“Corhlam is not safe—we are about to go to war,” Béatrice argued.
“I have arranged safe passage for you to my village in La’Kalciar.” Isaac came to her side. “There’s a place for you there, as my apprentice.”
“With all due respect, I don’t want to be your apprentice,” Daniel said curtly. “And I don’t want to be a Magi tethered to a King who probably wants to murder me.”
There was a soft murmur of agreement, but Isaac persisted. “I understand that, but the argument stands. Corhlam won’t be safe for long.”
“That’s exactly why I have to go.” Daniel opened the door. “Arlen was all that stood between my father and my sisters. I doubt he’s capable of protecting any of them now, or our people. It’s up to me.” Daniel dropped his eyes to his shoes.
“Daniel, that is too much to bear.” Belphegore rose, as if to contest, but seeing the adamant look in the boy’s eye grew still. “Notameer’s Light, you are so much like him.”
He could’ve been my father, Daniel thought, but he was my brother, and even that was taken from me.
“Keep your politics.” Daniel bowed. “For me, my part in this is done.”
Isaac chewed his fingernails. “Damn you stubborn Zacharys. Fine—if that’s your wish. But when this is over, Daniel, I’ll come for you. Don’t you dare make an oath-breaker of me.”
Daniel nodded in reserved thanks and left the room, his heart heavy but his path perfectly clear.
“He made his choice.”
Sverrin tapped his fingers against his throne. His rings made a sharp ‘clack’ sound. Belphegore didn’t look at the King, his gaze trained straight ahead. From her seat, Reine rested her hand on Belphegore’s back in quiet comfort. Sverrin continued.
“He chose to betray me. I could have had him executed.”
“That was your right, Your Majesty,” Belphegore said, without any strength. The loss of Rufus he'd always been prepared for, but not Zachary. Never Zachary. It was as great a pain as losing a son, and for that loss there would be consequences.
“It was my right,” Sverrin agreed, snappishly. “My right to punish traitors. And you, Belphegore, have you made your choice? To whom are you loyal?”
Reine’s hands caught the back of Belphegore’s cloak with a sharp motion, hidden behind the folds of black cloth. Her face was strained and pinched, and Belphegore was caught between his desire to shake her loose or take her in his arms. He did neither.
“I have always been loyal to you, Sverrin. You are the one true heir of Harmatia, and its rightful King.”
“It pleases me to hear you say so.” Sverrin’s ring continued to strike against the wood. Clack, clack, clack. He was getting impatient. “This informant of yours is late.”
“She’ll come, Your Majesty, rest assured,” DuGilles defended in Belphegore’s stead. Belphegore locked eyes with the alchemist.
Him. Him, Belphegore could kill, and he would—soon. Already these last few days he slipped into old habits—sneaking out in the night, when everyone else was hindered by sleep, and going stalking for blood. The captain of the Royal Guard had suffered for his part in Zachary’s fate—DuGilles would suffer more. When all eyes were turned, Belphegore would take this Kathrak, this Shinny who’d ripped his apprentice apart, and he would treat him in kind.
“Does she have no respect? Keeping me waiting?” Sverrin growled.
“It’s her nature to test our patience,” DuGilles said. “But her information is good. I, too, was suspicious when Lord Odin brought her to my attention, but she led me straight to the traitor time and time again, when no one else could. She’s also the practitioner behind your glorious revival. Her knowledge is worth a little waiting.”
Sverrin settled back into his throne. It was getting late—the moon was high in the sky, and the castle lay resting. Nothing stirred, not even the wind.
And then, all at once, she was there. The windows flew open as a large crow passed through into the council room. It circled above them in an elegant swirl and then landed. With a twist of shadow the glamour came away, and Morrigan stood.
She was different than the last time Belphegore had seen her, where her blonde hair and sweet eyes boasted compassion and a gentle spirit. That wasn’t in her nature tonight.
Dark curls spilled over her shoulders, her eyes the bright red of the Korrigans, and she was adorned in a linked armour made of hard, metallic feathers.
