Three in Paradise

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by Three in Paradise (lit)

  Eli felt his brother’s presence slide up behind him. Ordinarily Eli would assume Josh moved to cover him, but glancing down at the little piece of fury standing in front of him, he knew better. Josh just wanted to get closer to the girl. Eli didn’t blame him. She was a beauty. Even with her blood-streaked hands and sweaty brow, she seemed like a breath of mountain air next to everyone else around him. She barely came halfway up his chest, but looking at those clenched fists and that stubborn set of pink lips, Eli thought she possessed enough determination to dispatch Lightner off to his just rewards with simply a glance of those sharp green eyes.

  The knot of hair at the nape of her neck had come undone during Lightner’s manhandling, and a thick braid of burnished red trailed down her back, nearly touching the bloody tabletop. He wanted to pin it back in place before the stain of a dead man touched another part of her, but he had no idea how to fix a lady’s hair. Instead he reached out and grabbed the braid and swung it over her shoulder. Her gaze shifted back to his eyes, and that’s when he knew he’d be taking her with them.

  The girl inched sideways, her face crunching into a grimace as her body slid against the man’s crotch.

  Lightner took a step backward. “Mr. Payne.”


  “Mr. Payne.” The man nodded toward Josh then tugged on his blood-stained vest and smiled. Eli wished he hadn’t. The condition of his teeth took what remained of Eli’s appetite and dumped it into a manure pit. “What brings you two to our establishment this fine morning?” The stench of his breath wafted forward, and Eli hoped Lightner would take another couple steps backward. The toad glanced down at the gun still pointed in his direction. “Looking for a little breakfast?”

  “It crossed our minds,” Eli said.

  Josh moved forward. “What we weren’t looking for was a cocksucking shit roughing up a pretty little lady.”

  Lightner’s glance darted toward Josh, then the woman. “Just a slight misunderstanding.”

  “Ha!” The girl slammed her fists on her hips. “’Twas not a misunderstandin’ between us, Harvey Lightner. ’Tis a damn sight more than that. I understood every slimy word that oozed from your mouth.”

  “Now see here, Mrs. Connelly. Your performance—”

  Eli waved his gun for Lightner’s attention. “Is there a problem with her performance?”

  Lightner gestured toward the table. “As you can see we had a slight accident last night.”

  “Those things happen.” Eli slipped his gun into the holster and Lightner’s shoulders sagged as he released a breath. “What exactly does an accident have to do with this woman?”

  The girl sidled closer to him. He felt the warmth of her body hit him like the summer sun. She lifted her chin and glared at Lightner. “He’s a rat. A worthless, vile, malodorous rat.”

  Eli nodded. “We can see that, darlin’”

  Josh laughed. “And smell it.”

  Josh’s laughter drew her toward him like a lure. Damn his brother.

  * * * *

  Josh knew the moment he saw her she’d be coming home with them. He didn’t give a damn what Eli thought. This was the woman for them. He could see it in the firm set of her lips, the serious, intent look in her eyes, and the determined way she insisted that stain would come out if it took dynamite. The Payne spread needed a woman with her conviction, and they needed a tough woman to handle them. This was their gal.

  He would have wanted her no matter her appearance, but Lady Luck was on their side because he hadn’t seen a woman this pretty since they’d left Pittsburgh. He sure liked the color of her hair. It looked like a banked fire glowing on a winter’s night, and the sight of her small body made his cock ache. Oh, well, he’d probably have to forget about that, but maybe once she got to know them, maybe even like them a little, he might be able to convince her. Things got a little lonely out on the ranch and even a mite boring at times. Fucking might be of interest to her eventually. He’d just try to play his cards right and possibly win her hand.

  She pressed her body against his side, the soft swell of her breasts sliding across his arm. She smelled nice, like roses.

  “What’s your name, darlin’?”

  Her little face lifted toward him, and she smiled. The sight of it nearly melted his heart. “Shannon Connelly.”

  He risked a glance toward Eli who wore his usual stony expression. He’d probably catch hell for this, but he didn’t give a fucking damn what Eli wanted right now. “Shannon, how’d you like to see the prettiest spread in the Wyoming territory?”

