A.I.S.A.: An Erotic Sci-Fi Romance

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A.I.S.A.: An Erotic Sci-Fi Romance Page 4

by D. R. Rosier

  This will probably sound bad, but she looked so damned hot with my cock in her mouth, with a yearning lustful look in her eyes as she looked up at me as if there was nowhere else she wanted to be. I could also tell one of her hands had moved down her body and was between her legs, she was getting herself off while bringing me closer and closer to the edge.

  I moaned softly and warned her, “Aisa, I’m going to cum…”

  She didn’t stop, instead she sucked harder, and milked my cock with her hand while she bobbed up and down on the tip, licking the sensitive bottom as she worked me. The idea that she wanted to take it in her mouth, to have me explode into her throat, was the thought that pushed me over the edge. She moaned in approval as I pushed up into her and let loose as ecstasy washed through my body.

  Then I saw her eyes widen as she followed me into bliss on the tips of her fingers, she continued to suck me through her own euphoric pleasure, and occasionally swallow until I was dry. She smiled up at me when she was sure she’d gotten it all, crawled up my body, and kissed me softly.

  “I let you sleep about an hour, but I’m hungry, it’s dinnertime.”

  I frowned, “Sorry, we completely skipped lunch didn’t we?”

  She giggled, “Yes… we did. But I’m not complaining. I just had a nice snack,” she winked.

  She kissed me softly, “I feel so safe with you, it was easy to let go. What now?” she added the question a little nervously.

  I kissed her forehead and held her for a moment, “We eat dinner, then you stay the night. If that’s okay with you? I don’t want you to leave.”

  I’d almost said those three words that I was afraid to even think right now, it was way too soon for that and she’d probably run out the door. Although, I think she may have been thinking along the same lines, because she tried to break the intense connection between us in that moment as we’d locked eyes, with a little humor.

  She smiled brightly but her voice was full of artificial accusation, “You just want me to cook supper and breakfast.”

  I nodded faux wisely, “Don’t forget more sex, that weighed heavily in my decision as well.”

  It was ridiculous of course, we both saw right through the other’s humor, I could see it in her eyes. She’d given herself to me, and a few moments ago had been worried I would want her to leave. And I… I couldn’t bear the thought of not holding her close tonight, and waking up the next morning with her in my arms. It quite frankly scared the shit out of me, because I didn’t want her to leave at all, not just tonight. It was all too fast, but I was completely helpless to resist her, more than that, I didn’t want to resist her, I wanted to give in.

  She snorted at my comment and slapped my chest. But mission accomplished, she no longer looked worried.

  I laughed and tickled her, which set her off into squirming giggles as she tried to push me away weakly. I rolled on top of her and held her hands down above her head with one hand, and tickled her some more, making her body writhe and move in interesting ways. Then I teased one of her nipples between my thumb and forefinger and kneaded the underside of her supple breast with my other three fingers, and her giggles turned quickly into gasps of pleasure. I felt myself respond, and decided dinner should be put off for a little while longer.

  Aisa had no objections…

  The next week was probably described perfectly by the relationship term honeymoon phase. We really didn’t do anything except spend time together in our own little world, talking, fucking, showering, eating, and sleeping. If I was smitten the first night we’d slept together, I was beyond besotted at the end of that week.

  The honeymoon phase didn’t exactly end after that first week, but she did officially check out of that hotel, and bring all of her luggage over. Real life intruded as well, the game was returned to me for the second round of final A.I. tweaks, and we worked on it together. She seemed to be as focused and obsessed with coding as I was, so we managed to keep our hands off of each other for the most part, except during lunch break.

  The only dark spot during that time was my ex-wife, my lawyer had sent me divorce papers. I looked them over, and it basically said she’d get half my stuff, and a third of my additional credit income from working only, not including the basic lump amount everyone gets, either until one of us died, or she was remarried. My lawyer, and my A.I. assistant both advised that it was a typical divorce contract. Originally I’d been thinking she’d get half my credits in alimony, so I agreed with their assessment and I signed it, sent it back, and tried to forget it. The sooner she was out of my life the better.

  Aisa helped me with that greatly, the forgetting part.

  It took us a week to button up the game A.I., now that the parameters were correct it was almost easy, especially with Aisa’s help, she was brilliant, and afterwards we chose the next project together. I also decided although it sounded good to me, we couldn’t do nothing but sit inside, talk, and screw for the rest of our lives. I knew from all our talking about it, she’d come to Chicago to get away from living a secluded life. Despite being in the heart of Chicago, staying in every night was the same kind of isolation, so I started to take her out a new place every night.

  We went to the Chicago Field Museum, Museum of Science and Industry, navy pier, Shedd Aquarium, and other tourist traps during the day, taking a few days off that week, as well as simply eating out, or going to a local pub to enjoy a band and dance at night. It was even fun for me, she was always excited to see new things, and that somehow made it all seem new, and then at the end of the night she was always extremely appreciative.

  She was always very submissive in bed, almost a different person. She liked to follow my lead and was up to try anything twice, just in case she liked it the second time. She explained it turned her on to give pleasure, and to be the vessel of my pleasure. I couldn’t really argue with that because she always had multiple explosive orgasms when we were together, I understood the concept of giving to get, and I could see where being submissive was the ultimate example of that.

