[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander

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[The Mackalls of Dunnet Head 01.0] Her Trusted Highlander Page 9

by Jennae Vale

  Servants brought trays laden with all sort of delicacies. There were roasts of all kinds, salmon and trout and delicious puddings all decorated beautifully by the kitchen staff. It wasn’t often that they had the chance to impress the Mackall Clan and their friends with their abilities, so they had gone all out for this feast.

  “Everything is so pretty. I almost hate to eat it.” Kat said.

  “If ye dinnae, their feelings will be hurt. ’Tis meant to be eaten.” And proving his point, he helped himself to some of the roast lamb and the salmon. “May I serve ye, my love?”

  Kat wrinkled her nose at him. “Yes, please.”

  He was sure she was balking at the “my love,” but he was having fun saying it, knowing that it would get a reaction from her. He placed the food on her trencher, being careful not to give her too much of any one thing. He hoped he hadn’t given her too much, but he’d eat whatever she couldn’t finish.

  “I don’t know what half of this is.” Kat appeared overwhelmed at the sight of the food in front of her.

  “Try it. If ye dinnae care for it, I’ll take it off yer hands.” He smiled knowingly and she shook her head. “Remember, we must look for all the world to be in love.” He brushed her cheek softly with the back of his hand and to his surprise, she captured his hand and held it to her face as she leaned into him.

  “I’m not sure what is acceptable behavior. I’ve never been married.” Her tongue darted out to flick across her lips.

  “Dinnae fear, I willnae allow ye to do anything that would cause concern for the others. I promise.” Nick’s voice was low, only for her ears.

  Kat nodded. “So I take it we can touch each other.” She moved her free hand to his hair and gently ran her fingers through his soft brown tresses.

  “Aye. Holding hands and touching each other as we’ve just done is fine.” The silky softness of her skin drew him closer still.

  “What about kissing? Are we allowed to do that?” Kat’s gaze fastened on his lips.

  Nick felt his kilt move between his legs. “Aye. Kissing is acceptable.”

  “Show me.” Her eyes were alight with mischief and something that looked a lot like lust, as she raised her lips to his.

  Nick leaned down until his lips were mere inches from her own. He cradled her head in his hands, holding her still so she could not escape. It would nae be seemly if the happy bride pulled away from her man. He lightly brushed his lips over hers and a thrill ran through him. She seemed to feel it as well, because she began to tremble in his arms. Unable to stop himself, he went in for a deeper, longer kiss, enjoying the taste of her on his lips and the feel of her silken mouth against his own. He realized that the room had gone somewhat silent and he reluctantly pulled away. Kat for her part looked starved for another kiss, but he could not oblige. The entire room erupted in cheers and laughter, breaking the moment they had just shared. “So ye see,” Nick said, trying to regain some semblance of control. “We can kiss just like that any time ye like.”

  “Oh,” she said, glancing down at her plate with reddened cheeks.

  He’d made her blush and he felt quite proud of himself. Next time he’d do more than make her blush.

  * * *

  The meal had ended and the guests were enjoying music and dance inside the great hall. Kat had danced nearly every dance with Nick, her feet fairly flying across the floor. She was quite out of breath after a particularly lengthy song and longed for a rest and perhaps a drink.

  Nick seemed to read her mind, as he led her to a quiet corner. “I’ll be right back,” he said as he went off to get her some cider. She watched him walk away and admired his manly build as he crossed the hall. He was truly a fine man. One she wouldn’t mind spending more time with. She’d loved their kiss and being wrapped warmly in his arms all night long while they danced had her wondering what it would be like to spend the rest of the night with him.

  “Good evening to ye, Katriona,” Shona, the innkeeper’s daughter, stood at her side.

  “Good evening. Are you enjoying yourself, Shona?” Kat glanced around to see if Duncan was anywhere in the vicinity. She knew they had once been close, but she also knew that something had happened to change things and they now hadn’t seen each other in a very long time.

  “Very much. I’ve heard a rumor going around that ye arenae really married to Nick. Is that true?” Shona eyed her with a questioning look.

