To Catch a Man (In 30 Days or Less) (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series)

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To Catch a Man (In 30 Days or Less) (The BAD BOY BILLIONAIRES Series) Page 3

by Judy Angelo

  Indie shook her head. “That’s where you and I are different, Tessa. You’re a dreamer. I’m practical. And I know I don’t have the chance of a snowball in Hades with a man like Stone Hudson. Heck, I probably wouldn’t have a chance with him even if he were a regular guy. Who am I kidding?” She dropped the last scrap of paper into the bin, patted her hands together in finality then walked back to the armchair where she flopped down.

  So much for finding a man in thirty days. Correction – twenty-nine. She might as well practice pursing her lips so she’d be ready when it was time to kiss the fourteen million dollars goodbye. Oh, well…

  “Indiana Moon Lane, I can’t believe you, the great granddaughter of a Mohawk Chief, are behaving like this. Shame on you.” Tessa marched over to where Indie sat, pretty much ignoring her, and swatted her on the arm.

  “Hey, you.” Indie jerked back and rubbed the wounded limb. “Settle down, squirt.”

  “I will,” Tessa said in a huff, “as soon as you get your act together and we start planning again. Now, it’s…" she glanced at the clock on the wall, “…three minutes before two and we have to figure out a way to reach this man before the day is out. We need to get an appointment and fast.”

  “All right." Indie got up and strolled over to the desk. She picked up the phone. “You want an appointment, I’ll get an appointment. Where we go from there, that’s anybody’s guess.” She flipped open her notebook with Stone’s number, picked up the phone and dialed. It began to ring and she held her breath.

  “Hello.” His voice was the same deep mellow timbre she remembered from the day before. It sent a delicious shiver up her spine.

  Indie grimaced. This was not the time to turn into a girly girl, swooning at the sound of a man’s voice. She was above that sort of thing. Upset with herself, she spoke through clenched teeth. “This is Indie Lane,” she began then realizing she was sounding angry and, of course, he wouldn’t understand why, she released her breath, forcing herself to relax. “This is Indie,” she said again. “We met yesterday-”

  “Yes, of course,” he said, his voice carrying a hint of surprise. “Indiana Moon lane. I was just about to call you.”

  That made Indie straighten up. “You were?”

  “Yes. But I cut you off. What were you calling about?”

  “No, you go ahead,” Indie said quickly. Maybe he had a good reason to call her. Right now her reason for calling him seemed just a little bit lame. I’d like an appointment with you to see how I can trap you into marriage. He’d call for the straitjacket right away.

  “I wonder if you would meet with me tomorrow to discuss a possible opportunity…if you’re interested, that is.” He cleared his throat. “Of course, I don’t know your situation but I’m looking for a project manager to take over the operations of a charity I run in South Africa. You struck me as the right person for the job.”

  “Oh, is that right?” Indie couldn’t keep a touch of sarcasm out of her voice. Why had he thought that? Because she looked strong and tough…for a woman?

  “There’s an aura about you,” he said, “something I can’t explain. All I can say is, I sense that you’ll love those orphans and give them the affection only a true loving spirit can.”

  Orphans. He’d said orphans. And if there was one thing that pulled her heartstrings and made her spring into action it was the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of orphaned kids. Stone Hudson had read her like a wide-open book – after just one very brief meeting.

  “I’d love to hear more,” she said.

  He responded with a laugh. “I knew you would. Now the only question is, how soon can we meet? The situation is a bit urgent, I’m afraid. My current project manager is due to have a baby soon. Would you be available tomorrow?”

  Indie bit her lip. Tomorrow was good but today was even better. The sooner she could get a face-to-face meeting with Stone the sooner she could start working her plan…or, more accurately, Tessa’s. They didn’t have much time. “What about today?”

  “Sounds good to me,” he said without hesitation. “The sooner, the better.”

  “Is five o’clock too late? I could be at your office by then.” Indie was feeling pleased with herself at how easily she’d pulled off an early meeting when she looked over and saw Tessa. Her friend was frantically shaking her head and mouthing the word ‘later’.