  Her mouth dropped open and those beautiful green eyes suddenly sparkled like the brightest emerald. Eli made some kind of grunting sound that Josh chose to ignore. Shannon clutched at Josh’s hand then lifted it, pressing it against her breast. His cock lurched, and in that moment, he decided he might be playing that hand a lot quicker. He wanted to win this lady. Her words came out in a soft sigh.

  “’Tis me greatest wish.”

  “Then go pack your bags.”

  She squealed and launched herself toward him, wrapping her arms around his neck. Her little face tucked into the side of his neck. Her breath rushed across his skin as giggles burst out of her like bubbles. “Thank you, thank you.”

  “We haven’t got all day for lovey-dovey shit,” Eli drawled. “The train’ll be here in an hour.”

  Josh glanced at his brother. Eli wore his bored look as he tugged absentmindedly on his moustache. Josh smiled because that simple gesture meant everything would be okay. Reluctantly, Josh let Shannon slide down his body. He took his time releasing her because having her so close made him happy. And Eli was happy, too. Josh could tell.

  Shannon suddenly threw herself at Eli. He caught her easily and lifted her until they were eye level. Her forehead hit the brim of his hat. She steadied herself with her hands against his shoulders then tilted her face and planted a kiss on his mouth. Josh loved the look of shock in Eli’s wide eyes. He loved Shannon’s smile more.

  “Me thanks to you, sir, for comin’ to me rescue.”

  “Any time, darlin’.” He dropped her to the floor and nodded toward the staircase. “Now go get your things ‘cause we have to meet the train.”

  Shannon jumped up and down, her hands clasped together. Another burst of giggles came from her before she strode toward her boss and shoved him in the chest. Lightner made a sound that reminded Josh of a rabbit caught in a trap as he staggered backward and fell back onto the table. She lifted the scrub brush and ground it into his chest, punctuating each word with another twist of the brush.

  “I fuckin’ quit, you scum-suckin’, rat-eatin’ turd.” She dropped the brush onto the table with a flourish and then put her hands on her hips. “’Tis me heartfelt wish you go to hell, Harvey Lightner, and when you get there, tell me dead husband I’ve had a better offer.”

  She laughed then and whirled around. Lifting her skirts, she flew up the staircase, the sounds of her delight drifting down around them like raindrops. Eli’s gaze followed her until she disappeared through a door at the top of the stairs.

  “Lightner, make yourself useful and get us some grub,” Eli said. “We have supplies to pick up.”

  The man scrambled off the table and scurried toward the food, brushing at his vest.

  Eli pulled out a chair and settled down at the table. He ran his hand over the damp top. “She does good work.”

  “Noticed that,” Josh said.

  Lightner dropped two plates of food on the table then darted away.

  Josh leaned toward his plate. “The eggs smell great.” He lifted a forkful and shoved it in his mouth. He rolled his eyes in bliss, then nodded toward the piano. “The music sounds good, don’t you think?”

  Eli glanced up. “It’s not too bad, but the player could use a lesson or two.” His mouth curled into a slow smile. “She’s perfect.”

  “My thought exactly.”

  Chapter 2

  Wyoming had never seemed so beautiful to her.
How had she failed to notice how clean and bright, airy and full of wonder it was? The last few hours had miraculously transported her into a different world, one bursting with promise and overflowing with vibrant, earthy colors. The soft, musical sounds of lilting birds filled the air and the breath of the wind sighed through the grasses with a lulling melody. Cheyenne seemed a distant memory already, and she ached to stuff her head full of new ones. She would never be able to repay the Payne brothers for what they’d done for her.

  She stood up in the wagon and stretched her arms upward, then twirled in a circle. She stumbled a little, nearly falling into a crate, then laughed and leaned over the back of the seat.

  The older brother, Eli, glanced over his shoulder at her. “You’re going to kill yourself if you don’t stop doing that.”

  “I cannot seem to help it. If I stop, I might bust.” Shannon smiled and pressed against his back. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and gave him a squeeze. “If ’tis me fate to die, then I’ll die happy.”

