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Twitch Page 23

by Claire Marta

  “No! You’re my daughter and I don’t give a fuck what you are.” The vampire’s words were impassioned and fierce. “I love you and always have. I don’t care whose seed you were created from. Do you hear me, Lexi? Do you think I didn’t know you were Celion’s offspring all this time? You have his eyes, but it doesn’t matter. You have always been my Princess, but I cannot be the Prince who rescues you this time.”

  “I’m so sleepy...” Lexi murmured, snuggling further into the warmth of his solid, muscled chest. His heat kept the darkness at bay, yet the frozen numbness in her limbs remained.

  “Because you need to feed.” Asier’s tone was soft and sure. “But it can’t be just anyone. Not anymore.”

  Hunched over his laptop, Twitch muttered under his breath as he heard the pounding at the front door. This was getting ridiculous. Zook had been around so many times in the last week he was practically living there. The fact he never bothered to use the key he had was becoming a running joke. One Twitch had lost patience with. At least the quakes had been dealt with. One less annoyance. Who would have thought a giant snake in the underground could cause so much trouble.

  Slipping from his seat, he stretched his stiff back. “Calm your tits.” Twitch called as he made his way to open it. Noticing the crumbs scattered across the front of his black shirt from the biscuits he’d been eating he brushed them away with a hand. Curtains drawn, it kept out the lights from the street and nosey neighbours peering in now it was dark.

  Twitch had set up a table in the living room to work from. Finally feeling like he was getting back on track, he was working hard. Keeping busy meant he did not have to think. It was only at night when he attempted to sleep that dreams of Lexi plagued him. He missed her so fucking much. It was as if half of him had gone missing, but the other half was trying to still function as a whole without knowing how to. His body was in the throes of an intense withdrawal, but not for sugar. The shakes would come and go plaguing him at all hours of the day.

  From his basket beside the door Fang snored loudly in his sleep. Stumpy legs sticking out, he was hanging from the edge. He was one content mutt.

  Not bothering to check the peep hole, Twitch threw the door wide. “If you can’t learn to use your fucking key I may as well have it back!” He grumbled.

  “I need your help.” The familiar accented voice was not what Twitch had been expecting. In fact it was one had been hoping he would never have to hear again. Ever.

  He stood, stunned, taking in every inch of his new guest. Dressed in a fine, grey, expensive suit it showed off the broadness of the male’s shoulders. He looked flawless. Black, ebony hair tied up in a messy man bun gave him an air of something that was never to be tamed. Asier’s amethyst gaze was shrewdly gauging the passing emotions on Twitch’s face.

  “Let me think. No, fuck off.” Clenching the handle, he slammed the door in the Master vampire’s irritating face. Whatever the cockwaffle wanted he could shove it up his arse. He was done with him.

  Asier’s foot shot out preventing him from smashing it into the frame. “I am not leaving.” Voice firm, it mirrored the dire seriousness that shadowed his beautiful features.

  “I’m still not helping you.” Twitch insisted, thumping his way back up the hall. “And Jasmine’s not here if you’ve come for a booty call.”

  With the lightest of treads, the vampire dogged his steps. “You have no idea what I am going to ask.”

  “Do I look like I care? No! So bugger off back to your orgies.” Turning back to the disorder on the table, Twitch sat down and began to tinker with a motherboard.

  Asier’s attention wandered over the room and zoned in on the laptop screen. His gaze remained fixed. Reaching over Twitch, quickly clicked it closed. He’d been in the middle of the difficult search for Jasmine’s biological parents. All that he had so far had been there for anyone to see.

  Flashing the Italian a hostile expression, he bowed his head getting back to his tinkering.

  “I have been Lexi’s papa...father, since she was five years old. At first, I rejected the idea. How could I care after all for a demon?”

  Everything inside Twitch became suspended. For a second he thought he had imagined the vampire’s words. Asier was her Father? Her adopted father? The one she had mentioned, but never named.

