Maneater 3_Raven

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Maneater 3_Raven Page 11

by Caitlyn Willows

  “Do I need to?” Ben drew her calves over his thighs. Rachel didn’t so much as tense. She was comfortable, relaxed…his. He could feel it, smell it.

  “I’m presuming from your earlier comment that you expect us to be exclusive in all regards.”

  He racked his brain, trying to figure out what comment she meant. Ah, his brothers. Exclusive? Damn straight. Yet somehow he had to find a way in his heart to include Will in that exclusivity. Well, not so much in his heart, but in his mind, because that fleck of jealousy remained.

  This was a huge step, so much to consider. Questions…answers.

  Ben scooted closer until his knees where under her thighs. “Exclusivity would be my preference. As for my earlier objection… My brothers are twenty-two and twenty. They’re like puppies in heat ready to hump any female in sniffing distance. Baby, you could chew them up and spit them out without even thinking about it. And though I’d really love to see them put in their place, I would really prefer it not be by you.”

  Rachel grinned. “I think I might have a solution for you. Heard of Vixen?”

  The newbie driving Oliver insane. “We take Vixen off Oliver’s hands, and he might wind up paying for the whole works of Will’s B-and-B.” He laughed. “As Captain Picard would say… Let’s make it so.”

  Her smile widened. “Trekkie. I like that. Comic-Con?”

  “Not for a while. It’s not fun to go alone, and Will—”

  “Can only geek out so much, and he hates the lines and crowds,” she finished for him. “Next year?”

  “I’ll get us tickets.” He brushed his fingers up and down her smooth legs.

  “I’ll find us a place to stay. Someplace where Will can bide his time in leisurely pursuits while we geek out.”

  Rachel reached for her tall glass of lemonade and offered him a sip. Ben accepted, then leaned all the way over and kissed her. Her sigh melted through him. Yeah, they could make this work.

  “I’ll tell Oliver that Sledge is done.”

  For them. Because he wanted it exclusive. It put more pressure on a relationship that was in its fledging stages, but it felt like the right move. He was committed to making this work. He’d wanted her too long to lose out now.

  Rachel laughed. “He’ll be crushed. Raven left yesterday.”

  That brought his eyebrows up. “Really?”

  “Yeah… I was tired of being on. I just want to be me.”

  He could definitely relate. Being a rock star in their community got old fast. You always had to be at the top of your game. Ben didn’t know how Oliver had hung on as long as he had.

  Ben eased back and resumed his caresses. It helped calm his racing heart. They were taking baby steps here, despite Will’s driving need to leap forward. “I’d like to see your studio, watch you work, spend some time in Palm Springs with you.”

  “You’re welcome anytime…and all the time.” She danced her toes up his thigh, then back again. “I’ll give you my extra key. Will already has one.”

  “I’ll call first.”

  “No need.”

  They were really doing this. Making a commitment. He wished they were alone, so he could—

  “So, we’re doing this,” Rachel said.

  Ben started at the words that echoed his thoughts. “We are.”

  “Any thought to where we’re going to live? How we’re going to manage this?”

  He snickered. “Will would have us picking out china patterns if he had his way.” He’d drive them insane if Ben and Rachel didn’t rein him in. “Relationships are like great sex. It’s long-lasting and damn satisfying when one eases into it.”

  The pulse at her neck jumped. He wanted to lick and suck at it. An erection filled his trunks.

  “What…what about children?” she whispered.

  God, she was killing him here. Ben snagged her towel, bunched it at his waist, then caught her hand as he stood. “Let’s go someplace more private so we can talk.”

  Rachel hesitated only long enough to grab her white gauzy cover-up. She slipped the big shirt on as they walked away, helping to guard his flank all the way.

  He led her down a winding cobbled path lined with gardenias—her favorite flower. Rachel stopped and plucked a white blossom, inhaled the scent, then brushed the velvety petals over her skin with a contented sigh that sank to his balls.

