Mommy's Hot Erotica

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Mommy's Hot Erotica Page 32

by Alina Sawyer

  Her body also had parts she used to despise. For instance, her thick thighs, her size nine feet, and her forehead, better known as a five head, a Tyra Banks style five head, but she didn't care about such simple things anymore, because now she was a bitch, a bad bitch.

  When Shira woke up in the morning she avoided mirrors right away. She knew what she looked like and saw no need in staring at herself so early in the morning, especially with her bed head and rank breath. She grabbed her toothbrush and took care of that right away, then she ran her hands through her curly tangles and turned on the water in her shower.

  She had no need to strip because she slept completely nude every night. She ran her hands under the hot flow and grinned with approval. If there was one thing she loved it was a hot shower.

  As she went about her morning routine she finally came to the point when she would have to look in the mirror, to detangle the wet mess she called hair and make sure her clothes weren't all jacked. Shira knew she wasn't afraid of mirrors or anything silly like that. She didn't fear looking at her face, she just hated combing that damn hair and she knew that once she saw it in the mirror it would be time to take on the task.

  Over the years she thought about relaxing it, cutting it or just shaving the whole damn thing off. But in reality she loved her hair, the wet, curly mess that it was. She rubbed her foggy mirror in her small bathroom and studied her hair, deciding what would be best for the day. Really she didn't feel like combing through the long tresses so a ponytail is what she settled on, albeit a very messy ponytail, but a ponytail nonetheless.

  Her outfit, however was on point, as usual; a simple black and grey checkered wool-crepe dress and black leather pumps, with a peaked leather belt cinched at her waist giving her curvy shape some form, and emphasizing her already round ass . Paired with her messy, curly hair she thought she looked downright sexy as only a bad bitch could be. She decided to go sans stockings, even though it was more than a little cool outside, she wanted to flaunt her thick thighs. An even coat of Mac red lipstick and she was out the door ready to start her day.


  Kakutama Akihiro, or Hiro as he was known by his American friends, hated black women. This hate was not a childhood hate, it did not stem from a racist, bigot family. He was always taught to love everyone no matter their skin color and the whole spiel that young children are usually taught. It wasn't that he hated black people as a whole, just their women but not all of their women, just the majority.

  It wasn't that he had a bone to pick with their skin color it was their attitudes. He hated their neck rolling, foot stomping, finger snapping, attitudes. They were loud and obnoxious and brought drama wherever they went. He knew, from experience.

  He had dated them before. It wasn't hard for Hiro to get women of all colors, while he wasn't extremely tall at only five feet, eleven inches, his tightly muscle roped body and jet black hair that went to the nape of his neck and fell into his eyes in an endearing manner, caused him to catch plenty of female attention.

  One look of his dark, slanted, brooding eyes and their panties were down. It helped that he had his exotic Japanese features that plenty of American women appreciated. A strong straight nose, full lips, and the serious brusqueness a lot of Japanese men seemed to possess.

  Women loved him. His experiences with black women though were usually always limited to sex. He had black male friends and they all seemed to complain about baby mama drama with their women. One of his friend's ex wives even had the audacity to come down to his office screaming and yelling about child support.

  Yeah, he didn't like black women and Ms. Shira Rose Nolan was the worst of the worst. She always had something to say about everything and everyone. Thirty minute office meetings often went hours because Shira had a bone to pick with somebody and she could never let it go.

  She didn't mind getting loud while rolling her neck, stomping her foot and snapping her finger to get her point across. However, she excelled at her job while getting promotion after promotion which garnered praise from coworkers for her no holds barred attitude.

  He hated her. Not that Hiro himself wasn't good at his job; he was Senior Director of marketing at one of the top mobile technology companies in America. So he never thought he would have to run into Shira again after that first fateful time in a Starbucks.


  Usually his assistant went and got him his coffee at the nearby Starbucks, but the little shit decided to be sick that day. It wasn't that Hiro was an unfair employer it's just that this had been the third time this month that his assistant was feeling ill. He was ready to let the man go.

  As Hiro got his black coffee, his regular, he saw her. It was hard not to notice her when she came in a room. Even without her saying anything it was something about her that made her seem loud even in charge, a real bitch. Hiro had sneered with distaste, typical black girl just one in a suit.

  He, reluctantly, had to admit that she was wearing that suit, she had a thick ass encased in a slim black skirt, and her breasts looked enticing pressed against her white button up top. Her mass of curly hair was pinned up and showing off her pretty face. But he could already tell she had attitude, and yeah she was sexy but she knew it and she wore that look all over her face.

  Hiro tore his eyes from the black girl's bouncing ass as she stomped across the Starbuck in her stilettos and shook his head, yeah typical black woman. He grabbed his coffee, passed across exact change, and ignoring the dopey love struck eyes of the teenager behind the counter began to leave the establishment.

  That was before she stepped right in front of his path. The first thing he thought was, damn she is short. He looked down at her, his eyes trailing across her curvy body before landing on narrowed, dark brown, angry eyes. As his eyes trailed back to her plump ass he realized that people were staring at them and that she was rattling off on him.

