Warrior Untamed

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Warrior Untamed Page 17

by Shannon Curtis

  She bent over the drain, and he crawled over to help her lift it. He wasn’t sure if he did actually help, he just knew his hand was on it, and the grate moved. With a little maneuvering and a lot of swearing, they both disappeared beneath the surface of the road.

  Hunter must have blacked out for a moment, because he came to as Melissa was dragging his body down a dark tunnel. This one was narrower, with a lower roof. The original stormwater drainage system of Old Irondell.

  Now, it was bone-dry, having not seen a storm for a couple of centuries. Hunter tried to look up, but his head lolled back, and he found himself staring into the glittering dark gaze of his witch.

  “Leave me,” he whispered, and he felt her stumble. Her grip under his arms tightened, and he grimaced as she pulled him farther along, panting.

  “Shut up.”

  “Leave me,” he said, his voice stronger. “Go find your brother. Then, if you want, you can come back for me.”

  Although why she would he had no idea. He hoped she would, but wouldn’t blame her if she didn’t.

  She changed angle, and he vaguely noticed the anteroom she was pulling him into.

  She pulled them well away from the doorway, then collapsed. He hissed as his back fell against the front of her body.

  “Shh,” she said, wrapping her arms around him gently. “You just need to rest.”

  His eyes fluttered open briefly. It was dark. So dark, and cool. The place smelled...old. Musty and dusty, but not foul. That surprised him.

  He sagged against her. He was a light warrior. He was starving, and there was no light down here. No amount of rest was going to save him.

  He lay there, half on top of Melissa, in the dark, the strong, regular beat of her heart thumping against his torn and bloodied back.

  He was going to die. He sighed. He’d always wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, not bleed out in a puff of defeat. He blinked slowly. This wasn’t the way he thought it would happen. He smiled in the darkness. Cradled in the arms of a beautiful woman. He couldn’t think of a better way to go.

  “Fix yourself,” she whispered, her voice so close to his ear.

  “I can’t,” he croaked. “No light.”

  Her chest paused beneath him, as though for a moment she’d stopped breathing. She realized, now. His lips turned down. He’d hoped she wouldn’t figure it out until after he’d gone.

  Her lungs expanded beneath him, and she leaned forward. Her cheek rubbed against his, and for a moment he felt the tiniest of sparks between them.

  “There’s another way,” she whispered into the darkness.

  This time it was his chest that stopped moving. He shook his head, taking a slow, painful breath.

  “No. I’m not taking anything else from you, Melissa.” He blinked, annoyed by an unfamiliar burn in his eyelids. “I’ve taken enough from you.”

  Her finger under his chin forced him to turn his face toward her in the dark.

  “You’re not taking,” she whispered. “I’m offering.”

  And then her lips covered his.

  * * *

  Melissa moved her lips against his, so gently it was just a light brush of contact. Her heart thudded in her chest, and she startled when Hunter’s hand grasped her fingers that were holding his chin.

  “I don’t want to use you,” he whispered to her, his lips moving against hers. She could hear the need in his voice.

  She smiled, enjoying the closeness, the shared breath, the contact of their mouths. “That’s not what this is,” she said honestly. She didn’t view this as him taking advantage of her, of her losing her will and becoming just a food source.

  He needed sustenance, and she could give it. Put simply, she didn’t want Hunter to die. She wanted to do this. She’d had enough of dreams, enough tantalizing...she wanted more. She was doing this as much for Hunter as for herself.

  She pressed her mouth against his, moving her lips gently, until his mouth opened beneath hers. She closed her eyes as she slid her tongue in, rubbing it against his.

  For a while, that’s all they did, lips and tongues moving against each other. He stirred something inside her, something hot and lazy. He let go of her fingers and slid his hand up to trace her jaw. That gentle touch, so delicate, set her to tremble.

  It was as if that little telltale reaction, that sign that she was into this just as much as he was, acted as a release for Hunter. His fingers delved into her hair, his mouth widened and, suddenly, he was drinking in her passion.

