Three in Paradise

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Three in Paradise Page 6

by Three in Paradise (lit)

  Eli glanced up and met her eyes, as green as new grass, as guileless as a child’s and oh, so serious. He could get lost in those eyes. He thought he already had.

  “Tell me,” she repeated.

  “I need to hear you’ll stay with us.”

  She tightened her hands around his jaw and gave his head a little shake. “O’ course I’ll be stayin’. Did you think I’d be wantin’ to leave Paradise? Or my two princes?”

  She was everything he’d ever wanted, whether he’d known it or not. He stared at her for a moment until Josh’s voice vied for his attention.

  “Speaking of princes, I’m kind of alone over here.”

  Reluctantly, Eli glanced away from the bundle in his arms. His brother leaned against the doorway, one leg crossed over the other. He watched them with his usual smartass smirk.

  “Not now, Josh,” Eli growled. “I’m busy here.”

  Josh pushed away from the doorway and sauntered toward them, totally oblivious to his nudity. Eli would give anything for an ounce of his brother’s arrogant confidence around women. “You’re not busy. You’re dogging it as usual.”

  Eli’s clenched his jaw. “You’re a cocky son-of-a-bitch, you know that? Maybe we should take this outside and—”

  Shannon crushed her mouth against his. Her tongue swept between his lips, and the thought of his brother evaporated. For a moment he almost forgot Josh stood right in front of him. Shannon’s soft lips tore every thought from his head, removed his every reservation, and destroyed every doubt he held inside. He realized only one thing mattered. This woman wanted to be his and he wanted her more than he’d ever wanted anything.

  He cupped the back of her head and pulled her tighter against him, relishing the cushion of her breasts against his bare chest. His cock rose beneath her, hot and eager, pushing through the gap in his pants to skim the fabric of her petticoat.

  Shannon pulled away from him with a soft gasp. She reached down and yanked at the fabric, gathering it up around her legs. She lifted slightly, and her damp heat lured him closer. The scent of her desire enveloped him, winding through his mind and stirring his cock to seek an entrance. His balls ached with an unbearable need to release. He tilted his pelvis, and his cock slid against the warmth of her pussy. Shannon rocked against him, pressing kisses against his neck.

  “Fuck me, Eli Payne. ’Tis the only thought in me head.” She lifted her face and stared into his eyes. “Tomorrow ’tis me wish you teach me to play your song. But tonight I want to be fucked by my two princes.”

  “You heard the lady,” Josh said.

  Eli shot his brother a glare, and Josh laughed. Lifting her slightly, Eli gripped his cock and pushed the head between her pussy lips, moving it back and forth to bathe it in her juices. Shannon’s head tilted back with a soft sigh, and he pulled her hips down. His cock slid all the way to the hilt, enveloping his length in hot, moist fire. Her pussy throbbed against his flesh in a rhythm that matched the beat of her heart. He held still for a moment to savor the pulse, the heat, the moisture of his woman. Then he began to move her against him. Shannon trembled slightly as he slowly pumped her up and down. He’d never felt so consumed by anything in his life, and he intended to make her happy. This seemed like a damn good start.

  Chapter 5

  He feels so good, so perfect, so right. And he feels like mine.

  Shannon couldn’t breathe but she couldn’t stop kissing him. Her lips sought Eli’s again and again, loving the feel of his mouth, the slight tickling of the moustache and the slide of his tongue against hers. She cupped his jaw, her nails grazing the dark stubble. The raspy sound of the strokes stirred her heart, invoking a feeling of possessiveness. She wanted him to belong to her, and she desperately wanted to belong to him.

  His cock filled her, pulsing against the walls of her pussy. She tightened her thighs, pressing her pelvis hard against him, creating friction on her clit. The heavenly sensation caused her to shiver. The tension between them seemed unbearable, and yet it continued to spiral until every fiber of her body thrummed with the need to release. His kisses had become rougher, his beard scraping her face and his lips devouring hers. Her pussy muscles gripped him tight, and he groaned each time he withdrew and slammed back into her. Her body lunged at his, forcing him deeper inside. A deep intense wave rolled through her pelvis, the sensations cresting and bubbling from her pussy to her clit and causing every muscle in her body to clench.

