[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander

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[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander Page 2

by Jennae Vale

  “Kat,” she said, indignantly wiping the snow from her clothes. “Katriona.”

  “Well, Katriona, I’m about to set up camp for the night. A warm fire would do ye some good.” His warm smile was somewhat disarming, but she wasn’t about to let herself be fooled by this charming stranger.

  She was shivering violently now and Nick removed his cape and wrapped her in it. The warmth it carried from his body felt good to her and her legs almost gave way beneath her. “Thank you,” she uttered through chattering teeth.

  “Come here, lass.” He pulled her into his arms and began vigorously stroking her back in what she assumed was an effort to warm her.

  “I’m fine. There’s really no need for that.” She wrestled herself from his grasp and immediately regretted it as she felt the cold air sweep up inside the cloak. She was about to speak again, when the sound of horses galloping towards them became apparent. “I have to hide. Please don’t tell them you know where I am.” Panic filled her eyes as she spun in circles searching for a place to conceal herself.

  “I wouldnae think of it, lass.” His eyes scanned the area. “Come with me.” He took her by the arm and led her away from the road. She followed along beside him and he pulled apart the branches of a very large evergreen bush. “Ye’ll need to give me my cloak for a moment. We don’t want them questioning why I’m out here in the middle of nowhere unprotected from the cold, now do we?”

  Kat reluctantly removed the cloak and squeezed into the space inside the bush, which Nick then covered with more brush. “We’ll hope they dinnae stop for long.” And then he walked away from her. Peeking out from her shelter, she watched as he made his way back to his horse, brushing away the tracks they’d just made in the snow.

  Trust was not something she had a lot of lately, but Kat didn’t feel she had any choice other than to put her faith in this stranger. She hoped he wouldn’t betray her once he knew what she was running from. The sounds of horses and men drew closer and finally came to a stop. Kat held her breath and listened for any sign they’d discovered her.

  * * *

  Nick lifted his horse’s hoof in an effort to appear as if he were cleaning them. He held his ground and waited for the approaching men to come to a halt. From the looks of them they were quite determined to hunt their quarry until they found her.

  “Good day to ye.” Nick placed Laoch’s hoof back on the ground and directed his greeting to the apparent leader of the group. “Where are ye off to in such a hurry?”

  “We’re searching for our laird’s wife.” The disheveled appearance of the man’s clothing spoke of their haste in pursuing Katriona.

  “Did she run away?” Nick did his best to appear aghast at the thought.

  “Why would ye think that?” the man asked, suddenly suspicious.

  “It’s fairly obvious. Six men riding quickly through the forest arenae searching for someone who’s lost now are they?” Nick adjusted his saddle as he awaited a response.

  The man gave this some thought and then, letting down his guard, nodded. “Aye, she’s run. She stabbed him in his sleep and was long gone before we found him.”

  “I’m sorry to hear it. Does he still live?” Nick asked, doing his best to sound concerned.

  “Aye. His injury is nae so great and he’s a strong one. He’ll survive, I’ve nae doubt.” The man sat up straighter in his saddle, eyes searching the roadside.

  “’Tis good to hear. I know ’tis none of my business, but why would the lass run?” Nick grabbed the man’s attention before he had a chance to examine Kat’s hiding place too carefully.

  “She was scairt of her wedding night.” The men all laughed and exchanged crude comments.

  “Stabbing yer husband seems a rather extreme measure to avoid yer wedding night. Are ye sure there wasnae another reason?” Nick raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

  “Nae. The laird told us all of what happened. She’s a feisty wench and rather than submit to her husband, she tried to kill him.”

  “Where do ye think the lass ran off to?” Any information Nick could gather would be useful in helping Katriona.

  “We’re nae sure. We’ve been following her tracks. She looks to be heading towards MacKenzie lands, but she would be on foot now. We caught her rider-less horse as it ran back towards home.” He nodded his head in the direction of Katriona’s horse as he spoke.

