Outlaw Magic: An Arcane Angel Adventure

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Outlaw Magic: An Arcane Angel Adventure Page 13

by Lelana Croft

“So, you could cross it if you wanted to, even if I hadn’t invited you?”

  “Yes, I could. I mean, if the house was on fire and I was coming to rescue you, I could get in, if that's what you mean,” he explained.

  “Huh…” I responded.

  “Huh, what?”

  “I dunno…it just seemed like…” I was interrupted by my phone buzzing from a text.

  It was Katie.


  Chapter 19

  “There’s some kind of emergency over at Elemental,” I said as I ran to get into the passenger seat.

  Miles jumped in and revved the engine, peeling rubber as he took off out of the parking lot and headed down the street. Before we got there, we could see a cloud of black smoke billowing in that direction. When we pulled up, the entire building was surrounded by some strange blue and green flames.

  “It was Sebastian’s goons!” Patty yelled as tears flowed down her face.

  She and Katie were standing outside, Katie clutching her spell book and watching her business burn. We could hear the fire trucks approaching.

  “Why were they here? What did they say?” Miles asked as he shook Patty a little to get her attention.

  “They were threatening Katie, telling her she’d better watch her back or she’d be their next meal. They told her they'd run both of us out of town. They were just being ugly and harassing us,” she cried.

  Miles pulled Patty into his chest and gave her a genuine hug.

  “Katie, are you all right?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine…I mean, I’m not harmed if that’s what you’re asking.” Her stoic expression said otherwise.

  I went over to Katie and put my arm around her as we all watched the flames begin take over the building.

  The fire truck arrived and we moved over to the other side of the street and watched as they expertly managed their equipment, flooding the blaze with water.

  “Scarlett, I need to go take care of something. Will you be okay here?” Miles asked, as he pulled out his Peacemaker and checked the bullets before sliding it back into the holster.

  I nodded.

  He jumped into his car and sped off back toward town. I could only imagine what he was going to do, if he was able to find the two that'd done this.

  I stepped in between Katie and Patty and put my arms around them as the three of us watched the firemen work. I could feel the heat radiating as they did their best to get the flames down.

  “Why on earth would they want to burn this place down? It’s not like it was a threat to them or anything…?” I whispered.

  “Because they want me gone. I’ve avoided them for years and most of the time, they never bothered me. I guess they figured if I went missing they'd be suspected, so they’ve left me alone. But now that my powers have come to light, I think they might see me as a threat, although I’m not sure exactly how,” Katie said.

  “They’ve been the town bullies for ages. I’m actually surprised they are even out during the day. They usually aren't out until night and usually stick to the bar scene. The fact that they are out during the day now is quite disturbing,” Patty interjected.

  That was disturbing and had me wondering how it was possible. Unless a vampire had something to protect them from the sunlight, they couldn't come out during the day. I needed to ask Miles about that. I thought about texting him, but I figured he’d already figured it out and the last thing I wanted was for him to try to read a text while he was driving like a madman.

  It took about an hour for the last of the flames to be put out. What wasn’t burned was flooded. From the looks of it, but it wasn't as bad as it’d first appeared to be. Most of the building was made of block, so the outside looked to be intact. There was a little damage to the roof in the front and the front windows were all broken out. There was a lot of smoke damage. It would probably take a few weeks to get everything back up and open again.

  “Did you have insurance?” I asked Katie.

  She nodded. “Yeah, thank goodness. But there’s the question of if they’ll pay because this isn't a typical fire. If they have the inspector come out and find out it was from something supernatural, they may deny the claim.”

  I hadn’t thought about that. It figured, most insurance companies didn’t cover things like “acts of god” which this would most likely fall under.

  “We’ll need to make sure they don’t suspect anything supernatural then,” I said as I winked at her.

  There was the slightest of smiles as she breathed in heavily.

  We watched as one of the firemen walked over to us.

