Life Altering Beautiful

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Life Altering Beautiful Page 5

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  There is something in the way he looks at me, makes me feel mischievous and sexy. A dangerous combination but somehow I can’t seem to tear my eyes off this man. For almost a year I just survived, managing to deal with the hatred and animosity from people around me. There was no emotion left in my body, just complete numbness from head to toe. So how is it that in the last week two men have seemed to awaken something deep down inside my soul?

  I grab a chair and totally result in staring at the singer, his eyes are now closed and the words sung just seem to pour out of him. Tammy leans over the table and winks; she has totally caught me ogling the man! Good thing its dark in this place cause I know my whole body is a deep shade of red now. I look away to take a breather and glance over at the bar. Stone is staring right in my direction and the look couldn’t be more primal. I feel like I am doing something wrong, like those eyes are meant to teach me a lesson. Looking back at the stage to break the contact with Stone I remind myself that we are just friends, but I can’t help but sneak a glance back over to the bar again.

  My thoughts are validated; Stone now has his hands all over the blonde slut. Nothing like a little heartbreak over a relationship that was only in my imagination to begin with.

  We sit and listen to the band for a little while longer till Tammy pulls me on the floor to dance. I love the way the music can wipe my thoughts of anything deep, basically a three minute song to cleanse my soul. Moving my hips to the beat I close my eyes and let the music capture my body, essentially placing me into a trance. I can feel the eyes upon me, but really no longer care. The old me would have been cautious to let strangers watch and judge my actions, but right now, things just feels right and it is so good to move again. I finally open my eyes to gaze at the man onstage, his voice has my body moving and his words have my mind working overtime now. The band thanks the crowd and claim they will be back after a break. I motion to Tammy about getting some water and walk over to the bar.

  Waiting patiently for the bartender to head down to where I am standing I notice someone has taken the seat next to me. “Hi I’m Dade” the man says with a smile. Feeling a little bold this evening I decide what the hell and introduce myself with a grin. “I’m Seven” sticking my hand out for him to shake it. Dade encloses my hand with his and brings it to his lips, kissing it ever so softly, sending a tingle down my spine. “You were really hot out there tonight” he says, motioning to the dance floor. Pulling my hand out of his grasp I smile and glance at the floor. “Ah a pretty thing like you shouldn’t have her head down, what are you drinking tonight Seven?”

  I bring my head up to look him in the eyes; they are a dark grey and match perfectly with his almost black hair. Smiling I hold up my hand with the big black x on it, shrugging my shoulders “just water.” Dade laughs and gives me a half smile “Oh sweetie that means nothing inside, let me get you something better than water” he says with a sly grin. “Okay” I softly reply while biting my lip, this man has got me all tied up in knots tonight.

  He orders us two drinks and then guides me back to where Tammy is now sitting with the rest of the band. “Guys I’d like to introduce you to Seven” as he places his hand gently on the small of my back. I can feel the heat from his hand through my dress and instantly my mouth goes dry and panties get wet. “That’s Evan, John, and Trace” Dade says as he pulls up an empty chair to the table. I politely wave and quickly take my seat next to Tammy. “Hi I’m Tammy” my boy crazy roommate thrusts her hand over to Dade. He quickly gives it a shake and introduces himself. Her foot connects with my leg as she gives me a grin of sheer evil, I can tell she has plans for the rest of the night now. The conversation seems to flow easily and I find myself laughing and having a good time. Dade orders a couple more drinks for us and we finish them before they take the stage again. Sipping on whatever number this drink is tonight I began to feel the effects of the alcohol, the carefree feeling was slowly taking over my entire body, causing me to let my guard down once again.

  I am thoroughly drunk when the band finishes their last set and comes back to our table to join us.Having all the liquid courage built up in my system I decide now is the time to move over to Dade’s lap. “You guys are amazing” I mention as I slide my hands behind his neck. He brings his face in close to mine causing our foreheads to touch; making it so there is only a sliver of space between our lips. The heat between us is undeniable, my body begins to relax and I figure now is the time to go for it.