  She tore her mouth from his and arched her back, letting the pleasure wash through her in a blissful dream of sensation until every thought in her head vanished. She angled her clit, letting his pelvis rub over the itchy, aching burn. Her flesh tingled and swelled until she thought she’d go mad. Her orgasm slammed through her, and she dropped her head to his shoulder as she came. The pleasure swamped her pores, setting her nerves on fire and twisting that heat into an inferno. She trembled with it, her clit vibrating and her pussy clamping around his cock, then convulsing in fist-like spasms.

  The sensations swelled through her, deep and hard, rolling like musical crescendos, peaking over and over. As the sensation began to wane, he angled her hips, dragging her clit against his hot body and the coarse hair of his groin. Another peak ripped through her, hard, violent, and fast, so fast. She gasped and cried out and turned her face toward his. His mouth covered hers, engulfing her lips in a blazing heat.

  Eli pumped her harder, their sweat-slicked bodies sliding against each other. His cock drove in and out in a rhythm that forced her body higher until she could do nothing but cling to his shoulders. His balls slapped against the swollen, hot flesh between her legs and finally his hands clenched on her ass so hard she nearly cried out. He yanked her down, his cock thrusting deeply, almost painfully. He stiffened, then froze. His cock throbbed as he spurted streams of cum into her in rapid, pulses of warmth. Shannon shuddered and collapsed against him, the fluttering muscles of her pussy milking him until the throbbing diminished and gradually became twinges against her flesh. He loosened the grip on her ass and nuzzled his face into her neck. She raked her fingers through his hair.

  “’Twas heavenly,” she murmured.

  He lifted his face and gave her a shy smile. “’Twas indeed.”

  Shannon burst out laughing and leaned back, spreading out her arms. She came up against a solid wall of warmth as Josh pressed his bare chest against her back. Rough hands enveloped her, sliding around her waist, then skimming over her breasts. His calluses dragged over her tender peaks, scraping deliciously and firing her nerve endings. She turned her face to meet Josh’s smile. His fingertips circled her nipples, drawing new sensations and fanning the heat still banked and waiting. Her pussy muscles clenched violently against Eli’s cock inside her. It stirred, hardening, lengthening, flexing against the walls of her pussy.

  “My turn?” Josh said.

  “Get in line,” Eli growled.

  Josh’s lip poked out. “I am in line. And I’ve been pretty patient here. Even you can’t deny that.”

  “I can deny anything I want,” Eli murmured. His gaze locked on her breast, where Josh’s finger lazily stroked her hard, tight nipple. She really wanted someone’s mouth on her. Her breasts ached to be sucked.

  “Eli,” she said softly. His intense blue gaze lifted to her, peering at her beneath a shock of dark hair.

  “Shannon.” His voice held a trace of awe that thrilled her to the marrow of her bones and sounded like a beautiful song. That a man should look at her the way he did, as though his heart filled and ached with the sight of her, made her own heart race with a scary beat. But it was all she’d ever wanted, and she trembled with the wonder of it. She splayed her hands through his hair, lifting his face, then brushed the hair back from his forehead.

  “’Twas our agreement to share.”

  “I remember.” He glanced behind her to his brother. Josh’s heart thudded against her back. She held her breath, and she knew Josh held his as well. She thought their future might hinge on the
next words out of Eli’s mouth or the next glance of his dark eyes.

  She drew Eli’s face toward her, cupping his jaw and taking his lips in a searing kiss that held her gratitude and offered him all the promises she could give. When she drew away, Eli watched as she licked her lips. When he nodded, her heart swelled.

  She reached behind her and wrapped her hand around the back of Josh’s neck, drawing him closer. She led him to exactly where she wanted him and his tongue poked out and licked the tip of her breast. A wave of heat nearly consumed her.

  “More,” she said.

  Josh burrowed his face between her and Eli, his silky hair trailing over her skin and bathing her in warmth. She couldn’t resist and tunneled her fingers into his short dark hair, dragging him closer. His mouth fastened on her nipple and began to suck. Moisture pooled between her legs, and her pussy flexed, releasing, then latching onto Eli’s cock with a vengeance.

