Savage Surrender

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Savage Surrender Page 21

by Deanna Ashford

  ‘I was never a prisoner, Tarn,’ Cador sneered. ‘All the sacrifices you made to keep me safe were for nought.’

  Nothing made sense to Tarn any more as he stared at his kinsman, the man he’d cared for like a brother. He saw the hate and derision on Cador’s face, and a pain pierced his heart. ‘But Cador, you were apprehended when you tried to rescue me.’

  ‘I never tried to rescue you, Tarn. On the contrary, I revealed your whereabouts to your pursuers and that was why you were captured.’

  ‘Cador was never your friend, Tarn,’ Rianna interjected, unable to stay silent a moment longer. ‘He betrayed you,’ she added, conscious of Sarin’s surprise at her temerity. ‘If it had not been for Cador’s treachery, your rebellion might have been a success. Cador revealed all your plans to Lord Sarin.’

  Cador gave a harsh laugh. ‘Madam, you’ve denied me the pleasure of telling Tarn that myself. I’m proud of what I did.’

  ‘Why?’ Tarn asked incredulously.

  ‘Because your weak-willed father will die soon. Now you are deposed, Tarn, I, as your closest kinsman, become heir to the throne.’

  A knot of anguish started in the pit of Tarn’s stomach, travelling upwards to spew out of his mouth in a roar of pure fury. Springing to his feet, Tarn lunged at Cador. The impetus sent the two men staggering back before they crashed to the ground.

  ‘Guards!’ yelled Sarin.

  Cador tried to resist, but Tarn pinned him down, pummelling him with his fist, consumed by a white-hot anger that knew no bounds. Cador was almost senseless by the time Tarn wrapped the chain, still attached to his wrist, around his kinsman’s neck.

  ‘I’ll kill you, Cador,’ Tarn grated, his handsome face contorted in rage.

  ‘Kill me and you kill yourself,’ Cador choked, pulling uselessly at the chain which cut into his throat.

  ‘I’m dead already,’ Tarn yelled. ‘Your treachery killed me. Now I want to bring about your death!’

  Cador gave a rattling gurgle, his arms flailing wildly. The Nubians and a number of guards grabbed hold of Tarn and tried to haul him off. He fought them as best he could, while still attempting to throttle the life from his treacherous kinsman. Eventually, they managed to prise him off his victim, holding him down while they unravelled the chain from Cador’s neck, which left a bloody trail where the links had cut into his flesh.

  Tarn was dragged in front of Sarin, a booted foot placed across his neck as he lay prostrate on the marble floor, while Cador lay some distance away trying desperately to pull deep, rasping breaths into his starved lungs.

  ‘It appears the spark of resistance is far from extinguished, Tarn,’ Sarin said coldly as he stared down at his slave.

  Rianna made no attempt to resist as Sarin grabbed hold of her, pulling her along behind him as he walked briskly to his private quarters. When they were alone, he turned to glare at her. ‘Well, madam, what is your involvement in this?’

  ‘No more than Cador wants there to be,’ she replied coldly. ‘He persecuted my maid until I was forced to send her back to Harn for her own safety. He spreads cruel lies about me, and a few days ago he tried to assault me.’

  She watched Sarin’s expression turn to one of disbelief. ‘And what does Cador gain by all this?’

  ‘I wish I knew, husband.’ She smiled tremulously at him. ‘I should have told you sooner, but you have so many other concerns and responsibilities.’ She frowned thoughtfully. ‘I know he wants Tarn dead, because then he will truly be heir apparent to the Kabran throne. But he also appears intent on causing unrest within your court and dissent between you and I.’

  Sarin’s interest appeared aroused. ‘What would he gain from that, I wonder?’

  ‘Cador is clever and ruthless. His true aims may not be clear to us at present. Think back to before Prince Tarn left here to visit his ailing father. Did you have any reason to mistrust him? Had he showed any inclination to rebel against your rule?’

  ‘No.’ Sarin shook his head. ‘We were close, as close almost as brothers.’

  ‘Is it not strange that within a few months of arriving in Kabra and meeting his kinsman Cador again, Tarn began to raise an army to fight you, my lord? What suddenly made him decide to rebel? Perhaps it was Cador himself who persuaded Tarn to do so. Is it not possible that Cador planned everything, including the failed rebellion, to ensure that Tarn was enslaved and he gain the throne?’

  Sarin shook his head. ‘I have never considered it before.’

