A Bond of Blood and Fire

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A Bond of Blood and Fire Page 27

by Tomlinson, Karen

  Ridiculous. Laughable. Hugo is an experienced warrior, not a novice like me.The forest settled around them, becoming calm and silent, yet the stench of death hung heavy and foul.

  “Finn, Bram, double back through the trees until you are certain there are no more of our enemy nearby. Kalf, Reinn—cover them from the skies.” Hugo clipped out orders efficiently, his voice strong and sure. “Diamond, let me bind your arm.”

  The warriors followed without question. Diamond found herself staring at him as he quickly and effectively staunched her bleeding wound. It was easy to see now what a good leader he was.

  “Elexon, take point, and fan the rest of the squad out. We move in silence, hand signals only,” Hugo ordered.

  Elexon nodded. It was clear the golden-eyed warrior respected and trusted Hugo; he followed Hugo’s orders without question.

  “Stay close to me,” Hugo rumbled quietly in her ear, his hot breath making her shiver. When he pulled away, his eyes burned into hers. “One injury is enough. No more.”

  Tempted to tell him she was capable of looking after herself, Diamond frowned at Hugo’s back as he turned away. It was nice though, to know he cared for her enough to worry.

  Leaving the gruesome scene behind, the group continued in silence through the dark forest.


  The air became sweeter as they reached the forest near the coastal village. Hugo tilted his head. Seconds later the four warrior fae returned. The forest around them looked clear for now.

  Hugo nodded. “Reinn, Kalf, Bram, guard the rear. The rest of you, stay vigilant and wait here.”

  But he wasn’t looking at the warriors, he was looking at Diamond. Defiantly, she held his gaze and lifted her chin. His eyes narrowed as he seemed to read her thoughts. She would not wait here if he got into trouble.

  “Elexon and I will scout the village. Be ready to move at a moment’s notice. Giants might be ugly, but they are also cunning and vicious.”

  With a meaningful glance in her direction, Hugo stalked off with Elexon at his back. They disappeared into the gloom, melting into the shadows and leaving Diamond to impatiently wait for their return.

  Plonking herself down on the carpet of dead leaves and pine needles, Diamond observed the attentive faces of the other warriors. It did not escape her notice that they formed a protective ring around her even though she had not heard Hugo issue such orders. She brushed it off.

  Wrapped in her armour, her skin was hot and sticky, her heartrate still calming from that fight. She tipped back her head and closed her eyes, trusting the others to watch for more enemy attacks whilst she tried to ignore the stink of blood and gore that covered her. A briny breeze caressed her sweaty face and neck. It was heavenly.

  Once she recovered, Diamond’s patience wore thin. Shuffling forward into the trees, she tried to see if it was possible to spot Hugo near the village.

  “Hey!” whispered Havron. “Where are you going?” He squatted a few feet from her, his short blond hair tousled but his hazel eyes clear and watching her with unease.

  “I’m just taking a look,” she replied in hushed tones.

  Disapproval crossed Havron’s face. “The commander said to stay here,” he pointed out.

  Diamond met his eyes. “I know.” Crouching low, she moved away.

  Sticks and undergrowth cracked as he followed her. Diamond smiled.

  The trees gave way to rocky coast line and sand dunes. She dropped to her belly and, using her elbows and knees, inched toward the cliff edge. The ground dropped away, scree littering the base of the cliff and forming a slope that led gently down to the outskirts of a small village. Goodison, Diamond presumed. On her belly, she shuffled her knives so they didn’t dig into her hips. The village appeared quiet, peaceful even; waves and wind the only sounds.

  Diamond frowned, remembering what Jack had said about the giants destroying villages as they travelled to the wall. This village was in one piece, the buildings intact and seemingly untouched by anything other than the coastal weather.

  A small river meandered its way out from the forest, tumbling over the small cliff edge before bubbling merrily through the village and onto the stony beach. A moment of sunshine broke through the grey clouds. Bright rays touched the beach, causing the wet pebbles to sparkle like jewels.

