In the Requiem (Metahuman Files Book 5)

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In the Requiem (Metahuman Files Book 5) Page 13

by Hailey Turner

  Kyle moaned, eyes fluttering shut as Jamie let go of his hair. He felt the shift in Jamie’s body as his cock slid further into his mouth for a couple of seconds while Jamie got comfortable in the chair. Kyle readjusted position, drawing back a fraction of an inch so that Jamie’s cock wasn’t choking him, merely filling his mouth.

  Silk brushed against his cheek, and Kyle cracked open his eyes. Out of the corner of his eye he watched Jamie lay the tie over his thigh to free up his hands. Kyle closed his eyes again, listening as Jamie accessed his terminal and got to work. He swallowed a little against the cock in his mouth, tongue pressing up against the gradually hardening heat. As much as he wanted to draw Jamie deeper into his mouth, Kyle remained exactly where he was, keeping Jamie warm.

  Time seemed to come to a standstill as Kyle sank into a hazy headspace. His breathing settled into a slow rhythm, interrupted only when he couldn’t help but suck gently at Jamie’s cock from time to time. The taste and musky scent of him filled Kyle’s mouth and nose, saturating his senses. He was so focused on Jamie that Kyle barely noticed the cool air against his body that hardened his nipples to small peaks, or the way his own cock grew heavier with need. All that mattered were Jamie’s orders and desires, and Kyle would never disobey.

  Occasionally, Jamie would run his hand through Kyle’s hair, reminding Kyle of his presence. His touch was never enough to rouse Kyle completely from the warm cocoon his mind had settled into, but the connection left him feeling warm and wanted.

  Jamie’s cock had grown almost fully hard in Kyle’s mouth when a quiet chime filled the office. Jamie settled his hand on top of Kyle’s head, thumb stroking gently over his forehead.

  “Accept uplink,” Jamie told the computer.

  Kyle stayed exactly where he was, awareness filtering back in slow degrees as Jamie kept petting him.

  “Captain Callahan, I have the President of the United States on the line for you,” a woman announced in a crisp voice.

  “Thank you, ma’am,” Jamie replied.

  Kyle slowly blinked open his eyes at that exchange, taking in a deep, soundless breath through his nose. He lazily stroked his tongue against the underside of Jamie’s cock. Jamie’s hand slid to the back of his neck, holding him there with firm pressure, out of sight of any communication pickup.

  “Thank you for being available, Captain Callahan,” a new, deeper voice said in greeting as President Michael Rodriguez came on the line.

  “Mr. President,” Jamie said politely, pretending for all the world that he didn’t have Kyle on his knees, out of sight, keeping his cock warm. “How may I be of service?”

  “I understand you’ve had an eventful couple of days.”

  “You could say that, sir.”

  The quiet chuckle was amused, but not in a snide way. “I just finished talking with your father about the State Dinner and a few other minor matters. I understand from Richard you aren’t bringing a date?”

  Jamie’s hand gently squeezed the back of Kyle’s neck before sliding back up to stroke his hair. “No, sir. I had no plans to bring a date.”

  “My son is in town. We think he would make an excellent companion for you. Get the media talking about something else other than this damn investigation. Gabriel was already on the finalized list for the dinner, so the only thing that needs to change is the table settings.”

  In response to that suggestion, Kyle swallowed hard around Jamie’s cock, feeling it throb against his tongue. Jamie tugged lightly on his hair in warning, but Kyle ignored the sting of the pull to do it again. Jamie’s thighs pressed against his shoulders as Jamie shifted his weight on the leather chair ever so slightly.

  If Kyle’s mouth wasn’t full, he’d be smirking.

  “I don’t think any attempt at misdirection will get the press to look the other way,” Jamie said diplomatically.

  “Having you show up with a member of my family will be further proof that I trust you and your father.”

  “I’m perfectly capable of handling the media on my own, sir. No need to bring your family into the middle of this mess.”

  “Gabriel is a smart young man. He may not have the security clearance to know about the underlying issue driving this current problem, but he can handle the scrutiny of the press. He managed just fine through two presidential election campaigns. I have no doubt he’ll navigate the State Dinner without any problems as your date.”

  “I’m flattered, sir, but I had honestly intended to show up at the dinner alone.”

