Unattainable (No Rival Book 5)

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Unattainable (No Rival Book 5) Page 1

by Charity Parkerson

  Table of Contents

  Title Page




  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Author Bio


  No Rival #5

  Charity Parkerson

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  Punk & Sissy Publications

  --Warning: This book is intended for readers over the age of 18.

  Copyright © 2016 Charity Parkerson

  Editor: Vicky Reese

  Cover art by Dar Albert



  Note: This book was originally published under the same title with Ellora’s Cave Publishing.

  All rights reserved.

  Book 5 in the No Rival series

  A career-ending injury leaves Brian reeling. With no clue what he’ll do now that his dream of becoming an MMA champion is over, he is shocked at an unexpected offer of help from a former champ.

  Terry has seen the top and is happy with his life in retirement. However, the chance to help a fellow fighter regain his dream is something he can’t resist.

  When Brian accepts Terry’s offer, the sexual magnetism between them catches Brian off guard. Keeping his attraction hidden becomes a bigger challenge than regaining his strength. Plus, Terry’s mixed signals leave Brian frustrated and confused.

  Though Terry is just as hot for Brian, he has secrets that could tear their budding romance apart. But he simply cannot resist the pull Brian has over him or the heat between them. Through it all, both men discover that love really can conquer all.


  The No Rival series has challenged me in ways I never expected. Days of crying, laughing, blushing and talking to myself in the grocery store grew into characters I truly love. They haven't always behaved the way I planned but they've lived the life meant for them. Now, I need to thank a few people who have allowed me to be me along the way. Touching my heart shouldn't go without acknowledgment.

  Vicky Reese for having the best editing comments ever. It takes amazing talent to make an author laugh while correcting their work. I hope you find chocolate you've hidden from yourself on a daily basis and it never sticks to your hips.

  Romancing the Book for leaving me humbled. Being considered one of your favorite GBLT authors meant more than I can say.

  Finally, for every reader who takes a chance on me. You're beautiful.

  Chapter One

  February 14th

  He’d been sold at auction. Of course, it was ridiculous for Brian to complain. He’d volunteered, after all. No Rival, the fight club he belonged to and worked for, had hosted a private auction to raise money for a local children’s hospital. Several of the fighters, himself included, were handing over eight hours of their time to the highest bidders. When he’d signed up, Brian had thought nothing of it. The proceeds were going to a good cause and he didn’t mind helping out. He’d fetched a good price too, so he shouldn’t complain. The problem was who’d bought him. The memory of light green eyes flashed across his mind. The muscles in his shoulders tensed. His cock twitched. Nothing good could come of this.

  “It looks like you could use a lift.”

  Brian’s gaze flickered in Terry’s direction at the sound of his voice. Terry Richards wasn’t especially tall, maybe only five-ten. He was a good five inches shorter than Brian was, but he was solid muscle.

  Brian grunted. “Yeah. It looks that way.”

  “Come on then,” Terry said, motioning for Brian to follow. “You did a good thing tonight. Giving McKenna and Kurt your car,” he clarified as Brian fell in step beside him.

  Brian held his silence. He hoped it turned out to be. His best friend, McKenna, had been his date to the auction. While he’d lost his soul to the highest bidder, her ex had shown up, obviously intent on winning her back. When he realized the pair needed some time alone, he’d loaned them his car in hopes they would work things out. McKenna was pregnant. She needed Kurt. Of course now, as Brian climbed inside Terry’s Chevy pickup, he worried it had been a mistake. Not for McKenna. For him.

  Turning over the ignition, Terry fired up the heat. He didn’t move. Brian wanted to smack himself. “Oh. I live on Grove Avenue off Fifty-Second.”

  Terry still didn’t budge. An uncomfortable silence grew. At one time Terry had been the World Divisional MMA Middleweight Champion. It was a position Brian coveted. Unfortunately, he’d sustained a career-ending injury a few months earlier. The dream was lost to him now. The fact Terry once held the position Brian wanted for himself had nothing to do with his discomfort. Additionally, Terry being—for the most part—a stranger to him, also had nothing to do with the reason Brian was ready to jump out of the truck. It was the man’s light-green gaze, combined with the knowledge he now owned Brian for one whole day of his choosing, that caused chill bumps to rise on Brian’s skin. Terry kicked up the heat a notch, proving how closely he’d been watching Brian.

  He wanted to say something, anything to break the silence. Brian couldn’t think of a single topic. Words were lost to him.

  “My offer still stands. I’d love to help you get back on track for the title.”

  There was that too. The day they’d met, Terry had volunteered to help Brian find his way back to the road to the championship. Brian really didn’t want to train with Terry. Unfortunately, he couldn’t think of a gracious way to say no. Terry had made his offer while Brian had been in the hospital. The last thing he wanted was a pity session. Instead of answering, he decided to deflect.