  Nick was thankful that the now heavily falling snow had done an excellent job of covering Kat’s tracks. The men on horseback had done their part as well. They had all congregated in the exact spot where her horse had skittered about and then run. They’d have no way of knowing she huddled safely nearby. “If she’s on foot, ye’ll nae doubt find her quickly I would think.”

  “The snow has made tracking difficult. We’re nae sure if she lies somewhere injured or if she escaped unscathed. Did ye see anything out of the ordinary in yer travels?”

  “I did see a lass on horseback. It was on this path.” Nick pointed back the way he’d just come. “She passed me at a walk perhaps about an hour ago. I stopped to talk, but she didnae do more than nod in greeting and continue on her way. I thought it strange at the time - a woman alone, riding through these woods, especially with a storm brewing, but she appeared to know where she was going, so I continued on my way and didnae give it another thought.”

  “Why did ye nae say something before this?” The man appeared suspicious again.

  “I wanted to be sure ye werenae after her for the wrong reasons, but I can see now that we’ve spoken that the lass deserves to be caught and brought back to her husband. What do ye think he’ll do when he has her back?”

  “Beat her for certain and then bed the wench. After that he’ll surely punish her for daring to take a blade to him. Time in the dungeon should teach her to mind her ways.”

  “Well, ye’d best be off then if yer to find her before dark. I’d offer to help, but my horse is spent after our long day of travel. Ye wouldn’t be interested in selling the lass’s horse to me, would ye? I’d like to continue on, but I’d like to give this one some rest.” Nick nodded towards his horse.

  “I’m afraid not, this be the laird’s prize stud she stole. He’ll be wanting him back, mayhap more than the lass. As fer yer kind offer of help, we’ll not be in need.” He turned and spoke to his men. “Daylight is waning, lads. We’d best be off. If this lass causes us any more trouble than she already has, she’ll have more to fear than the laird.”

  The men kicked their horses into a gallop and sped past Nick, who avoiding the spray of snow from the horses, prayed they’d disappear from sight quickly so he could get Katriona safely wrapped in his cloak once again.

  * * *

  Kat’s teeth were chattering so loudly, she feared the men would hear. Why does he continue to engage them in conversation? She feared this Nick Mackall would turn her over to her pursuers once he knew what had really happened, but although he’d sympathized with their plight, he hadn’t betrayed her. He’d even tried to get her horse back, to no avail. The sounds of horses galloping off and then plodding footsteps nearing her hiding spot told her she was safe once again. Or at least she hoped she was. She knew nothing about this Nick person, or what his ulterior motive might be for aiding her. Would he expect payment? She had nothing to offer. The bushes rattled noisily as they were being pushed aside.

  “You can come out now. They’re gone.” Nick offered her his hand, but she ignored it and pushed and shoved her way out of the tight spot she had been hunkered down in. Before she could speak, the cape was thrown around her shoulders once again and Nick was rubbing warmth into her back and arms. She didn’t struggle to get away this time. “We’ll need to move on from here. Somewhere off the road would be best. I’ve nae doubt they’ll be back when they cannae find ye.”

  Her jaw seemed to be wired shut, but in fact it was the cold that had rendered her muscles tight and immovable. It took every ounce of strength she had to open it to speak. “I’ll be fine on my own. Y
ou needn’t worry about me.”

  Nick laughed out loud. “Don’t be stubborn or daft, lass. Ye willnae get far. Those men are determined to find ye and I don’t care to think what they’ll do to ye when that happens. Now, come with me.” He draped an arm casually around her shoulder. “Ye’ve nothing to fear from me.” Lifting her chin, he looked deeply into her eyes and she noted the tawny gold color of his, flecked as they were with copper, green and brown. “Perhaps I’m the one who should be scairt.” He laughed once again, irritating her with his good humor, but she followed along at his side anyway. What choice did she have? That was a question she’d been asking herself a lot lately.