  It was Rachel who took the turn down the arbored walkway alive with red, pink, and yellow roses. Ahead lay his destination—the gazebo framed with roses the color of cabernet and the beautiful view of the hills in the west.

  Rachel leaned against the post, then shivered.


  “A little.” She brushed her arms. “We desert folk chill easy.”

  “I’ll keep you warm.” Ben stood behind her, bracketing her body from the other side. Her contented sigh settled over him.

  “It’s beautiful. Quiet.” She scanned the rocky hills and dusky gray mountains farther beyond.

  “I didn’t care about any of this until the day I found the playroom. I was nothing but a fresh-faced college grad, MBA in my fist, a chip on my shoulder, and an attitude. Something clicked that day. I had the skills and education to rebuild my great-grandfather’s legacy, and I was throwing it all away. I was no better than my father and grandfather. Everything I became and have accomplished was because of that room, because I learned to master the control and not let it master me. Because I was determined to be a better man. I learned respect.”

  “Your father wasn’t stable.”

  “No, he wasn’t.” An understatement. “But in retrospect, these last few days I have to say he knew what he was doing when he drafted his will all those years ago. At that time of my life, smart-assed, college-grad me had no business holding so much power and wealth. For all his mistakes, my father saw that. What I don’t understand is, why you?”

  Rachel sighed. “I don’t either. I was young and thought I knew everything too. Oliver warned me there was too much attachment. I didn’t want to listen. I liked the adulation, the queen treatment. Then it all went wrong so fast.”

  Now for those questions that had plagued him all afternoon.

  “There were scars on him. Lash marks.”

  “Not from me.” Rachel sighed. “Well…one is. He came at me in a rage when I told him I could no longer work with him. Plowed a fist in my face. I beat him off with a riding crop and cut him.”

  The image made Ben sick inside. “God, Rach,” he whispered, holding her tight.

  “He was a blubbering mess after that. I left immediately. When Oliver saw… I’ve never seen him more furious. Roger was all over himself, trying to make up for it. All he wanted was to please at that point. He built the playroom, hoping to lure me back.” She snorted. “Maybe that’s why he made Oliver his executor and me your trustee. Who knows? And at this point, do we really care?”

  “How long…” Ben didn’t want to know. It was best left in the past. Although, his father drawing up the will as he had made more sense now. He hadn’t done it because he thought Ben was incompetent, though he was at the time. He’d done it to earn Oliver’s favor.

  “Why trust me, when he hit you?”

  “You aren’t him,” she replied without hesitation. “I’ve seen proof of that over the last year. Will never would have introduced us if he’d seen any hint of violence in you. Besides,” she shrugged, “Oliver would never have worked with you or allowed you into the community if he thought you would hurt someone.”

  Oliver again. Always there in the background. Ben smiled. He rather liked the safety net. “That hill is at the edge of the property.” He pointed to a sparsely wooded slope at the far edge of the vineyards. “I’ve always thought it would be the perfect place for a home. The view from there is outstanding. The light is excellent for an artist. It’s away from the business, away from the noise. Each of us could have our own space, our shared space.”

  He heard her gulp, felt it jolt his gut. Ben wrapped his arms around
her and pulled her into him. They stood, back to front, watching the hills. Never had anything felt more right. Never.

  “I’m not going to lie, Rachel. I want kids one day. I want to be a dad. A good dad. But I know Will deserves that too. I’d be nothing more than a selfish bastard to deny him that. I don’t know what the solution is, but I’ll abide by whatever decision the three of us make.”

  She twisted her neck around to look at him. “The legalities of all this…”

  “I’m scared too, but people do this all the time. We can too. We’ll figure it all out one step at a time.” He hugged her tight as she settled against him.

  “That’s true. Easing into it.”

  “And we’ll be very firm with Will on that.”

  Rachel draped her arms over his, rested her head on his shoulder. “Don’t worry about Will. I’ll take care of him.”

  Ben smiled. “And I’ll take care of you.”

  She gave a small laugh. “How about we take care of each other?”

