Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part One

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Taken: The Vampire's Concubine: Part One Page 2

by Desiree Broussard

  “Oh, my God,” Keely rasped out. No wonder the guards had called them concubines. “What happens to the women that refuse?”

  Olivia frowned. With her long dark hair, pale skin, and large, doe-like eyes, she was remarkably beautiful. She looked puzzled as if she wasn't sure how to respond. Finally, she sighed. “To be honest, we haven't had that problem before.”

  She help up a hand when Keely started to protest. “Oh, for sure, the women initially refuse... But once they've mingled with the men, it's a whole other story. Our men are quite attractive, with virile bodies and charming ways. Sometimes there are competitions, should a woman feel as if she needs a physical demonstration before selecting her male. Our men can be quite physical, when needed. I believe you'll be quite happy to stay, once you've met them.” Olivia looked pleased with herself. In her mind, she really believed it was that easy.

  Keely remained silent. As upset as she was, she had to admit that Zander was gorgeous. Were they all like that? She trembled, but it wasn't from fear. Despite her circumstances, she'd felt lust and attraction for the tall guard. He was handsome, strong, and clean, and biologically her body recognized him in the most basic way possible. It was likely that the other woman had experienced the same hormonal jolt. On Earth, decent, attractive men were scarce.

  Someone knocked on the door a split second before opening it. The woman had returned, this time carrying a large silver tray that was full of food. Keely's stomach rumbled. Sweet Jesus, how long had it been since she'd ate food that smelled that good?

  Olivia smiled as she accurately read the expression on her face. She stood up. “I'm going to leave you to your meal. When you're finished, I recommend getting some rest. You'll want to be at your best for the activities tonight.”

  Chapter 2

  Zander closed the door behind him with a sigh, leaving Olivia behind to attend to the female. He didn't immediately walk away, though. Instead he stood at the closed door, enjoying the feel of Keely's warm, feminine scent in his nostrils.

  The simple truth was he really didn't have anywhere else to be. In fact, the others likely expected him to seek his bed to sleep the day away. It's what they did, he did, after their monthly missions. So why was he lingering behind?

  The other women had been escorted off the space plane by the other guards and taken to their own rooms. The process was always the same, although the faces always changed. Once the women were in their rooms, a female member of their planet visited them and explained their new lives.

  Zander had been through this process several times already, so he didn't understand what it was about this certain female that drew him to her. He turned away from the door and started down the plush hallway, with a frown on his face as he mulled it over in his mind.

  He'd never been the type of man to put anything above duty, which was why he was one of their highest ranking guards. Yet he'd rushed like a schoolboy to ensure he was the one that escorted her off of the space plane. What was supposed to remain impersonal had suddenly become personal. It didn't make sense.

  There was no denying that the human female was a beauty, though. Her long red hair fell down to her hips, the curls tangled and wild. Although slender, her breasts were large and firm, her hips well-rounded. He'd spent the majority of the return trip home watching her, though she wouldn't have known it. His shaft hardened underneath his black pants as he thought about riding her hard as he suckled the sweet blood from her throat.

  Zander sighed, running a frustrated hand across his head. His thoughts were inappropriate, especially considering he was about to be mated. It wasn't a love match, but that didn't matter. He was committed, and Zander wasn't the type of man to go back on his word... Even if he did regret giving it.

  At his thoughts, he came to a dead stop in the hallway. Did he regret agreeing to marry Arania? He hadn't thought so, at least until this moment. His marriage was necessary to strengthen their ties with the Eeiyadians. He liked Arania, and she was easy on the eyes, but he would never feel more for her than fond affection. So he focused on the larger picture. Their marriage would bring peace between two sections of Legionnaire, and that was all that mattered. And after tonight, the human female would be committed, too. Maybe once she was, his lusty thoughts would end.

  * * * * *

  Much to Keely's surprise, she did sleep. Like any good captive, though, she'd spent time searching for a way to escape before she had. Eventually, she'd given up in defeat. The room was escape-proof, but even more so, she couldn't help replaying Zander's words. Even if she could run away, what good would it do her?

  The large bed was paradise compared to the lumpy twin size bed she'd left at home. In fact, she'd been so comfortable her escort had to shake her shoulder to wake her. Following behind the silent woman, Keely spent her time appraising her new surroundings.

  Everything about the interior was lavish, from the gold trim running along the walls to the high ceilings. It reminded her of a palace. Here on Legionnaire, the air was pure, the people healthy, and they even had electricity and working toilets. It was a complete switch from the bleak and dismal world she'd left behind.

  After what seemed like forever, her escort stopped and gestured for her to go into an open doorway. Keely stared at her for a moment in puzzlement before shaking her head and walking in.

  A gorgeous woman greeted her, grabbing her by both hands as she pulled her into the room. “Welcome,” she told her warmly, releasing one of her hands to turn away. “My name is Deanna. I'll be your attendant.”

