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Twitch Page 7

by Claire Marta

  “Whose Jasmine?”

  Blinking in surprise at the hint of jealously in her tone, Twitch met her gaze. “My cousin. She’s on the team with me.”

  “Oh.” Lexi suddenly looked uncomfortable.

  Lexi resisted the urge to bite her own tongue. Why had she let Twitch bring up his cousin? Her father was in the process of seducing her into his bed. This was why Lexi was really here. As a distraction. Yet, this evening felt so real. A real date and now it was spoilt. Knowing it was all a deception made her feel wretched.

  Appetite evaporating, she abandoned her spoon in the rice bowl. She was lying to Twitch, but in another way she wasn’t. This was so fucked up. All she had wanted to do was enjoy the evening. Experience a real date.

  “Did I say something wrong?”

  Lexi smiled faintly at his question. “No, sorry.” Taking her napkin, she wiped her hands clean.

  “Have I screwed this up?”

  Startled at his serious question, Lexi met his gaze. His green eyes were shadowed with doubt and an innocent rejection.

  “No. This evening is fantastic. I’m just a little tired, that’s all,” she lied, trying to smooth away his fears. “I’ve had a busy week working.”

  He didn’t look convinced at her words. Dipping his chin, he let his hair fall to hide his expression. It did not stop her catching the look of vulnerable confusion. How could this handsome guy have so many doubts? He was sweet, kind and funny, not to mention, hot.

  Reaching across the table, Lexi took his hand. Beneath her touch, he tensed before relaxing. Gently, she turned it over. He had nice hands. Strong and slightly calloused. She could feel the strength they held.

  With the tip of her fingers, Lexi swirled patterns across his palm following the lines. It was something her mother had done as a child to sooth her. Why it felt right to do so now, she was not sure. But she liked being able to touch him.

  “That tickles.”

  Glancing up at him, she found his attention riveted to her fingers. “Do you want me to stop?”

  They were leaning across the table. So close she could feel his warm breath against her cheek. Gaze dancing up, he stared into her eyes. Lexi could see the green flecks around his irises. They were so beautiful. Something stirred deep inside her.

  “No,” Twitch whispered as he tilted closer. Noses almost touching, everything faded away around them. On a soft exhale of breath, Lexi’s lips parted invitingly. Slowly, she leaned in.

  “Are you enjoying your meal?” Chen asked cheerfully approaching beside them.

  Jerking back in her seat, her cheeks turned cherry red. She had almost kissed Twitch. They’d had a moment and now it was gone. Fuck fuck fuck.

  “It’s all so delicious, but I'm completely stuffed.” She admitted, playing with a strand of her long pink hair. Why was she so embarrassed? Kissing a guy with an audience was something she had done before, but with Twitch everything felt like it was the first time, which made no sense.

  “It was perfect as ever, Chen, but you gave us way too much.” Twitch told his friend as he cleared his throat nervously.

  “My wife says you’re too skinny and need feeding up more.” The dragon shifter admitted with a grin as he nudged his chin towards the busy kitchen. “I can put this in a doggie bag for you to take home if you like? I know for a fact she won’t let you leave until you take it.”

  “Would you like that?” Twitch asked Lexi with a smile.

  Eyes lighting up, she nodded. “Yes, please!” The food was so good and she wasn’t quite ready to part with it. Taking some home meant leftovers.

  “I’m happy you enjoyed it. Next time you try something else, yes?” Chen told her as he stacked the few empty dishes they had.

  “Yes, I will definitely be back. Nowhere else I have eaten compares to this.” Now that she knew the place was here she would return whenever she was in the mood for Chinese food.

  “Can I have the bill as well, please?” Twitch asked their host as he wiped his fingers on a napkin.

  “No bill tonight. This on the house for your date.”

  “Chen, you know I can’t let you do that.” The mage gave a raspy chuckle.

  “Then you owe me a favour. I’m sure daughter number one will need her laptop fixing again.” Chen grinned slyly, giving them a wink.

  “All right.” Twitch conceded with an amused shake of his head. “But only because I know if I don’t agree you’ll get your wife out here to brow beat me.”