  “Wait, five o’clock may not work. What about seven?” Indie backtracked but meanwhile she was glaring at Tessa. What was wrong with her?

  “We could meet at Palmetto's, that great restaurant on Maple Avenue.”

  “That’s fine,” Indie said, feeling totally distracted. Tessa was signaling something else and she couldn’t figure out what two fingers pointing to the lips meant. She was so preoccupied with Tessa, if Stone had suggested they meet under a bridge she would have agreed. “I’ll see you at seven,” she said then hung up.

  “What?” She gave Tessa a look of annoyance. “Didn’t you see I was trying to set up the appointment?”

  “Yes, and that’s the problem.”

  Indie narrowed her gaze. “The problem? I thought that was the plan.”

  “It was at first but then I thought, why settle for an appointment when you can get a date?” Tessa gave her a grin of triumph. “And it worked! Now we have exactly five hours to get you ready.” She ran over and grabbed Indie’s arm. “Come on.”

  “Where are we going?" Indie pulled back, unwilling to get caught up in Tessa’s whirlwind of excitement.

  “To the mall, of course. We have to get you a dress, shoes, a nice purse, makeup. Oh, and your hair. We’ve got to do something about that hair.”

  Indie lifted her hand and ran her fingers through her black strands. “What’s wrong with it?”

  Tessa rolled her eyes. “You’re seriously asking that question? It makes you look like a boy. Now once my hair stylist gets his hands on you, you’ll be a new woman. He’ll layer the strands, get your hair to softly frame your face and soften those lines, then he’ll-”

  “All right, whatever.” Indie grabbed her keys from off the desk and stuffed them into her pocket. “Let’s go.”

  Tessa almost bounced out of the room, she was so eager.

  Indie could only sigh. For years Tessa had been trying to ‘beautify’ her with manicured nails, fancy dresses and jewelry. She’d resisted every attempt until now. But fate – or maybe just her desire to get the fourteen million dollars – had led her straight into Tessa’s hands. Heaven help her.

  They jumped into the Land Rover and sped off to The Burlington Mall where Tessa took Indie on a whirlwind shopping spree, dragging her into at least eight stores until they found the perfect dress, an emerald green sheath that showed off her long legs and svelte frame. Then, a quick dash to Julio’s, where the expert trimmed and feathered until Indie’s hair caressed her nape, emphasizing her slender neck and tickling her cheeks. When he spun the chair around so she could look in the mirror she almost didn’t recognize herself. If she should admit it, she could actually pass for a beautiful woman. A model, even. When Tessa said Julio had talent and could transform her, she wasn’t kidding.

  “Now for the shoes.” Tessa dragged her off again, and this time it took three shoe stores before they found a pretty pair that made Indie’s size nine feet look dainty.

  An eyebrow and upper lip wax and a manicure later, Indie was out of pocket a few hundred dollars but actually quite pleased with her new look. It was a far cry from the rugged, outdoorsy look she usually sported.

  “It’s a quarter to six,” Tessa said, pointing to the clock on the salon wall. “We’ve got to get you ready.”

  It took them exactly eighteen minutes to get to Indie’s house which was thankfully only three blocks away from Tessa’s. At least she wouldn’t have to drop her friend home before rushing off to her date. Tessa could easily walk. It took Indie another twenty minutes to shower and dress and twelve whole minutes for Tessa to do her makeup. Indie had thought the ha
ircut was transforming but when Tessa was done she could truly say she was a new woman. Move over, Lois Lane. Indiana Lane is ready to snag herself her own Superman.

  At the door she drew in a deep breath, tucked her gold purse under her arm and gave Tessa a slightly less than confident smile. “Wish me luck,” she whispered, not feeling at all like her usual self-assured self but more like the wishy-washy women she normally scoffed at. Now, with her mission being to capture the full attention of her target, she had become one of them. Her lips curled in self derision. The things people did for money. Although, in her case it would all go to worthy causes. She didn’t intend to spend a cent of it on herself. That is, assuming she even got it…

  But even as she walked to her vehicle Indie knew deep down that this wasn’t all about the money. To her chagrin she was beginning to realize that there was a part of her that really wanted this – the date, getting to know Stone Hudson and maybe, just maybe, getting him to feel something for her, possibly attraction, maybe even…love.

