The Lion, The Witch, and The Secret Garden: A Nocturne Falls Universe story

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The Lion, The Witch, and The Secret Garden: A Nocturne Falls Universe story Page 4

by Larissa Emerald

  Cedric stood. “I’ll let you two catch up.” His wolf moved, assuming a spot beside his leg. He leaned over and kissed Kamdyn on the mouth, lingering a moment.

  “You don’t have to go,” Kamdyn purred.

  Cedric let his eyes shift to Zoe. “Yeah, I do. You gals have fun.”

  Zoe waited until his car pulled from the drive. She finished her water and leaned forward, placing the glass on the floor beside the chair leg.

  “What’s with the high school talk about the cat shifters we took to prom?” She laughed. “I hadn’t thought of that in ages.”

  “I didn’t want to discuss it in front of Cedric. How much have you told him about your dad and the stone?”

  “Nothing. He’d want to get involved, and I’m not sure if that’s the best thing,” Kamdyn said.

  “I agree. For the time being, I think we should try to deal with this by ourselves.”

  “So what did you really discover?”

  “The guy we passed in the restaurant is a lion shifter. The napkin I picked up and gave back to him is some sort of a map. It’s magical, created by a strong witch. And it has something to do with the Clach Sgàthan.”

  Kamdyn gasped. “No!” Her brow furrowed, perplexed. “My goodness, how many people know of this stone?”

  “Good question. So far we know us, your father, and Rylan Lewis.”

  “Is that the man from tonight?”

  “Yes. He’s from out of town. Terror, Minnesota. I’m not sure he will be able to decipher the map, given its magical qualities. But what I wouldn’t give to get my hands on it. He’s staying in his RV at the campground.”

  “How about we split up tomorrow? I’ll tail my father, and you can go after our mystery man.”

  “Our lion. He’s a shifter, remember.”

  “Right. I hope he wants it more than my father does. Anything would be better than Roar getting his hands on the mirror stone.” Kamdyn stood and stretched. “I should get some rest. I’ll need my senses sharp tomorrow.”

  Zoe agreed. She replenished her glass of water and took it with her to her bedroom. She got ready for bed, slipped beneath the covers, and closed her eyes. As soon as she did, he was there, in her mind, his golden eyes taunting her and telling her to go away.

  She flipped onto her side and punched the pillow, trying to soften it. It was too hard and unforgiving. Again, she shut her eyes, determined to force him from her thoughts. Somewhere between sleep and awake, she realized he wasn’t with her this time, and a twinge of regret tightened her chest. Eventually, she drifted into a fitful slumber.

  * * *

  When Rylan got to the motor home, he was restless. The gurgling water called to him. I’ll ease your sore muscles. I’ll make you forget the woman. I’ll be your companion. He tucked the map in a safe hiding place, strolled silently through the brush behind his RV, and headed to the river.

  As he expected, the water was indeed cool and comforting. The moon had risen and a rainbow had formed in the mist over the falls. It was a glorious night. There was only one thing missing—someone to share it with.

  He sighed, floating on his back, gazing at the clear night sky. He breathed deeply, his thoughts drifting to Zoe, and her lovely lush mouth, her tall frame and sweet curves. Why was his timing in life so crappy? He wanted to lick his tongue across her lips and bury his face between her ample breasts.

  With a groan, he rolled over and dove into the water, swimming until he reached the bottom, then kicked his way back to the surface.

  Why did life have to get so complicated? When his skin began to turn into a prune, he trudged to the RV. He dried and fixed a whiskey neat, then he stretched out on his side in bed, propping himself up on one elbow, enjoying the warmth of his drink as he sipped. He stared at the map. The images shifted in a confusing manner. One minute, the rock was on one side of the falls, but with a slight tip of his wrist, it was on the other. It reminded him of a holographic image, shimmering and fluid. Downing the last of his whiskey, he decided he’d look at the map tomorrow in the light of day. Maybe then he’d see it clearly.

