A Tommy Logan Story

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A Tommy Logan Story Page 12

by Darren D. Lee

“My niece, Shey, and Sara… My girlfriend.” That was the first time I had said ‘girlfriend’ to refer to Sara. Maybe that’s when I really realized how much I cared for her.

  “Well, I could hear how much they were concerned for you. Don’t drag them into this no more than you have to. You’re marked and I would be too if anybody knew I helped you.” Ricky remained silent for a few moments. “If I were you, I’d make sure they were far away from here whenever you decide to act.”

  I thought a lot about what Ricky said. I knew he was right. If and when I decided to start hunting those bastards, Sara and Shey would be a target. “You’re right. I’ll get them out of here.”

  “And I know this ain’t gonna do no good… But a man like you probably knows people. Ain’t too late for you to get out too.”

  “Not an option,” I mumbled.

  “Didn’t figure so.” Ricky chuckled a bit. “You just remember that bullet, will you?”

  “I will.”

  Ricky pulled the truck off the side of the road. I watched the headlights go out leaving only the dim light of the park lights. The squeak from the windshield wipers subsided. Ricky looked over at me. “How you feelin’? Any better?”

  At this point, my clothes were starting to dry, and that did make me feel a tiny bit better. “A bit,” I answered.

  “Still probably feel like you got hit by a truck.”

  I laughed a bit. He was right. I did get hit by a truck at the very least. “Yeah, I do.”

  “They ain’t here yet. Where were they comin’ from?”

  “They were in Richlands. Should be here soon.” Not a few seconds after I finished my words, I saw headlights coming up the mountain. They slowed and pulled off the road in front of us. “That’s them.”

  “Now you stay put,” replied Ricky. “I’ll come over and help you out.” He did just that. A few moments later my door opened and he reached in. I wrapped my right arm around his shoulder as he eased me out. The pain was excruciating.

  The sound of Shey’s doors opening struck my ears. “Oh God!” shouted Shey, as she ran up to me.

  “Tommy!” screamed Sara, rushing to me as well.

  “Easy, ladies,” said Ricky. “He’s alright, just took a mighty good lick.”

  “Uncle Tommy, are you okay?” demanded Shey.

  “What happened?” urgently asked Sara.

  “I’m alright,” I answered. “I’ll tell you both once we get home. We need to go home.”

  “No!” shouted Shey. “You’re going to a hospital!”

  “You’re going to a hospital, now!” demanded Sara.

  “No, we can’t. We have to go home. You’ll understand once I tell you.”

  “Now, ladies, if I might be so bold,” spoke Ricky. “You need to listen to’em. He ain’t gonna’ tell you wrong.”

  “Do you know what happened?” asked Shey.

  “He wouldn’t be specific. Likely just lookin’ out for me but I know when trouble is brewin’. Get him home and tend to his wounds.”

  I looked over to Ricky. “Thank you.”

  “Like I said, no need to be thankin’ me. You just remember what I said.”

  “I will.”

  Ricky looked at Sara and Shey. “Now come on, help me get him in the back before we all get soaked to the bone.”

  Sara opened the back door of Shey’s SUV for Ricky and Shey to help me in. I laid my head back on the headrest as Sara jumped in on the right side. “Tommy, you need to let us take you to a doctor,” she pleaded.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why?” asked Shey as she shut the driver’s door. “Why can’t you go to the hospital?”

  Her words began to echo in my ears. I was starting to lose it. I needed to sleep. “We’re all in danger. Just… Just take me home. Please.”

  I remember Shey saying, “Alright,” as I laid my head over on Sara’s shoulder. Then the vehicle started moving as I closed my eyes.

  “Careful with his arm,” Sara whispered.

  “I am, see if you can get his other arm around you,” replied Shey.

  I opened my eyes to see my driveway and fence. “We’re home,” I mumbled.

  “Tommy, I’m so glad you’re okay,” said Sara.

  “Uncle Tommy…” said Shey, pausing. “You’re going on a diet, you know how heavy you are?” she asked playfully. I could hear the tears in her voice as she tried fighting them back.

  “I know, I know. I’ll start laying off on the bacon cheeseburgers.” I struggled to stand and leaned on Sara. “Come on.”