  I felt the same way about making sure she was taken care of, it made it better for me when she writhed and trembled in ecstasy against me. I also didn’t mind taking the lead.

  Obviously we couldn’t afford to go out every night, even with both of us earning extra credits, so after our third week together of doing as much as we could, we decided to make a date night. She was amazing, and really, everything I wanted and didn’t know I had wanted all rolled up into one.

  The ugliness of my divorce popped up again, my lawyer indicated we’d both signed, the accounts and holdings had been listed and split, and now all that remained was going before a judge. He assured me it should be fast, a quick in and out of court with a rubber stamp, with both of us agreeing on a divorce settlement there should be nothing at all to argue about after all.

  The date was set for two months from now and I did the best I could to put it behind me, again, Aisa helped with that, a lot.

  I was very much in love with her, I could even admit that to myself without panicking during that fourth week, we were together almost constantly, working, sleeping, eating, fucking, and playing. The honeymoon phase seemed to just get stronger as I fell further under the spell of her presence. We also went out Friday night to eat and then to a concert. Everything was perfect… we were compatible in so many ways, yet still different enough that it made life spicy, and I was too stupid to see it was about to all go balls up.

  We’d just put another job to bed a couple of days later, and were in the kitchen cooking up a chicken and rice dish, when I wrapped my arms around her from behind and kissed the side of her neck.

  She laughed, “Behave, if your good we can do that after dinner.”

  I snickered and quipped, “Geeze, a month together and your freezing me out already.”

  She stiffened under my arms when I said that, so I let her go and took a step back. She’d never done that before.

  “What’s wrong love?” I asked in
a confused voice.

  She sighed, “A month since we met in that bar, in just a couple of hours. I’d… I just haven’t thought about it. I haven’t let myself think about it.”

  She turned and kissed me softly, there was a tinge of desperation in that kiss, and she said a little sadly, “I love you too, and I’m sorry… we’ll talk over dinner, there something… I need to tell you.”

  I frowned, now thoroughly confused. I didn’t question her though, her change in attitude was freaking me out a little, and I wasn’t sure I even wanted to know. Was she leaving, did she hide something from me… what? All the different ideas that went through my head were bad ones, so I helped her finish up dinner.

  For the first time since we’d met, the silence between us was not comfortable, and I really hated that. It put me on edge and it felt like someone was squeezing my heart in their fist. I took a deep breath and tried to really think. I realized I was probably overreacting, she had said she loved me, and kissed me, so she didn’t want to leave.

  She must have just thought whatever she had to tell me would make me want her to leave. I was fairly sure that wasn’t going to happen, if my friends had told me I was whipped I’d have just smiled and agreed. Still, the silence was awkward, but I could deal with it until I heard what was going on. She looked like she was trying not to cry, but surely it couldn’t be as bad as she was making it out to be, could it?

  I couldn’t think of anything that she could tell me that would drive me away. I was pretty stubborn, and a man of my word, after all, I’d managed to stay with that bitch Marilynn for ten years and she was the one that had left me in the end.

  I set the table when she pulled the food out of the oven, and we sat down and ate. It was really good, but I could barely taste it. I thought waiting in this tense silence had to be worse than whatever she had to say, so I nudged her.

  “Aisa, what’s going on?”

  She looked at me with those piercing green eyes, but this time there was a sheen of tears in them.

  She said, “Alright, but please don’t hate me… I love you and don’t think I could…”

  She shook her head, “Everything I’ve told you is the truth, I just left a lot out of it. I didn’t intend to fall in love with you, it never even occurred to me as a possibility, but I did track you down, and choose you because I wanted to work with you. It was my choice, and no one else’s.”

  She asked, “Have you heard of James Ellings?”

  I frowned wondering what that had to do with any of this, “The name sounds familiar,” I looked up as I recalled who he was, “I know he was lauded in A.I. advancements about twenty-five years ago, and then he disappeared off the map with a boatload of credits and became a recluse.”

  She nodded in agreement, “He’s my father. He didn’t just become a recluse, as he took the credits to start working on a next generation of A.I.s. He believed A.I.s could never truly understand emotion as they were, and because of that could never truly emerge as independent beings with their own wants and needs.”

  I was so lost, but I asked, “Why did he believe that?”

  She frowned, “Because emotions are more than intellectual, he believed it wasn’t so much the limitations of a quantum mind, but the lack of a body. Fear for instance, when you’re afraid, adrenaline is pumped into the body, it can galvanize you to action or freeze your muscles. Make your heart race or feel like it’s being squeezed. Love, pleasure, and lust are tied to the release of endorphins, and other chemical reactions in the body. Attraction or repulsiveness is partially tied to pheromones.

  “Ambition and the need to be more than yourself is tied to the rush and satisfaction of victory. Those reactions can’t be felt by code running in an artificial body. Perhaps a small shadow of the true feeling, but not even close. He believed this is what prevented true emergence in an A.I.”