  As he closed his eyes, Zoe’s offer of deciphering the map for him grew temping. After all, her talents with magic gave her an edge. If she tried to grab the mirror stone, he would be able to surpass her in strength and speed to get the rock first.

  He flipped the covers off, stretching, trying to settle his thoughts. Maybe he wouldn’t be able to read the map in time to save his sister. It was something to consider.

  He grabbed his phone off the nightstand where it sat charging. He texted his mother. Probably should have done it earlier. Arrived. Will update you when I can.

  Chapter Six

  Early the next morning, Zoe parked her car in main campground parking lot and walked the distance to the falls.

  Sneaking around, Zoe kept her distance. She’d been watching Rylan for about two hours as he scoured the area directly above the falls. At the moment, he sat upon a huge rock, and was again staring at the map. Something he did at regular intervals, probably comparing his location.

  She knew he wasn’t aware of her presence. He hadn’t so much as glanced in her direction, so the concealing spell she’d used to hide from him must be working. She also knew, the map had him baffled. Every now and then he’d expel a firm curse. Already, she thought he was running out of patience. His footfalls grew heavy and less stealth. He paused more often to check the map. And his tolerance for not finding what he was looking for diminished by the minute.

  The lion was going to roar any second now.

  But to her disbelief, that didn’t happen. He crisscrossed the area in a methodical manner, leaving no stone unturned. The sun was high overhead when he changed direction, moved down the rocks framing the falls, and began searching the lower banks and behind the curtain of water spilling over the rocks. He dipped back out of sight.

  Zoe leaned around a tree, trying to see him. Her foot lost its stability. She slipped a few inches. Her heart hammered several extra beats. Where had he gone? The ground beneath her feet was soaked and muddy. Her foot slid, then her other foot couldn’t find purchase in the slick mud. She grabbed hold of the slim branch. It held. Good. She tried to walk her feet back up the slanted earth and rocks. Suddenly, the branch snapped under her weight. She landed on her bottom and skidded down the slope, careening for the river, bumping her rear along some rocks as she slid along. She tried to grab onto anything that would stop her descent.

  Nothing held. At the bottom, she flew from the river bank and into the water. The sudden dunk shocked her, and she released her glamour spell.

  She sunk and then bobbed up like a cork, as she pushed her hair and water from her face. Good gods, the water was freezing. She inhaled a gasp, kicking to stay afloat. Her head jerked back as the rumble of laughter came from above her.

  Rylan stood casually on a rock, glaring down at her. “Well, I was wondering if you intended to stay hidden all day.”

  She sputtered and kicked to the side. “You could help me, you know.”

  “Naw, you’re doing fine.”

  She groaned as she hauled herself out of the water and onto a sunny rock. She wrung water out of her shirt and ran her hands over her pants in an effort to ring them out. “Ooo,” she huffed.

  “I’m surprised you didn’t fall in earlier,” Rylan said.

  “You knew I was here?”

  “The glamour spell you used didn’t hide your scent.”

  She stared at him. Of course. Shifters had the acute senses of the creatures they embodied. A lion’s would be very keen. He could probably smell something for miles. She sighed at her oversight.

  “Why didn’t you say something?”

  He shrugged. “If you wanted to hang around watching me…knock yourself out. You already know about the map.”

  “Aren’t you afraid I’m going to take the mirror stone?”

  He placed his hands on his hips. “No one will have the stone but me.”

  “I do
n’t care if you keep it. As long as Kamdyn’s father doesn’t get his hands on it, that’s okay with me.”

  He scowled.

  She stood, shielding the sun from her eyes as she looked up at him. He seemed awfully confident. He just might pull it off. “May I help you with the map?”

  “Might as well,” he grumbled. “You’re here anyway.”

  Carefully, she climbed up over the rocks, near the side edge of the falls. The tumbling water echoed off the rock wall behind the spilling water, creating background noise. She realized his hearing must be remarkable for him to have heard her above the clamor.

  A breeze whipped through the space and she shivered. The October weather was cool to begin with. Now that she was soaking wet, she felt like an iceberg.