  “This could have been much worse. Most of the flames were contained in the front of the building. I’ve never seen anything like it before. It was quite a bizarre fire,” said the delicious hunk of man flesh in front of us. His yellow fire coat was open and his sweat-drenched t-shirt clung to his rock hard abs and chest.

  Katie softly smiled at him and I think she actually blushed.

  “Thank you for your help…uh…” Katie stuttered.

  “Ray…Ray Black. Nice to meet you,” he said as he removed his fireman’s hat, tucking it under his arm. His smile was soft and there was a cute dimple in his cheek. His green eyes almost seemed to glow as he eyed Katie up and down.

  It never ceased to amaze me, how us humans could find a way to flirt in the middle of a disaster.

  “Is it safe enough to go inside?” I asked him, but his attention was totally on Katie.

  “Yeah, you’re safe as far as fire, but there is a lot of glass and it’s quite dirty,” he replied to me, but didn't take his eyes off of her.

  I giggled a little at the fire that was obviously lit between the two of them.

  “You’ll probably want to board up those front windows to keep people from trying to get inside while you're doing repairs,” he said.

  “Okay…yeah, that’s probably a good idea,” Katie said, seeming to struggle to find something to say.

  “I’ll see if Miles has a truck we can use to get some plywood,” I suggested.

  “I’d be happy to help after my shift. I have a truck and can pick up the plywood and bring it out, along with some tools…if you’d like?” Ray asked Katie.

  Katie smiled sheepishly. “Sure, that would be really helpful, thanks.”

  Patty and I waited off to the side as they both planned out the details, Ray waved at us before hopping on the back of the fire truck and heading back to the station.

  “Well now, where have you been hiding him?” I asked, elbowing Katie as she shuffled her feet in the gravel and blushed.

  “He’s apparently new in town. Just started with here a week ago. I’ve never seen him before.”

  “Looks like he’s taken a liking to you,” Patty said. “And it’s about damn time somebody made you blush.”

  We all giggled a little before looking back at the building, simultaneouslyletting out collective sighs.

  As we made our way over to the front, the smell of wet wood and burnt plastic wafted through the broken front windows. However, the deeper we went inside, the more we realized very little had actually been burned. It was almost like there'd been some kind of line that the fire hadn’t crossed.

  “This is the most bizarre thing I’ve ever seen. I’ve never seen a fire burn like this before. It must be enchanted or something,” Patty said as she tip-toed over the broken glass and stepped inside.

  When I heard the roar of Miles’ engine pulling up outside, I made my way out to meet him. He had a certain look of satisfaction on his face.

  “Those two won’t be bothering you ladies again,” he said, getting out and closing the door behind him. He looked disheveled as if he'd been out for a run in his dress clothes.

  “Why? And how were they able to come out during the day?” I asked.

  “I asked them that before I finished them off. Neither one would tell me. But both of them left these after they'd turned to ash,” he said as he held
up two black leather wrist cuffs with a skull on them. “I think they’ve been powered by something that allowed the two vampires to roam in the daylight. That’s not good. I can manage them if they all decide to go out at night because most people are at home asleep and they can't cross thresholds. But in the daytime, that’s a whole ‘nother thing.”

  He looked over toward the building and then back at me. “How’s Katie and Patty doing?”

  I shrugged. “Okay, I guess. I mean, considering they just lost their income until they can reopen, and Katie met a new guy who's gonna bring plywood and help board the place up. I suppose they are doing okay.”

  “Oh, really? Katie_ met someone? Katie, who hardly speaks and barely smiles?” he jested.

  I laughed out loud. “Yeah, that Katie.”

  We both went inside and helped to begin the cleanup of the rest of the building. I grabbed a broom and began sweeping up all the broken glass, and Miles helped by moving some of the heavier items outside that had a lot of smoke damage. Overall, most of the items in stock were untouched. Just the stuff that'd been in the front windows had to be trashed.