  Rianna hoped her seeds of mistrust might grow into something stronger. For all she knew, her wild theory might even be partially right. ‘Perhaps it might be wise to become more cautious in your dealings with Cador in future. At least until you discover the truth of the matter.’

  ‘So there is a quick mind inside that beautiful head of yours,’ Sarin said admiringly, as he led her into his bedchamber.

  Rianna was beginning to feel a little more hopeful until she caught sight of Tarn chained hand and foot to the wall. ‘I did not know you had him brought here,’ she stuttered, hardly able to look at Tarn in case she revealed her true feelings to Sarin. If her attempt to raise suspicion about Cador was to succeed, Sarin must trust her loyalty implicitly.

  ‘I’d thought to punish Tarn for his outrageous behaviour myself before I sent him to the dungeons,’ Sarin said, with a shrug of his shoulders.

  ‘But if Cador was involved in inciting Tarn to rebel in the first place,’ she said worriedly, ‘will Tarn’s punishment now be necessary? He harmed Cador, not you, my lord.’

  ‘Tarn is my slave. He must still be punished for his flagrant disobedience if nothing else. I’d thought him broken, but that does not appear to be the case.’

  ‘If by chance you discover the rebellion was Cador’s idea?’ she pressed. ‘What will happen then?’

  ‘Cador will never be allowed to rule Kabra.’ Sarin took the pearl-headed pins from her hair, and ran his hands through her red-gold locks, letting them fall in loose waves around her shoulders. ‘But I’ll not free Tarn. He led the rebellion, massacred many of my soldiers and betrayed my trust in him. No matter what, Tarn will remain my slave.’

  Rianna could not hide her contempt, and Sarin frowned. ‘I’m too soft-hearted, my lord,’ she said regretfully. ‘It pains me to see a proud warrior so humiliated.’

  ‘I understand, my dear.’ He caressed her cheek. ‘I would have you no other way,’ he added before fastening his lips on hers. Sarin kissed her passionately, and she was breathless by the time he pulled away from her. Then to her consternation, he began to unfasten the laces of her bodice.

  ‘My lord, the slave,’ she said hesitantly.

  ‘I thought your shyness gone.’ Sarin lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. ‘The presence of my Nubians does not trouble you, so why should Tarn?’ he asked, as he lay her down on the brocade coverlet.

  Rianna could just see Tarn pinned against the wall, chained and helpless. His handsome face paled and contorted with despair as he watched Sarin caress her breasts, then lap at and tease her nipples. Lifting her skirts, Sarin stroked her sex, sliding his fingers between her labial lips to squeeze her pleasure nubbin. As he invaded her feminine sheath, the familiar rush of wetness betrayed her, flooding her pudenda. Rianna’s body wanted Sarin even if she did not.

  Filled with hot shame, she could not repress a soft moan as Sarin’s searching fingers ventured deeper. She strained against the invading hand, knowing that her every sensual move filled Tarn with more distress. She wanted to close her eyes as Sarin ripped open his breeches, but he’d chastised her for doing so in the past. Her breath caught in her throat and fearful desire filled her groin as she saw his stiff, dark manhood rear out of the opening.

  Sarin thrust into her without preamble, his hard rod piercing her moist flesh. ‘It’s a long time since I took a woman in such haste,’ he growled. ‘This evening’s occurrences incited my lust.’

  Rianna clenched her fists at her sides, intending to remain unm
oved by this rough assault on her senses. Sarin thrust harder, pounding into her with a wild abandon. Sadly, she’d been starved of attention, and her body was now conditioned for constant carnal pleasure. Filled with anguish, she felt her desires become aroused to fever pitch. She welcomed the weight of Sarin crushing her, and the lustful heat of his spear as it penetrated her helpless flesh.

  As he ground his pelvis against hers, she was caught up by the dark torrent and dragged under, to be buffeted by the infernal waves of sexual pleasure that dragged her deep into the abyss.

  Sarin withdrew from her, his manhood still stiffly erect and wet from the dew of her body. Rianna lay there, shaken by the strength of her climax, staring wide-eyed at her husband, unable to even glance in Tarn’s direction. If she did, her shame would become even more difficult to bear. She waited fearfully for Sarin to order her to bring him to his own climax with her hands and mouth. He did not, but just pulled down her skirt and drew her gently to her feet.

  ‘You should leave now, my dear. I have to arrange for Tarn to be taken to the dungeons.’