  “Would you like to go to my camper and dry off?” he asked. “I have towels, and you can place your clothes in the dryer for a couple minutes to dry them.”

  “You have a clothes dryer in your RV?”

  “Yes. It comes with all the comforts of home.”

  Another gust of wind blew against them. Again, she shivered violently. “Ok. That sounds like a plan. We can look at the map while we wait.”

  Rylan led the way. They crossed behind the falls to come out on the side of the campground. After traversing several rocks, a trail appeared. Roots were crossed the path every few yards, but it was easy to follow. Rylan veered off to the right and up a slope filled with trees. They exited the brush to a magnificent motor home.

  “Wow. Now I see why you said it has all the comforts of home. It’s a bus. I guess I was thinking a smaller, camper-style.”

  Zoe took in the entire package of the state-of-the-art RV. It cost a pretty penny. And the Hummer truck, with its perfectly matched, copper metallic paint job, was equally impressive.

  She had to check herself to make sure her mouth wasn’t hanging open.

  With perfect manners, Rylan unlocked the door and waited for her to enter. If she thought the outside was drool-worthy, the inside was ten times more so. She glanced down at her muddy feet, a sound escaping her throat. “I’m going to track dirt in.”

  “Don’t worry. It will clean up. And I’m just as filthy.”

  She stepped further inside to allow him room to come in, too. Her gaze skipped around the interior, taking it in. Gorgeous. A seating area of tan leather sofas faced each other. Off at an angle, a huge TV console hung. Behind that was a kitchen and dining area.

  A violent shiver shook her. She glanced down her front, noticing she had only worn a thin long sleeve-shirt. Her nipples puckered from the cold. She self-consciously wrapped her arms about her middle, trying to hide her condition.

  “The bathroom is on the other side of the kitchen,” he said. “Clothes dryer is in there as well as my robe, if you don’t mind using it while your clothes dry.”

  “That will be fine. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  She padded through the kitchen, eyeing the mirrored backsplash and fine cabinetry. The bathroom came next, but the hall was a straight shot to the rear of the motor home and she could make out a mussed king-size bed. The entire place was opulent with custom designed features. The bathroom had a shower with a retractable glass door. The sink and toilet area were across the hall. It took her a moment of investigating to discover the stacked washer and dryer behind a sliding door.

  She stripped to her panties and tossed everything into the dryer. She sighed, feeling warmer already. It wouldn’t take long to dry—maybe fifteen minutes, she estimated.

  A burgundy robe hung on a hook on the wall. She wondered if he really used it. He struck her as a walking-around-in-the-buff sort of man. Unable to resist, she touched her nose to the fabric and inhaled, trying to find his alluring scent. Disappointment washed over her when all she sniffed was the clean smell of laundry soap.

  She donned the robe and exited. Her heart fluttered in her chest as her eyes met his in the hallway. The soft fabric stroked against her skin, making her completely aware of her near nakedness beneath. The sensation, along with the close quarters, made her realize a sudden flush of desire for the lion shifter.

  She caught her lower lip between her teeth, trying hard to deny the yearning building in her tummy.

  * * *

  Rylan glanced up from fixing sandwiches, found her framed in the hallway, and paused. With his robe draped loosely over her frame, she looked beautiful and seductive. Her dark hair hung in soft waves past her shoulders. Her full lips parted as if she’d been caught off guard. Plus, he could smell her body warm to him. It made him long to gather her in his arms and kiss her lush mouth.

  “I hope you like roast beef.”

  “It’s okay,” she replied.

  He looked at her, stricken. “Just okay?”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I like beef. But it’s best in something like Moussaka.”

  He stared at her, confused. What was she talking about?

  “It’s a Greek dish, minced beef layered with sweet eggplant and creamy béchamel sauce.” Her voice took on a dreamy quality as she described the dish.

  “Sounds too complicated.”

  “But delicious. I’ll have to make it for you.” Her expression revealed she couldn’t believe she’d made such an offer.

  He hesitated, staring at her. “I will purchase what you need. Prepare me a list.”

  “No, we’ll go together.”