  In response to that, Kyle moved his head forward a little, taking Jamie’s cock deeper into his mouth. He felt the tip slide into his throat, and he swallowed hard around it. Jamie’s fingernails dug into his scalp, but he made no move to pull Kyle off. Doing so would draw attention to what was happening beneath the desk, and neither wanted that to happen.

  It only made Kyle suck harder, as quietly as he could, all the while straining against Jamie’s hold.

  “Don’t make me go back to my wife empty-handed, Captain Callahan,” President Rodriguez half-teased, half-warned. “She was quite enamored with the suggestion and I’d hate to disappoint her.”

  The fact that the President of the United States was trying to play matchmaker for Jamie while Kyle was on his knees with Jamie’s cock in his mouth made Kyle want to laugh. But his mouth was full, and he knew better than to make a sound right now.

  “I wouldn’t want to disappoint the First Lady,” Jamie said after a brief pause, his voice calm and even, at odds with the way he had a stranglehold on Kyle’s hair.

  “Excellent. I’ll inform her of the table-setting change. I invited your parents to dinner tomorrow night. You should come over as well so you can meet Gabriel.”

  “Of course, sir. I’ll be there.”

  “Good. I’ll let Ashley know. She’ll be thrilled.”

  The president must have cut the uplink without saying goodbye, because suddenly Jamie was pushing the chair away from the desk, the motion dragging his hard cock out of Kyle’s sore mouth. The ache at the hinge of his jaw was rapidly fading, and he licked his puffy lips, blinking up at Jamie.

  “That is not what I said you could do with your mouth,” Jamie growled, the heat in his eyes pure lust and not anger. It made Kyle shudder, fingers flexing around his wrists. He still hadn’t moved his hands.

  “So?” Kyle rasped, giving Jamie a challenging look. “I wanted to remind you of what you have waiting for you at home when you go on that date of yours.”

  Jamie grabbed the tie and yanked it hard, practically choking Kyle as he hauled him up onto his lap. Kyle’s legs felt a little numb as he stumbled to his feet, but it quickly passed as he was drawn forward by a strength he couldn’t fight. He clambered onto Jamie, knees squeezed in between Jamie’s thighs and the armrests of the chair, hands coming free to grab Jamie’s shoulders. The dress shirt wrinkled badly beneath his fingers before Kyle let it go to slide his hands into Jamie’s hair and kiss him for all he was worth.

  The taste between them was deep and musky, and all Kyle tasted was Jamie. Warm hands gripped his waist, holding him steady as Jamie pulled the chair closer to the desk using his feet. Kyle’s cock rubbed against the hard planes of Jamie’s chest, pre-cum smearing over the both of them, staining the dress shirt.

  Jamie let him go long enough to yank open a desk drawer and pull out a half-empty bottle of lube. Kyle waited to feel Jamie’s fingers slip inside him, but they never did. When Jamie broke the kiss to bite at his collarbone, teeth making indentations in his skin, Kyle gasped.

  “Since you didn’t listen, you’re going to ride me like this until I tell you to stop,” Jamie said, slouching a little in the chair.

  Kyle nodded dumbly as Jamie bit his way down to his nipple, taking the hard nub in his teeth and pulling at it until Kyle gasped at the heat that bloomed from the brief spark of pain. Jamie let it go and leaned his head against the chair, staring at Kyle expectantly, tie still clutched in one hand. His blond hair was a mess from Kyle’s
hands, lips kissed red, a flushed warmth to his cheeks. He felt Jamie’s cock slide through the cleft of his ass, hot and hard and wet from lube.

  Kyle swallowed, seeing exactly where this was going, and it made his own cock jerk between them. Jamie smirked, a knowing look in his hooded eyes. He tugged pointedly on the tie, tightening the knot just that much more against Kyle’s throat.

  “I’m waiting.”

  Kyle thought about holding out a little longer, earning a little more punishment than just Jamie’s cock with no preparation. Except Kyle couldn’t wait, not when Jamie was in control. So he rose up on his knees and reached behind himself for Jamie’s cock, guiding it to his hole. He locked eyes with Jamie as he bore down, the blunt head stretching him open.

  He gasped, the sharp ache of the thick intrusion making his nerves burn. Jamie’s cock was thick and long, and Kyle clenched his ass around the fat head, enjoying the hiss it drew from Jamie’s lips.

  “Don’t stop,” Jamie ordered, voice gone rough and deep from want.

  “Yes, sir,” Kyle whimpered.