  Diamond shifted her attention to the abandoned fishing boats pulled up on the shore. Strange, large rocks lined the sand dunes on either side of the river mouth. Protection from the tides maybe?

  There was no sign of the two warriors. Perhaps they have gone further along the coast to find the giants? Maybe Elexon’s information had been wrong. Not sure what to do now, Diamond sighed. Still on her belly, she turned to go back to the forest when, from of the corner of her eye, a movement snagged her attention.

  Whipping her head back, she stared hard. It had been near one of the big rocks, the one nearest the village. No, not near it.

  The rock itself had moved.

  Blinking to clear her vision, Diamond swivelled back. Belatedly, she realised these were no rocks.

  A giant unfolded its grotesque, grey-brown body and pushed itself up. Taller than the surrounding pine trees, it raised its bald, wart-covered head and inhaled—long and hard. Diamond realised that he had caught her scent. Milky eyes spotted her and narrowed as it loosed such a bellow that her ears rang.

  With astounding speed for such a monstrous creature, the giant launched itself into a run toward the cliff. Raging footsteps vibrated the ground under her body, sending debris from the cliff face hurtling down below her.

  “Damn!” she breathed, shocked that it could smell her from such a distance. Approaching the village from downwind had alerted the giants to her presence. It was too late to hide; the only option was to attempt to lead it away from the other warriors.

  Diamond sprung to her feet and ran back for the treeline. Skidding to a halt, she spun on her heel, lowered her head and shoulders—then ran. Pumping her arms and legs as fast as she could she launched herself off the cliff edge. Havron bellowed at her to stop.

  Ohhh! Why did I think this was a good idea?

  Fresh, sweet air and weightlessness took her. It took everything she had to shove her panic away and yank on her magic. Do as I say now or you will never feel your Nexus again, she silently screamed at it. Magic surged, forming a cushion underneath her plummeting body. It didn’t work as well as she hoped, but it was enough to stop her from slamming into the ground and breaking her legs. Her bones jarred and her breath seized. Her feet sank into the shale, down to her ankles. She thrashed around and dug with her hands. Soon Diamond was clattering across the loose shale, straight toward the bald and wart-covered giant.

  Maybe if I get his attention, he’ll miss the others. They’ll come and help soon. They have to. Diamond knew without a doubt that she would be in for a roasting from Hugo if she lived through this.

  The ground trembled under her feet. Horror widened her eyes as nine other boulders began to take shape. Tallo had the right of it. Swords were of no use here. Tougher, bigger weapons were needed against such creatures. Bringing down one giant between them would have been achievable, but all of these?

  The sandy earth surged skyward, making Diamond lose her footing and showering her in fine grains of dirt. An overpowering stink of urine and faeces blasted her nostrils as the giant lumbered ever closer. She righted herself and blinked dirt from her eyes. Changing her vision, she was relieved to see an insipid brown-grey cloud of energy pulsing around the creature as it moved.

  The giant’s gnarled hand swooped, giving her only seconds to take a deep breath, summon magic and somersault high into the air. It was a move she had practised with Attion and Hugo over and over again lest she ever needed to clear a horse or another obstacle to escape. She had never expected that obstacle to be a giant!

  Landing solidly, Diamond unleashed her magic in a violent burst at the massive head that passed above her. The giant, unable to stop his forward momentum,
took the full force of her strike on the back of his rock-like head. Magic tore through its skull, erupting out through its forehead. Thick legs buckled and the huge creature toppled forward, smashing face-first into the cliff. Rock and sand exploded and the cliff collapsed, burying the giant’s head. Diamond did not have time to stand and stare; she knew the other giants were attacking from behind.

  The ground continued to shudder and dance, unsteadying her. Diamond spun around. Her mouth dropped open. Two of the monstrous creatures ran straight through the nearest stone cottages, decimating them instantly. Rubble and stone burst into the air, crashing down around their still-moving feet. Seven more giants pounded toward Diamond. Her heart lurched with sudden doubt and crippling fear. Steeling her nerves against a rising tide of terror, Diamond unleashed her magic in short blasts. Maybe she could slow them down long enough for the others to formulate a plan and dive in. By the goddess, surely they would come soon? Those damned explosives were the only things that could help her now.