She bowed, extending her wing-like arms, and Sverrin grew rigid, struck by her terrible beauty. Beside Morrigan, even Béatrice Hathely seemed plain, but Belphegore had no taste for Morrigan’s loveliness. In the end, she was too tall, too poised, too much like the rest of the damned Sidhe to draw anything more than disgust from him. Had she not hated Niamh with the same burning passion as him, Belphegore would have never joined forces with her. They were allies only through their shared enemy.
“Sverrin DuBlanche.” Morrigan added no title to the King’s name, stepping forward into the moonlight. Her skin shimmered as white as fresh milk. Sverrin was too enthralled by her to care about her informality, his eyes dancing over her body with excited fervour.
“I see now why they call you a goddess,” he whispered, and Morrigan smiled. It didn’t reach her red, battle-hungry eyes. “What news have you come to bestow? It must be important for you to have summoned a King?”
“It is.” Morrigan took another step forward, and Belphegore made to intercept. Sverrin raised his hand, ordering the Magi to stand down and let the faerie approach.
“Speak,” Sverrin bid.
“My role as your informant is at an end.” Morrigan stopped directly in front of Sverrin, close enough to reach forward and snap his neck. “Soon, I will begin my own campaign. But before I depart—I bring you these last words of warning, to do with as you see fit.”
“Words of warning?” Sverrin shifted in his throne.
“There is a boy set to oppose you, and he bears the Delphi name.”
“Impossible.” Reine rose from her seat with a clatter, suspicion and distaste clear in her face. “Éliane was killed and her son sacrificed himself.”
“Yes.” Morrigan’s voice was gentle, but the way it echoed through the room sounded like a murder of crows taking flight. “But the brother survived.”
“No. No, I had the baby executed!” Reine’s voice grew panicked. “You’re lying!”
“I am one of the Tuatha de Danaan—incapable of lying.” Morrigan seemed amused. “If you doubt me, ask Lord Odin.”
“Belphegore, is this true?” Reine turned quickly on Belphegore, who grimaced.
“Yes, it’s true. The Tuatha de Danaan cannot lie. But,” he added, eyeing Morrigan suspiciously, “they are notoriously good at twisting words to their advantage.”
“Then allow me to speak plainly,” Morrigan said. “Close to thirteen years ago, two Delphi escaped the city together. The first was the Magi you call Rufus Merle, and the second was your youngest brother, whom he raised.”
“Merle? A Delphi?” Sverrin spluttered. “How could that be?”
“A bastard.” Morrigan ignored Belphegore’s penetrating glare. “Born illegitimately to Éliane before her marriage.”
Belphegore clenched his fists. Why was Morrigan revealing this truth now, when there was no more to be gained by it? Rufus was dead. Unless…
“That Delphi whore,” Sverrin snarled, and then remembered himself. “But the baby…?”
“Your father’s child and your sibling by blood,” Morrigan stated. “He has been raised by the Knights of the Delphi and has but one ambition—to usurp you, and take your throne.”
“Sverrin,” Reine’s voice was feeble, “Sverrin, we must find him. The Delphi…we need to kill him!”
“Where is he?” Sverrin rose. Morrigan still towered over him.
“That is all I have come to tell you.” She turned and walked away.
“No!” Sverrin lunged after her. “You will tell me—where is he? You cannot give me a b
rother and then withhold him from me!”
“Search among the Delphi Knights. He will make himself known to you, soon enough,” Morrigan said. She didn’t turn.
“Come back!” No matter how much Sverrin tried to reach for her, she seemed always a breath away. “Tell me where he is! Tell me!”
But as suddenly as she’d come, the crow returned, taking Morrigan’s place, and spiralling up into the air. She swept out the window like a foul omen, and silence followed her.
Belphegore watched the King, who stopped in the centre of the room, his eyes on the empty sky beyond the window. An anticipatory stillness fell over them, a tense energy that Belphegore hadn’t felt in a long time.