  One of Eli’s hands tightened on her ass, then his other slid downward. His finger trailed through the juices near her pussy lips then began to glide slowly up the narrow passage between her cheeks. He pushed the tip of his wet finger a fraction of an inch into her ass. A gasp exploded from her parted lips, and she stared at him with wide eyes as the muscles of her ass clenched in his hands. She lifted up to escape his questing finger. Her words came out in a soft rush.

  “What’s goin’ through your mind, Eli Payne?”

  He chuckled. “If I’m to share, that means finding other options.”

  “’Tis not an option!” She shook her head furiously. “’Tis—” She gasped again as Josh’s tongue swirled over her nipple, then drew it back into his mouth.

  Eli made a tsking noise. “You seemed an adventurous sort.”

  He tipped his hips against her, forcing his swollen cock deeper. Her pussy definitely was up for the adventure, but she wasn’t sure about her ass. She’d never done anything like that in her entire life and planned to die of mortification when the evening was over. But the feelings swirling inside begged her to be open-minded. Eli’s brow rose, waiting for a response.

  “’Tis an adventurous sort I am, but not mad. And ’tis clear, Eli Payne, you’ve the urges o’ a madman.”

  Josh lifted his face and winked at her. “You’ve no idea.” He tucked his hands around her face, turned it toward him and covered her mouth with a deep, sensuous kiss. When he pulled away, he glanced at his brother. “Eli has…rather interesting impulses. You’ve opened Pandora’s Box now, Shannon. No slamming the lid and walking away.”

  She lifted higher as Eli’s finger continued its unrelenting journey into parts that had never been investigated. Her face flamed with heat and the tendrils of hair around her face felt like fire licking at her skin. “I’ve no intention o’ walkin’ away. ’Tis just…just…”

  “Just what?” Eli asked.

  As she struggled for an answer, his finger pushed deeper and began to thrust gently in and out. The movement stole her words. Her head felt like it should explode and yet she wondered why when every thought in her head had dissolved. She tried to concentrate, but the combination of his finger’s movement and his hard cock gliding in and out of her pussy lips made her want to melt. His cock touched that excruciating spot on the wall of her pussy that drove her crazy. She would come again soon. Already her lower body ached with the wanting of it. Her head dropped back against Josh’s shoulder. Her words fell from her lips before she could stop them.

  “By the holy saints, I’ll be goin’ to hell. ’Tis a wondrous feeling. I love it. If I must become mad to enjoy all you offer, then mad I’ll be and be glad for it.”

  “That’s our girl,” Josh said.

  * * * *

  Josh needed to be inside her, now. The scent of her pussy just about forced him to his knees. The rosy smell of her skin drove him past insanity. Her kisses set him on fire. He’d never felt this hot in his life, not even in the blistering heat of the open range. His cock throbbed, and his balls ached like a bitch. He was as giving–sharing–caring as the next man, but hell’s bells, it was his fucking turn. Or his turn to fuck. He’d waited enough time for her and Eli to bond, to make sure all was right with Eli’s world. How much more could he coddle the son-of-a-bitch? Now his brother was just being his usual grabby, greedy self and keeping all the good stuff to himself. Damn him.

  Josh stole another kiss. Shannon’s lips opened beneath his, and her tongue swept into his mouth. Now or never. He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and tugged.

  “Give her to me, Eli.”

  Eli reluctantly let him take her, and Shannon came into his arms like she’d always been there. She felt as though she had. He never felt so much in any woman’s arms. Her green gaze locked on his and everything he ever wanted seemed like a possibility—he’d be happy, Eli would be happy, the ranch would prosper, the rain would fall, the cattle would fatten up, and the prices would soar. He’d never wanted much, but all his heart’s desires rested in this woman’s eyes.

  He swung her around in a circle, and she giggled. When he stopped, her face glowed with color and her eyes shone with delight. Shannon slid down his body but kept her arms locked around his neck. “And what kinds o’ impulses are residin’ in your thoughts, Josh Payne? Are they as wicked as your brother’s?”

  “Maybe more so,” he whispered.

  Her glance darted to Eli as he pushed his pants off his legs. “’Tis hard to believe.” She lowered her voice. “His ideas seem very wicked.”

  “Wicked is as wicked does,” Josh said.

  Eli frowned. “What the hell does that mean?”

