Beating Hearts

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Beating Hearts Page 8

by Lucretia Stanhope

  “Yes, I suppose that is the only way to come to a fair price.”

  Warren pulled out a long, thick pin. Kate hoped her eyes didn't show her fear as she noted how much bigger it was than the one he had used the previous night. Warren looked at her, but didn't entrance her. She felt she was still able to shuffle her feet nervously and braced herself. If this was his last little effort to show his dominance, she was not going to satisfy him with any reaction.

  She locked her eyes on his and smiled as he jabbed the pin hard into her finger. Hot pain seemed to travel up her arm as she felt it plunge deep. She kept eye-contact, fought back tears, and forced herself to maintain her smile even thought she was dizzy from the pain. He squeezed her finger with unnecessary force, rather than just a drop forming, the blood ran down her finger. She felt the room starting to spin as he lifted her hand to allow a drop for her potential buyer.

  The whole time he watched her, he waited for a reaction he never got. “I think I am going to miss you when you go, Kate.” He used a finger to wipe some blood that had dripped down to her hand. His lips curled into a smirk as he rubbed his finger to his lower lip. “She is sweet, is she not?”

  “That she is, sweeter than most,” the man said.

  Warren handed the man a pen and a piece of paper.

  He made a scribble and handed it back.

  Warren opened it and grinned. “You did want to take her, no? Come now, Paul, you know this will only cover a taste.” He handed the paper back.

  Paul wrote another offer, and returned it again.

  “Getting warmer,” Warren said. “Double that and you can leave now, no need to wait out other bidders.”

  Kate suddenly wasn't sure her plan was best. It sounded like a lot of money was being exchanged. It wasn't going to be easy to get away from someone who paid a small fortune to have her. She could feel her nerves getting wound up, her throat went dry, pulse increased, and the outside of her vision started to go fuzzy. She put a hand on the stool in front of her to try and balance herself.

  “Done, she really is going to be so much fun. I will be back momentarily to settle up,” Paul said, and walked away toward the door.

  Kate held her head up and put her trembling hands in her pockets. She had been fighting back tears and when her eyes welled up again she tried to look away.

  “Don't you cry, Kate, at that price I imagine Paul is going to take very good care of you. You should thank him for rescuing you from having to pay me room and board.”

  “You should pray you never see me again. Room and board? You are the evilest creature I have laid eyes on,” she said in a tone filled with venom.

  “Evil? That may be so, but something tells me you would have loved the payment plan.” He ran a finger down her neck and across her exposed cleavage. A tear rolled down her cheek and he caught it wiping it away. “Tears are almost as delicious as blood, almost.”

  She closed her eyes and turned her head. Paul certainly had to be better than this creep. She was actually relieved when he walked over and handed Warren a thick stuffed envelope. She tried not to think of the amount of money. Could she even reasonably offer to pay him back? Would he even consider it?

  Warren opened the envelope, ran his thumb over the bills and then reached over, removing her medallion. “Always a pleasure. Do come back sooner next time.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  K ate held her breath until they were outside. She could feel relief wash over her as the night air hit her face.

  Paul held a firm grip on her wrist.

  She felt like right there was not the place to struggle. She was free of Warren, and that was the biggest step.

  He walked quickly around the side of the building and to a small blue sedan. It didn't look to her like the kind of car someone who forked over that kind of cash would drive. “Get in and don't make me have to do this the hard way, Kate.” He opened the passenger door.

  She watched as he walked around and got in the driver side. She didn't know if she should say anything, or just follow his lead. She certainly didn't want to make him mad and get bitten before she had a better plan.

  He started the car and headed for the freeway. “I do hope you plan on thanking me.”

  “I do, I was going to. Thank you.” She looked at the road in front of them and watched cars pass, cars she couldn't help but think were filled with happy people, people not being taken away to be fed from.

  While they drove, she wondered if she would become an addict, come to like it and even want it.

  “I'm sorry for making you feel bad, sorry I had to have him prick you like that. It is customary, and he usually isn't so rough.” Paul glanced from the road to her.

  “I think he didn't like me very much,” she said, starting to feel a little better about Paul.

  “He doesn't like anyone, don't take it personally. Though you did seem to get under his skin in a most amusing way.” He used a friendly tone that made Kate relax a little.

  “I hope this isn't offensive but, could we, could I find a way to pay you back? To just forget all of this?” She felt herself holding her breath, waiting to see how foolish it had been to ask that so soon.

  He seemed friendly, and she did want to at least try before he pulled off and bit her.

  Paul laughed. “I only picked you up for a friend. I am afraid you will have to arrange your freedom with him.”

  “You bought me to resell me?” She leaned back in the seat and started to cry.

  “Now, now, I think you will be happy with the arrangement. Nick is not at all like Warren, and he seemed very distressed at the thought of you being there.”

  “Nick? Really, Nick? Oh thank God. Where is he? Why didn't you tell me?” She suddenly felt almost giddy with happiness. If Nick was behind this, everything was going to be okay.

  “I should think your reaction right now would have tipped off Warren, wouldn't you agree? That would have been bad for both of us,” he said.

  “Thank you Paul, thank you so much,” she said and smiled at him.