  Sara helped me limp up the porch as Shey opened the door. I entered into the living room followed by Sara sitting me down on the couch. Shey rushed off to the bathroom and returned with some bandages and alcohol. “Let’s get your shirt off,” said Shey.

  I tried to raise my arms but winced under the pain. “I can’t… Cut it.”

  Shey grabbed some scissors and reached them to Sara. “Hold still,” said Sara as she started cutting up my abdomen. She removed the shirt and covered her mouth while she gasped. “Tommy…”

  I looked down to see dark bruising along the left of my upper body. My ribs were broken for sure. The bruise extended on down past my waistline to my left leg. “Take my pants off,” I said, struggling to undo my belt.

  Sara quickly undid my button and slid them down easily, shaking her head at the large bruise on my left thigh. “Jesus, Tommy.” She undid my boots next and slid them off in order to remove my pants. “What happened?”

  I shook my head, looking up to Shey. “This is going to be hard for you to hear.”

  Shey sat down next to me and started dabbing the numerous cuts along the left side of my face with alcohol. “You’re alive, that’s all that matters to me.”

  I nodded my head slowly, trying not to jerk from the alcohol. I looked at Sara before closing my eyes. “Shey, you know I wanted nothing more to find out what happened to your mother.”

  Shey paused for a few moments, then returned to dabbing my wounds. “What… What did you find?”

  “I think she was murdered by the ASA.”

  “What do you mean?” asked Sara, her eyes widening.

  “Today when I was leaving… Two agents smashed into my car. When I woke up, I was at Flannigan Dam. They tied me up then dumped me over.” I sighed heavily. “I’m lucky to be alive.”

  “Oh my God…” mumbled Sara before she laid her head on my shoulder.

  Shey quit dabbing and just stared into nothingness. Her lip quivered slowly as she struggled to speak. “Why… Why would they… Why would they do that?”

  “I was getting too close… Making too much noise.” I laid my head back against the couch. “If they made me disappear then it could all just go away.”

  “Who can we call?” asked Shey. Tears began to cover her cheeks. “Who can we call?!” she demanded, bursting into sobs. “They can’t get away with this! First my Mom… Now they tried to get you?” Shey placed her forehead against my face, wrapping her arms softly around me. “You’re all I have left and they were going to take you too?”

  “I’m still here,” I replied, trying to comfort Shey. “Nobody is going to take me away. I promise.”

  “Shey’s right,” said Sara. “There must be something we can do? You were high up in the Army… There must be someone we can call?”

  “Not yet,” I said.

  “Why not?” demanded Shey.

  “It’s not just the Grundy Agency that’s corrupt. It can’t be…” I was quiet for a few moments. “The man who helped me tonight, he told me about his son. His son overdosed some time back and the ASA ignored it. It was the Dickenson County ASA. The ASA is overseen by a central branch of the agency in DC. Every report filed and every crime goes through there. There is no way of hiding it from them. This goes a lot deeper than Grundy.”

  “What are we going to do?” Asked Sara, clearly terrified.

  “You two are going to do nothing.”

  “Nothing,” shouted Shey. “I
have to do something. They killed my Mother and now you!”

  “I know how you feel, Shey. Angel was my sister and I promise I will get them. If it is the last thing I do, I will get them.” I reached for the cigarettes in the bag Ricky must have given Shey after they loaded me up. “I’m going to heal. Then you two are going to disappear.”

  “What… What do you mean?” stuttered Sara.

  “You’re going to go away,” I said, lighting a cigarette. “You’re both going to forget about me for a while.”

  “Uncle Tommy, you can’t be serious!” shouted Shey. “You’re not dead! You’re still here. If we have to leave, fine! But you’re coming with us!”

  I remained quiet while Shey returned to dabbing the cuts on my face. That’s when I knew that the ASA had succeeded in killing me. I couldn’t return to my life, it was no longer mine. If I ran… If I hid from this, how many more innocents would die? How many more cases would there be like Angel’s? I couldn’t… I wouldn’t let that stand. “I can’t. Within the next day or so, I’m betting the Agency will tell you they found me dead and that my body wasn’t recoverable or something. You will go along with it. You will believe them.”

  “What?” asked Sara. “You’re being crazy!”