  Chapter 3

  Having Katriona seated snugly on his lap had its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage being it was keeping them both warm. The disadvantage being it was warming parts of Nick that he would prefer remain unawakened. He shifted in the saddle trying to move back away from contact with her, but as soon as he did, she snuggled right back into him. Katriona was sleeping soundly in his arms and was unaware of the torment she was causing him and glad of that he was. The poor lass had been through quite enough for one day and the last thing he wanted was for her to fear his intentions towards her.

  He remembered hearing about Bearach Calhoun in the days prior to his disappearance and none of what he’d heard had been good. The man had a reputation for brutalizing those who served him and those unfortunate enough to find themselves in his employ feared him greatly. He’d allowed his castle and property to fall into disrepair and it was widely known that he sought a wife to bear him sons and to get his castle in order. Not a soul dared offer their daughter to the man, fearing what might happen to her in his household. This had angered Calhoun, who had become a nuisance to his neighbors by raiding their lands and kidnapping young women from the crofters cottages and forcing himself on them and then when he tired of them, sending them home to their families broken and battered. As he gazed down at Katriona, his heart ached at the thought of Calhoun harming her and hoped that the effects of such abuse would not be long lasting.

  The final vestiges of light were fading and the snow had ceased falling, so now would be the perfect time to stop and make camp for the night. Dismounting would be tricky. Nick didn’t wish to awaken Katriona, but he simply had to. There was no way to gracefully dismount and hold her all at the same time. “Katriona.” He bent his head to softly speak her name into her ear. “Katriona.” He added a little shake. She was apparently a sound sleeper. Her steady, even breathing told him she was not about to wake. Somehow he managed to get his leg over the horse and jump to the ground, all the while holding his charge. He smiled at his own abilities and gave himself a mental pat on the back.

  Spying a large evergreen tree, Nick cradled Katriona within the trunk and large protruding roots, which made a perfect little nook for her. He covered her with his cape and set about gathering wood for a fire. Once he had completed that task and the flames were blazing, he found a low branch conveniently placed above Katriona’s head. Nick retrieved a plaid from his saddlebag and draped it over the protruding limb, creating a tent. A few well-placed stones held it in place, close enough to the fire to enjoy it’s warmth, but far enough away to avoid the plaid catching fire. Retrieving a griddle, a bag of oats, some dried fruit and a flask of cider, Nick quickly put together a meal. Bannocks never tasted so good to him. He ate all that he made and then made more for Katriona, who still slept peacefully. Observing her now, he noted the way her long dark lashes brushed the very top of her cheeks, which held a rosy glow from the warmth of the fire. He had the urge to touch her face as she slept. He longed to feel the softness he new he’d find there, but instead he called her name. “Katriona.” His voice came out louder and gruffer than he’d intended.

  She grimaced and attempted to change positions, but she nearly fell over in the process and startled herself awake. “Where am I?” her worried voice shook with fear.

  “Here. Safe with me.” Nick reached out a hand to gently lay it on her foot, which peeked out from beneath the cape he’d swaddled her in and then he carefully pulled the cape over her foot. She quickly pulled it from his grasp. “I’ve made some food fer ye. Surely ye must be quite hungry by now.”

  She glanced around the campsite and her gaze fell on Nick, who suddenly felt quite at odds with himself. Katriona was a married woman and he had no right to see her through lust-filled eyes. Add to that the fact that he was possibly to be married himself when he returned home and he counted himself a total arse for the thoughts that had been spinning through his head. “Why have we stopped? They’re bound to find me.”

  The panic in her voice left him no choice but to attempt to comfort her. He took some bannocks and the cider and joined her in the makeshift tent. “I won’t let any harm come to ye. Ye have my word.” He helped her to sit up and get more comfortable and once the look of worry on her pretty face had dissipated, he handed her the bannocks. “Here, eat. Ye’ll need yer strength. We’ll have a long ride ahead of us on the morrow.”

  “Tomorrow? Where are we going?” She took a tentative bite out of the bannock and apparently found it tolerably edible, because she took another bite and then another. He held out the flask and she greedily drank the cider, dripping some down her chin in the process.