  Aiming damaging blasts of magic at the giants’ thick legs worked for a time but then they began working together. Hugo had said they were cunning. The nearest one attacked, drawing her attention and blasts. Concentrating on controlling her magic, Diamond missed another large hand sweeping down to grasp her. Gritting her teeth and ignoring the stones that scraped away her skin, she rolled along the ground underneath it.

  They will come soon, they will. Hugo won’t let me die...

  The acrid smell of burning flesh filled the air as she came upright and ran between the legs of the next charging mountain of flesh. She shot a long blast of white-hot energy up into its groin. A scream of pain rent the air, a horrible bellowing sound that echoed out across the ocean. Diamond did not stop; instead, she threw her energy at another giant that ran in on her left.

  Focused on that attack, Diamond missed the ugly beast on her right who swiped his large foot in her direction. She was suddenly airborne. The foot’s impact against her body drove the breath from her lungs. Pain wheeled through her. The world toppled and she spun through the air, then a sickening sensation took her stomach as she plummeted down toward the outstretched hand of another giant.

  It roared with frustration when Hugo slammed his bulk into Diamond, catapulting her out of the giant’s grasp. His speed and angle meant he could not stop their trajectory toward the beach. She screamed as his iron-hard arms and armoured wings wrapped around her, holding her fast as they slammed into the sand and rolled together into the waves.

  Seawater filled her mouth and nose. Coughing and spluttering, Diamond fought to stand while big waves tried to knock her down again. Pain saturated her battered body. Ignoring it, she splashed to shore. Incredibly, Hugo was already there, his back toward her.

  Shocked, her footsteps stilled, her mouth drooping open. He seemed to have grown two feet taller, not to mention wider. His armour was stretched and tearing apart at the seams. And his wings? What in damnation was going on?

  “Hugo!” she shouted against the roar of the oncoming giant, who had recovered his balance and was heading their way. Hugo turned toward her, and she gasped. Silver flame swirled brightly, surrounding elongated pupils that flicked at her before he turned back to the giant. Rooted to the spot, Diamond stared as Hugo spread his wings, displaying scaly—not smooth—sapphire armour, tattooed in swirling patterns of silver flame. They too had grown in size, making him wider and more formidable than ever. Elexon bellowed a warning from above, and there was no more time to consider Hugo’s altered appearance.

  Hugo spun, shielding her with his body and wings just as a massive explosion covered them in sand and giant guts. Coughing and retching, Diamond immediately dived into the waves, washing the disgusting flesh and thick, dark blood away. No sooner had she ducked under the water than a massive hand grabbed the back of her armour, hoisting her upwards. Seawater cascaded down off her body and boots.

  Hugo threw her upward as though she weighed no more than a child, then flew up to catch her to his chest. Hands gripping her waist, he lifted her until her face was directly in front of his. His bone structure had changed too. Small blue ridges protruded from above his eyes, along his cheekbones and down his jaw. Completely stunned, words failed her.

  “Focus your energy at the one nearest us. The others will deal with the two nearest the village,” he ordered, his voice deep and grating.

  Diamond nodded calmly even though she was anything but. “Can you turn me around again?” she asked.

  “In a moment,” he told her, soaring upwards faster than anything she had experienced before, enough that the wind sucked her breath away.

  Glancing down, she silently prayed he wouldn’t drop her.

  I won’t, his voice growled in her head.

  Scaled wings beat powerfully, raising them higher and higher. Preparing herself for the inevitable dive, Diamond changed her vision. Silver and sapphire flames engulfed them. That powerful energy made her skin blaze until heat seeped right into her bones. Diamond ignored it; instead, she spiralled down inside herself, pulling her magic up and curling it around her hands and arms where it crackled and fought for release.

  “Ready?” Hugo growled, holding her tightly against him for a split second.

  Diamond nodded.

  Suddenly weightless, her scream hadn’t left her lungs before he caught her to him once again. It took all her willpower to remain focused on her target below when she felt her back moulded to the contours of his body.