  “You’re retired. Enjoy it.”

  “This is my way of enjoying it,” Terry countered, making Brian want to groan. It wasn’t in frustration as it should’ve been. Nope. For him, it was sexual all the way. Brian eyed the black wool pea coat hiding Terry’s delicious body from view. He hated the jacket for a moment. It was unhealthy how much he loathed an inanimate object.

  “Why?” Honestly, Brian didn’t care. He was simply fulfilling his end of the conversation with a mundane question. Otherwise, he might do something stupid, like admit he didn’t want to train with Terry because he couldn’t handle the thought of the man’s body against his.

  “How much did McKenna tell you about my brother?”

  Brian supposed he knew quite a bit. He was equally aware there could be a thousand
things he didn’t know. “They were married. He was sick and killed himself.” It was the cliff notes version, of course. It wasn’t as if the man didn’t know his brother had died. Unfortunately, Brian hadn’t intended for his words to sound quite so unfeeling. Terry’s sadness was almost tangible. Brian wanted to kick his own ass. “I’m sorry,” he said automatically but Terry waved it away.

  “I’m guessing what she didn’t tell you is how I abandoned him to her care as fast as I could.”

  In spite of the situation, a chuckle fell from Brian’s lips. When he pictured what he knew about McKenna, he couldn’t imagine her feeling any such thing. Terry’s brother Gray had been McKenna’s whole world before he died. He flashed Terry an apologetic smile. “It seems I’ll be telling you I’m sorry quite a bit tonight. It’s only—well—you know McKenna.” He shrugged. “She once admitted to me that Gray was who she based her devil character on in her books. Considering the hot as hell erotica she writes, I’m inclined to think you probably made a good decision by leaving his care in her capable hands.”

  Terry looked as if he was fighting back a smile. Brian glanced away before the hunger gnawing at his gut showed on his face. He’d hate to get kicked out to the curb on such a cold night. He was stupid, wanting a man who most likely had never looked at another guy the way Brian was looking at him.

  “I was content to let her have it,” Terry said, dragging Brian back on topic. “It wasn’t that I didn’t love him. I simply didn’t know how to help. Everyone, including me, treated him differently after his diagnosis. McKenna was the only person who didn’t fail him. There isn’t a day goes by that I don’t wish I could have him back, do things over.” Terry shrugged. “Maybe one day I’ll feel like I’ve made amends. Until then, I’m trying to help as many people as I can. I want to make a difference.”

  “At the risk of sounding like an ungrateful ass, I don’t have any interest in being your charity case.”

  A mocking grin touched his lips. “Oh. I think we both know you’re different.” Brian had no idea what Terry meant. “Plus,” Terry added, “You don’t have much choice in the matter. At least not for eight hours, anyhow. I paid a lot of money for you.”

  “Damn.” He had. A triumphant expression crossed Terry’s face at Brian’s curse. “Do you still have my number?”

  “Yeah,” Brian admitted sounding petulant even to his ears. He crossed his arms over his chest.

  “Good. Text me.”


  “Well. I’m waiting.”

  “Now?” Brian asked, hearing the irritation in his voice but unable to stop it.

  “I believe I just said so.”

  Sighing heavily, Brian fished out his phone and found Terry’s card in his wallet. He dialed the number, sending a quick “hello”.

  “There,” Brian said, slipping the phone back inside his pocket. Terry’s buzzed, sounding loud in the otherwise quiet car. His grin transformed into something almost sinister.

  “I’ll send you my address. Be there at ten a.m., no excuses.”

  “Not that I’m making one, but I’m not allowed to train for at least another two weeks with the damage to my thigh.” A week earlier, Brian had ripped open his femoral artery making an ass out of himself with McKenna after a night of heavy drinking. Luckily, she’d known exactly what to do to keep him from bleeding out. Unfortunately, it set his training back…again.

  Terry pulled away from the curb. With his eyes locked on the road, the smirk never left his face. Brian was fascinated. He couldn’t look away. “For what I have planned, you won’t need your leg.”

  His brain hiccupped. There was no other way to describe how Brian’s mind blanked for a complete minute. For a moment, Terry’s tone almost sounded as if he was propositioning him. Of course, it was most likely wishful thinking on his part, but still, Brian’s dick didn’t care. It beat against his zipper, begging to come out and play.

  He cleared his throat twice. Terry’s mocking grin hitched up a notch at the sound. “What if I don’t have my car back by then?” Brian asked, trying a different track.

  “You will.” The confidence in Terry’s voice made it impossible for him to argue. “Okay,” Brian drawled, determined not to say another word. If his car didn’t magically reappear in the middle of the night, then he wouldn’t have to worry about showing up—problem solved. They made the rest of the short drive in silence while Brian did his best not to inhale Terry’s scent. It was impossible, of course. He smelled amazing. As Terry turned onto Grove Avenue, Brian pointed out a small cluster of apartments.