“And so the crow cries,” DuGilles, all but forgotten, spoke from his corner, his eyes uncommonly bright, “and summons us to war.”
MAG MELL (mag-Mel) The main continent, comprised of Kathra, Harmatia, Bethean & Avalon.
HARMATIA (her-Marsh-ee-ah) Capital and kingdom of the central lands, stood between Kathra and Bethean. Founder of human magic, and home of the Magi.
CORHLAM (core-Lum) A Southern mining county.
ANAES’S FORTRESS (a-Nee-us) A fortress on the edge of the Myrithian forest.
HELENA’S FORTRESS A fortress on the north-west border of Harmatia.
BETHEAN (beh-THeen.) Capital and Kingdom of the south-eastern lands. Divided from Harmatia by the MYRITHIAN (mer-Rith-ee-un) forest.
THE JAWS A steep cliff that runs through the Myrithian forest.
SARRIN (Sa-rin) A northern province in Bethean, with a town of the same name.
LEMRA (Lem-rah) A southern port town, infamous for its criminal occupants.
BESHUWA (Besh-wah) An south-eastern industrial town.
KATHRA (Kath-rah) Kingdom of the far north.
SIGEL’EG (sih-Ga-leg) The Capital of Kathra.
LA’KALCIAR (la-Kal-see-ur) Western providence, known as the ‘Lake Region’
ISNYDEA (is-nah-dee) Northern province, known as the ‘Land of the Damned’
AVALON (ah-vah-lon) Land of the Sidhe, stood to the far east.
NEVE (ne-Vay) A mountain region inhabited by Cat Sidhe
TÍR NA NÓG (cheer na Noge) One of the Sidhe Islands
RÉNE (rhen-Ay) Country across the sea, known as the “Country of the Sun.”
SEELIE COURT (See-lee) Faeries who hold a peaceful treaty with Bethean and worship the Tuatha de Danaan.
UNSEELIE COURT (un-See-lee) Faeries who do not hold treaty with Bethean and worship the Fomorii.
KING THESTIAN (Thest-ee-un) Previous King of Harmatia. Deceased.
DELPHI FAMILY (Del-fee) Descendants of Niamh (see FAERIES). Promised heirs of Harmatia and founder of the Magi.
LADY ÉLIANE (eh-lee-Ann) Mother to Rufus (with Torin Merle), Jionathan and Joshua (with King Thestian). Second wife of King Thestian. Deceased.
RUFUS MERLE (roo-Fus Murl) Bastard son of Éliane. Half-brother to Joshua and Jionathan. Son of Torin Merle (see REBELS).
PRINCE JOSHUA (Joh-shew-ah) Son of King Thestian and Lady Éliane. Brother to Jionathan, and half-brother to King Sverrin (fraternal) and Rufus Merle (maternal).
JIONATHAN (JIONAT) (Yo-nat-an [Yo-nat]), Son of King Thestian and Lady Éliane. Brother to Joshua, and half-brother to King Sverrin (fraternal) and Rufus Merle (maternal). Deceased.
DUBLANCHE FAMILY (doo-Blon-shuh) Kathrak Royalty.
KING BOZIDAR (Bow-zeh-dar) King of Kathra, Sverrin’s maternal grandfather.
KING’S MOTHER REINE (Rhenn) Mother to Sverrin. Daughter of King Bozidar. First wife of King Thestian.
KING SVERRIN (suh-Ver-rin) Son of King Thestian and Queen Reine. King of Harmatia. Known as the Puppet-King.
KING MARKUS (Mar-kas) King of Bethean.
PRINCESS AURORA (ah-Roar-rah) Princess of Bethean.
PRINCE HAMISH (Hay-mish) Prince of Bethean.
BELPHEGORE ODIN (Bel-fa-gore Oh-din) Leader of the Magi, successor and apprentice of HORATIO of the DELPHI.