  Keely gaped. Deanna was gorgeous, but it wasn't her beauty that held her attention. It was her breasts. Large and perfectly rounded, they were full and pert and shiny. She looked away uncomfortably. Only half-dressed, Deanna was the complete opposite of Olivia. Was she a vampire, too?

  Deanna didn't seem to notice her observations. “This is our grooming area for the concubines.”

  And what an area it was. There was a large communal-type bath and several tables on the tile next to it. The ceiling was made up of glass, similar to a greenhouse but much sturdier. There were a variety of plants and trees growing within the room. Keely wondered how they survived on a planet without sunshine.

  Deanna finally noticed her scrutiny. “The trees, grass, and plants that grow here get their nutrients from the moon. They are completely different than the ones you are used to on Earth, although some of them might look similar. These would die in the sunlight, though.”

  “Wow,” Keely finally found her voice. “They are beautiful.”

  Deanna stopped next to one of the sheet covered tables. “I'm going to undress you now, and then our preparations will began.”

  Keely flushed. She was still wearing her worn pajamas, and her hair was tangled. She hadn't been able to brush her teeth, which made her feel even worse. Compared to the other woman, Keely looked horrid. She flushed before pushing the thought away. It wasn't as if she'd asked to be taken. If they didn't like how she looked, they could just return her. They wouldn't get any complaints from her.

  Deanna's hands moved over her body with a familiarity that she wasn't used to. When she pulled her shirt off, Keely's nipples hardened in response to the cool air. Deanna stared at them before sliding her hands down to the elastic waistband of her pajama pants. “You have a lovely body,” she stated casually as Keely stepped out of them. “Our males are going to love it.”

  To Keely's surprise, Deanna pulled her own pants off. They had an elastic waistband, but that was where the similarities ended. Deanna's were red and gauzy, made of some type of nylon blend that clung to the curves of her hips and rear end. They were sexy. Keely's pajamas were not.

  Apparently, Deanna agreed. She tossed Keely's pajamas into a trash can next to the table. At her stunned look, Deanna giggled. “Don't worry,” she reassured Keely. “We've got something much better than those for you to wear. Tonight you'll look like a goddess.” She laid her own pants on the table before explaining, “I'll need to accompany you in

to the bath to attend to you. It's easier for me to undress now.”

  Keely climbed up on the surprisingly comfortable table. With her arms crossed over her breasts, she waited for Deanna's instructions. The other woman frowned at her actions. “Why are you hiding your body?”

  “In my world, people remain clothed,” Keely replied simply, not wanting to offend the other woman. “It would be dangerous for a woman to walk around naked on Earth.”

  “Ah, I see,” Deanna replied, gently leaning her back until she was spread out on the table. “I've heard that the conditions are less than ideal. Our males have plenty of stories to tell about their trips into your world.”

  Keely smiled sadly. “It wasn't always that way, though. I remember a time when Earth wasn't like that. As a child, we were able to go to the park, or the libraries, or the grocery stores. That was before all the illnesses and the deaths, though. Now crime is rampant, food is scarce, and nobody can afford the exorbitant prices. Earth is now a very dangerous place to be.”

  Keely sighed as she thought about the last several years. It was dangerous, but it was still her world. Didn't it deserve her loyalty? With a start, Keely realized she really didn't miss it. Had her parents still been alive, things would have been different. But they weren't, and she had nothing or no one to return to. Legionnaire was paradise compared to what she'd left behind, but she still wanted to return, didn't she?

  Deanna placed her hands on Keely's legs. “Bend your knees and spread them, please,” she chirped from the foot of the table.

  “Why?” Keely asked, even more embarrassed than she had been.

  “I'm going to remove your pussy hair,” Deanna replied conversationally. “But don't worry, it won't hurt. We have a special cream that will leave you completely smooth. Once you go bare, you'll never go back.”

  Keely mentally rolled her eyes. She'd never thought her nether hairs, one way or another, but then again, she'd never been put on some type of sexual display. “Why not?” she said out loud, silently admitting defeat. “When in Rome...”

  Deanna set to work, using a small, flat paddle to apply it to her mound. The embarrassment began to fade. After a moment, it was almost pleasurable. Heat gathered low in her belly, spreading to the area the other woman worked on. “I'm not familiar with that term,” she told Keely, applying the cream along her inner lips. “What does it mean?”

  “It just means to go along with the customs of the area you're in,” Keely replied, explaining it in the simplest way possible. She thought of the other women and wondered how they were faring. Lowering her voice, Keely asked her, “Have you seen the other female captives?”

  Deanna laughed, the sound light and air. “Concubines,” she gently corrected her. “And of course.”

  “Are they well?”

  The other woman's eyes sparkled as she nodded. Was she always this happy? “I've learned from the other concubines that you find coming to our planet a scary thing, but it's not. It's not our way to hurt others. In fact, anyone injuring a concubine would immediately be put to death.”

  “Why bring us then?”