  “Even better.”

  Chapter Eleven

  “Are you still working?”

  Will glanced up at Rachel, then at the clock, then the patio door. It was a little after ten. Security lights had clicked on outside, and it looked like the party had ended. He’d been at the bar in the kitchen absorbed in architectural plans for the house he wanted for them one day. It had kept him from counting the minutes, but not from worrying.

  She and Ben had been gone a while. Too long. It ate at his confidence and had him second-guessing everything a thousand times over, afraid he’d pushed too far. Afraid he’d created a relationship for them that wouldn’t include him.

  He pulled in a deep breath and changed his screen image to the bed-and-breakfast data. “I couldn’t reach Oliver, so I left a message and decided to fine-tune my proposal.” He kept his gaze forward, to avoid looking in her eyes and seeing something he couldn’t bear.

  “Enough.” Rachel peeled his hands away from the keyboard. “I have the shower running for you. It should be nice and warm by now.”

  Relief poured through his veins. She still wanted him.

  “Where’s Ben?” He shot a glance around the room, even though he knew the damn place was empty.

  “Busy. This is our time. He’s respecting that.”

  As Will would with them. God, they were really doing this?

  His cock strained for freedom. He looked in her beautiful eyes, but all he could think about was that he’d won. This was it. The rest of their lives. Crazy to want to alternately weep and cheer with joy. They’d kill him if they ever learned the truth. Will prayed Oliver didn’t give him up.


  Two slow steps brought her to his side. Will swore she’d glided his way. She brushed her fingers down his arm until she reached his hand.


  She tugged gently, backing away and urging him to go with her. Only a fool would refuse. Rachel offered everything his heart had ever wanted. Will would lay down his life for her, give her everything her heart wanted and needed. Everything. Even if that meant sharing her with Ben, watching her bear Ben’s children, not his. He hoped to God he hadn’t screwed this all up.

  She led him into the big bathroom, stripped him and then herself quickly, and grabbed his hand and pulled him into the shower with her.

  He lifted his face into the warm spray the instant they set foot inside the stall. The water washed away all his worries. Fingers traced his spine. Will turned, caught Rachel’s hips, and drew her beneath the spray.

  He scooped the water over her breasts, tracing the edges of perfection, mesmerized by the dark areolae that peaked from the sensation. He flicked his thumb over one. Her gasp emboldened him. That, and his cock wedged against her stomach. He stroked against it, dared another touch.

  Rachel clamped her hand over his ass and dug her short nails into his flesh. A clear reminder of who was in charge. He loved every second.

  “Which way do you want it, Will?” No judgment laced her words. The question was simple. So was his answer.

  “Whichever way you feel I need it, my Lady.” He pulled his arms to his sides, fully relinquishing control to his Lady Raven.

  She curled her fingers around his cock and stroked from root to tip and back.

  Will cried out, slammed his palm against the tile for balance, and thrust forward for more. Rachel put her hand between his legs. He spread as wide as the stall allowed, whimpering when she squeezed his balls. His cock waved heavy into the air.

  “Please,” he begged.

  “Hmm,” was her only response as she rolled and squeezed and danced her thumb over the swollen underside of his cock.

  He moaned and thrust into nothing. “God, I’m gonna come.”

  “Are you?”

  She shoved her fingers toward his hole, clutched her free hand around his cock, and pressed hard, demanding entrance. Will gasped and tried to shove her deeper. He was so close to coming he could taste it. The burn in his groin ached like nobody’s business.

  He ground his pelvis into her hold, taking whatever he could get, whatever would get him over the edge. One thrust, one touch, one lick…

  Will gasped, imagining her lips around his cock, sucking deep and hard while her fingers rolled his balls. God…just what he needed. He felt the rush. Held his breath. Muscles locked. Groaned at the feel of her fingers wrapping around his dick.

  Any second…

  Will growled and thrashed against the viselike grip choking off his orgasm. He glared down at Rachel through a red haze. She returned a cat-in-the-cream smile. To add further insult, she slowly licked her lips, glanced at his penis like it was an all-day sucker, then eased away and reached for the soap.