  “A creature whose kin massacred my own. The daughter of my blood enemy.” Asier continued, his voice soft with emotion. “But the moment I saw those frightened grey eyes staring up into my own I knew I could not say no. It was love at first sight. I never expected to enjoy having a child under my care, but it has been one of the most rewarding things I have ever done in my entire existence. Everything I have done, I have done out of love for her. It has not been easy. I am not a succubus, but I raised her as best I could.”

  “Why didn’t she fucking tell me who you were?” Twitch groaned, closing his eyes in dismay. Gods, the things he’d said to her.

  “Because she has always been taught to keep it a guarded secret. I have enemies who would hurt her if they knew the truth.”

  “Is that why you drove me away? You were protecting her?” Understanding widened Twitch’s eyes as he rocked around on his seat to stare at the male. “You raised her, Asier, but she can’t be your little girl forever. It’s not fair.”

  “Si, it has been difficult, but I do see that now. She is still young in demon years. Her sexual appetites are yet to bloom into their full maturity along with her powers.” For once, unguarded, genuine emotions flittered across the Italian’s face— concern and guilt. “Do you love her? This is not something that will pass in a week’s time?”

  “I love her so much I can’t see straight. I don’t think I will ever want anyone else now that I’ve had a taste of her. It’s soul deep.” Twitch released a ragged sigh. “And I want to give her what she wants, even if that means letting her go. She can’t possibly want anything to do with me now.”

  A smile tugged at the vampire Master’s lips. “That’s all I needed to know.” Striding to the window, he jerked back the thick curtain and signalled to someone outside. “It became clear to me tonight that Lexi was mated. I just needed to know that you truly loved her back.”

  Twitch rose jerkily to his feet in confusion. “Mated?”

  “There is one thing that all immortal supernaturals have in common. Finding our mates is a terrible fate. The yearning...the hunger for that one soul can tear you apart. If they reject you then you are damned to a living hell. For many, death is easier to face than eternity without the one that is meant to be at their side.” Asier turned and fixed him with a piercing stare. “You are her mate. But if you hurt her in any way I will rip your heart from your chest and use it as a paper weight.”

  “You can try.” Twitch quipped, still trying to process what he had just been told. Mate. Lexi was his fated female. Now it made sense why he’d had such a strong connection from the start. They were meant for each other.

  As the front door swung open, a mocha skinned vampire entered with Lexi in his arms. Without a word, he placed her on the sofa. Unconscious, she sank limply into the overstuffed cushions. She was deathly pale. The peachiness of her soft skin was no longer radiant and healthy, but almost translucent. With the brightness of her pink hair it made it all the starker.

  “I was wrong. You aren’t as weak as I thought you were and that rarely happens. You are strong enough to keep her from Celion’s wrath.” With a gesture, Asier dismissed the other vampire. Bowing, the male returned outside to the waiting car.

  Fang took that moment to wake. Yawning with wide open jaws, he blinked up at them with sleepy, brown, doggie eyes.

  “If the demon Lord comes for her again I will protect her with my life.” It was a vow. Twitch would do everything in his power to keep her from harm. Risk the blackness inside him to achieve it. Whatever it took, even if it meant the end for him, he would always defend his pink haired girl. Even if she did not want him, he would always be hers until his la
st breath.

  Asier’s eyes shadowed with an odd sombre expression before he nodded in satisfaction. “Give me your arm.” Shrugging out of his suit jacket, he lay it neatly on a chair. Unbuttoning his cuff, he rolled up the crisp shirt.

  Olive skin now exposed on his forearm, Twitch could clearly see his tattoo. It was a demonic face. Leering up, a tongue poked out from fanged lips. Colour had faded from the thickness of the tribal lines which he remembered had been inky and black. It now looked sickly.

  In a confident grip, Asier took hold of Twitch’s wrist.

  “What are you doing?”

  “This belongs to you now.” The Italian told him patiently. “It has been fading since you have been with her and I can no longer keep it bound.” The sound of material being ripped asunder filled the room. Before Twitch could stop him, his shirt was ripped from wrist to elbow. Flipping the pieces on either side back, Asier pressed their forearms together.

  Pain seared through his flesh like a branding iron. As it radiated outwards, nausea see-sawed through Twitch’s stomach. It was so intense it robbed him momentarily of speech.