  Deanna smoothed the cream over her legs, moving down each one in long lines. “Before the concubines, the vampire race was facing extinction. Many of our females are sterile, and nobody knows why. But our scientists found an alternative. They found our males could reproduce with human females, so long as the women have the vampire, or v, factor.”

  Despite her questions, Keely couldn't recall ever feeling better. The warmth from her stomach area radiated throughout her body. Deep inside, she felt languid and relaxed. It would be easy to get used to such a leisurely life. “What is this vampire factor?”

  “Obviously, I'm not a scientist,” Deanna replied, a smile in her voice. “But it is something that's in your blood that makes you compatible with vampires. And from what I hear, your blood is very tasty, too.”

  Keely jerked, but Deanna placed a gentle hand on her chest to hold her in place. “Relax. I'm not going to eat you, at least not unless you asked me to.” Her eyes slid down to the area between Keely's thighs. Somehow, Keely didn't think she was talking about her blood, and strangely, she found the idea erotic. She'd always wondered what it would feel like, to have a tongue working her down there.

  Inhaling deeply for control over her lusty body, Keely gripped the sheet with both hands as Deanna went back to work on her other leg. “So vampires really do drink blood.” It was a statement more than a question.

  “Yes, we survive on it, but we don't require much. Our scientists have created an artificial blood for us to drink, but it's not as tasty as the real thing.” Deanna grinned widely, revealing tiny, sharp fangs. They didn't detract from her looks. “Here on our world, you'll notice we have three faucets on some of our sinks. Two of them are for water, similar to what you have on Earth, but the other is for our artificial blood. The pipes are connected directly to the blood plant. We even have blood fountains.”

  Keely stared up at her as she took it all in. It was odd, but it made sense. Vampires didn't need water to survive, but they did require their blood. Surprisingly, she wasn't grossed out by it, but she might have been had their blood not been artificial. “Do vampires feed from the concubines?”

  “That depends on the concubine,” she replied, lifting Keely's arm so she could apply the cream to her armpit. “If she offers her blood it's fine, but no vampire is allowed to take her blood without her approval. And once she's mated, a concubine is not allowed to feed anyone other than her mate. In some ways, our planet is quite archaic with our rules and regulations, but they work.”

  “Are there only female concubines?”

  “So far.” Deanna laid the jar down on the table next to the bed before taking several washcloths over to the pool. Wetting them, she wrung them out before returning back to the table. “Now I'm going to remove the cream from your body.”

  Keely spread her legs without really noticing. She refused to focus on how good the washcloth felt as it gently moved across her sensitive flesh. “Does it hurt to be fed on?”

  “Oh, no,” Deanna informed her airily. She pressed the washcloth even deeper, the textured material sliding against Keely's inner lips. “We have a substance in our mouths that is released to ease any pain. Plus, we don't actually insert our whole tooth. Feeding is pleasurable to both parties involved.

  For some reason, Zander's face rose in her mind. What would it feel like to have his lips against her neck as his mouth and tongue suckled at her? The tingling within her intensified at the thought.

  The next hour passed quickly. After awhile, Keely relaxed enough to push her doubts and fears from her mind. Life on earth had been a daily struggle. Would it really hurt her to just enjoy the moment?

  Wiping her hands on a clean towel, Deanna announced, “Now it's time for your bath.”

  Keely cleared her throat as she followed the other woman into the water. It was bliss. Deep and warm, the water enveloped her pleasurably. Leaning her back against the built-in jet, she sighed.

  Deanna reached for a bar of soap on a dish at the edge of the bath. “After your bath, I will ring for a tray of food to be sent up. After that, I'll finish up your hair. You'll have just enough time for a nap before the festivities began. If I were you, I'd take it. Knowing our males, you're going to need it.”

  Keely's eyes popped open at her words. It was odd, the way everyone kept warning her to rest. “Why do you say that?” In her mind, she envisioned a pack of starved vampires burying their fangs into her body. It wasn't a pleasant thought.

  Deanna lifted her right arm and began cleaning it. The soap had a heady herbal scent that was very calming. Pulling Keely's hair to the side, she moved to her neck and back. “Which part?” Deanna replied, an amused note to her voice. She must have seen the anxiety on Keely's face because she continued, “I've already told you our males won't hurt you.”

  “I know, but why would I need to be rested up and well fed?”

a shot her a droll look. “Surely, you can't be that innocent?” She motioned for Keely to stand up so she could wash her below the waist. “Once you've selected your mate, you will likely want to mate with him. And when our mates mate, they really mate. I've heard from the other women that the earth men they knew were unable to perform for very long. Our males don't have this problem. They are wild, voracious lovers, with a stamina that is unmatched.”

  Oh, shit, Keely thought to herself. She visibly trembled at the thought. It all sounded so far-fetched, but here she was being groomed for a sexually-charged night.

  Deanna cleared her throat as her fingers lingered on the bony points of her hips. “If you don't mind me asking, why are you so slender? With such a delicate build, it will make it harder on you to physically accept your mate. Not only are they built large, but they can get a bit impassioned during sex.”


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