  I overheard Katie setting up the appointment for the insurance guy to come out. Not long after, I heard someone pull into the parking lot. Peeking my head around the corner, I saw it was Ray with a truck bed full of plywood. That didn't take long. He must have made a point to get off early, so he could get back here as soon as possible.

  Miles went out and met him as I watched them shake hands and begin to unload. Within an hour, the entire front was completely boarded up and cleaned, so no one would get hurt.

  “The insurance guy said he’d be here in the morning to assess the damage and start the claim. If all goes well, I should have a payment within a few weeks,” Katie said as she brushed her hands together and put them on her cocked hips, then looking over to Ray who was all sweaty from working.

  “Thanks for bringing the plywood and helping us. I really appreciate it.”

  There was definitely some chemistry going on there.

  “I’m starved! Who else is hungry?” Patty said, rubbing her tummy.

  Everyone nodded.

  “Stella’s is still open and they have some of the best carrot cake in town. You guys wanna go?” she asked.

  “Only if you let me buy,” Miles piped.

  I rolled my eyes, but Patty assured him that wouldn’t be a problem.

  “Stella’s?” I asked.

  “Oh, yeah…you haven’t experienced Stella’s yet. You’re in for a real treat. They have the best carrot cake I've ever had,” Patty said gleefully, as if she was preaching some kind of gospel or something.

  “Well, do they have anything else besides carrot cake?” Ray asked, but was still looking at Katie with googly eyes.

  “Yeah, their sandwiches and salads are awesome. They use the freshest ingredients and make their own spreads and dressings. It's just so good,” Miles injected.

  “Let’s go. I could use a good hearty sandwich,” I chirped.

  We all decided to walk, since it was only a few blocks away. Patty and I walked with Miles, and Katie and Ray followed behind, just far enough away that we couldn't hear their conversation. It looked as if they were both smitten with each other.

  Walking into Stella’s was like walking into somebody’s grandmother’s kitchen. The old wood and glass door had a small dingle bell that let them know we were here. The painted wood floor looked like it was original with the building. The tables and chairs were household types that had been painted all different colors, but with an emphasis on bright pink and turquoise.

  We sat at the big round table by the window where we could watch the people pass by that were tourists, checking out the antique stores and other quaint shops. Twinkle lights were beginning to glow and would eventually turn the dark street into a twilight-lit place that felt safe.

  I found it ironic that this cozy little town had so much supernatural activity. As I looked around at the few other patrons, I wondered if it was only us or if the whole town had some kind of connection. I figured I could ask Miles about some of that later. I wasn't sure about Ray just yet. I hadn’t had a chance to get close enough to see if I could sense anything from him.

  We ordered our food and decided to keep the paranormal chit-chat at bay, so that the other patrons wouldn’t overhear us. The last thing we needed was more attention for something we didn't really like having out in public.

  “There’s something I need to talk to you about later, if you have a few minutes tonight,” Katie said to me, piquing my curiosity.

  “Okay…can you give me a hint?” I never was one for patience on any level. I even hated surprises. I always wanted to know everything that could be told and wanted it now.

  Katie leaned in and whispered, “I think we’re related…”

  Chapter 20

  “How is that even possible?” I said, wide-eyed.

  “It’s still a little fuzzy because some of the stuff in this book is so cryptic and puzzle-like. But it has something to do with my birth mother and yours,” she explained.

  “But how do you know it’s MY mother?”

  “Isn’t your father Adimus Steele? His wife is mentioned as the sister of my mother. Something about being wary of strangers that appear to be human, but are not.”

  I wondered if that had to do with Sebastian being able to get into the house. I knew Katie and I needed to talk, but we had to wait until we were in private. Plus, her new friend only wanted to talk to her at the moment.

  I decided on a roast beef panini and a bowl of potato soup. Potato soup was one of my favorites, especially in the fall. It was a great combination and tasted every bit as good as my grandma's. Her soup was divine and I always ate so much that I felt like I was going to burst. That was my father’s mother and I only remember her up to the age of twelve, when she passed on. I never knew my mother’s mom. She’d died before I was born, so I'd been told.