  Her breath caught as heat flooded her. Heart pounding, she cradled his head. He shifted in her arms, rolling to face her, and suddenly she was on her back and he loomed over her. Not once did their mouths break contact. He rose above her, his hips pressing against hers, and she drew her hand down his chiseled chest. He shuddered, and she liked it, so she did it again.

  Over and over, he kissed her, lips and tongue tangling with hers. His hands swept over her body, and she moaned at his touch.

  He raised himself on one hand, and used the other to cup her breast. His lips left hers, trailing down her neck. She arched her back, giving herself over to his caresses. Her pulse thudded in her ears.

  Hot. It was so hot. She panted, trying to shrug out of her plaid shirt. Hunter helped her, pushing the garment off her shoulders. She wore a T-shirt under it, and Hunter’s hand dropped to her waist, bunching the material in his fist as though trying to regain some control.

  She writhed beneath him, eager to finally feel his flesh against hers. She’d dreamed it, she’d fantasized about it, now she was doing it, and it couldn’t happen fast enough.

  Hunter’s hand slid up under the shirt, and her stomach quivered at his hot touch. Her breasts swelled within her bra, and she moaned with pleasure when Hunter’s hand finally reached her there, cupping her through the lace-and-silk undergarment.

  Hunter’s lips skimmed down her throat, and she shuddered when she felt the hot lick of his tongue in the indent of her collarbone. At the same time his thumb swiped over her nipple, a delicious friction with the lace between them.

  “Please,” she moaned, not able to form any more coherent words.

  “Yes,” Hunter moaned back, levering up to drag at her T-shirt. Melissa sat up a little, helping him yank the fabric over her head, her hair falling down against her back.

  “Oh, yes,” Hunter groaned, as he looked down upon her, and Melissa realized she could see him. She had a brief impression of twinkling lights, like stars floating in the air around them, and then Hunter’s lips lowered to hers again.

  His hands skimmed over her body, molding her breasts before trailing down to tug at the button of her jeans. Her hips rose to meet his, and she dragged her nails over his chest as he unzipped her fly.

  His fingers slid inside her jeans, beneath the lacy fabric of her panties, and her eyes widened as he toyed with her.

  “Oh, wow,” she gasped, then tilted her head back as he strummed her, the hot, slick slide of his fingers driving her to the edge.

  “Yes,” Hunter said, lifting his head to kiss her.

  “Hmm-mmm,” Melissa agreed as she kissed him back. Yes, yes, and hell, yeah. Heart thumping, thighs quivering, she climbed the peak of pleasure, and Hunter expertly pushed her over the edge.

  Scorching bliss flooded her, and she floated in a cloud of intense satisfaction. It took several moments for her to catch her breath, and she realized they really were surrounded by light.

  Hunter leaned over her. Gone was the pale, clammy complexion, his skin golden once more. His features were tight, his eyes shot with glowing amber flecks and he took a deep shuddering breath as he withdrew his hand from her jeans. She trembled, her body craving more of his touch, despite her recent orgasm.

  “Thank you,” he murmured.

  Her chest rising and fal
ling, she stared at him, astounded. That was—wow. That was pretty amazing.

  She gulped. “You’re welcome.” Her gaze drifted down over his body. His hands were braced on either side of her body, and his chest rose and fell as he tried to catch his breath. The muscles across his shoulders were tight, his rippling abs taut with tension. Lower, his erection strained at his jeans. Hunter sank back on his heels, dragging a hand through his hair.

  “Don’t you want to...?” Melissa lifted her chin to his groin.

  “Of course I want to,” he said tightly. “But I shouldn’t. I feel bad enough, taking so much from you.” He exhaled roughly. Melissa felt disappointment, and her own edge of frustration creeping in, with perhaps a hint of embarrassment. She lay there in front of him, her breasts swollen and needy, her core damp and ready, and he was ready to stop.

  He rose to his feet and turned away. His back was smooth once more, and there wasn’t so much as a scar from the stray werewolf’s attack.