  “Am I?” I replied. “They tried to kill me. I’ve no clue how deep this goes or who we can trust. If they find out I’m alive, they’ll come for you and Shey to get to me. And I hate it.” Tears began to seep from my eyes. “I’ve made you targets, and I won’t let them get to you.”

  Time passed as we all remained in silence. Shey and Sara bandaged my wounds. They propped me up on the couch, the three of us still in a deadened silence. I suppose we were mourning my death… Our death. The death of our lives that had forever been altered. Somewhere we drifted off to sleep only to be awoken by the ringing of the landline. I opened my eyes to see Shey approaching the phone. She looked at the caller ID and turned back to me. “It’s the agency…”

  I glanced at Sara who was curled up next to me, still soundly asleep. “Answer it,” I said. “Be frantic. Ask them if they’ve found me.”

  She looked at the ringing phone in her hands before finally answering. “Uncle Tommy?” she asked. “Have you found him?” she asked a few moments later. “What? Why are agents coming here?” Shey was quiet for a few moments. “Okay, I’ll be here.” Shey turned to me. “Someone named Ratliff and Robins are on their way here.”

  “Shit,” I grumbled, rousing Sara.

  “What is it?”

  “Those bastards are on their way here. Help me to my room.”

  Sara and Shey promptly helped me up and walked me down the hall. I laid out on the bed. “When they get here do not let them come in here. They couldn’t have had time to drag my car out… But if they did they wouldn’t have found a body. There’s the chance they’ll be looking for me.”

  “God,” mumbled Sara.

  “Babe, it’ll be alright.” I looked to Shey. “When they get here, meet them on the porch, and invite them in. They will ask to come in.” I returned my gaze to Sara. “Once they do, you need to leave my room and join them. That’s when they’ll undoubtedly give you the ‘bad’ news.”

  Shey snapped her head towards the window. She rushed and peaked out. “They’re here, it’s an ASA cruiser.”

  “That fast?” I asked.

  “They were probably already on their way,” replied Shey.

  “You know what to do?” I asked

  “Yes,” replied Shey.

  “Get to it, Squirt.”

  Shey left my room. Sara laid her head on my chest, frightened. We listened to Shey go outside and anxiously awaited her to return. In reality, only a few moments passed but it felt like an eternity. There were a lot of moments that felt like an eternity, now that I think of it. I could feel Sara’s heart racing. “It’ll be okay,” I whispered. She glanced up at me before closing her eyes. “You have to be convincing and they’ll go away. I promise.” Sara slowly shook her head in silence.

  We heard the door open along with Shey’s voice. “Yeah, come in.”

  I looked down to Sara. “Go on, hurry.” She nodded and quickly, but hesitantly left my room, closing the door behind her. I listened closely for the ensuing conversation.

  “What’s this about?” asked Shey. “Where is my Uncle Tommy.”

  “Ma’am, my name is Ratliff and this is Commander Robins. Could you please have a seat.”

  “What’s going on?” asked Sara.

  “Who might you be?” asked Robins.

  “My name is Sara, I’m Tommy’s—”

  “Could you please sit down as well?” firmly asked Ratliff.

  There was a moment of silence. I hoped they hadn’t expected Sara to be there. I was hoping her presence would catch them off guard and help hide any trace of me.

  “What we have to tell you, isn’t easy,” said Robins. “Last night after your calls we got a report of an auto accident.”

  “Where is Uncle Tommy?” demanded Shey. “Is he okay? Tell me!”

  “Ma’am,” spoke Ratliff. “Agent Logan was involved in that accident. All we can believe happened is that he lost control of the car around Flanagan Dam. There was evidence of a roll and from the location of the debris from his vehicle, we believe it exploded before he crashed into the reservoir. He didn’t survive. We’re sorry for your loss.”

  I could hear Sara start crying before Robins spoke up. “Miss Kennedy, I know with the recent loss of your Mother and now Tommy that this must be hard for you. We did recover what was left of his body. There is no need for you to identify him, we’ve confirmed his identity through his dental records. If it’s any comfort we believe he died instantly.”

  “Fuck you both!” Shey screamed. I took a deep breath. I hoped she wasn’t losing it and going to attack them. “I’ve been worried all night! We were out looking for him! And you couldn’t call and tell us this? Then you show up and tell me he died instantly to comfort me? Fuck you! Get out of my house! Now!”