  “You should thank Nick.” He pressed the button to roll down her window.

  She gave him a puzzled look.

  He turned back to the road. “I am still a vampire, I did have a taste of you already, and if you don't mind the breeze, a distraction from your scent would be helpful.”

  She nodded and scooted over toward the door as far as she could. They didn't make idle chat, but rode in silence a few more miles until he pulled off the freeway, and drove to a wooded area.

  After he parked the car, he flashed his lights twice. “It was very nice to meet you, Kate.” He got out and walked toward the front of the car.

  She could hear his voice as he spoke, but she didn't see who he was talking to and wasn't getting out of the car until she was sure Nick was there.

  “I should think my debt is settled now. In fact, I do believe, if we are keeping score, you are now owing,” Paul said.

  “Anything, you have but to call. Is she okay?” Nick started for her door.

  As soon as she heard his voice she swung the door open. Standing just a few feet away she saw Nick, smiling a sweet smile.

  She got out of the car and took a few steps to him, then wrapped her arms around him.

  “I'm so happy to see you,” she said, and then pulled back. putting her hands on his face. “I’m just so happy to see your face.”

  Nick held her tight, felt her sobbing, felt her relief. “I should have stopped you from going.”

  She didn't reply, didn't look up, just stayed buried in his strong arms.

  “Well, this is cute and all, but I have got things to do before our time runs out. You two better get on the road before the moonlight runs out on you,” Paul said, and got back in his car.

  “Stay well my friend,” Nick said and watched as he pulled away. “We should start to make our way home. I fear we are going to need a room for the night if we don't hurry, and if so, I will need extra time to make sure it is se

  They broke the embrace, but she stayed at his side, under his arm, as they walked to his car.

  Once on the road it all started to sink in. Nick had sent Paul, probably gave him the money to rescue her, rescue her from the bad decision he warned her about. Now he was going to find himself stuck out in an unfamiliar place during the day.

  “I'm so sorry,” she said as she rested back in the seat. “I can't even begin to thank you.”

  “Did he hurt you?” Nick asked, needing to hear she was okay. Needing to hear that he got to her in time and no one had bitten her.

  “Not in any lasting way, just my pride, my dignity and my finger,” she said looking down.

  “Did he bite you?”

  “No, no one did that. He, Warren, he shoved a pin…” she paused and tried to gather herself. “He shoved, he made it bleed so they could … he was awful.”

  Nick knew exactly what she was trying to say. “Warren will pay for every single drop. Every goddamned drop.”

  She reached over and placed her left hand on his leg, wanting to feel closer, connected, safe. Her head rested back on the seat and she closed her eyes.

  Nick looked over at her, looked down at her hand and knew things between them changed. He didn't know if it would be for better, but there was no going back. He got her out of there because she was everything that had been missing in his nights, and he didn't want to spend another one without her.

  He looked at the dash clock, he was going to be cutting it close, but there could be time to get home, just, as long as he didn't hit any issues. He drove faster.


  ate, sweetheart, wake up,” Nick said with an urgency in his voice, and reached out to help her up.

  She barely opened her eyes. “Nick, are we home?”

  “Yes, I need to get inside, time is running out.”

  She heard the alarm in his voice and her eyes were fully opened. She saw him standing beside the car looking almost panicked. “Go, go, what can I do?”

  He looked from her to the house. “Nothing, please be here when I wake.” He walked off in a hurry.

  She followed behind him, closing and locking the front door. There was a lot she wanted to say to him, so much she needed to tell him, but his door shut, and she heard the deadbolt lock. She wished it was still night, wished he was still up, and she was still safe in his arms.

  The house seemed big, big and far too open. She walked around and made sure all of the doors and windows were shut and locked, fully exploring the house for the first time.

  Downstairs, the only room she hadn't been in was his office. She walked in to make sure the window was locked, but found it didn't have one. All four of the walls had shelves from floor to ceiling, and in the center of the room was a large oak desk with a brown, high back chair. She closed the door and finished locking up the downstairs.

  Once done, she went upstairs and checked the window in her room as well as another room filled with furniture that was draped with fabric. Once she was convinced everything was locked, she got undressed, and took a bath. She wanted to wash off the whole experience, but when she relaxed and closed her eyes she could see Warren, see him looking at her with that awful fanged sneer.

  After her bath, she still wasn't feeling relaxed and didn't want to sleep upstairs so far from Nick, so she dragged her blankets downstairs.

  The fire was out but she didn't care, she didn't have the will or energy to make one. Instead, she made a bundle of the blankets and slept by his door on the floor, where he found her when he woke the next night.

  Chapter Fourteen

  N ick looked down at Kate sleeping, curled in a ball at his door. He couldn't place exactly how he was feeling, there was a mixture of happiness and heartbreak. He was happy she was safe, even more so she stayed while he slept, but he was sad to see her so vulnerable, so scared.

  The house was cold, too cold for her, so he started a fire. Once it was roaring, he picked her up and sat on the floor in front of the fireplace, with her in his lap. The movement woke her, and her eyes started to flutter open. She looked at him, saw his face, smiled, and closed her eyes again. A few seconds later, she opened them.