  “Where did you hear that?” Kat’s stomach dropped. No one other than the immediate family knew their marriage was a ruse.

  “Oh, I cannae say. Ye ken how rumors are. They come from all directions, especially in a small village such as ours. I would just warn ye to be careful, ’tis all.” She placed a gentle hand on Kat’s arm.

  “Well, thank you. I appreciate the warning.” She didn’t get the feeling that Shona was trying to upset her, but rather merely letting her know what she had heard. “Have you seen Duncan this evening?”

  “Nay. Well, I’ve seen him, but we havenae spoken.” Shona gazed across the room at Duncan who was enjoying a drink with his brother Rory.

  “Why? I mean, you were friends once, what happened?” Kat’s curiosity was getting the better of her.

  “’Tis nothing I care to discuss. I’ll just say we had different ideas about what the future would hold.” Shona focused her attention back on Kat.

  “I’m sorry. Maybe you should try to speak with him. It couldn’t hurt.”

  “Or it could. Duncan is a good man, but he’s made it clear he doesn’t need or want an innkeeper’s daughter.” Shona glanced away and cleared her throat.

  Kat was shocked by Shona’s admission, but worked to keep her facial expression neutral. “Are you sure? I can’t imagine any of the Mackalls feeling that way.”

  “Aye. ’Tis truly the way of it.” Shona glanced Duncan’s way again and this time he was looking back at her. A sad smile crossed his lips and Shona quickly looked away.

  Kat made a decision right then and there that she was not going to let these two give up on each other. It broke her heart to see the two of them staring at each other from across the great hall, but she could see that Shona had a stubborn streak and she hadn’t heard Duncan’s side of the story yet.

  “I’d better go,” Shona said. “It was lovely speaking with ye.”

  Kat reach out and took Shona’s hand. “I hope to see you again soon. I don’t have many friends here other than the Mackalls. I’d like it if we could be friends.”

  Shona smiled brightly at Kat. “Aye. I’d like that as well.”

  “Good. Then it’s settled. We’ll be friends.” Kat let go of Shona’s hand and gave her a hug, which seemed to startle Shona. Oh, my, I hope I haven’t done the wrong thing. She questioned the appropriateness of what she’d just done, but then thought, I really don’t care if its acceptable behavior or not. If I want to hug someone I will.

  “I’ll say good night to ye. I can see me Da searching fer me.” Shona waved good-bye and walked away.

  Kat glanced around the room in search of Nick. Where could he have gone? She didn’t see him anywhere, but the great hall was very crowded, so she was sure he was there somewhere. She missed him and hoped he’d be back soon. She felt lost without him.

  A commotion at the door caught her attention. She was shocked to see Bearach Calhoun and his men push their way into the room. He saw her immediately and as he reached her side, he grabbed her by the hair and began dragging her from the great hall. The fiery pain searing her scalp forced a scream from her lips as she nearly blacked out from the pain. Her feet went out from under her and she was being dragged across the stone floor and out the door before she could work up a second scream. All around her were the sounds of scuffling and shouting. She could see nothing but the angry face of Bearach Calhoun as he swore to her he’d make her pay for what she’d done to him.

  They were almost at the horses when he threw her to the ground and reached up a hand to slap her, but before he could land the blow, he
was yanked away from her by Nick Mackall and his brothers. Her head was spinning and she felt ill. How had he found her and what was he going to do with her now that he had? She didn’t wish to think about it. She had been so happy only moments before and now she knew that her happiness was nearing its end.

  Lettie Mackall approached at a run and quickly helped Kat up from the ground and away from the fray she’d been in the middle of. “Dinnae fear, lass. We’ll nae let him take ye from us.”

  The sickening sounds of fists meeting flesh along with the groans of those on the receiving end, were causing Kat great dismay. She couldn’t see Nick or Bearach, but she knew they were in the midst of the brawl. Looking back towards the castle doors, she could see the rest of Bearach’s men as they lay in varying forms of disarray across the steps. The Mackall guests had seen to it that they were in no condition to join the others as they fought. It seemed like forever before the sound of swords being pulled from their sheathes caught everyone’s attention.