  Throwing back his head, the dragon shifter’s laugh was deep and contagious. “She’s just happy you finally brought a girl here! She was ready to offer up daughter number three to you as a girlfriend.” With that he charged back into the kitchen.

  Colour stained Twitch’s cheeks as he blushed. Sliding his smart phone off the table he pushed it into his trouser pocket.

  Lexi giggled as she watched him. Gods, he was so cute at times and he didn’t even know it. Why did he have to hide behind his hair? His scars meant nothing to his friends. It was obvious the dragons here adored him.

  Chen returned with three dark haired beauties. His daughters from the resemblance. Smiling and giggling, they quickly and efficiently tidied up the table and packed away the unfinished food.

  “Thank you,” Lexi told them, as they handed her a bag filled to the top with plastic containers. Two fortune cookies lay on top.

  Jumping up out of his chair, Twitch quickly helped her up from her seat. His hand was sure and warm on her elbow. It sent a zing up her arm.

  “Ready to go?”

  Nodding, she clutched the food bag in one hand as she retrieved her hand bag from the floor.

  “You kids have a nice evening.” Chen called, as they headed towards the exist.

  Twitch lead the way back out and down the narrow stairs. A few moments later they were back in the alley. The noises from the main street drifted up to greet them.

  “What now?” Lexi asked, as she looped her bag over her shoulder. It was still early. Only ten in the evening. They had plenty of time to do something more. Going home early was something she didn’t want to do.

  “To be honest, I only planned this far,” Twitch admitted sheepishly. “I wasn’t sure you would want to stick around.”

  “Well, I do. How about a walk?” Lacing her fingers through his, she gently tugged him along.

  Twitch squeezed her hand lightly. “All right.” He followed without hesitation.

  Sighing happily to herself, Lexi found herself enjoying the intimacy. Holding a guy’s hand was something she hadn’t really done before. Not like this. It was comfortable. Made her feel safe. A warmth was flowing between the softness of her palm into the strength of his that she could not explain. An odd connection.

  The coloured lights which lit the main street glowed brightly in the darkness. People were still milling about looking for somewhere to eat. Slowly, they wandered back the way that had come. Neither of them spoke. This time the silence did not bother either of them. It was a comfortable, content quiet. Lexi was still buzzing from the dinner. In the end, it had turned out better than she had hoped.

  Twitch seemed to know where he was going. Giving her a tug, he guided her down a side street. It was less busy as they stepped away from the fairy lights of China town.

  “Short cut to Covent Garden,” he explained quickly in a purr. “We can find some dessert there if you like.”

  “I almost forgot. We should open the cookies.” Lexi came to a halt. Letting go of his hand, she riffled through the bag Chen had given her.

  “Right now?”

  With a cry of triumph, she held the two shiny packets aloft. “Yes, why not? It will be fun, come on.”

  Twitch took the offered package. A smile was curving his lips as his gaze sparkled down at her with amusement.

  Grinning back, Lexi tore open her own. Stuffing the shiny paper back in the plastic bag she then snapped the cookie in half. With a forefinger and thumb, she plucked the white strip free.

nbsp; “What does yours say?” She asked, glancing at Twitch who had done the same.

  “You don’t need strength to let go of something. What you need is understanding.” His eyebrows rose slightly.

  “A ship in a harbour is safe, but that is not why ships are built.” Lexi read out loud. Pursing her lips, she cocked her head to the side. “Well this one makes no sense.”

  “I don’t think they’re supposed to make sense.” Twitch stuffed the broken cookie and fortune into the pocket of his black trousers.

  Playfully she bumped him with her shoulder as they started walking. “And you’re a fortune cookie expert, are you?” She asked.

  “Lexi, they’re just for fun. They don’t actually mean anything.” Gently, he bumped her back.

  Lexi abruptly turned and stepped in front of him. Twitch stopped. He could feel the warmth of her hands pressed against his shirt where she had placed them to stop him from walking. The same heat he had felt when they had held hands. Painted pink lips tilting up in a tempting smile she stared at his mouth. Swallowing hard, he stared back, mesmerised. She was so fucking beautiful.