  She turned toward the horse that trotted up next to the wagon. The saddle creaked as Josh leaned toward her. “Don’t go dying on us now. We just found you.”

  “’Tis not me intention to die today,” she said. “Not on the most perfect day o’ me life.”

  She hadn’t decided which of the brothers was the most well-favored. Both had dark blue eyes and black hair though Josh wore his hair a little shorter than his brother. It curled around his neck while Eli’s fell straight to his collar of his shirt. Eli also wore a moustache and a small beard, whereas with Josh, she had a much better view of his full, luscious mouth and the slight cleft in his smooth-shaven chin. Such beautiful, worldly men, but they blended into the landscape around them. They looked at home on this wild prairie. The landscape suited them. She found it hard to believe they’d come from Pittsburgh. She’d traveled through that city, and though the size couldn’t compare to New York, it seemed rather daunting.

  “I cannot wait to see your home,” she said. “I’ve an image o’ it in me head, and ’tis a lovely sight.”

  “You’re a lovely sight,” Josh said.

  Eli made one of his noises, but she ignored it and concentrated on Josh. She loved the look in his eye. He made her feel all gushy inside as though her blood moved faster. Her skin grew hotter and her pussy throbbed when he glanced at her. That never happened with Joseph Connelly, and now she knew why. She always hated that bastard.

  “You might be a bit sorry to see the house,” Eli said.

  She turned toward him. “Now why e’er would you be thinkin’ that?”

  “He’s right,” Josh said. “The ranch keeps us pretty busy. Not much time to take care of a house.”

  “Sure if ’tis only a matter o’ dirt and dust, ’tis thinkin’ I am the concern is all for naught. Cleanin’ is me specialty. ’Tis not the best o’ skills, but ’tis me own.”

  Josh leaned a little closer from his saddle. “Do you cook too?”

  “I’ve had a cause to cook a time or two,” Shannon said. “And I’m not too bad at the task.”

  Eli smiled. “That might be the best thing I’ve heard all day. We’ve been chowing at the bunk house. Might be nice to have a real supper.”

  Shannon stood and tipped when the wagon lurched over a ridge in the path. She tumbled over the edge of the seat in a flurry of skirts and petticoats. A strong arm wrapped around her waist and hauled her up. She landed in Eli’s lap and felt his cock twitch and grow beneath her ass. She stared into that dark gaze and seriously wanted to plant her mouth on his again. She’d liked the tickle of his moustache, and though she’d previously had no thought of wanting another cock in her for quite some time, the idea seemed appealing right now. She smiled, hoping he might be able to read her mind. She licked her suddenly dry lips. All she could think of was that length of hard steel pressing against her skirt.

  “Scout on ahead, Josh.”

  “No need, Eli. We’re—”

  She cast a quick glance toward Josh. “’Tis me thinkin’ you should check for savages. Right now.”

  Josh’s brows drew down as he frowned. “Savages? What would a little lady like you know about—” He cocked his head when Eli’s dark stare lifted to his. Josh scratched his head. “Oh, well, that’s not a bad idea.” He waved his finger toward the creek in the distance. “I’ll just scout on ahead.”

  Josh kicked his heels against the horse’s flanks and the animal shot off, spewing a cloud of dust around the wagon. Shannon sat as still as a mouse and waited.

  * * * *

  Eli hadn’t held a woman since Pittsburgh. It seemed like a lifetime ago, possibly even longer. This one felt perfect in his arms. She had strong limbs and just enough padding to make her feel soft and cozy. The smell of her enveloped him, and the scent conjured a lost memory. He struggled to capture it until he realized she smelled like their ma’s garden when they’d been kids. Roses. The scent of home, family, love. He owed his brother for this one.

  A soft smile curled her lips. “Are you just goin’ to stare at me then, Eli Payne? I’ve a better thought in me mind.” She blushed prettily. “If you’d be so inclined.”

  “And what’s your thought, pretty lady?” His heart thumped like a hammer on an anvil. How could one girl make him feel so damn good?

  She wiggled her little ass and his cock noticed right off. “’Tis alone we are.”