  Nick wiped the cider away with his thumb and noted that she flinched when his hand came near. On closer examination, he could see bruises on her neck and face, which he hadn’t noticed before. He’d had her bundled in his cape almost from the moment they’d met. She’d had her back to him as they rode, so he had not had the opportunity to take a close look. “I won’t hurt ye. I’ve already promised ye I wouldn’t. I’m a man of my word. Ye’ve no need to fear me. I can see though why ye may fear yer husband.

  Katriona pulled the cape up around her throat to cover the marks she bore. “How do I know I can trust you? I made the mistake not too long ago of trusting a man who said he’d help me, but he lied. How do I know you’re not lying?” The fierce expression on her face forced Nick to hold back the smile he felt coming on at her obvious attempt at standing up to him.

  “I guess ye dinnae.” Nick pondered this problem for a moment or two before speaking again. “I understand that yer trust has been shaken by yer experiences, but I can do nothing to prove myself to ye right now. I can only promise ye that I will not lay a mean hand upon ye and I’ll see ye safely to my family home in Dunnet Head. Once yer there, ye’ll have my family to care fer ye. Ye dinnae ken this, but as I’ve already told ye, I’m a man of my word. Ye’ll ken it soon enough.”

  * * *

  Kat stared at him through narrow, suspicious eyes. She wanted to trust him, but she didn’t know if she’d ever be able to trust anyone again after what she’d just been through. He had a gentle look to him and a ready smile. He was a charmer and quite handsome as well. At about six foot four, with tousled brown locks and those unbelievable tawny eyes, he was definitely her type, but not here. Not now. She still couldn’t understand how she found herself in this place and time. How was it possible that she was examining medieval artifacts in the Scottish highlands as part of her work for billionaire Malcolm Granger, when she suddenly and very inexplicably fell through time to find herself in sixteenth-century Scotland, alone and unprepared for what was to come next?

  Glancing around the camp, she noted where everything was located, including Nick’s horse. If it was at all possible, she would escape tonight. Her only thought was to get to civilization. Perhaps if she got to Edinburgh, she could figure out a way to get back home to her own century and at the very least she thought she’d be safe from Bearach Calhoun. Kat didn’t have time to waste traveling through the highlands with this man and then living with his family. How could that be any better than the situation she’d just left? She was a prisoner, no matter how she looked at it, unless she could take matters into her own hands. It wouldn’t be easy, but she’d wait for her chance and then seize it. She’d, of course, be lea
ving Nick alone in the woods without transportation, but that couldn’t be helped.

  “Yer giving me the evil eye, lass. What is it that yer thinking?” He smiled warmly at her, but she was unable to return his smile.

  “I’m debating about whether or not I should trust you.” She tipped her head to examine him more closely.

  “And yer conclusion?” Nick tipped his own head to match her and eyed her with a teasing glint in his eye.

  “You’re quite charming, Mr. Mackall, but I’ve learned a valuable lesson these past several days.” She fussed with the cape and averted her gaze.

  “And that is?” Nick was obviously aware of her discomfort and was doing his best to win her over.

  “And that is, not to trust someone until they give you a reason to trust them. You haven’t given me a good enough reason yet.”

  “Time will give ye yer proof, Katriona. I dinnae doubt ye’ll trust me before verra long.” He smiled confidently at her.

  “The jury’s still out on that one, mister.” She continued eating the food he’d given her. It was either very good, or she was very hungry. Probably the latter she thought. She practically bit her tongue when she realized she may have just used language that would call attention to her true origins. He was gazing at her with a curious expression, or perhaps she was just being paranoid.

  Nick made himself comfortable next to her in the tiny shelter, readjusting the cape and covering them both.

  “Just what do you think you’re doing?” He wasn’t thinking of sleeping with her, was he?

  “This may nae be to yer liking, lass, but I’m going to sleep in here with ye tonight. We’ll need each other’s body heat so we dinnae freeze.” He continued making himself comfortable next to her.

  “And what would you be doing if I wasn’t with you?” Now I see what he’s up to. He’s got me here alone in the middle of nowhere and he thinks he can just have his way with me. Well he’s got another thing coming.


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