  With a grunt of satisfaction, the vampire disengaged their arms. Skin now smooth and clear, he bore no sign that the binding mark had ever existed.

  “What’s happened? Why does it look different?” Staring down at the fresh ink, Twitch poked the artwork. It sent a tingle up his arm. The infinity symbol. The swirling figure eight was entwined lovingly around a tribal heart. It decorated his skin just before the inner crease of his elbow.

  “It’s a demonic mate mark. She will also have one now. A twin to your own, which will be unique for only the two of you.” Rolling down his cuff, Asier buttoned it back up. “You have twenty minutes to feed her. I will wait in the car until then.” He informed Twitch with his usual arrogant authority as he reached for his jacket.

  Clambering out of his comfy bed, Fang wagged his tail happily from side to side.

  Asier paused to observe the canine.

  “Twenty minutes?” Twitch’s attention jumped to the unconscious woman on the sofa. She wasn’t even awake. How was he supposed to feed her when she was not even aware?

  “Si. I am not leaving until I know she’s happy and healthy again.” The vampire Master persisted. “I must be sure I have done the right thing.”

  “That’s not a lot of time.” Twitch countered with a wary look. He had thought they’d had a bonding moment, but the vamp was back to the same domineering arse hat he had always been.

  “You don’t always need time to bring a woman pleasure. It takes skill and if you are going to be with my daughter you better learn how to keep her satisfied.” Squatting down, Asier scooped up the dog. An expression of surprise lit Fang’s furry features, but he never made a sound.

  “Fuck, that kind of makes you my father-in-law.” Twitch pointed out with a mild feeling of dread.

  “Whoever would have thought we would be stuck with each other, yet here we are!” Asier chuckled as he strolled out of the door, scratching the Pomeranian behind the ears. “Oh, fate how you like your twisted games. Destino amante di tutti noi!”

  Twitch glanced down at his arm. The new tattoo was pulsing. He could sense the soft beat of Lexi’s heart. If he couldn’t be with her then at least he could be close to her this way. She had her freedom. That was all that mattered now.

  “Lexi.” Gently, lips brushed her cheeks, making her stir. “I didn’t understand. I hurt you and I’m so sorry.” The familiar voice was tinged with regret. “Can you ever forgive me?”

  Murmuring, Lexi shifted in the owner’s direction. She didn’t like to hear him in pain. It made her own heart ache. Limbs heavy, she could barely move. Hunger was gnawing in the pit of her stomach. Left unfed, it had stolen the heat from her skin and all her energy.

  “I love you.” The words were whispered against her hair. “I don’t deserve you. I’m a fucking idiot. I know I messed up.”

  Cracking her eyes open, she discovered Twitch hovering over her. Locks of messy red hair fell over his face. The gleam of his peridot green eyes were hidden behind the strands.

  “Shut up and give me an orgasm.” Lexi murmured faintly to hungry to care.

  “I’ll give you as many orgasms as you like.” He assured her as he hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt. “Fuck, you can ride my cock until it drops off if it makes you happy.”

  “Don’t tempt me.” Closing her eyes, her mind went blank as tiredness crashed in.

  The seat dipped as he moved. She could hear the creak of leather as he shuffled down her body. Unable to do little else, but lay there, Lexi waited to see what he was going to do.

  Palms slid up her thighs under her short skirt. The contact made her hiss. Heat from his touch penetrated the layers of her chilled skin. Lexi flinched away. It was scolding. This was too much. She was far too gone for him to help her in anyway.

  Tears welled behind her eyelids. It was hopeless. As one tear leaked from the corner it trailed down the curve of her cheek.

  “Sugar pants, please don’t cry.” Twitch purred pleadingly. “Let me feed you and make things right. You have to trust me.”

  Without a word, she nodded her head weakly. She had no strength left in her voice.

  Carefully, he stripped her. Ensuring he didn’t touch her directly, he eased her skirt off. Next came her top. One arm at a time, he cautiously undressed her until only her underwear remained.

  His hands returned to her legs. Just the barest brush of fingertips on her inner thighs.