  The cell was small and dingier than the one Tarn had been confined in before, but it was clean and there was fresh straw on the floor. None of this meant anything to Tarn, as he was pushed into the small room by Sarin’s guards. Unwittingly, Sarin had just caused him the greatest agony he had ever known.

  What pained Tarn most was that Rianna had been visibly aroused but then hadn’t he also fallen under Sarin’s seductive carnal spell? Rianna’s moans of pleasure, and her breathy sigh when she reached her climax, had pierced Tarn’s heart like the sharpest sword. His distress had been almost unbearable. Fortunately, Sarin was unaware of his agony, and for that Tarn was grateful.

  The guards took hold of a chain attached to the cell wall and fastened it to the back of Tarn’s collar. Leaving his hands still tied securely behind his back with thin strips of leather, they left the cell. Only Sarin remained, staring sternly at Tarn.

  ‘You know why you’ve been punished, slave?’

  ‘Because despite everything you’ve not yet managed to subdue me.’ Tarn’s eyes were full of hate. ‘It now appears you didn’t even trust in your own ability to vanquish me,’ Tarn jeered. ‘So you deceived me with your lies about Cador. It seems I won after all, Sarin!’

  ‘You did not.’ With a growl of anger, Sarin grabbed hold of Tarn and threw him across the low wooden shelf that served as a bed. He landed so hard that the breath was forced from his lungs and the rough wood boards cut into his bare stomach.

  Tarn had no chance to recover before he felt a hot shaft pierce the tight opening of his oiled nether mouth. As Sarin thrust deep into his anus, the discomfort was intense for a moment. But his inner flesh was now well-used to this erotic abuse, and a dark part of himself even welcomed the cruel invasion.

  He was still aroused by the initial events of the evening, and the spicy cream Niska had spread on his sex. Despite his pain, Tarn had even been moved by the sight of Sarin taking Rianna. Now this crude invasion served to incite his lust even more. Biting his lips to stifle his groans of pleasure, he endured the intrusion as his body once again became Sarin’s completely.

  Sarin’s angry thrusts became harder, more determined, as he dug his hands into Tarn’s buttocks. Tarn strained back against the cock that pierced him, as his dark lustful pleasure grew in intensity. Images of Sarin and Rianna together filled his brain. The white-hot jealousy and rage consumed him, just as he was consumed by Sarin’s penetrating thrust as his body jerked heavily against Tarn’s.

  Tears streamed down Tarn’s anguished face as his own erection grew harder. His cock pulsed as the onslaught continued, but there were no gentle hands to bring him to a climax today; Sarin was intent only on revenge.

  Sarin gave one last forceful thrust, his heavy weight pressing Tarn’s bound hands into the small of his back, while splinters of wood dug into his flesh. With a loud grunt, Sarin spilt his seed deep inside Tarn. Then, breathing heavily, he withdrew, pausing only to grimly clean his shaft with Tarn’s long hair. It was a final and complete end to his act of subjugation before he strode wordlessly from the cell.

  Tarn’s sex ached for release, but that torment was the least of his concerns. He lay there, his body filled with pain and unrequited lust, while humiliating agony filled his thoughts. With a groan, he pulled his body from the rough shelf and fell on to the straw-covered floor, his face still wet with tears.

  Tarn tensed as he heard footsteps approach his cell, relaxing only once they had passed. He was constantly prepared to protect himself against another attempted assault by his gaoler, and the painful punishment that usually followed the event.

  After Sarin left that fateful night, the fat, greedy gaoler he now knew as Gan entered his cell. Gan appeared almost sympathetic as he untied Tarn’s hands and gave him a blanket to cover himself. Then Gan opened his breeches, pulled out his short, stubby cock and ordered Tarn to take it in his mouth. His refusal brought him a brutal beating with a thick leather strap.

  The sexual demands of his gaoler had continued. Tarn soon learnt that Gan had specific orders. He could do anything but penetrate the prisoner – that pleasure was Sarin’s alone. Tarn was forced to endure Gan’s crude fumbling as the gaoler slobbered lewdly over his firm flesh. If he did not, he was denied food and water. Yet when Gan had taken out his stubby cock again and ordered him to suck it, Tarn still refused. Tarn grinned and bared his teeth, threatening to sever the paltry organ with one clean bite. So Gan found his pleasure by beating Tarn instead. To further subdue him, Tarn’s wrists were kept constantly chained together.