  Will’s heart pounded in his ears, drowning out the shower. He was harder than ever. The burn in his gut filled his balls to bursting.

  “Relax.” Rachel swept her lathered hands over his chest. Down his torso.

  He closed his eyes on a half sigh, half groan. Will didn’t think anything but a good orgasm would help him relax. His muscles obeyed her before his mind did. One by one they caved under her touch while she washed his worries away. He alternately watched her magic and closed his eyes to the sensation. Before he realized it, she’d moved behind him, close and tight against him. Hard nipples rubbed his back; her pelvis ground against his ass.

  Her fist found his cock, stroking too loosely while she rocked against him. Will fought the urge to snap his hand over hers and show her how he really wanted it.

  Rachel scrunched lower, her nipples now rasping his lower back. It was enough of a switch to distract him from coming…until she tightened her hold and cupped his sac in her other hand.

  Will slapped his palm against the tile again. It wasn’t enough to hold him upright this time, not with his quaking knees.

  “Face the wall.” Rachel released him.

  He blessed her intuition even as he cursed the loss of her touch. Braced in the new position, Will waited and waited. The splash of water beside him called Will away from himself. Rachel had taken a moment to wash. Her long black hair lay sleek over her shoulders and breasts. Her dark blue eyes looked moon-kissed, and for the moment, she was all his.

  She filled her palm with hair conditioner, smiled, then smeared the substance down, down his crack. Right hand fisting his turgid cock, Rachel toyed with his anus, each probe promising the orgasm of his life. She breached the tight passage on a slow glide right to his gland. Will tossed his head back, thrusting mindlessly into the fucking air again. He beat his fist against the wall in frustration.

  “Enough!” She jerked her finger from him and whacked his ass.

  Will snapped upright. Caught between sheer joy and feigned outrage…and the slight burn that curled through his body.

  Rachel stood there in all her glory, helping herself to more conditioner. “Care to use your safe word?”

  His jaw worked, but the words wouldn’t come. “No, my Lady,” he finally ma
naged to say.

  He resumed position and spread his legs a little farther. He felt her handprint emblazoned on his ass and fantasized about more, groaned when her fingers thrust once more into his sweet spot, cried out when she locked a fist around his dick.

  “You may come as you wish.”

  And God he did. Came as if his life depended on it. God knew his sanity did. He pressed his forehead against the cool tile, panting in the aftermath. The buzz in his ears slowly subsided, and when his faculties returned, Will realized the shower was off and Rachel stood there rubbing his back.

  “I should…” He pulled upright. “I want to take care of you.”

  Rachel avoided his reach and dragged a towel from the nearby bar. “This isn’t about me right now. This is about you. Here…” She pushed the towel into his hands.

  Rachel dusted a second towel over her body, then wrapped it around her hair. He got a damn fine view of her backside as she left the shower.

  Will dried off on autopilot. Coming had liquefied his muscles. Moving was an effort.

  He stumbled into her bedroom and stretched onto the mattress. Just for a minute or two.

  The sting of leather across his ass jerked him around to face Lady Raven and the strap clutched in her hand. Dressed now in nothing more than a short nightgown, she caressed a belt he presumed she’d pulled from her bag of tricks and stared down from the side of the bed.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing? Did I give you permission to rest?”

  His jaw worked, but words wouldn’t pass his throat. His cock lifted, hard and proud, and chills raced down his legs when Rachel passed a gaze over it. She flicked the belt tip against his thigh and tickled it upward until it kissed the base of his cock.

  “Did we not decide you would get all you needed?”

  Again, he couldn’t speak. His erection had no problem responding. A bead of semen seeped to the tip, then spilled over.

  Rachel slapped the belt lightly over his abs. “On your stomach.” She leaned in close before he could obey. “We both know the kind of release you really need. Roll over now, or we’re done, and you’ll never have it.”


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