  “Oh, okay,” Melissa whispered, reaching for her shirt.

  Hunter looked at her over his shoulder for a moment, his features harsh with arousal, and his eyes sharpened, the amber flecks brightening. “No, damn it, it’s not okay.” His gaze heated as he stared at her lace-covered breasts, then he turned to face her. “No. If I’m going to feel bad about this, at least let’s make it worth it.”

  He strode over to her, dropping to his knees between her thighs, his hand sliding behind her neck to hold her for his kiss. She gasped as his tongue entered her mouth, lashing her with desire.

  Just like that, her senses snapped to attention, eager to dive back into the passion. So quickly, Hunter had her panting, drawing her up to his chest, his hands sliding around her to expertly undo the back clasp of her bra. He slid the bra straps over her shoulders, trailing his fingernails softly against her skin, causing her to shudder. He pulled away slightly so he could remove the garment altogether, and he sighed as her nipples brushed his chest.

  Liquid heat pooled between her thighs, and she moaned against his mouth as his hands cupped her breasts. She quivered as he gently pinched both nipples, and hot sensation zinged straight to her core.

  Hunter’s lips trailed down her neck, and he bore her back to the ground, kissing, licking and nibbling his way down to her breast. He drew a rosy nipple into his mouth, sucking on it and laving it with his tongue.

  Melissa’s eyes widened as sensations, hot and wicked, bombarded her. The lights in the little cavern flared and flickered, dancing above them. She trembled as Hunter released her nipple with a final tug, and switched his attention to the other breast. He was driving her crazy with need.

  Well, two could play at that game.

  She caressed his broad shoulders, her breath hitching as his hips moved against hers. She trailed her hands down to touch the chest that had drawn her gaze and had been the source of her fantasies for so long. His strength, his heat, was intoxicating.

  She flicked his nipples, and smiled when he groaned. He rose up to kiss her on the mouth fiercely, then turned his attention to stripping her jeans and panties off, dragging her shoes off in the process.

  She pressed against his chest, and he moved back. Melissa rose, her hands moving to his belt. In moments she had his fly open, and he lifted his hips as she stripped him. Her eyes widened when she revealed his cock, its rigid length drawing her touch. Hunter’s head lolled back and he moaned.

  She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his chest. His hand rose, fingers spearing over her scalp, and she kissed and licked her way down his washboard stomach. He groaned when her lips closed around him, and she used her tongue, lips and hands until his fingers clenched in her hair, pulling her off him. He drew her up, eyes boring into hers with an intensity that was all revealing, and all seeing. There was no escape from that gaze. That bold, hot gaze that showed her the depths of his desire, a hint of vulnerability and awe, and an awareness that left her nowhere to hide.

  “I—” His lips moved, as though he wanted to say something, then he leaned forward and kissed her. Hard.

  Something flared within her, something strange and new, a heat that crept over her with wicked intent. He dragged her closer, pulling her into his lap until she straddled him, his biceps bunching as he embraced her, his tongue sliding with the same rhythm as his hips rocking against hers. She could feel him, hot and hard, nudging against her.

  She also felt herself, warm and wet, writhing against him. Her eyes widened at the sensation. Hunter’s hands slid down her back, cupping her butt and lifting her.

  He slid inside her, and she felt everything. Heat built between them, but it was the sensations bombarding her, robbing her of clarity, of logic and reason until all she could do was feel. He slid inside her, stretching her. Her body surrounded him, welcomed him, and she could feel it all. She didn’t understand how she could feel him, feel her, didn’t have the presence of mind to question it, she just accepted it.

  He gathered her close, and she sighed, feeling his strength embracing her, her softness against him, and their joining, exchanging heat, sharing friction. Writhing against each other, their hearts beating in syncopated rhythm, Melissa could sense her orgasm building. She could feel Hunter’s pleasure, an exquisite torture as her senses overloaded, and then suddenly she was flying, and whatever connection they had between them kicked them onto a plateau of bliss that fed itself, creating, expanding, re-creating, until she collapsed against Hunter’s broad muscled chest, a quivering molten mess.