  “I want to thank you for dinner,” she murmured. The tip of her tongue darted out to wet her lips.

  “You’re welcome.” Twitch coughed, trying to clear the lump that had formed in his throat. His heart was doing funny flip flops behind his rib cage. Lexi was so close. He could smell some kind of perfume. Something fruity and feminine. It suited her.

  Gazing at him shyly, from beneath her eyelashes, she inched closer. “I’ve been wanting to kiss you all evening.”

  “You have?” Twitch whispered. Every thought was suspended in his head. All he could focus on was the pinked haired woman who was captivating every one of his senses.

  “Mmm, hmm.” Lexi filled the tiny space that separated them.

  Soft lips caressed his. Gently at first, she sipped at the contours of his mouth as if she was as nervous as he felt. Twitch stood motionless enjoying the sensation. She tasted of cherry and chocolate. Desire pulsed between them.

  It ignited a need for more. Raising his hand, he tangled his fingers in her thick hair making the kiss more insistent. Lips crushing together he became more demanding.

  A tiny spark zipped between them, making them both gasp. Seconds later Lexi’s mouth was hungrily matching his own. Wrapping his arms around her waist, Twitch tugged her into his embrace. They were flush against each other and lost in the kiss filled with an intensity neither of them had seen coming. Touching along her sides, he took pleasure in the curves of her body. Every perfect inch pressed against his own.

  Groaning in his throat, Twitch allowed her entry into his mouth. Lexi wasted no time. Curling her tongue around his she teased him playfully. It sent an electric current down his body and straight to his dick which was already hard.

  Gripping her hips harder, he ground his pelvis into hers. It drove the need to hold her against him higher.

  A squeal emanated from Lexi. Breaking away, she stared up at him with stunned disbelief. Colour stained her cheekbones.

  Breathing erratic, Twitch stared back shocked. He’d only ever kissed one woman before and that had been his cousin, Jasmine. It had only happened once, but it had been nothing like what he had just experienced. None of the passion that he had just tasted.

  “Wow.” Lexi said unevenly, stepping back. Loosening his arms, Twitch allowed her to slip free. It left him with a feeling of emptiness.

  “That was….” He tried to search for the right words, but came up short. It had blown him away. One kiss. One taste. And he was now completely fixated on this beautiful girl.

  “Yeah it was,” She replied, as if she too did not know how to describe it.

  Pain exploded across the side of Twitch’s jaw. He barely had time to register the fist which had made impact it happened so quickly. Stumbling sideways, he fell, hitting the pavement hard.

  “Twitch!” Lexi’s voice was high and shocked.

  Blinking dazedly, his gaze sought hers. “Lexi!”

  The plastic bag Chen had given her with the leftovers had been dumped at her feet. Four thugs were standing around her. Two of them he recognized. The same two who had been in the cafe the morning before. The dirty looking shifty guy and the younger man in the leather jacket.

  A mesh net had been thrown over Lexi’s head and hung down around her waist. Even without the tell-tale shimmer Twitch could sense it was magical. Head bent and shoulders hunched, it appeared to be causing her pain.

  “Get your mother fucking hands off her.” He snapped, unsteadily rising to his feet. The side of his face was throbbing and he could feel something wet dripping from his nose. The metallic taste of blood met his tongue as he spoke.

  “Can’t do that. This girly has a date with someone else.” Chuckled the older guy. It looked like he was the one in charge. He had Lexi’s black hand bag clutched in one dirty hand.

  Anger rose inside Twitch. Fumbling in his trouser pocket, he yanked out his phone. Words to a spell raced through his head. His magic fizzled in his blood, ready to be used. As it surged, a fist connected with the side of his face and everything went black.

  “Twitch!” Lexi screamed, struggling against the burning net, sucking the energy from her limbs. He was laying prone and unconscious. The second blow had caught him across the nose and lip. Blood was gushing from one of his nostrils.