  “I noticed.”

  “And there are things a man and a woman can do when they’re alone.”

  He swallowed hard. Kiss her, you dumb cowboy. “Heard tell of those things.”

  She shifted, and for one moment, his heart stopped. He’d lost the opportunity. He wanted to kick his own ass to Pittsburgh and back, then give it a quick jab with a branding iron. How could he have been so goddamn stupid?

  The scent of roses washed over him as she lifted off his lap and just as quickly settled back down. This time she straddled him, her skirt and petticoats hiked up around her thighs. He nearly dropped the reins as her arms slid around his neck, velvety bands that swept under his hair and made his heart race faster. Holding tight to the reins with one hand, his other reached blindly. He found the texture of a stocking, then followed it up and over her knee until he met the warmth of her bare thigh. She scooted closer, the heat of her body coiling around him and burning hotter than the April sun above. Her pussy pressed against his denim-clad crotch, and he swore he could feel the damp pulsing of the blood rushing to her clit and smell the hot, wet moisture from the depths of her body.

  Shannon swept off his hat and dropped it onto the seat. Reaching between them, she skimmed across the bulge in his denims, then her palm curled around it, squeezing gently. His body wanted to arch toward her along with his cock, but he forced himself to stay still. She tilted her head and stared at him for a moment.

  “And is steerin’ without hands one o’ your skills, cowboy? ’Cause I’ll be needin’ both hands on me, if you’re wonderin’. ”

  He stared into those green eyes that watched him with a spark of amusement. “You don’t have to do this.” Dumbass.

  Shannon laughed. “You don’t have to do it either, but ’tis me sincere hope that you’ll accept me offer. I’ve a need for you, Eli Payne. ’Tis hot I am,” her hand drifted across the bodice of her dress, “and ’tis me thinkin’ you could help with that.”

  “I could help.”

  “Good then.”

  As her fingers began to work the buttons on his pants, she leaned toward him and her mouth caught his with a playful kiss that made him want to laugh but also made his dick hard as a rock. When she pulled away, he dropped the reins and then cupped her cheek, dragging her back. His other hand curled around her hip and yanked her body tight against his. He didn’t hesitate, and didn’t stop to wonder again why she made him feel like he did. None of that mattered. He stole her mouth in a kiss that made her melt into his chest and he almost melted into the seat. Damn. At least he hadn’t forgotten how to kiss. And she sure
as hell knew how. Her lips opened and her tongue pushed into his mouth. He sucked on it like a sweet-tasting candy and listened to the small noises that told him she was pretty darn content.

  Her nipples pebbled beneath the calico dress. The feel of the hard little points straining against the fabric and poking through his shirt made his cock ache like a bitch. He fiercely needed to nestle in the heat of her pussy.

  When they came up for air, she sat back and frantically began to work the buttons of her dress. He watched each move she made as his hand found other things to do. He reached between her legs and followed the trail of fire. When his finger dipped between the hot, moist lips of her pussy and touched her clit, she jerked upright and her head fell back with a moan. She yanked at the last of the buttons and spread her dress open, revealing the smooth, white expanse of her breasts.

  “Don’t be thinkin’ to stop. ’Tis heavenly.” She rocked into him, and his finger slid over her plump, juicy folds. She cupped her breast in her hand and the tantalizing peak of her nipple caused his mouth to water. “Suck me. I want to feel your mouth.”

  His hand swept under her ass, and he lifted her. His lips locked on her nipple while his fingers continued to stroke and tease her clit. He hadn’t tasted anything so good, and if they weren’t in a damn wagon on a dry, dusty stretch of Wyoming wilderness, he’d spread her legs and taste every inch of her pussy, inside and out.

  She splayed her fingers through his hair, clutching him closer, as his tongue circled her nipple. He bit the rosy tip gently, causing her to lurch. The rhythm of her hips increased, rocking harder and faster against his hand. Her breathing quickened and suddenly her groin slammed against him, her body convulsing. He steadily circled her clit until she expelled a tiny gasp and she dropped her head against the top of his. He released her nipple reluctantly, letting his tongue sweep around it for one more taste.


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