  Lexi whimpered at the icy burn. Shivers were running down her spine again, making her skin crawl. She’d never felt so feebly in her life.

  “I’m sorry if this hurts, Lexi, but I need to touch you for this to work.”

  Gripping her knees, he spread her thighs wide.

  Pain flared though her. Breath quivering in short, sharp gasps she did not attempt to pull away.

  Twitch remained above her not attempting anything more. Flexing his fingers, he extended them over the rounded curve of her kneecaps.

  His warmth invaded her, thawing the freeze that had blanketed her soul. The discomfort dimmed.

  Twitch hummed. A familiar sound. Fighting back her weariness, Lexi used it as an anchor. Behind her rib cage, her heart beat slow and steady, mirroring his own.

  Eyes closed, she heard the squeak of the leather as he moved once more.

  Something ticklish caressed over her stomach. His messy locks.

  A kiss was pressed against the flimsy lace of her panties. The heated brush of his mouth tested the thin barrier. With one finger holding the fabric out of the way to the side, his tongue probed her exposed slick entrance. Lexi moaned, swooning on the spot.

  His movements were painstakingly slow as if he wanted to saviour the moment. As if perhaps he thought it was their last. With shaking hands, he ripped off her underwear.

  Finding her clit, he pleasured it with long, broad licks then alternated to circling over it. It was not enough. Foreplay was something she did not need now.

  What she needed was sex.

  “Please, Twitch.” Lexi begged. “I need you to fuck me, nothing else.”

  “No. I’m not fucking you, Lexi.”

  Despair and disappointment merged as she struggled to open her eyes. He wasn’t going to feed her?

  “I’m going to make love to you.” His cockhead pressed against her entrance. In one fluid motion Twitch thrust into her.

  Moaning, Lexi arched into him, driving him further into her core. His weight was heavy, but she accepted it as he began to move. Gripping her hips, he took her tenderly. Each thrust into her exquisitely controlled. She could feel every inch of him as he drove himself home into her.

  Hunger roaring to life, it suffused her veins with more heat. Twitch vitality flowed through her dousing the limbo she had been in and satisfied her need.

  The intensity made her pussy walls spasm as she reached her peak. Lexi cried out his name, an orgasm claiming her.

nbsp; Burying his face against her neck, Twitch reached his own release and went spiralling over. Breathing heavy, they remained laying in a heap.

  A sense of peace settled over Lexi. It had been deliciously quick and sweet, but exactly what she craved. Only this male had the power to satisfy her so thoroughly.

  “Asier gave me your contract.” Twitch admitted. As he spoke it vibrated against her collar bone. “You’re free.”

  Entwining her fingers in his hair, she tugged his head back so she could look at him. “Then that makes you my Master now.”

  “No, Lexi.” With a smile tinged with sadness, he met her gaze. “You’re free to become an artist and follow your dreams. If you want to leave to achieve them I won’t stop you. I thought you were in some spiteful game with Asier and I let my insecurities and doubts get the better of me. I ruined what we had. I ruined us. I won’t hold you back if you want to leave, even though, I love you beyond common sense.”

  He was letting her go? Feelings that had ebbed bloomed cautiously in her heart with a renewed strength. “Twitch—”

  Gently, he placed a finger against her lips to stem the flow of words. “I’m also terrified that this darkness inside me will devour who I am and I couldn’t live with myself if I ever hurt you because of it. I’m a monster, Lexi.”

  “I know you’ll never hurt me. Not the way you fear. Don’t ask me how I know, but I do.” Affectionately she brushed aside the curls hiding his eyes aside. “And it doesn’t make you a monster.”

  “How can you be sure?” He questioned with a frown.

  “Because you aren’t evil.” She told him without hesitation. Leaning up, she pressed a kiss to his mouth. Hope was beating a rhythm inside her. “You took Stella and her cohorts somewhere that the crowd wouldn’t get hurt to finish the fight. You protected me. That shows you care and that you have a heart.”

  “But Lexi, it’s still inside me.” Taking her hand, he flattened it against his bare muscled chest.


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