  “Tuck your legs against mine. You will be more stable,” Hugo ordered.

  Diamond complied. Her silver hair streamed behind them like ribbons of starlight as Hugo dived from the sky so fast her eyes watered. Blinking furiously, she tried to clear them.

  “Now!” Hugo bellowed in her ear.

  Her magic exploded in a bolt of light from her outstretched hands. It hit the giant square on his chest, burning through flesh and bone all the way down to the organs in his chest. Diamond did not stop. Muddy, red-rimmed eyes widened until the whites were visible. Its whole body swelled, grotesquely pulsing with light until its warted skin ruptured, exploding in a cloud of bloody flesh and bone.

  Breathing hard, she grasped Hugo’s forearms where they were clamped tight over her belly. The corded muscle under her fingers turned to iron as he back-winged vigorously to slow their descent.

  “Again!” roared Hugo, taking them back up in the air, then plunging to where Havron was trying to distract a foe from Elexon.

  Hugo grunted, taking them in near to the giant’s back. Magic swirled in a glorious pattern, dancing to the thrum of Hugo’s wings. Diamond allowed hers freedom, directing it at the giant’s monstrous tree trunk-like legs. Flesh burned and the giant toppled to its knees, leaving the back of its head exposed. Trying to ignore its hideous screams of pain, Diamond ended it.

  Elexon and Havron somersaulted over the falling carcass, hurling their explosives toward the last two giants in amazing synchronisation.

  “Pull back!” Elexon roared.

  Hugo rolled in mid-air, clamping his teeth against the strain on his wings.

  Diamond’s legs slipped as he skilfully corrected his course, his muscles contracting like an iron cage around her. She gripped onto him for dear life as he rocketed upward, her legs swinging all over the place. Without warning, he threw her forward into the air again. Involuntarily, a scream wrenched out of her lungs.

  Wings stretched wide, Hugo braced his back to the explosion, grabbed Diamond’s waist and slammed her into his body for protection.

  Explosive force dragged the breath from Diamond’s lungs a moment before a rushing hot wave blasted over them. Even Hugo’s bulk was shoved forward. The wide muscles of his back and shoulders contracted as his wings fought and worked against the turbulence. Seconds later, the world around them settled until only the waves and the wind murmured their song.

  Hugo hovered, breathing hard under the grip of her fingers. Diamond kept her head down against his chest, clutching
herself to the safety of his body, not wanting to face the condemnation she would surely see in his eyes. After a moment she felt a change in him. A shift.

  Her mouth dry, she dared to peer up. Glittering black orbs looked right back at her, and his jaw flickered in spasms of anger. But at least he was back to the Hugo she knew. The ridges of blue bone were gone, and he had returned to his normal size. Not that it made any difference to his armour, which hung from him, ripped and stretched out of proportion.

  His arms tensed until they were so tight she thought he might snap her in two.

  “If you disobey my orders again and put yourself or anyone else at risk, I will take you out over the ocean, up into the highest clouds and drop you from a great height. And if you survive that fall, I will do it again,” he warned, his voice ominously quiet.

  Diamond flushed with shame. Her behaviour had endangered all of them, not only herself.

  “Hugo—I—” she stammered, then looked at the uncompromising set of his jaw. An apology wouldn’t help right now. This was a battlefield commander, not her friend or the male who had declared himself hers. This commander meant every icy word he had uttered.

  “Understood,” she nodded, knowing that a harsh reprimand was the least she deserved.

  “Good. Do not test me again,” he warned her.

  He lowered them down to the devastated village. Sand squelched under her boots.

  “I’m so sorry, Hugo. I just…” She tried again to apologise but her words dried up. An unwavering stare told her he was not interested in her excuses. So she nodded.

  His eyes and his grip softened at that sign of her acquiescence. “I cannot lose you,” he whispered, before he let her go.

  Elexon strode over, looking at them both with concern. His golden eyes assessed Diamond’s face and body before nodding respectfully at Hugo, inspecting him too.


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