  * * *

  Hunter dragged a deep, shuddering breath into his lungs. Holy smoke. He wrapped his arms around the trembling woman in his lap, her thighs clasped around his waist. He’d just glimpsed heaven.

  He tilted his head, leaning his temple against the top of her head as they both tried to catch their breath.

  Holy. Smoke.

  He stared at the stone wall of the chamber they were in. He’d lit the place up as though it was Reformation Day, complete with little starbursts above their heads.

  Okay, he needed to tone it down, but hot damn that was amazing.

  He closed his eyes, drawing in his light force, dimming the room until there was just enough light to see each other. His lips lifted. So romantic.

  She shifted, and his eyes rounded. Oh. God. He was inside her and could feel her surrounding him, but he could also feel himself inside her. As he had during the act.

  “Oh, no,” he breathed. No, no, no, no. no. Hell, no.

  Melissa stiffened in his arms, and her head lifted, smacking him in the temple. He winced as she stared at him, her eyes narrowed.

  “Oh...no?” she repeated.

  She moved, and he helped by lifting her off his lap, his hands on her waist. For a moment, he gazed up at her, staring at her sexy body bathed in the golden glow of his light force. Quite simply, the most beautiful sight he’d ever seen, bar none.

  And then he saw it. The cord that linked his heart to hers. Only rare, gifted light warriors could actually see a mating bond. Debbie had died before he’d even thought about a bond, but as it was, she wasn’t truly his to bond with, anyway. He’d seen the one that existed between his brother, Ryder, and his mate, Vassiliki.

  “No, no, no,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief. It was a thing of beauty, an ethereal flow of energy, like cascading, dancing ribbons of color, all pinks and purples and—oh, God—white. “Oh, that’s not good.”


  His head whipped to the side as Melissa’s palm connected briefly and oh-so-sharply with his cheek.

  “Not good?” She glared at him, furious, but he saw the hurt, the humiliation in her eyes.

  He held his hand up. “No, Red, that’s not what I mean—”

  “Screw you, jerk.” She whirled around, her red hair flaring out like a vibrant curtain of fire, and she bent down to retrieve her cl
othes. Apparently she was completely oblivious to the strand of twisting colors between them. “And don’t call me Red. God, what was I thinking?” She dragged her underwear on, the elastic of her lacy panties snapping audibly in the stone chamber. He rose to his feet, dragging on his briefs and jeans, hopping from one leg to the other as he dressed.

  “No, this is all me,” he tried to explain again, then flinched as she whirled to face him.

  “Damn straight. I had a great time, and don’t tell me you didn’t, because we both know you did,” she said, her teeth clenched. “You—I—” She gestured between them, her face a comical blend of horror and confusion. “What was that?”

  “That was you being so unbelievably generous,” he told her, trying to use a soothing tone, “and I really, really appreciated it.”

  Her eyes rounded. “You appreciated it?” This time her voice emerged almost as a screech, and Hunter winced. Ah, hell. He was making a colossal mess of this. Like usual.

  He held up both hands, palms out. “Hey, it worked. I’m healed, I’m charged and ready to go—”

  “You already went,” she snapped, and Hunter’s lips twitched. He certainly had. Then his humor left in the face of her fury—of her hurt. He’d done that, in his usual, stupid-ass way.

  “And you are...okay?” He’d heard about the bond, the feedback of the link. Had never, never, never thought he’d ever experience it. But what if it was just talk? What if he still drained her of her energy? Of her life essence?

  “Am I okay?” She dragged her T-shirt on over her head and tucked it furiously into her jeans. “No, I’m not okay. I just—” she gestured to the ground where they’d just blown each other’s minds, and then gestured to him, finishing “—with you.”

  She made it sound like she’d broken a law of nature. His lips tightened. “I meant, are you okay, physically? Are your energy levels sufficient to get you out the door, or have I—” he swallowed, finding it difficult to put into words “—have I drained you?”


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