  Once again Tarn heard footsteps approach, and this time his cell door swung open. It wasn’t the gaoler, however, it was Niska, dressed in vibrant scarlet, a heavy rope of diamonds around her neck. ‘Tarn,’ she smiled, as the door clanged shut behind her.

  ‘Do you not fear for your life, lady?’ Tarn growled. ‘The gaolers think I’m dangerous.’

  ‘No, I do not fear you,’ she laughed. ‘You’re far more suited to being a warrior than Sarin’s pampered pleasure slave.’

  Tarn saw her eyes hungrily rove over his naked body. ‘To what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?’ he asked.

  Niska moved closer, and ran her hands over Tarn’s chest, brushing away the pieces of straw that clung to his skin. ‘Sarin spends all his time pleasuring Rianna,’ Niska said, witnessing the brief flash of jealousy in Tarn’s blue eyes. ‘There’s no need to hide your emotion. I know how much you care for her, and she you.’

  ‘I care nought for the lady,’ Tarn replied. ‘Why should I?’

  ‘Why bother to lie to me, Tarn, when I know the truth.’ She picked a piece of straw from his tangled hair. ‘I still find you desirable, even in these wretched surroundings. Would that you were still a warrior. You have nobility that Cador and Sarin lack. With you beside me, I could be happy.’

  ‘But I could never be happy with you, Niska,’ Tarn replied. ‘How could any man desire a wanton bitch such as you?’ Even as he spoke, Tarn felt lust spear his loins. After the crude, smelling gaolers he longed for the soft-scented sweetness of female flesh. Niska was standing so close in her brief, provocative garments. His desire increased as he smelt her musky perfume, and he remembered the diamond droplet that pierced her nipple.

  ‘You flatter me,’ she smiled coldly. ‘Now you are about to discover just how wanton I can be.’ She pulled open her skirt to reveal her naked sex. ‘Get down on your knees and pleasure me.’

  ‘No,’ Tarn grated, as a hot excitement grew in him.

  ‘Don’t even consider refusing me.’ Niska ran her hands over his taut stomach. She cupped his sac, feeling the heavy weight of his balls. Then she ran her fingers along his manhood, watching it stiffen. ‘Slaves do as they are ordered.’

  ‘Not this slave,’ Tarn replied with a harsh laugh.

  ‘You wish Rianna to be safe?’ she asked. Roughly, Niska rubbed his shaft between her fingers, coaxing the organ to harden even
more, pinching the tip of the head, before pushing back the hood of skin to reveal the sensitive glans beneath. ‘If you pleasure me, I’ll keep what I know to myself. Sarin will never learn that you and she were lovers.’

  ‘You deceive yourself, Niska. I admit I admire the lady, but she is Lord Sarin’s wife.’

  ‘I am no fool, Tarn. It is you that cannot deceive me.’ Niska sat down on the wooden bed, pulled apart her skirts and opened her thighs so that Tarn could see the pink gaping leaves of her sex. ‘Rianna loves you, Tarn, I see it every time she looks at you. During all the times you were alone together, would you have me believe you never touched her?’ She pointed to the floor between her thighs. ‘Kneel.’

  Fighting his unbidden arousal, Tarn stepped over to the bed and knelt in front of Niska. ‘You have no proof,’ he challenged.

  ‘Proof? All I need do is arouse Sarin’s suspicions. He’ll do all he can then to discover the truth. Neither Lesand, or his little spy Yasmin, will be able to help Rianna then.’

  Tarn knew how right Niska was. Even a mere suggestion might harm Rianna, and she was more important to him than anything else. He leant towards Niska’s sex, inhaling her heady scent. Niska pulled her outer lips apart with her fingers and gave a soft sigh as Tarn buried his face in her pudenda. His warm tongue slid slowly up each side of her moist divide, circling her clitoris with gentle, teasing strokes. He stimulated the sensitive bud with the tip of his tongue, flicking the tiny hood back as it stiffened.

  ‘Yes,’ Niska moaned as he closed his lips around her pleasure pearl and sucked on it hard. He ground his mouth into her soaking folds, savouring the sweet, musky taste of her. When his tongue invaded her vagina she arched her back and meshed her hands in his hair. Tarn pressed his tongue deeper, teasing the silken walls. Niska’s body tensed as her pleasure washed over her in strong unrelenting waves, her vagina pulsing around his questing tongue.


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