  Kat had never seen Nick angry. It was a terrifying sight. He looked fit to kill Bearach as the two men stood face to face in the center of the group. “Dinnae ye ever touch her again, do ye understand me, Calhoun?”

  “She’s my wife. I’ll touch her any time I like and in any way that I choose. She deserves to be punished. She tried to kill me.” Bearach defiantly stared at the Mackalls who had encircled him. It was obvious he didn’t stand a chance of getting out alive if he continued fighting, but it seemed he still didn’t understand that he wouldn’t be leaving with Kat.

  Domhnall Maguire approached. “So, yer wife is already married. It would seem ye can marry my daughter after all.” A triumphant smile flashed across his face.

  Nick briefly glanced away from Bearach to answer Domhnall, whose smug expression irritated Nick. Maguire took a step back on seeing Nick’s anger. “Nae. I cannae and I willnae marry yer daughter. Skye has nae desire to marry me and I willnae take her from the one she loves.”

  “Love.” Domhnall spit out the word. “She’ll do as I say and I say she’ll marry ye.”

  Kat leaned heavily on Lettie, her beautiful dress ruined. It was torn and filthy from being dragged through the dirt. Her scalp hurt and she feared she might be missing hair. It felt as if half of it had been torn from her scalp.

  “Domhnall, did ye tell Calhoun about Kat being here with us?” Lettie’s fiery gaze fell on Maguire.

  “Aye. I did,” he snarled.

  “Do ye nae care that this man intends to do harm to Katriona? She is an innocent victim here, sold to this man and forced into a marriage she didnae wish to be a part of.”

  “That’s not true,” Bearach barked out. “She tried to kill me.” He was shouting now, aware that everyone in the courtyard was listening. “She deserves her punishment and I deserve my husbandly rights.”

  “Ye mean yer marriage wasnae consummated?” Lettie asked.

  “Nay. She fought me tooth and nail, stabbing me before I had a chance. I intend to take care of that situation immediately upon our return to my castle.”

  “Well, then. If ye havenae consummated yer marriage and Kat didnae agree to the marriage, ’tis no marriage at all,” Lettie concluded. The crowd shouted their agreement and drew closer. It became even more evident that Calhoun would not be leaving with his wife.

  “Calhoun, ye’d best take yer men and get out of here while yer still able. Go back where ye belong and dinnae dare to come anywhere near Katriona again. Do ye understand me?” Nick growled.

  Calhoun narrowed his eyes and mounted his horse. He was joined by his men as they limped to their mounts. “This isnae over, Mackall. She deserves to be punished and if I have my way, she will be.”

  “Ye’d best hope I never see ye again, because ye willnae be as lucky as ye are this time. I will see to it that ye never lift yer hand to Kat again. Now go before I change me mind.”

  With one last glare aimed at Nick, Calhoun and his men galloped from the courtyard and out of sight.

  Skye and Taran pushed their way through the crowd to face her father. “Da, Taran and I have given our consents to each other. We are married whether ye like it or not and we’ve consummated our marriage, so ye cannae force me to marry Nick.”

  Domhnall appeared about to faint. His face went pale, he clutched his chest and called to the heavens, “’Tis all yer fault, Mary. Ye left me alone to raise this pig-headed lass and now look what’s happened. She disobeys me at every turn. She’s married a man behind me back, a man other than the one I chose for her.” He fell to his knees and Skye and Taran ran to him.

  “Da. Taran is a good man. He will be a good husband to me, ye’ll see.” Skye appeared desperate as she pleaded with her father

  Taran grasped Domhnall’s elbow and helped him up from the ground.

  “I am a man of my word, Mackall. I made an agreement with yer father when Skye was just a babe. Her mother newly departed, I feared what it would be like to raise a daughter and find her a decent man. Yer father was a good man and so I knew ye’d be as well. I am nae one to break an agreement.”

  “Domhnall, as the wife of the Mackall, I forgive ye any agreement ye may have made with me husband. Skye has made her choice and Nick has as well. Shall we let them live their lives as they see fit?”

  Domhnall thought about this for only a moment and then shook his head in reluctant agreement. “Aye. I only want what’s best for ye, me love,” he said to his daughter.