  He forced his body to relax, reaching up to hold onto Jamie’s shoulders for support as he angled his hips downward, taking in another inch, then another. The thickness felt like it was cleaving him in two, making him tip his head back and try to breathe through the hot ache in his ass. When Kyle would have risen up a little on his knees and sunk down again, Jamie stopped him by gripping his hips with strong fingers and keeping him from moving.

  “No. Keep going.”

  Kyle’s eyes fluttered shut as he swallowed against the constricting silk collar wrapped around his throat. Getting enough air into his lungs was becoming a problem, but he didn’t care. Taking in a short, shuddering breath, Kyle pushed his hips down without stopping, feeling himself open up to the thick cock. The stretch of his body around that hot length had fire licking up his spine, making him dig his fingers into Jamie’s shoulders even as he sank all the way down onto Jamie’s cock.

  “There we go,” Jamie said, stroking his hip as Kyle bottomed out with a soft cry. “That’s it, baby. Right where I want you.”

  Kyle bit his lip, shaking a little in the cradle of Jamie’s arms. He felt so full like this, Jamie’s cock buried deep inside him, throbbing so hard he could feel it. His hole burned where it was stretched around that thickness. Jamie pried Kyle’s lip from his teeth before kissing him, hot and demanding, stealing his breath.

  “What did I tell you to do, hmm?” Jamie murmured against his mouth.

  Kyle couldn’t find the words, not right away. When he did, they came out on a moan he didn’t bother to hold back. “Ride you, sir.”

  “Then you better get moving.”

  Kyle nodded jerkily, feeling himself flush beneath Jamie’s hot gaze. He braced himself against Jamie’s body, legs quivering as he rose up higher. He hissed at the loss of Jamie’s cock as it slid out of him, then moaned when he sank back down onto it, forcing his body to loosen up and accept what Jamie had told him to take.

  The hot pain receded as Kyle rolled his hips in tight circles, letting himself adjust to the thickness as he rode Jamie’s cock. Jamie always felt so good like this, buried deep in his ass, and Kyle moaned as the next downward drive of his hips had Jamie’s cock sliding against his prostate. Jamie grabbed his hips, forcing him back to that teeth-shivering angle. His blue eyes were hooded and hot as he stared at Kyle, his intense focus impossible to escape from.

  “Right there,” Jamie growled. “Fuck yourself right there for me. I want you to feel it.”

  Kyle groaned, doing as Jamie ordered, rocking down at the exact angle those strong hands had guided him to. He gasped at the pleasure coursing through his body with each grind of Jamie’s cock against his prostate.

  Jamie pulled on the tie, guiding him into a messy, uncoordinated kiss that lasted only a moment. Kyle didn’t stop riding him, unable to look away from Jamie as he did so, watching as his face became flushed from the pleasure Kyle was giving him. Jamie’s hands were warm when they glided over his hips to squeeze his ass before giving him a hard slap.

  Kyle let out a cry when Jamie did it again, the sting of the hit jolting through him. He could feel Jamie’s strength in the blow, the way it made his skin hot for several wonderful seconds. Jamie spanked him once more before grabbing his ass and hauling Kyle completely off his cock. The sudden emptiness had Kyle whining in the back of his throat, his hole tightening around nothing.

  “Please, sir,” he gasped out, squirming in Jamie’s punishing grip, unable to move.

  “Stand up.”

  Kyle slid first one leg then the other off the chair, shakily straightening up. He watched as Jamie stood up from the chair, pants falling down around his muscular thighs as he crowded Kyle up against the desk. Jamie’s cock pressed against his stomach, impossibly hot and hard, and all Kyle wanted was to take it in his mouth again, to taste him once more. When Jamie kissed him, the edge of the desk pressed hard against his lower back, but Kyle didn’t care about that momentary discomfort.

  All that mattered was Jamie.

  Strong fingers gripped his cock, stroking him firmly. The dry friction had Kyle moaning, thrusting into the circle of Jamie’s fingers. Then Jamie let go, and before Kyle could protest he was spun around and bent over the desk. His hands slapped against the cool surface of the computer embedded in the top, data streaming away from his fingers. He had a brief, half-hysterical thought of hoping Jamie had locked the terminal so neither of them accidentally initiated an uplink to anyone.

  If only the president could see this, Kyle thought muzzily. That dinner date would never happen.