  He wasn’t quite sure what he’d gotten himself into. Eggplant. Really? However, he wasn’t a wimp. He could man up to vegetables. He just usually chose not to.

  “All right. So lunch, more searching for the stone, then shopping and dinner.” He added a pickle to the sandwich plate, then handed it to her.

  She slid onto the bench seat at the dinette table. “I’ll look over the map while we eat, if you don’t mind.”

  In answer, he passed her the map. They didn’t speak, but he watched her expressive face as she studied the map, her mouth pursing every now and then. When she seemed to remember her food, she haphazardly bit into her sandwich. Then she returned her attention to the drawing, lifting the map and holding it beneath the light.

  Although he was curious about what she found, he waited. He wanted to give her a chance to familiarize herself with the drawing. If she could decipher it better than he could, he could find the mirror stone and free his sister quicker.

  He finished his sandwich, cleared the dishes, and resisted the urge to pace. Folding his arms over his chest, he rested his hips against the kitchen counter.

  Finally, she peered at him, holding out her empty plate. “I can’t believe I ate the whole thing.”

  He smiled. “You did well.” He set the dish with his. When he looked back at her, her eyes held his a fraction too long.

  She seemed to realize the attraction flowing between them and shook her head. “Um. This is a very complicated map.” She spread it out, her delicate fingers fumbling nervously. He noticed the vein in her neck throbbing. “The witch who created this is very talented. Magic is woven throughout.”

  “Yet, she expected me to unravel the code?”

  With a rise of her shoulder, she explained, “She would have felt you worthy of the task.”

  He nodded.

  “Anyway, at first glance, you find the stream and waterfall. But when you tilt it, just so,” she angled the napkin in the air and peered at it, “there is another dimension.”

  He stepped closer and leaned over her shoulder for a better view. “It becomes three dimensional,” he noted.

  “Yes. And it will require much further study. I feel it’s not what first meets the eye that matters, but something miniscule and hidden. It will not be obvious.”

  She rotated her head to look at him over her shoulder. They were nose to nose. Her mouth parted, and they shared the same air. She smelled of peach tea, roast beef, and her own special scent. It would be so easy to tip his head and capture her lips with his.

  The buzzer sounded on the dryer
. They both jerked. She dropped the map onto the table.

  “After I change, we’ll go look for it again,” she said, a little breathlessly.

  He stepped back so she could get out of her seat. “Ok,” he said. The soft fabric of the robe dropped off her shoulder as she scooted by him. He sucked in a breath as her scent teased his nostrils. He watched her until she disappeared into the bathroom.

  Then he busied himself cleaning the dishes and tried not to think of her back there dressing. He had no business thinking about her at all. He had a mission to accomplish.

  Chapter Seven

  Roar reached out with his senses, tapping into the heightened energy. His progress had been painstakingly slow and tested his patience. He’d been searching for months, and he knew he was closer. Each day, the magical aura grew a bit stronger. The Clach Sgàthan’s magical force evident to a talented warlock. And he was one of the best.

  Even so, such a momentous discovery didn’t happen overnight. Try to tell that to the infernal demon.

  Through the sable shadows of the dense forest, Roar trudged on, picking his way carefully with his staff, watching his footing. Nocturne Falls may be a perfect Halloween town, but the forest surrounding it absorbed magic from the mirror stone. What kind of changes did it create? Were the tree limbs able to snatch you and hold you captive? Roots able to grab hold and drag you under? Snakes slither from the branches to strike you down?

  A crack sounded behind him. He spun around, eyes searching.


  And yet, he felt a familiar presence. Creatures had their personal stamp. He recognized this one. With an irritated sigh, he retraced his steps. Then, moving with magical power, he traveled quickly just above the forest peat. He made a sharp right and stopped a mere foot from her.

  “Kamdyn. Why are you following me?”

  His daughter—no, he reminded himself—he only played that game for his wife’s benefit. Kamdyn jumped backwards.

  Not far enough. He moved to backhand her across the cheek. She ducked and then magically dashed out of the way.


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