ARLEN ZACHARY / TRISTUS DUMORNE (Ar-len Zack-uh-ree / TRis-toos doo-Mourn) Leader of the Night Patrol. Son of Rivalen Zachary and Elizabeth DuMorne. Half-brother (fraternal) to Daniel Zachary.
DANIEL ZACHARY (Dan-yul) Bastard son of Rivalen Zachary and Isolde. Half-brother (fraternal) to Arlen Zachary. Student at the Academy.
ISOLDE (i-Zol-day) Mother of Daniel Zachary by Rivalen. Ex-lover to Arlen Zachary.
HEATHER BENSON (heh-Thur Ben-sun) Housekeeper of the Zachary household
MARCEL HATHELY (mar-Sell hath-a-lee) Second in command of the Night Patrol. Master and lover of Emeric Fold.
BÉATRICE HATHELY (be-ah-Tree-ss) Sister of Marcel Hathely. Mother to Morelle.
MORELLE HATHELY (moh-Rhell) Illegitimate daughter of Béatrice and Varyn (see KATHRAKS & ASSASSINS)
EMERIC FOLD (em-Ah-rick fold) Member of the Night Patrol. Marcel’s apprentice and lover.
ISAAC THORNTON (I-zack Thorn-tun) – Ambassador working in Kathra, La’Kalciar.
MORGO EDWIN (more-Go ed-win) Previous Leader of the Healing Sect. Deceased.
MERLE FAMILY (Murl) Delphi Knights
TORIN (Toh-rin) Head of the Delphi Knights in Harmatia. Father to Rufus Merle. Husband to Nora Merle.
NORA (nor-Rah) Wife of Torin Merle. Cousin of Michael Rossignol.
ROSSIGNOL FAMILY (roh-Sin-yol) Delphi Knights. Descendants of Cú Chulainn.
MICHAEL Patron of Sarrin Town. Father to Mielane, Luca, Annabelle & Rowan. Husband to Lily-Anne. Cousin to Nora Merle.
LILY-ANNE Mother to Mielane, Luca, Annabelle & Rowan. Wife to Michael Rossignol
MIELANE (mee-Len) Bean Nighe (See FAERIES).Eldest daughter of Michael and Lily-Anne. Deceased
LUCA (Loo-ka) Daughter of Michael and Lily-Anne.
ANNABELLE (a-na-Bell) Daughter of Michael and Lily-Anne.
ROWAN (row-en) Son of Michael and Lily-Anne.
HOWELL (hao-Well) Delphi Knight. Ex-lover to Rufus Merle.
IVAR EPERVIER (ee-Var i-Pear-vee-eh) Delphi Knight. Lover to Luca Rossignol.
EMERALD (Em-ah-reld) Messenger for the Delphi Knights. Whore in Beshuwa.
SAMUAL HIRONDELLE (Sam-yew-ell Ee-rhon-dell) Delphi Knight.
ALOUETTE (Ah-loo-ette) & MOINEAU (Mwa-nyuer) Delphi Knight Families.
TUATHA DE DANAAN (too-Ah-tha deh Da-nan) The children of Danu, gods and forefathers of the Sidhe.
NIAMH (neev) A Sidhe Goddess. Mother of Kathel Ó Murchadha, Fae’s Grandmother and an ancestor of the Delphi.
MORRIGAN (Moh-reh-gan) A Sidhe Goddess. Worshiped by KORRIGANS (Koh-reh-gan).
TITANIA (te-Tah-nee-ah) A Sidhe Goddess. Queen of the Seelie Court.
FOMORII (fah-Moor-ree) Descendants of Domnu. Also known as ‘Elves’.
NICNIVIN (nick-Niv-ven) Queen of the Unseelie Court. Mother of Embarr Reagon. Known as ‘The Dark’.
EMBARR REAGON (em-Bar Ray-gun) A GANCANAGH (gan-can-nah) a Faerie Incubi. The personal spy of Niamh. Son of Nicnivin.
Ó MURCHADHA FAMILY (O’ Mur-rha) A Clan of CAT SIDHE (Cat shee) who live in the Neve.