  “Nick,” she started to say, and looked in his eyes. He had a gentle look of concern. He was tender, sweet, the man who had saved her from the monsters. She didn't know how to say what she was feeling. She rested her head on his chest. “Can we stay like this a moment?”

  Having her close, having her want to be close, in his arms, felt so natural, so right. “Of course. As long as you like. When you are ready, I will make you something to eat, and then we can talk more about what happened if you want to.”

  His voice was soothing and melodic, his arms felt safe, but he was on to something, she hadn't been eating and her stomach was protesting. She shifted a little, and realized she was fully in his lap. “Are you uncomfortable?”

  “No, no, Kate,” he said and paused. He wanted to say more, wanted to tell her he was more comfortable than he could ever recall, but he didn't. It wasn't the time, not after what she had just endured.

  “I think food might be a good idea.” She sat up.

  He offered her a hand, and then stood up beside her. She stood very close, he imagined she wasn't feeling safe yet and didn't want to be too far apart. “What do you want? I know you still have eggs, or I could make a broth if you want something lighter.”

  “Broth, that sounds good,” she said, and tailed him to the kitchen. She watched as he started to cook, staying a few feet away, but no more. “Thank you, for what you did, with your friend, Paul.”

  “I would have come myself if I could, you know that, don't you?”

  “I do, yes, I think I do. How can I make this right?”

  He turned and looked at her standing in his kitchen, she was in a long button-up sleep-shirt, her hair was a mess, and her eyes looked full of fear, but he had never seen anything more beautiful. “Kate, things are right with us. I couldn't stand the thought of you there, so I did what I could. I am grateful it was enough, and in time.”

  Tears started to come to her eyes as she thought about how many ways that it could have ended badly. “I'll never be able to thank you. You will never know what it means to me, what you did,” she said, and started to step closer to him.

  Nick felt a rush of emotion as she neared him, and as she reached up and touched his face. He wanted to kiss her desperately. He could already feel her lips, imagine the heat. When she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled herself closer, he felt happiness wash over him. He was glad she was in his arms again, shocked at how perfectly she fit there, and stunned by how much he never wanted to let her go. What he didn't want, was anything to happen while she was so vulnerable. He wanted to know that if they did kiss again, and if more happened, it was because she wanted it, not because she felt obligated.

  When she stepped back, he poured her broth in a bowl, and then walked with her to the table. He sat down and watched her as she slowly sipped from her spoon.

  “It's delicious, thank you. Do you need something as well?” she asked.

  “I will, after you are settled.”

  She finished her bowl, and went to the kitchen to wash up before returning to the main room. She heard Nick shuffling around in the kitchen, and then he joined her and sat on the floor beside her.

  “I guess I need a couch,” he said. “Are you comfortable?”

  She leaned over and rested her head on his shoulder, “Yes, thank you.”

  “Did you want to talk about it? You don't have to, but know if you need to, you can.”

  She felt herself start to tear up thinking about it. “I've never known anyone so evil. He seemed happy to be able to cause pain, on any level.”

  “I agree; Warren is as bad as they come.”

  “I should have listened, should have stayed here,” she said, and leaned against him.

  “You are here now, and Warren will never lay his black eyes on you again.�

  She thought a moment. “Will Paul tell him? Can you trust him?”

  “As much as one of us can be trusted. We are solitary creatures who usually only act in self-interest. Since I now owe him, I suppose he will be trustworthy until that debt is paid.”

  “There are people there, at the club, locked in against their wills.”

  He sighed, he knew where this was going. He considered it himself when he first left the city. “Yes, I imagine there are. It was you that I had to get out safely.”

  “I told you I can't thank you enough, I will never be able to make this up to you, but I can't sleep knowing they are there. More will follow. It will never stop. They touch you, talk about you like you are a thing, decide a value, taste you even. It is the most hopeless place I have ever been.” She started to cry again.

  “I'm so sorry he hurt you. I am going to deal with Warren, and in doing so the club will shut down. I don't want you involved though. It's not safe, it won't be safe. Warren is also a second generation. It may not go my way; you can't be there if that happens.”

  “I can, I can help you. I need to be there. Don't you see, he took something from me and I need to get it back.”

  “I understand what you are saying, I really do, but Warren, Kate, if he knows you are linked to me. If he knows what you mean to me, then what you went through there, it will seem like a fairy-tale compared to what he would do to you.”

  “Why does he hate you so much? What happened to make him so cold?” she asked, and then paused. “What I mean to you?”

  “I'm not good at this. I don't know how to say what I am feeling. I told you we are solitary creatures as a rule. When you were gone, when I thought you could be hurt, it ached. My soul felt black, I needed to help you, needed to see you again, be close to you.”

  She watched him as he spoke, trying to let his words sink in. Was he saying he cared? Was he saying he missed her? He saved her because he liked her, in a romantic way? She thought about waking up in the car, his voice pleading for her to stay, the way she woke in his lap by the fire. He had told her there could never be anything between them. Had he changed his mind? Her mind raced a mile a minute and her eyes searched his for answers. Did he realize what she already knew in her heart, that he wouldn't hurt her?


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