A Bond of Blood and Fire

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A Bond of Blood and Fire Page 20

by Tomlinson, Karen

  Diamond could smell his fear. He flashed her a look, one that indicated he didn’t like being thwarted.

  “Leave,” Hugo snarled, his voice lowered and rumbling with threat. He was in no mood for any challenge resulting from last night’s demonstration of Jack’s authority.

  Meeting the man’s resentful gaze, Diamond raised her brows. “You may tell your prince I will be there shortly.”

  The sergeant managed a reluctant salute, then stomped away, his face flushed and angry.

  Diamond smothered her laugh. “Well, he deserves a smack in the face,” she commented as she watched him go. When she turned to Hugo, he was smiling at her. Her whole body heated.

  A few seconds passed before he spoke. “Diamond, he was only trying to follow his orders, but it will not hurt to show the males here that you are not weak. You are a beautiful young woman in a predominantly male soldiers’ camp. You will come across many like him and some who are a hell of a lot worse. And you are going to attract attention, especially wearing that,” Hugo pointed out, openly appraising the curves of her body, which were enhanced by her fitted armour.

  Diamond did not bristle at his regard, instead she tried to hide her delight at the flush that appeared on his neck. Her lips twitched in a smile. Deliberately, she kept her eyes on his face as he stepped close, tapping her swords with one hand and the knives strapped to her thighs with the other.

  “Keep these close to you. It may not only be the enemy you need to use them on. And a smack in the face might not be enough.” There was a stark warning in his voice.

  Standing so close, his warmth seeped into her. Diamond inhaled. Gods, why does he have to smell so good? His scent did weird things to her mind. No longer able to hold his eyes, it was her turn to flush. A tiny smile curled his lips. She coughed and gulped. “We better go,” she managed to croak.

  Hugo ran one finger down her hot cheek and nodded.


  The council room was large and dim, smelling of wood smoke, stale bodies and metal. Diamond wrinkled her nose in distaste. The only light came from lanterns dotted around the walls and the large open fire. A roughly hewn oak table dominated the space, so large that it had likely been erected in the room. Crudely made stools and benches provided seating, but most of the occupants stood.

  So this is where Jack holds his court and councils. She glanced round. No wonder he wants to escape whenever he can, she thought wryly. I would too. Heavily armed soldiers and warriors occupied the room, their blades glinting ominously in the lamp light. In times of war they were not asked to set down their arms when in council, but Jack’s personal guard surrounded them on all sides, some with bows at the ready.

  Zane gave her a wink. Roin nodded. She smiled at them both, her eyes searching for Tom. Disappointment and worry dragged at her belly. He wasn’t there. Surely the Queen wouldn’t have harmed him, would she?

  Hugo brushed his fingers against hers as if he understood where her thoughts lay. She summoned a watery smile for him.

  The stools and benches were occupied by men clad in garishly coloured robes, which contrasted starkly with the drab browns, blacks and greens of the soldiers’ uniforms.

  Jack’s council, Diamond surmised. She smiled; they did look like the self-serving hypocrites Jack had called them months ago.

  The prince stood behind the huge desk. He scowled a little at Hugo but inclined his head in greeting. He gave Diamond a warm smile, his eyes holding hers for far longer than necessary before his gaze flicked over her armour clad body. A wide grin stretched his mouth. Attempting to stop her embarrassed flush at his regard was useless. Acutely aware of Hugo, she glared at Jack. Later she was going to slap Jack for winding Hugo up.

  Hugo gently but firmly took hold of her arm. With a low growl, he led her to a space at one side of the room; near enough to hear what was being said, but far enough away to not draw the attention of those at the table. He pulled her close enough she could feel the heat from his body. That sensation, coupled with his musky scent, made her head swim. Taking a steadying breath, she fought the urge to lean up against him.

  “It’s not possible that the Wraith Lord has come so close already,” said a grisly-looking man at the table. His voice matched his appearance, rough and challenging. His shock of curling hair was streaked with grey, matching the bushy beard that blurred the lines of his face. His small, dark eyes were very alert.