  “We’re truly sorry, Miss Kennedy,” spoke Ratliff. The body has been delivered to Keen Mountain for funeral arrangements. Have a good day.”

  I heard them leave the house. A few moments later, the cruiser started and pulled out of my driveway. Sara and Shey entered my room once they were gone. “Good job,” I said.

  “I hate them. I fucking hate them…” grumbled Shey.

  “I know. I do too. If I was able, they wouldn’t of left alive.”

  “What do we do now?” asked Sara.

  I shook my head, chuckling. “Plan a funeral, I suppose.”

  August 23rd, 2025

  Saturday was brutally hot and humid. A fittingly miserable day for my funeral. Shey and Sara had dropped me off at the cemetery early that morning. They had insisted I stay home and rest. I was still pretty beat up. Hurt to move my neck; hurt to put pressure on my leg… Hell, my left arm was still tied in a sling. Not to mention the scabs all across the left side of my face. I felt the need to do some recon. Armed with Shey’s digital camera; I was going to see everyone that showed up. Document that dog and pony show.

  The trees on the hillside shaded me from the bright sky and grueling heat. I was well concealed and a fair distance from the grave site. The grass hadn’t even started to grow on Angel’s grave, and they were putting me next to her. The whole thing was a mess for the ASA. It was so clumsy… I suppose clumsy is the right word. My body had been cremated before Shey had time to go to the funeral home. That just meant that the funeral director was in on it. They hadn’t bothered to pull my car out to see if I actually was dead. I was sure the director was just taking money in exchange for silence… And his life. It still pissed me off. It was like everyone had a price. Not many left that cared about doing the right thing anymore.

  The funeral precession finally showed up. A black hearse carrying my supposed ashes. At least it was a Cadillac. Agency cruisers led it and were lined up behind it, followed by Shey and Sara. Jay’s Trans Am was be
hind them. The lead cruiser blocked the road while the hearse turned off and led the procession up the dirt road to the cemetery. Behind Jay was a grey coupe. At first, I couldn’t tell exactly what the make and model was, but once the precession came to a halt, the occupant gave it away. It was Ramirez. He must have made the trip on emergency leave. He would’ve been pissed to know it was all a sham. With all that’s going on, I hope he’s alright.

  Everybody proceeded to my grave site and gathered around. I watched as Commander Robins reared his ugly face. He led Ratliff and some other Agents dressed in their ceremonial uniforms as they carried my urn in formation. I don’t think I’d ever been so disgusted in my life. Scum parading around as honorable brothers in arms. At the end of their formation was Ronnie. He didn’t have a clue. Ronnie was one to skirt the rules here and there, but full-blown corruption wasn’t his style. He would’ve had no part of it.

  That’s when I noticed someone walking up the hill towards the cemetery. I couldn’t make them out but Shey’s Camera was pretty good. I zoomed in and chuckled at who I saw. It was Colonel Johnson. His dress blues were pressed and bore his medals and ribbons flawlessly. That’s when I decided Johnson would be an ally. He was a good man, and would by no means stand by any of that activity. Him not knowing was good. That meant there was a good chance none of the military was involved. I didn’t know how far the corruption spread, but at least it wasn’t there.

  I watched the funeral closely. Snapping pictures of Robins, Ratliff, and who I’d later find out to be Wilson, at any chance I got. Snapping clear pictures of them was difficult and to be quite honest; I had no idea why I was. It wasn’t like I could put together a dossier and turn it into the ASA. I couldn’t just come out of the shadows with my word. Sure, I’d get Robins and his ilk, but who would that leave? They’d just pin everything on them and let it go. No, they needed to die by my hand… And in the process, I’d find out who else needed to be snuffed out.

  Some time passed while the service was conducted. Finally, the ASA formed up with their rifles and began firing their twenty-one gun salute. I watched as the service concluded with an American flag being raised over my grave and the urn being presented to Shey. Jay and Ronnie both stood around speaking with Shey and Sara before Robins approached and spoke briefly. He wanted out of there, I’m sure, as did the other agents. Finally, Johnson approached Shey and spoke with her longer than the others.


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