  But the ring on Kyle’s finger was still a secret from the people in charge. As much as Kyle wanted to wear it outside their home, to show off who he belonged to, staying together was more important. He didn’t want to ever lose this, to lose Jamie.

  A hard pull on the tie had Kyle pushing himself up onto his elbows so he wouldn’t choke, body curving in a tight arch. Jamie pressed up against his ass, the cool silk of his dress shirt at odds with the hot touch of his cock, now slick with lube, as he slid inside Kyle with one strong, unstoppable thrust. Kyle let out a choked cry, hands sliding across the cool desktop. He swallowed hard against the constriction around his throat, colored spots bursting at the edge of his vision.

  Jamie kissed the side of his head as he pulled out and thrust back in, making Kyle’s knees go weak. Jamie’s cock dragged hard against Kyle’s prostate, setting his nerves alight. His toes curled against the hardwood floor as Jamie thrust into him again and again.

  “You think I wanted to say yes to that date?”

  Kyle frantically shook his head, unable to speak. Warm fingers wrapped around his throat, squeezing hard for a brief second before Jamie moved to loosen the knot. The pressure eased just enough for Kyle to suck in a heady breath of air that left him lightheaded.

  “Answer me,” Jamie growled.

  Kyle pushed back against that hard cock even as he braced himself against the desk. His mouth fell open on Jamie’s next thrust, the hot slide in making his own neglected cock throb painfully. “No, sir.”

  “If it were anyone else other than the president asking, I’d have told them to fuck off. Do you understand me?”

  Jamie straightened up, resting one hand on Kyle’s hip, but he never let go of the tie. Kyle could feel the silk getting tighter around his throat again. Every hard thrust of Jamie’s cock rocked his body to the very end of the tie’s reach, slowly cutting off his air.

  “Yes, sir!” Kyle managed to gasp out.

  Jamie continued to slam into him, turning each thrust into a hard grind that had him sobbing for breath. His entire body felt as if it were on fire and he didn’t want Jamie to stop. He wanted more, wanted to be owned and wrecked in the best way possible.

  The tie went slack and Kyle didn’t notice until Jamie put a hand between his shoulder blades and shoved him face-first onto the desk, hauling him backward by his hips. Fingers loosened the
tie and Kyle groaned, the sound raspy in his throat. Jamie covered Kyle’s body with his own, still thrusting into him. Kyle let Jamie’s weight pin him to the desk, eyes squeezing shut when he felt Jamie’s hand on his cock again, stroking him mercilessly.

  The dual sensation of getting fucked and stroked at the same time had Kyle’s balls tightening, so close to the edge he could taste it.

  “No one could ever take my cock as well as you do, and no one ever will again, because I am not leaving you,” Jamie growled into his ear.

  The words were a comfort even as Kyle came so hard his vision went white, everything going quiet in his head for a few glorious seconds. He went limp against the desk, Jamie’s weight driving the breath out of him. A strong arm wrapped itself around his waist, holding Kyle steady as Jamie continued fucking him until he came with a cry, biting down on Kyle’s shoulder hard enough to bruise, just for a moment.

  Kyle closed his eyes, shuddering through Jamie’s climax, hazy and fucked out and blissfully pleased at Jamie’s mood change.

  With a quiet groan, Jamie pulled out of him. Kyle clenched around the emptiness, the cum seeping out of his hole not nearly as satisfying as Jamie’s cock. He crossed his arms on the desk, burrowing his face into them as he caught his breath. He could hear Jamie rustling around in the drawer again, but Kyle wasn’t up to moving.

  Gentle fingers stroked along his inner thighs, catching some of the mess that had escaped his hole, only to push it back inside. Jamie removed his fingers and replaced them with the blunt coldness of a wide metal plug. It was enough to rouse Kyle from his sex stupor, hissing a little as Jamie settled it firmly in his hole, plugging him up and keeping him full of Jamie’s cum.

  “Come here.”

  Kyle let Jamie coax him to a standing position again. He turned around, still drifting a little, and braced himself against the desk. He blinked up at Jamie, feeling lazy and not up for moving very far as Jamie tended to him. The tie came off and was tossed aside. Jamie unbuttoned his dress shirt the rest of the way and shrugged it off, using it to clean up the mess on Kyle’s stomach as well as his own climax. The shirt got tossed over the desk, landing somewhere else in the office.


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