  “I’m right there in Building C.” Since there were only four units per building, Brian didn’t feel moved to give an exact apartment number. Terry pulled into the first empty parking spot. It was the space located directly in front of Brian’s apartment, his usual space. He couldn’t help but wonder if it was a coincidence. Terry seemed to possess an uncanny ability to know everything about everyone.

  “Thanks for the lift,” Brian said, attempting to make his escape before the situation became any more awkward.


  He froze with one foot on the pavement. The sound of his name falling from Terry’s lips sent a shiver of longing down his spine. In an attempt to hide his reaction, Brian kept his movements slow as he turned his head, meeting Terry’s gaze. With the interior light casting a glow across his features, Terry appeared twice as wicked.

  He waited until Brian held his stare before saying anything else. A half-smile played across his lips and his eyes flashed with mischief as if he knew exactly the effect he had on Brian. “It was my pleasure.” Damned if Brian could remember what they were talking about. Terry apparently understood and took mercy on him. “I’ll see you at ten.”

  Rendered mute, Brian nodded before slipping from the truck. It wasn’t until the door to his apartment closed behind him, sealing him inside the safety of his space and away from Terry’s knowing gaze that Brian realized something important—he’d been played by a master. Terry had used every weapon in his arsenal to secure Brian’s agreement and he’d allowed it to happen. Nothing good could come of this.

  * * * * *

  Against his better judgment, Brian presented himself at exactly ten a.m. at the address provided. One look at Terry’s house reminded him of the many reasons why he wanted the title. It was huge and cool as hell. Even though he thought he didn’t care about the money, he did. He didn’t expect he’d ever be heavyweight-champion-rich but he couldn’t deny it would be nice to be out from beneath his mother’s crushing medical bills. The everyday struggle to survive sucked ass. He almost made it to the etched-glass front door before it swung wide and Terry stepped out. Since Brian had been expecting a training session, he’d worn workout pants, a t-shirt and a light jacket. He felt a bit underdressed in the face of Terry’s dark jeans, sweater, and wool coat.

  “Are you ready?”

  Brian debated the merits of being a smartass before simply nodding. He was quickly learning it didn’t matter what he said anyhow. Terry would do as he pleased.

  Without bothering to ask where they were going, he fell into step behind Terry on his way down the driveway. He nodded toward Brian’s car.

  “I told you you’d have your car back.”

  “So you did.” It was all Brian could think to say as he followed Terry. The pale exterior of Terry’s home might have captured Brian’s eye under different circumstances. He did catch a glimpse of glimmering pool water through the bushes surrounding the back yard. It also didn’t escape his notice that Terry possessed not one, but three additional vehicles inside his garage. Two of them were classics worth more than Brian’s entire life. All of those things would’ve held his attention any other time but it wasn’t happening with Terry there. In comparison to the man leading him to the same truck he’d been in the night before, there was none.

  “I have a few errands.”

  The remark effectively distracted him. “I thought we were training.”
  “I never said as much.”

  That brought Brian up short. Climbing into the passenger side, he went over the conversation they’d had the night before. Well shit. Terry hadn’t specifically said they’d be working out. He’d alluded to it but nothing more. If Brian intended to survive this man, he would have to stay on his toes.

  His confusion over Terry’s intentions grew when their first stop turned out to be a florist. Since he didn’t have a choice, Brian tagged along as Terry headed inside. An overenthusiastic saleswoman met them at the door. Her luminous smile spoke volumes about how happy she was to have Terry’s business. Of course, Brian didn’t miss the way she tugged subconsciously at her dark sweater before fluffing her brown hair. He half-expected her to adjust her cleavage at any moment.


  Brian cringed at the high-pitched squeal. Terry’s face softened as if seeing an old friend. “Hey Betty. How’s Anna doing this week?”

  At Terry’s question, the woman’s features shifted and Brian caught a glimpse of a different side of her. He was suddenly reminded of his mother before her death. Betty had the same glint of exhaustion in her eyes.

  She made a helpless gesture. “We’re having an off week. They started her on a new medication and it’s not working as well as they hoped. On the upside, we were approved for a new insurance plan. It won’t help with the bills we already have but it should keep us from digging any deeper.”

  “That’s awesome news about the insurance. I do hate that she’s backsliding in her treatment. I know the doctors are always searching for better results but that doesn’t make it any easier.”

  As the pair continued their discussion, Brian trailed away to inspect the tiny shop. Any time someone discussed health issues, he felt like an intruder on something personal. Not to mention, years of caring for a dying parent had left him drained. He did gather from their conversation that Anna was Betty’s daughter and she had some form of cancer. The idea made him sad so he chose to concentrate on his surroundings instead. The scent of fresh-cut flowers hung heavily in the air. He didn’t know much about such things, but several of the arrangements were nice to look at. He’d have to keep this place in mind.


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