KATHEL (Ka-hrel) Head of the Cat Sidhe clan in the Neve. Husband to Saraid. Father to Oscar, Edana, Korrick, Sloan, Quinlan, Amergin, Calder, Fae, Eadoin, Arton, Kael & Cary.
SARAID (suh-Ray) Wife of Kathel. Mother to Oscar, Edana, Korrick, Sloan, Quinlan, Amergin, Calder, Fae, Eadoin, Arton, Kael and Cary.
FAE (Fay) Courier in the Neve army. Daughter of Kathel & Saraid. Wife to Reilly Mac Gaerailt. Known as Fae of the Neve.
KORRICK (Koh-rick) Recruits Instructor for the Neve Army. Son of Kathel & Saraid. Elder brother and Instructor of Fae.
KAEL (Kay-el) Youngest daughter of Kathel & Saraid.
EADOIN (Aid’n) & ARTON (Ar-ton) Twin brothers. Sons of Kathel & Saraid.
EDANA (Eh-dana) Eldest Daughter of Kathel & Saraid. Deceased.
OSCAR (Os-ker) Eldest Son of Kathel & Sa
raid. A Chosen.
SLOAN (Slow-n), QUINLAN (Kwin-lan), AMERGIN (imer-gin), CALDER (Kal-dur) Elder Sons of Kathel & Saraid.
REILLY MAC GEARAILT (Rye-lee Mac Gair-rult) Leader of the Neve Army. Husband to Fae.
BOYD DACEY (Boy-d Day-see) – A human Changeling. The Neve Physician.
BEAN NIGHE (ben-nee-yah) Foretellers of death.
CHANGELING (change-ling) A faerie baby that has been swapped for a human child, or vice-versa.
FAUCON BROTHERHOOD (foo-Kon) Band of Lemra’n Assassins.
CETHIN (Ke-thin) Leader of the Faucon. Shinny Lord in Isnydea. Father to Aeron & Cal.
AERON (Ear-run) Top Assassin in the brotherhood. Brother to Cal.
CAL (Kall) Faucon Assassin. Brother to Aeron. Lover to Liza.
LIZA (Lye-zah) Faucon Assassin. Lover to Cal.
BRANDT DUGILLES (Brant Duh-Gile-ze) – Alchemist in charge of the hunt for Rufus Merle (see ROYALS).
VARYN the HUNTER (Va-ren) A hunter from Isnydea. Ex-Shinny slave. Known as ‘The Hunter’ and ‘The Dragon of Sigel’eg’.
ARAMATHEA (ah-rah-mah-Tay-ah) Mother of the Gods, Daughter of Danu.
MALAK (Ma-lack) Goddess of Wisdom, Travel & Merchants, Daughter of Wind.
ETHEUS (Ee-thee-us) God of Swiftness, Cunning & Thieves, Son of Wind.
PROSPAN (pro-Span) Goddess of Nurture, Parenthood & Farmers, Daughter of Earth.
HAYLIX (hay-Licks) Goddess of Arts, Elegance & Children, Daughter of Water.
PENTHAR (Pen-thar) God of Pride, Courage & Warriors, Son of Earth.
HEXIAS (Hex-ee-us) God of Will, Strength & Forging, Son of Fire.
SEPTUS (Sep-tus) God of Healing, Science & Medicine, Son of Earth.
OCTANIA (oc-Tay-nee-ah) Goddess of Creativity, Intelligence & Scholars, Daughter of Fire.
NOTAMEER (Not-ah-meer) God of Justice, Logic & Life, Ruler of the Day and Giver of Light. Son of Water. Notameer’s star is the sun.
ATHEA (Ah-tee-ah) Goddess of Emotion, Battle & Death, Ruler of the Night, Guide to the Lost and Giver of Dreams. Daughter of Fire. Athea’s star is known as the ‘Red Star’.
Blood of the Delphi (The Harmatia Cycle Book 2) Page 52