  “Lord Stockbrook, I assure you Ragor will be here within the next two weeks with his main host. Their attacks on the wall test our strengths and weaknesses. I also know that these strikes will get more frequent and more severe. Ragor did exactly the same thing to Stormguaard before he attacked with his full force,” responded Jack, his voice even and authoritative.

  “Aye, and look how that ended, your highness. Now we have no homes and cower behind a woman’s skirts,” retorted Lord Stockbrook bitterly. “What makes you think you can beat the Wraith Lord this time, prince, when you lost your father’s lands in such a spectacular fashion against him before?”

  There was a tumult of voices around the table. Jack’s supporters heckled Lord Stockbrook, whose chin rose in challenge. Tension crackled in the air. Jack stared down the grizzled lord. It was Lord Stockbrook who lowered his eyes first. It probably had something to do with Roin and Zane, who stood on either side of their prince. Zane’s large hand came to rest on his sword, his eyes promising violence. One word or motion from Jack and Lord Stockbrook would be dead.

  “Enough!” Jack thundered, slapping his palms down on the table and making it rattle. “Lord Stockbrook, I understand you lost more than your home when Ragor sacked the grasslands. I am truly sorry for your loss. However, there are a number of reasons why we may emerge triumphant from this battle.” Jack’s eyes searched for and found Diamond’s.

  Her heart sped up. He’s relying on me, she realised with a slightly sick feeling.

  “Here we have more men and more seasoned warriors. Rhodainian or Avalonian, they are not battle weary as we were when Ragor took Stormguaard. Magic shields this city, and the Rift Valley is on our side. There is also no dust for the Dust Devils to use against us, like there was when they sacked our lands and killed our people; quite the opposite, in fact. Gentlemen, if we work together with Master Commander Riddeon and fight as brothers with the Queen’s warriors, we have a better chance of triumph.” He nodded at the fae commanders, who stood quietly to one side, watching carefully. “But in order to triumph, I cannot have anyone at this table who wishes to undermine my authority. This is my army. Queen’s warriors or not, you are all my men, under my command until Ragor is defeated. All the Queen’s commanders know this.”

  Diamond’s chest tightened with recognition as she looked to Master Commander Riddeon. Her heart stopped, then started again. She remembered how he had watched with narrowed, golden eyes as Diamond’s necklace had been taken. He had reacted strangely when it had been placed on the table in front of him. Her teeth clenched. He had known what it was, that much was clear now.

  Jack continued to speak. “Therefore, Lord Stockbrook, I will suffer no insubordination from you—or anyone else. Discussions and questions about our campaign, yes; challenge to my authority, no. You will follow my orders and fight for me—as you are sworn to do—or I will execute you for treason. I do not have time for debates or trials, and I will not tolerate dissension.” He fixed Lord Stockbrook with a stony glare, then allowed his eyes to travel over each one of the warriors and lords at the table.

  The silence stretched. Many shuffled uncomfortably.

  “Is that understood?” His countenance remained hard as he cast his eyes around the entire room.

  A chorus of agreement rippled around the crowd.

  Lord Stockbrook’s gaze turned speculative and slightly more respectful.

  In turn, Jack stared the older man down until Lord Stockbrook dropped his head in a bow of acquiescence.

  Diamond gaped, then glanced up at Hugo’s face. Jack did not
sound like the young prince they both knew, but a grown man who could command armies, a man who would soon be a king.

  Hugo’s mouth twitched in a smile. He was proud of his friend.

  Jack continued, not allowing the change in atmosphere to affect his voice at all. “Commander Riddeon will outline the strategy we have been working on and answer any of your questions. Let’s begin. Commander?” Jack sat down and indicated to Master Commander Riddeon to take over.

  Hugo listened intently to the meticulously laid plans Master Commander Riddeon laid out. His body remained completely still, other than his eyes, which moved around the room, constantly judging the men who spoke, listening to the questions they asked and the comments that were made.

  Diamond tried not to fidget. The heavy weight of someone’s gaze fell on her.

  Commander Riddeon stood to one side as Jack took the floor again. He watched the room in the same manner Hugo did. In appearance he looked to be in his early thirties. He was a handsome male, who was tall and broad with shoulder-length brown hair.