  "What?" he responded dumbly.

  "Were you even listening? That there is MY coffee that you grabbed."

  Her voice was loud and shrill as she repeated her rant. His eyes narrowed as he came back to his senses and with a smirk he shook his head.

  "Look lady I was given this coffee. Black, no sugar, no milk. If you ordered the same thing and haven't gotten it then take it up with the people who work here." He firmly pushed her aside and walked out the door.

  Hiro shook his head again as he got outside. He thought she was sexy but just like every other black chick out there she had too much attitude. He chuckled to himself as he walked on and couldn't help but appreciate her body.

  Content in his thoughts as he coolly strolled to his office he didn't expect the hard slam in the back of his head or the shrill voice screaming in his ear. He turned swiftly to see the same short black girl now outside apparently having hit him in the head with her bag and yelling obscenities at him about her coffee.

  Hiro rolled his eyes. "Look lady..."

  She quickly cut him off putting one of her manicured nails in his face.

  "First of all my name is not lady. It is Shira Rose Nolan, and that's Ms. Nolan to you, and that in your hand is MY coffee."

  "Even if this was your coffee LADY," Hiro emphasized, "why can't you go and just get a new one instead of causing an unnecessary scene."

  Hiro looked around and noticed more and more people staring causing him to get angry. His calm facade was fading with this loud woman's emergence. He couldn't help but think typical black girl, causing a scene. The woman kept screeching at him until Hiro could take it no longer and roughly grabbed her by her arm pulling her short stature close to his chest and dragging her over to a secluded corner under a few man planted trees.

  "Listen, since you couldn't this through that thick fucking head of yours by yourself, simply go buy a new coffee and get the fuck out of my face with this bullshit." He tightly said, unconscientiously shaking her.

  "And do something with that dirty mouth of yours no one likes an uppity little bitch." He added after releasing
her; his anger had cooled considerably.

  Hiro could see that the girl was scared into silence as her eyes went wide and she trembled slightly. He smirked, betting no one had ever talked to her like that before and feeling pleased with himself.

  He watched in amusement as she stumbled slightly and tried to ignore the slight wave of arousal he got from feeling those supple breasts pressed against his chest. He pushed it back quickly, not wanting to get turned on by some uppity bitch.

  He turned and continued to walk to his office, his cool facade back on his face. He ignored the curious stares of onlookers and sipped calmly at his coffee. Pausing he smirked slightly, it was a frappuccino. He excused himself regardless sure that the rude bitch deserved it anyway.


  Thinking back to that day still bought a smirk to Hiro's face but he never knew he would be working with the uppity bitch. He was okay with it at first, seeing as she was a lowly secretary but as time went on she slowly rose up. He noticed she completely avoided him, though.

  When she came to her first meeting and saw him her eyes went wide and she looked away quickly, but didn't say a thing. Hiro had smirked, pleased.

  He saw her in more and more meetings but she always looked away when he looked at her and never argued against something he had to say, much to everyone's surprise. It raised his interest but he never looked more into it because the next second she would be chewing someone a new one or unnecessary prolonging another meeting. He hated her. Plenty of the guys in the office had a lot to say about her from the crude and rude to the downright dirty, but Hiro just kept quiet.

  After a while he had grown used to this relationship with her. She seemed to have an unsaid respect for him and he just ignored her more or less. But now his boss had informed him that Shira wasn't getting along with any of the Senior Directors and seemed to have some respect for him so he thought she would be perfect as his new assistant.

  As much as Hiro protested his boss was firm on the matter; not to mention he respected the old guy and didn't want to come off as bad-mannered so with a tight smile he agreed to take Ms. Shira Rose Nolan as his new assistant.


  Shira strolled into the office her daily frappuccino in her hand, ready for another day, another Director. It was a little joke between her and the other assistants about all of the Directors she went through but it wasn't her fault. They were either simpering little bitches that couldn't take her attitude or grabby dirt bags that got pissed when she refused their advances with a swift knee to the groin.

  She was sure that if she were anyone else she would've been fired but she was Shira Nolan, a bad bitch and damn good at her job. Plus her boss had a soft side for her; he said she reminded him of his daughter, whatever that meant.

  As she sipped on her frappuccino, she thought about that day at Starbucks not too long ago, and her little run in with Mr. Kakutama. If she was truthful with herself, which she always was, he scared her. He was the first man, besides her daddy, to stand up to her; not to add that he was devishly sexy.

  She wasn't his type anyway with her plain looks, plus he always seemed so unapproachable and cold. That day when he grabbed her arm and cursed her out was the first and last time she saw any type of distinct emotion from him and she had the feeling it didn't happen often.

  Shira sighed unsure of why she was thinking about him anyway, she was sure that she was the last thing on his mind. Plus she had actual work to worry about at the moment, like what Senior Director she would be working under now. Shira was confident that it wouldn't be Mr. Kakutama, it was well known that he was picky about who his assistants were.