  “I wouldn’t worry about him.” Tom, the greasy guy from the cafe, told her. “Not where you’re going.” Raising his foot, he stamped on the smart phone the mage had been holding. He did not stop until it was smashed beyond repair.

  “You’re going to pay for this. My father will rip out your throats.” Lexi spat back savagely. They had no idea who they were dealing with. Once her father knew she’d been taken, they would all be walking dead men.

  Tom’s grin in response was unpleasant. “Get her in the van. It’s time to visit the sea side.” Swinging her black bag in front of him, he walked to the road where a vehicle was waiting for them further down.

  A sting in her arm made Lexi yelp. Struggling, she could do little to fight her captors. As lethargia infused her veins, she wobbled woozily. What the hell had they given her? Something to keep her quiet?

  As everything spun she felt herself go limp. Hands grasped her body, cruel and bruising. Yet, there was nothing she could do to defend herself.

  “Night night, precious.” Tom’s leering expression was the last thing she saw before everything went black.

  “Hey man, are you ok?”

  Inhaling deeply, Twitch groaned in pain. Cheek pressed to hard, cold concrete his eyes fluttered open. “Zook?”

  Familiar features swam into view. Striking, velvety brown eyes outlined by long, full eyelashes were peering down at him in concern. Brown hair so dark it could almost be mistaken for black framed Zook’s roguish features. Even with a nose slightly bent from where it must have been broken it did not detract from his handsomeness. A deep, silver scar was slashed from his eyebrow, across his left eye, and zigzagged down across his cheek bone.

  As always, he was dressed in black leather trousers and studded biker boots. The matching t-shirt he wore had a faded eighties band printed across the front. One Twitch had never heard of.

  “What are you doing here?” Twitch asked, sitting up clumsily. Whoever had hit him had not held back. Pain shot through his jaw as he touched it gingerly. The area was one throbbing mess of discomfort.

  “I had a gut feeling you were in trouble.” With one ringed hand, Zook gestured around the empty air. They were alone. A silvery puddle of light provided by a street lamp was keeping the darkness of the night at bay.

  Brows pinching together, Twitch glanced around in confusion. “A feeling?”

  Why was he on the ground? With his thoughts still scrambled from the blow he was having a hard time thinking straight. He’d been doing something important. Twitch remembered that. Something that had felt good. Distractedly he noted his smart phone laying a
bandoned and smashed to smithereens. Spoiled food dripped from the broken, white containers. The smell of sweet and sour sauce had turned sickly.

  “Yeah, the kind that hits you like a hurricane and fucks you up if you try to ignore it.” Zook prodded one of the food containers with his boot.

  The image of pink hair and the prettiest dove grey eyes Twitch had ever seen came sharply into focus in his memory. “Oh, Fuck! Lexi! How long have I been out?”

  Scrambling to his feet, he searched for any sign of her. Nothing gave any clue to where the thugs had gone. Why the fuck had they taken her? What possible reason? They must have known what she was which was still a mystery to Twitch. Were they hunters of some kind? He knew they existed. Gemma, on his team, came from a long line of humans that hunted supernaturals for business. Wiping his nose with the back of his hand, he looked at the smear of blood it left on his scarred skin.

  If they had hurt Lexi they were going to pay.

  “I don’t know. I just got here.” Zook was resting back on his heels watching Twitch, bemused. “What happened to you?”

  “I was on a date.” Twitch muttered back absently. He had to figure out where they had gone. Lexi needed rescuing and it was down to him.

  “Don’t tell me she mugged you?” Zook snorted, a smile cracking the corners of his lips. It looked like he got a kick out of the thought.

  Twitch growled in frustration. “No. She got snatched by some greasy old guy and his leather jacket wearing buddy. I don’t know where they’ve taken her. I think they might be hunters of some sort.”

  His friend nodded. “Lucky for you, it sounds like I know the slime balls who took your girlfriend.” Carefully, he adjusted the chunky silver rings he had adorned on each of his fingers.


  “A couple of small time thugs. They work for Mace. He’s a low-level smuggler and all-around dirt bag.” Taking the mage’s arm, he lead him down the road.

  “Why the fuck would they want Lexi?”


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