  She shook her head. Get your mind out of the clouds, woman. This is business. She started the engine and pulled out of the driveway then headed off to her date with Stone Hudson. With her purse full of notes from Tessa, instructions on how to mesmerize the man in question, the night promised to be interesting, to say the least.


  Stone strode into Palmetto's where he was a well-known and valued patron. He was immediately ushered to the private lounge reserved for special guests. He’d left instructions for Indiana to be escorted to this private dining room immediately upon arrival. He hated to keep a lady waiting and had made sure to get there over ten minutes earlier than the appointed time.

  He was relaxed in the plush chair, skimming the wine list, when the maitre-d’ ushered in an exquisitely elegant lady in a stunning emerald dress that molded her curves like a second skin. As the man brought her closer Stone raised his eyebrows in surprise. Why was she here? Had they got his unexpected visitor mixed up with someone else?

  He rose to his feet and gave a courteous nod and that was when he got a really good look at the queen who had sauntered into his private salon. Her lips pert and prettily painted, her hair soft and feathery around her face and her eyes – those beautiful eyes, now arresting in their beauty, the colors on the lids making them sparkling green behind her long lashes. The regal beauty standing before him was none other than his awaited guest, Indiana Lane.

  Her dramatic beauty stunned Stone. He knew Indiana was beautiful but this was way beyond what he could have imagined. Realizing he was still staring he gave her a smile to break the tension.

  She smiled back then she did something that threw him for a loop. Was she batting her eyelids at him? He had to stop himself before he got caught in a frown. Was cool and matter-of-fact Indiana Lane flirting with him?

  He had no time to ponder that question. She was standing right in front of him now, her lips parted, her chin tilted up toward him.

  “Indiana, thank you for coming,” he said as his eyes roamed her face. “You look very beautiful this evening.”

  She cocked her eyebrow and gave him a slow, even smile. “Why, thank you,” she breathed, her voice a deep, sultry purr.

  God, what a contrast to the firm tone she’d used on him the evening before. He blinked then pulled out the chair for her and as she sat down his nostrils were filled with the seductive fragrance of her perfume. He could only describe it as seductive because, if the tightness in his groin was anything to go by, he had already fallen under her spell.

  He went to sit on his own chair, thankful for the chance to hide his lower half from view. With relief he took the wine list from the maitre d’ and pretended to be lost in its contents. He needed those few seconds to readjust his thermostat. He put a hand up and ran his finger inside his collar then tugged his tie back in place. God, it was hot in here.

  The maitre d’ called a black-suited young man and thankfully, by the time the server took the orders, Stone was back to normal. The room had cooled down wonderfully in the past few minutes.

  He turned round from thanking the server and was just about to say something charming to Indiana – or ‘Indie’ as she called herself – when he noticed that she’d opened her little gold purse and was carefully perusing what looked like a folded sheet of paper on which she had notes or some sort of list. And as she read she was frowning, seeming deep in concentration, and she was mouthing the words. If he could read lips he would swear she’d mouthed, “Always flatter him". He almost laughed at his stupidity. There was no way her paper said anything like that. He was ninety-nine percent sure that what she was reading had something to do with business.

  “Lots of things on your ‘To-Do’ list?” he said with a smile. “Had to take you work with you, I see.” His tone was teasing. He knew what it was to have a million and one things to cram into a measly twenty-four hours.

  Indie jumped and her wide-eyed gaze flew to his. She immediately dropped her gaze again, shoved the paper back into her purse and snapped it shut. Then she dragged it off the table and dropped it onto her lap. When she looked up again her face was rosy with a guilty blush.

  That only made Stone smile wider. It was amusing, maybe even sweet, that she’d taken her work with her and then felt guilty at being caught. “It’s okay,” he said magnanimously. “No need to feel bad. I’ve been guilty of the same thing.”