  Diamond’s chest tightened. This fae was as ancient as the Queen. Immortal. Powerful. And he had served her all these years. Why had he shown me any sympathy in the throne room? The golden-eyed commander nodded his head in a greeting. Utterly confused, Diamond nodded back.

  Commander Riddeon had such an air of reserved power and stillness that he seemed able to melt into the background. He held her gaze, a smile toying at the corners of his mouth at her obvious confusion and discomfiture, then his attention moved elsewhere. Leisurely, he observed each of the men in the room, his golden gaze coming back to rest on the warrior at her side; that is, until he sensed Diamond watching him. His attention moved on when Hugo tracked Diamond’s gaze.

  Various voices washed over her and she soon wondered where she and Hugo would fit into this huge battle plan. It was a mammoth undertaking, coordinating so many men. Diamond looked at Jack with concern. He might sound like a king, even behave like one, but his face looked pinched and tired. For a moment he caught her eye, giving her a small smile.

  She wondered who else would go to the wall with Jack. As part of the royal guard, maybe Tom would go. Zane stood vigilantly at Jack’s back. He caught her eye but did not smile. Zane was an arrogant fae male, but she knew he had fallen for Tom in a big way. Jack had said Zane was miserable without Tom. Diamond wondered if their relationship had progressed or if they were both held back by their responsibilities to Jack. She sighed; it was strange to have recently experienced so much without sharing it with Tom.

  Eventually the atmosphere started to tell on her. Her magic reacted to the buzzing energy in the room. Unbidden, her stiff and bruised body began to use that energy, absorbing it to heal. Even so, her tired muscles still protested at standing still for so long. She shifted her weight from foot to foot whilst trying not to grimace.

  Hugo looked sideways at her, then slipped his fingers around hers, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Utterly surprised by the supportive gesture, her eyes flew to his. Silver glinted as he held her gaze. Cool air caressed her fingers when he let go. For a moment it was hard to hide her disappointment, then his gorgeous mouth tilted into the ghost of a smile. Compelling her to hold his gaze, his hot hand slid around her waist, pulling her against him. Raising one eyebrow in a most un-Hugo like way, he turned his attention back to the room, angling his body so no one else could see where his hand had ended up.

  Her heart banged against her chest; she was sure Hugo could hear it. A few moments later a gasp escaped her. Hugo kept his eyes on the meeting, his face remaining expressionless as his hot hand moved up under her armour. Hard, calloused fingers smoothly traced the curve of her waist, making her stomach clench. Her chest tightened until she could barely breathe. Her face heated and she desperately wanted to turn into his chest and wrap her arms around his waist. Thankfully, before she could give in to that urge, Jack called a halt to the meeting.

  The lords, warriors and council advisors drifted out of the room. Hugo allowed his hand to fall from her skin. She stifled her groan.

  Hugo studied the men striding purposefully from the room, including Commander Riddeon, who once again allowed his golden eyes to rest speculatively on the couple before he bowed his head and walked out.

  When the room was clear, Zane relaxed. Grinning widely, he walked over to Diamond and Hugo. It took Diamond another moment to piece herself together. Now would not be a good time to look at Hugo, she decided.

  “Hello, Diamond, commander. It’s good to see you both.” Zane smiled. His eyes narrowed, then he glanced at Hugo. Sympathy flashed across Zane’s face. It was clear he empathised with how hard the Queen’s test must have been on both of them, but he said nothing about her swollen, bruised face.

  Hugo stiffened but did not snarl. There was no condemnation in Zane’s acknowledgment of her injuries, only understanding. Sensing Hugo’s moods had become second nature now, and his energy bristled defensively as Jack approached.

  “Hugo,” Jack greeted his friend stiffly.

  Diamond hoped this would not end badly. She gently brushed Hugo’s fingers with her own. A plea for peace.

  Hugo did not look at her. Instead, magic brushed her skin in the lightest caress. “Jack,” he responded, no aggressive inflection in his tone.