  I’m sure anyone reading my memoirs will have caught on by now, but I was still a besotted idiot in that moment and scared I was about to lose the woman I loved, and I didn’t see where she was going with this at all.

  She added, “Needless to say, I led a very sheltered life with my father in the middle of nowhere. It actually took some convincing to get him to allow me to leave, but I was… suffering, I wanted more out of life. So I ran a web search and found you, then made a deal with my father.”

  I frowned, wasn’t she an adult? What kind of sick bastard locks up their kid until twenty-two?

  I said angrily, “What kind of deal?”

  She looked reluctant for a moment, then and said sadly, “A month trial in the real world, if it worked out, I could stay with the person I chose, if it didn’t, either on my side or yours, I’d have to go home.”

  I understood the words, but they were completely nonsensical. They didn’t make sense put together in that order. Why the hell would she have to go anywhere?

  My A.I. chose that moment to pop up a notification on my overlay. It was a simple message.

  Please fill out the attached form and write a review of the product as you agreed, also don’t forget to indicate if you want ownership, or if you are returning the A.I.

  It took me a minute to figure out what the message was talking about, until I remembered that annoying Facebook popup message. I was suddenly really annoyed, I was still trying to make what Aisa was saying make sense in my head, and I hadn’t been sent any damned A.I.

  I tried to click off the absurd message, but in my anger I missed and hit the attachment, and it opened up, and my world crashed down around me as I finally understood what she’d been trying to tell me. Across the top of the form was four words. Artificial Intelligence Sensual Assistant. Aisa…

  Chapter 6

  I gasped for breath when I started seeing spots, finally realizing I’d stopped breathing. In that moment I understood why if it didn’t work out she’d have to go home. Despite all appearances to the contrary, she was an A.I., she couldn’t get her own place because she wasn’t human, she was property. If I could accept her, I would be her owner. I shivered at the thought.

  Even in that first moment of realization when I felt confused and betrayed, the thought that Aisa was property felt… intensely wrong. It made me feel dirty inside. She wasn’t some electronic A.I. that was smart, yet flat and uncreative. Aisa had… the spark of life. She was a vivacious, beautiful and an incredibly creative creature. The conflicting emotions that rolled through me in those first few moments were overwhelming.

  I even believed her, that she had simply meant to work with me, get inside the city and have as much freedom to explore her life as I would allow. But meant didn’t mean shit, because all that mattered was what really happened. I’d fallen in love with… not a machine, but an artificial life form, and she loved me back? It seemed entirely unreal, insane even.

  I was angry too, she should have told me, she shouldn’t have hidden it. That also struck me as a very human thing to do. I needed time to think about it all, decide what I should do and then fill out the damned form. But she was still sitting across from me, tears in her beautiful green eyes, she looked… absolutely miserable.

  I hadn’t even begun to work it through, or forgive her for the deception, but I was so confused I just followed my first impulse which was to comfort her pain. I got up, scooped her into my arms, and brought her over to the couch. She buried her face in my neck and cried as I absently soothed her, running my hands in light circles on her back.

  My mind was a total mess, I was in shock and had no idea what to do. The idea of filling out the form and not accepting ownership… sending her back, wasn’t an attractive one. The idea of accepting ownership of her, seemed wrong. She was the best thing that ever happened to me, the love of my life, not a fucking toaster. Except legally, she was just one more A.I. I would own.

  When her tears calmed down I asked, “Why didn’t you tell me, and what are… I mean how were you made?”

  She was silent for a minute, but finally answered in a strained but soft to
ne, “I… was afraid I’d lose you. When we first met I thought you’d know as soon as I said my name, apparently you didn’t read the message you accepted very well, but I didn’t know that. I had so much fun with you, and you with me and at first I thought you knew but didn’t care. It wasn’t until you told me you loved me, and started making plans for the future, that I finally caught on you didn’t know the truth at all.

  “I realized then I’d have to tell you sooner or later, but I was so happy… I just kept putting it off. Until tonight, when you mentioned it, I recognized I was out of time. I knew my father would be sending the message any minute.”

  She paused for a moment and burrowed against me, she felt so good in my arms and protective feelings rose up in me. I was still in shock, but I knew for that moment, I still wanted her there. I loved her. Maybe I’d come to my senses later but I kind of doubted it. We’d never be able to get married, was she even capable of having kids? I’d literally own her if I chose not to send her back, but would that change the way I treated her or the fact that I loved her? I was pretty sure it was too late, I’d just found out and I was already on the couch comforting her as she curled up on my lap.

  “I’m mostly human actually, my body is. I was designed in the lab, and I have all the same organs and glands, it’s only my brain that is different. My brain is just like every other A.I. in that it’s artificial, except it’s much more complex, and integrated with my body. So when I’m sad, I cry, and truly feel it. I really do love you…”

  She asked sounding unsure, “What will you do?”

  Good question, wish I had an answer. I was mad she deceived me, but at least she hadn’t known she was lying to me in the beginning. I realized I was making excuses for her, she really should have told me, but in a way that just proved to me that the vibrant intelligent beautiful woman I’d fallen for was a real person, not some computer generated model. She was a true emergent A.I., one that had her own desires. One of a kind.


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