  As we ate and had conversations, my mind drifted to my mom. If it was true and my mother had had a sister, I wonder what'd happened? It was hard to stay focused on the conversation. I kept looking out the window and daydreaming.

  We all inhaled our food and then ordered some of the dessert bites that Patty raved about. She was right about one thing…the carrot cake was so delicious I almost ordered seconds, but didn’t want to look like a pig. I decided to make sure to come by tomorrow just to get a few small pieces to go and have them for when I needed that sweet fix.

  “Stella’s carrot cake has made some headlines here. I’ve been trying to get her to share the recipe, but she won't!” Patty giggled.

  “I can see why. This is some of the best I’ve ever had. If I could bake like this, I’d keep it a secret too!” I said, savoring the perfect last bite.

  Now that I was full, I was really beginning to feel all the craziness of the weekend catching up with me.

  “Katie, I’m gonna have Miles take me home, but if you want to stop by later, come whenever you're ready,” I said as Miles and I stood to leave.

  She nodded, then looked back over to Ray, and then back to me. “We can always catch up tomorrow, if you want.”

  I was pretty tired and really just wanted a shower and to go to bed. I also wanted to know if we were related, but from the looks of things, she might be a lot later than I wanted.

  “Okay, let’s do it tomorrow then. I know I have to work tomorrow, but I’ll text you when I'm done and we can meet up later.”

  She nodded as Patty stood up and asked, “Hey, can I hitch a ride?”

  I had a feeling she didn’t want to sit there, feeling like a third wheel.

  Miles smiled and nodded as we three took off back to Miles’ car.

  Patty lived on the edge of town, not far from where my house was. It was a small rental that worked perfectly for her.

  “Lock the door and don’t allow anyone in that you don’t know,” Miles reminded her.

  “Like you have to tell me,” she
replied with a giggle.

  We waited for her to get inside and turn on the lights before we took off, making sure she was safe.

  “So how hard was it to find them?” I asked, turning the conversation to his taking out Sebastian's goons.

  “Not hard. When two vampires who aren’t used to being out in the daylight, suddenly appear and begin being terrorizing people all over town while not being discreet, it's really easy. Just follow the destruction,” he said.


  “Yeah, they were in the liquor store breaking bottles, just as the cops showed up. I told the Sheriff to wait because I didn't want any of his men hurt. Their guns would be useless, unless they had special bullets anyway.”

  “Did they see you? I mean, did they know you were there?”

  “Yes. They felt me coming, so they were ready for a fight. But the cuffs that they had on to be able to walk in the daylight must have taken some of their strength because they weren't as strong as they have been in the past. It was almost like they were testing them to see how far they could go with them. One thing I did hear, was that before I put the female out of her misery, she yelled something to her sidekick about not telling Sebastian.”

  “Not telling Sebastian what, exactly?”

  “I don’t know. That’s when things got really crazy, both of them flying around the store, knocking over stuff and bottles flying everywhere. He had one of the poor cashiers that he'd already started to feed on and was threatening to drain her. But they were slower than usual, so it was easy to just finish them off.”

  Even in the dark, I could tell Miles was troubled. I knew from experience, that no matter how bad someone is, there is always a little piece of you that dies when you have to take another life. Even if that life is evil and needs to be dispatched. It hardens you while at the same time, making you keenly aware of how precious life really is.

  “I’m sorry,” I said.

  “Sorry for what? It’s not like you could have stopped this.”

  “I know, but I’m sorry that you had to take them out tonight. I know how hard it is to take someone out, even if they are bad. People like us, who are trying to right the wrongs in this crazy world, have to live with that. People who are evil and kill others don't have second thoughts about killing someone. But people like us do. It takes a little bit of us away every time it happens.”


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