  Jack regarded his friend steadily. “I apologise for last night. I did not fully understand what had happened.” He paused and looked from Diamond to Hugo.

  “Now I do. Diamond told me in no uncertain terms she has forgiven you, so I should too. She also gave me a roasting over what I did to you last night.” Then he grinned as Hugo turned his head and stared in surprise at Diamond. She flushed. Jack chuckled at the warning glare she shot him. It was good to know he was back to teasing both of them again.

  Zane and Roin grinned at her pink cheeks too.

  “So it seems you’ve learned to fight better than your skinny friend, if you can beat all those elite guards. Tom’s still as weak and clumsy as a new-born foal,” Roin stated, glancing at Zane with a taunting grin. “He can’t even fight off one warrior, let alone a dozen big males.”

  “What? He’s not weak! Tom’s a good fighter now, he always beats everyone in his squadron…” Zane immediately jumped in defensively. Then he saw Roin’s face. “Prick!” he muttered.

  Grinning, Roin smacked Zane on the back. Diamond couldn’t help but smile too.

  “So is Tom okay? Where is he?” she asked.

  “I’ve sent him to the wall to ensure the fourth tower is ready for me,” Jack answered. “I will run our campaign from there. Commander Riddeon will oversee the wall from tower one to three, me—three to five, and Lord Stockbrook gets five to seven.”

  Diamond had heard this in the long talks, so nodded but did not ask any further questions.

  Roin and Zane stood back as Jack gestured to the table. The three friends took a seat.

  Jack got straight to the point. “I’m deploying two battalions to hold each section between the towers. They will join the men already there. Tallo will command my section, along with Captain Dunns. I will need Tallo to help me whilst I am planning and co-ordinating.” Jack placed the flat of his hands on the table, took a deep breath and lifted his head to look directly at Hugo.

  “Hugo, I need you to assume a command role. You will be responsible for destroying the giants. There are five clutches in Ragor’s ranks, and one clutch is pushing their way up the coast. They’ll reach the wall before Ragor’s main host. You’ve seen what they can do. They are the advanced attack force, exactly as Ragor used at Stormguaard. If we leave them unchallenged, they could weaken the wall using nothing but their fists.”

  Diamond’s breath stuck in her throat. Giants were creatures from the Barren Wastes. With fists as hard as rock, they could destroy virtually anything.

  “So far giants have arrived at the wall only in pairs, and we have been able to destroy them before they could do much damage. This time, thankfully, we have explosive devices
that will blow a nice hole in their skulls. Getting rid of even one clutch before it reaches us could make the difference between the wall standing or falling. You saw them tear through the walls and armoured gates within hours at Stormguaard. We can’t let that happen here.”

  “But these walls are ancient. Solid marble and protected by the Queen’s magic,” Diamond uttered, truly horrified at the thought giants could destroy their defences so quickly.

  Jack’s tone of voice was tight, the only indication of his anxiety. “The shield will fail if the wall is destroyed, and the Queen’s magic protects nothing,” he informed them, leaning forward until he was close to them both.

  “How do you know that?” Hugo asked quietly.

  A grim smile stretched Jack’s lips. “Commander Riddeon. Don’t forget he is as old as the Queen. He was around when the magic that created the shield was wielded.”

  “What did he say?” Diamond asked, anxiety tightening her gut.

  Jack lowered his voice, holding her eyes. “The shield was never formed to stop dragon fire. It was cast by a member of the royal family that the Queen usurped; it was cast to imprison her. It seems they cursed her to never leave this city, once she took it.”


  Hugo stared at Jack, his face blank and unreadable. Now was not the time to go into that story further. He made no comment or question about Jack’s revelation.

  “So what do you want us to do?” asked Diamond.

  “Hugo will lead the attack on the clutch,” Jack said, letting the matter of the shield go. His chair grated on the floor as he stood. “The Queen has sent orders for you. Here,” he said, thrusting an envelope bearing the Queen’s seal at Hugo. As a Queen’s guard, Hugo was not subject to Jack’s orders, not as the rest of her men were. Queen’s elite guards would take orders from only the Queen or their lord commander.


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