jumped as she felt it against her skin. Cold leather. She nipped at his lip, her body going painfully rigid as he slid a cat of nine tails over her body. She pouted as he broke the kiss to look down at her.

  "Get on you hands and knees." It was a whispered command as he continued to run the leather straps along her heated skin.

  Instantly she obeyed. She rolled onto her stomach and then got up onto her hands and knees. Her thighs trembled as she left herself open and vulnerable. She watched him over her shoulder, a soft whimper escaping her full ruby lips.

  With his empty hand Louis reached down running his fingertip along the crack of her ass. Slowly making his way toward her pussy. He didn't even need to touch her to see how wet she was. Her juices were dripping down her pale thigh. "Your dripping."

  Lilly arched her back presenting more of her pussy to him. She wanted to reach down and touch herself. Relieve the terrible ache. Her body was tight and hot, screaming for release. She closed her eyes and buried her head in the pillow at the end of the bed.

  Very lightly he ran the tip of his finger over her outer lips. Making her moan with anticipation. He smiled pushing his finger further into her velvety folds, lightly rubbing his fingertip against her clit. It didn't take long for his finger to become drenched.

  Quickly he removed his finger. He lifted the glistening finger to his mouth and tasted her honey. He licked every last drop from his wet digit. Carefully he laid the whip down on her back and reached to his shirt. He unbuttoned it and slid it off, along with his undershirt. Soon his pants and underwear joined her clothing on the floor.

  Watching him Lilly licked her
lips. She saw a bit of pre-cum glistening on the tip of his cock. She wanted to lean forward and capture the little drop with her tongue, but from the look in Louis's eyes she knew he had something fun planned for them.

  "What are you looking at?" He grinned, noticing the direction in which she was gazing. If possible he felt himself harden even more.

  "Come here." She said, softly, seductively. Her eyes still focused on the tiny drop of pre-cum.

  Grinning Louis moved to the edge of the bed. His cock jumping with anticipation a tiny bit above her head. He watched her intense eyes devouring his manhood. He had the urge to reach out and grab her by the hair, force his cock into her hot, and wet mouth.

  Slowly, she pushed herself back up on her hands. Her mouth inches from his glistening cock. "You have a little something right there." Her mouth was so close to the head of his dick that he could feel the heat of her breath on him. She stuck out her tongue and tasted the glistening moisture at the tip before closing her mouth around it with a passionate little moan.

  Louis tipped back his head and groaned, his cock jumping excitedly in her mouth. "Minx." He accused, stepping back pulling his member from the heated warmth of her mouth. "Not yet." He brushed his fingertips over her cheek and moved over slightly picking up the whip that had slid off of her back when she pushed herself up.

  She bent down again so her ass was high in the air, presented to him. She wiggled her bottom some and grinned over her shoulder at him. "What do you plan to do with me, Mr. Black?" Her voice dripped with sweet seduction. Juices continued to run down her thigh. She wanted him; she wasn't sure how much longer she was going to be able to wait.

  "Well... you did run off on me earlier. I think a punishment is in order." He let the leather strips of the cat of nine tails run through his fingers. He grinned at her, and then lifted his arm, bringing the whip down on her rounded ass lightly, not at all hard enough to hurt.

  "Are you trying to punish me, or tickle me?" She asked looking over her shoulder at him.


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