  When she gave him a look of confusion he continued. “Taking my work with me. Not leaving it back at the office.”

  At that, her face cleared. “Oh,” she said, a look of relief passing over her face, “that. Yes, I…can’t seem to leave the office behind.” She gave a little giggle and it made her seem much younger and a whole lot less audacious than the woman he’d met the day before. Charming, but he sort of missed the woman he’d run into.

  By the time the meal arrived Indie was almost back to what he considered her normal self, ribbing him again about his name. She was never going to let him live that one down. But then, just like the transformation that had taken place with her appearance, her personality changed again. Indie’s lips softened in a smile and her eyelids lowered seductively. “Uhm, that’s a lovely tie you’re wearing.”

  Stone couldn’t even remember which tie he’d grabbed when he was getting dressed. He glanced down and saw that it was a narrow black one with thin, almost invisible strips of gray. Nothing spectacular, as far as he was concerned. But maybe it appealed to women. He had no idea, but Indie certainly seemed to like it. “Thank you.” He acknowledged her compliment with a nod and a smile.

  “And your cologne,” she said softly. “What is it? Issey Miyake?”

  Surprised, he nodded. She had a great nose for scents.

  “Perfect choice,” she almost crooned. “It suits you.” Then she lifted her glass and the tip of her pink tongue slipped from between ruby lips to taste the dark red liquid. She took a slow sip and raised shimmering green eyes to him.

  Stone almost groaned. If she kept this up he’d probably reach across the table for her and kiss her senseless. A man could only take so much. He shifted in his seat but getting comfortable was next to impossible just then.

  He cleared his throat. “How’s your steak?” he asked as he picked up his fork again.

  She blinked. Then, as if snapping out of a trance, she straightened up and the smoldering embers left her eyes. Instead, the mischievous light was back and her lips curled in a smile. “Very well done, like I asked.”

  He looked at the dark mass on her plate. “It looks like it’s been burned to a crisp,” he said.

  “Just the way I like it,” she said with a laugh and to his relief it was a real laugh, not low and sexy and disturbing, but light and melodic and genuine. Now that was the Indie he liked.

  After that, they settled into companionable conversation while they ate until Indie closed her knife and fork and dabbed at her lips with her napkin. “I’ll be right back,” she said, smiling. “I just need to pow
der my nose.”

  Gracefully, she got up and turned to go but then she spun around and grabbed her tiny purse from where she’d placed it beside her napkin. Another bright smile and then she was walking away, her hips swaying with every step.

  She was almost at the door, heading out of the private dining room, when the seductive sway of her hips was interrupted by a stumble and then a curse under her breath. Stone made to get up and help her but she immediately righted herself and, still muttering, disappeared through the door.

  He sank back in his chair, shaking his head. Talk about a mystery woman. One minute alluring temptress and the next, swearing like a truck driver, albeit under her breath. Which one was she, really? No wonder men could never understand women. With a man, what you saw was pretty much what you got. With a woman, you just never knew…

  Stone was still pondering the enigma that was Indiana Lane when she returned. And just like before, he had to do a double take. Where was the siren who had just left the table?

  Indie was approaching but this was a different Indie from the one who had arrived at the restaurant over an hour earlier. The gold eye shadow was gone and so was the pink blush that had highlighted her already lovely cheekbones. And the ruby lips she’d pursed and pouted earlier? Gone. In their place were the soft pink lips that had chastised him the evening before.

  When Indie got to the table she didn’t even give him a chance to get up and pull out the chair for her. Cheeks flushed, she sat down and dropped her purse on top of the table. She let out a deep sigh. “I can’t do this. It’s just not me.”

  He smiled and leaned forward. “What? The makeup?”

  “Yes,” she said, giving him a crooked grin. “And the high heels. I was trying to make a good first impression…or second…but my face felt like some kid had plastered watercolor paints all over it. And not to mention these darned high heels.” She chuckled. “Not exactly everyday wear for me. Let’s just say it’s been a while since I had to fit myself out in this kind of get-up.” She gave him a rueful smile. “Sorry.”


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