  She cursed herself for letting her mind wander back to the striking Japanese man and tried to think of other things, like the cat litter she needed to buy for her babies. Her babies of course being her two kittens, Momo and Oppa, brother and sister, each four months old and she was already in love. Shira sighed to herself, her mother was right she was doomed to be a cat lady, not that she minded so much, men seemed to be nothing but trouble anyway.

  As Shira arrived to the office she gave one last sip of her frappuccino and dropped the empty cup into trashcan in the main walkthrough. Stepping firmly in her black pumps, raising her head high and putting on her usual no nonsense face she walked to the elevator nodding politely to those that were familiar. Shira breathed in deeply, she loved her job. She loved the office meetings, the paper work and the late nights.

  She was one of few that could actually say she enjoyed what she did and was damn good at it. She worked hard to get to the point she was and her attitude, much to a lot of people's surprise, was never a deterrent. The higher ups seemed to revel in her bossy voice and domineering attitude.

  When she was promoted to assistant she wasn't surprised and no one else was either. She got the job done and she got it done well. The only thing was finding a Director to work under that could teach her the ropes so someday she could be holding that same position. So far no luck, but Shira was hopeful that this time the director she was put with would work out.

  Shira arrived at the boss's office, ready and a bit anxious to see the new Director she would be working under. She hid it well though, strutting right pass his secretary and opening the door. He didn't look surprised as he saw her walk in, it showed by the grin on his face.

  "Hello Mr. Williams, how has your day been?" She said with a pleasant smile on her face, she was sure he was the only one to see such a smile, she really liked her boss.

  "Shira, didn't I tell you to call me Henry?"

  "Yes, Mr. Williams, but you and I both know I won't."

  He chuckled good naturally and got down to business. "So you're new Director, I think you will enjoy this one and I believe I made a good match"

  "That's what you said about all of the other ones." she huffed.

  He chuckled again. "Yes but this time I'm sure that I'm right. You will be working under Kakutama Akihiro, Mr. Kakutama."

  The despair on her face brought mirth to his and he grinned widely. "Mr. Kakutama has already been informed that you will be his new assistant and your desk is ready inside his office."

  "Mr. Williams I can't work with him"

  Henry merely ignored her continuing to inform her about working with Hiro. He was a good Director, one of the best, and he knew that his strong attitude would be enough to maybe settle down some of Shira's wildness. He appreciated her, actually loved the young girl like a daughter, but she was always too willful. He was sure Hiro would be perfect.

  "You can go ahead to his office immediately, he is waiting for you."

  "Mr. Williams I don't think you understand I WILL not work for Mr. Kakutama. It won't work out, pick someone else."

  Henrys eyes narrowed, "There IS no one else Shira, you have no choice it's either Mr. Kakutama or no job."

  His threats were empty, he knew that, there was no way he would get rid of a shining star like Shira. He was sure that he was making the right choice; the girl needed some discipline before she even thought about making it any farther in the business and Akihiro Kakutama was just the right man to discipline her.

  Shira was dumbstruck, there were a few things she was always sure about: herself and her job, but now it seemed to all be falling apart. She couldn't work for Mr. Kakutama, the harsh man frightened her. He was always so cold and remote, never showing any emotion and if he did, it was rage.

  She was sure that she had never seen the man laugh or even smile and if he did, she was sure that it was nothing but menacing. Shira thought of arguing more, pushing until Mr. Williams saw her way of things and agreed, like he usually did, but the steely look in his cobalt eyes told her that this was the end of the conversation.

  Shira could've cried right then and there, but she pulled herself together. A bad bitch never showed when she was down and took on any challenge head on. She decided to think of Mr. Kakutama as just that, a challenge to be conquered and won, and she would win. She was a bad bitch after all.
  With an icy smile she stood ram-rod straight, head high. "I will get right on it, Mr. Williams"

  The look in her eyes told Henry he had won, for now that is. Knowing Shira she would bring it up again.


  Hiro sat in his office tapping his fingers against the glass desk, dark eyes concentrated on the mahogany door. He wasn't nervous, quite the opposite. He was extremely excited. At first he was a bit dismayed, but as the idea sunk in more he felt nothing but amusement. The scared little rabbit would be stuck in the office with him, the big bad wolf.

  He grinned and fought to control his mirth as a solid knock sounded on his door. He pulled himself together and put on his most controlling, and a bit frightening, face. If he had to work with her he might as well have some fun.


  The End.

  The Milf The Boys And The Gazebo

  My husband Martin announced over dinner one Friday that a work colleague of his was getting married the following day and we had been invited. I had never met this guy or his bride but apparently it was our duty to attend as far as Martin was concerned. I was more than happy to go along, I like a good wedding and the chance to dress up and enjoy ourselves.

  That night I went through the closet to decide what to wear. The reception and party were being held in the garden of the groom's parents, and as it was a late afternoon and into the evening event, I went for a standard little black dress. Martin approved as the one I chose nicely shows off what he calls 'my ample cleavage.' With matching underwear laid out, I was ready for the following day.


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