  “I know, Da.” Skye kissed her father’s cheek. “Taran is what’s best for me,” she assured him.

  “I’ll take good care of her, sir.” Taran was still holding onto Domhnall in case he were to fall again.

  “Do ye promise?” He glanced up at his new son-in-law as if seeing him for the first time.

  “Aye. I do, sir.” Taran offered Maguire his hand and it was accepted.

  “Then we will have a real marriage, one we can celebrate with all our friends and family.” He turned to Nick. “I apologize to ye, Nick. I’m sorry to have ruined yer special celebration. When Osgar told me that ye werenae truly married to this lass, well I lost me temper. He told me about Calhoun and I contacted him with the information on where he could find his wife. I apologize to ye as well lass. I hope he hasnae hurt ye too badly.”

  Kat was unable to speak. She was so terrified that she merely stood there, looking as if she might fall at any moment and clutching Lettie’s arm for support.

  Nick quickly strode to Kat’s side, taking her in his arms and picking her up, he carried her inside. The remaining guests stood milling about the courtyard, the murmur of their voices carrying all the way inside. “Kat, are ye all right, love?”

  “I’ll be fine. My head hurts where he pulled my hair and he ruined the beautiful dress you bought me.” Tears stung her eyes, but she brushed them away.

  “I can always buy ye another. ’Tis ye I’m concerned about. I’m so sorry I wasnae quick enough to stop him from dragging ye outside.”

  “It’s not your fault. That man is a horrible, horrible person.” The last thing she wanted was for Nick to feel responsible for her situation.

  “I should have killed him when I had the chance,” he growled.

  “No, I should have killed him and then this would never have happened.” Kat had never had a mean bone in her body, and despite her words, she doubted she’d have been able to go through with it.

  “I’m going to speak with the innkeeper about his wagging tongue and the damage it’s caused. He’s here somewhere. I saw him earlier.” He glanced around at the people gathered in the great hall.

  “Nick, please don’t. Leave the man be. He probably had no idea this would happen.” Kat was still feeling nauseous from the adrenaline rush she experienced courtesy of Laird Calhoun. Her fears had become a reality. He knew where she was now and he’d come in search of her again. She just knew it. “I’m going to have to leave.”

  “Nay. Ye must stay. I can protect ye. I promise ye that I will. I know that it does
n’t seem likely I can based on what’s happened here tonight, but I’m prepared for him now.” Nick was pleading with her and it was breaking her heart.

  “I want to go home, Nick. I can’t live in fear of what will happen if he gets me some day when you’re not here. I’ll be safe if I can just get home.”

  Nick held her close and touched his forehead to hers. “Please stay, Kat. I want ye to stay.” There was a sad resignation in his voice, almost as if he already knew her response.

  She was touched by his words and if she’d heard them a short while ago, she would have stayed without question, but now her life depended on leaving. Bearach knew where she was and she didn’t doubt for a minute he’d continue to stalk her, biding his time until he found her alone. She shivered at the thought. “Let’s not talk about it tonight. You have guests to see to and I’m sure I look a mess. If you don’t mind, I think I’ll go to bed.”

  “Aye. I imagine this has been a traumatic experience fer ye.” Nick, who had continued to hold her in his arms while they talked, now carried her up the stairs to her room. Without putting her down he opened the door and brought her across the room, where he gently laid her on the bed. “I’m sorry, Kat. I wish I had done a better job of protecting ye.” He gently kissed her forehead and lovingly caressed her cheek, before turning and walking from the room.

  Kat’s heart was broken as she watched him leave, knowing he would never be hers.

  A short while later, Isla, Merry and Lettie came through the door. They brought a basin of water, soap and a washcloth. They gently helped her from her dress and put a linen shift on her.

  “Dinnae worry about the dress, Kat dear. We can fix it. Ye’ll see.” Lettie brushed her hair, all the while being careful not to hurt her. “Calhoun is a dreadful man. He’d best never darken our door again. I’ll run him through me self.” She put the brush down and took one more appraising glance at Kat. Ye look as beautiful as ye ever did.”


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