  Josh laughed. “No idea, but you can shut the hell up ’cause we’re busy here. Go find some cream or something so you can follow through with your wicked ideas. You don’t want to hurt her or she’ll be reluctant to try anything else. I’ll keep her warm for you.” He herded her backward until she bumped into the settee. “I want to fuck you, Shannon. I think I’ve been pretty patient.”

  Shannon blushed, but she ran her hand down his chest and over the muscles of his abdomen. “You have, and you can. In fact, ’tis me greatest wish that you do.”

  She wrapped her hand around his cock and squeezed.

  “Jesus, darlin’.”

  She gave him a saucy smile. “Wicked is as wicked does. ’Tis something I heard from a most wicked man.”

  Josh grabbed her by the waist and steered her around the settee. He plopped onto the cushion and yanked her down. She straddled his lap and clutched her petticoat, gathering it up around her waist. She reached back and planted her hands on his thighs. Her perky breasts bounced with her movements and her dusky rose nipples tightened in anticipation of his touch. He couldn’t resist them. He cupped them in his palms, squeezing, then tracing his thumbs over her nipples. His hand grazed her belly and dipped farther.

  He slid his finger between her pussy lips. The warmth of her skin shocked him. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven.”

  “No need for dyin’. We’re already in paradise.”

  His cock lurched toward the fire of her pussy, wanting to bury inside but first he wanted to look at her, revel in the beads of moisture he saw glistening on her folds of pink skin and the soft down that covered her mound. He trailed his finger over her slick, creamy folds. Her plump clit seemed to swell beneath his finger. She sucked in a breath when he drove two fingers into her, and her body arched back. His thumb pressed against her clit, moving in small, tight circles. With his other hand, he tortured her nipple, rolling it between his fingers and squeezing it until her breath came out in little pants.

  Her body trembled. “Oh, lord in heaven,” she whispered.

  “I love touching your pussy. It’s so hot, so tight.”

  She bit her lip, then struggled for a breath. “And ’tis beggin’ I am you keep goin’.”

  “No begging necessary. I could do this all night.”

  She leaned toward him, and her hips lifted off his lap. She gripped his cock tightly in her fist and des
ire flared deep and hot inside him. In another minute his balls would explode. He enjoyed the play, loved the watching, but damn, he needed release.

  “Fuck me, Josh. Now.”

  He withdrew his fingers, grabbed her hips, lifted, and slammed her down on his dick. He groaned with the feel of the tight fist that clenched around his flesh. Paradise. Sheer paradise. He could sit all night and let her pump up and down on his cock, watching those plump lips envelop him into her juicy folds.

  “Don’t come yet.”

  Eli’s voice tore his attention away, and Shannon’s hands tightened on Josh’s shoulders.

  Josh inhaled enough air to bark out his reply. “Damn, you’re bossy.”

  * * * *

  The sight of Shannon’s rounded ass peeking out from beneath her petticoat made Eli’s dick throb in agony. But he had the answer to that. He unscrewed the cap on the jar of cream and knelt on the floor between his brother’s legs.

  “Let’s get rid of that petticoat, darlin’.”

  Shannon untied the waistband and swept it up. Josh helped her tug it over her head. The unencumbered sight of her bobbing on his brother’s cock was almost more than Eli could take. He wanted to taste that pussy but that might be best left till tomorrow.

  “Lift that pretty ass toward me,” Eli said.

  Shannon put her hands on Josh’s chest and lifted slightly. He saw his brother’s cock slip a little from its haven. Josh’s skin glistened with pussy juice, and Eli licked his lips. He glanced up and gave Josh a nod. Josh went back to work, fingering her clit, and Eli figured the distraction would last till the last possible moment. Trembling, Shannon slumped forward a little, and Eli knew he didn’t have much time.

  He smeared his fingers with cream, then spread it between her ass cheeks. Shannon lurched slightly at the cold sensation, then lifted that beautiful, round ass higher. Eli gently pushed two fingers in her small hole, struggling at first as Shannon gasped and quivered, but then her body seemed to open to him. He pressed all the way in, then tried three. He had no desire to hurt her, but she seemed lost in the waves of desire that coursed through her and eager to feel more. He coated his dick with lubricant, then swept it between her cheeks. She shivered and pressed backward, making soft sounds in her throat and rocking in small, measured movements on his brother’s cock.


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