  Slowly I press my lips to his, melting into his body as he deepens the kiss. I squirm on his lap to better my position, locking my fingers into his long shaggy hair. This kiss is scorching, mind blowing, senses flying, panty dropping hot. His hands find the hem of my dress; carefully he slips under the tight white fabric, his touch burning into my skin. Gradually he runs his hands to the inside of my thighs, letting me feel the hard callouses on his fingers, causing my legs to open wider. I can feel the eyes of others watching us, but this man has got me all wound up I can’t tell what was up and what was down for the time being. Suddenly I am being yanked from his lap and into the arms of someone very familiar.

  Are you drunk Seven” Stone asks reaching out and grabbing my chin in his hands. Yes, at this point of the night I am very drunk, very drunk indeed as I try and suppress a giggle. I can’t keep a smile from creeping over my face as I close my eyes and lean into him. This is exactly where I wanted to end up tonight, and then that’s the last thing I can remember.


  I’ve been in a pissed off mood all night as I sit at the bar listening to Amy bitch about everything under the sun. This bar is too small, it was too loud in here, her drink isn’t strong enough, I wasn’t paying enough attention to her, and on and on and on. I had no intention of bringing her tonight, but Hunter bailed on me and since I told Seven I was bringing friends, showing up alone would make me seem like a creeper. Well I have been reduced to creeper status with her. Ever since our date to the coffee shop the little member in my pants no longer wants to come out and play. Was that a date? I can’t really say, I mean she didn’t really seem to want to go with me. I can’t believe I’m even considering that we did a date, pretty sure I’m officially crazy.

  “Uh hello, earth to Stone” the blonde bimbo is still talking apparently. Amy makes herself comfortable standing between my legs, making sure her tits are pressed firmly against my chest to try and raise a reaction from me. I can’t help myself from looking down, they are on total display tonight and in reality I’m only a guy. “What’s got you so worked up tonight Stone? Can’t I get your attention big boy? You know the things I can do to you” Amy whispers in my ear. I close my eyes from the heat of her breath on my ear, she was pretty smokin tonight.

  I can feel the temptation building as she slowly moves her lips to my neck. I let my hands wander on her hips, slowly letting my fingers dip into her flesh, pulling her closer into me. Her body tightens in my grasp; I know she is getting hot for me. She slowly starts to kiss my neck letting her lips linger in each spot, leaving the hot moisture from her kisses on my skin. Grabbing my face with her long fingers she brings our lips together, smashing herself into me.

  My eyes pop open, I feel nothing. Now it’s not like the normal sensation is fireworks when fucking around with a girl, but there was always something there to make me stir. Right now it is just an empty hollow kiss. Quickly I pull back and break her hold from around my neck. “What’s wrong Stone, getting too hot for you” she whispers as she bats her fake eyelashes. I stand up from my bar stool causing her to stumble back “No I’m just done with you” as I glance around the bar to try and find Seven. “Seriously Stone, I just about mounted you in this fricken’ dive of a bar and you say you’re done? Fuck you Stone you selfish bastard.” I can’t help but smile at the now fuming Amy; I give her a courtesy nod and walk off. I know she is standing behind me with her arms crossed and shooting daggers with her eyes, but I really don’t care now. There will be another drunken fool that can take her home t
onight and give her the eight second ride she is so desperate for. I continue my search around the bar for Seven and my sister, and finally spotting the tall blonde head of Tammy on the dance floor. I think she is trying to dance but I’m not so sure that’s what you call it, more like the flopping fish possibly drowning on land. I don’t have to worry about guys with her tonight, one look at the way she moves and they’ll all run screaming. Then I see the little redhead next to her, my heart drops into my stomach and my dick stands at full salute. There is something entrancing about the way she moves, keeping the rhythm of the song, making you feel stupid for not being with her on the dance floor. I can’t help but stare as she moves around the floor, even the way her hair flips makes her so sexy to look at. I can feel the vibration in my jeans pocket from a text, not wanting to miss anything about Seven I aimlessly dig for it to silence the stupid thing. Finally pulling it out, I quickly take a look at the number who is interrupting my private dance number. Fuck, it is Jason.

  Walking outside I hit his number in my cell to make the call. “I need you tonight, pick up is five figures and I’m not letting some dumbass grab the money for me” Jason quickly explains. Rubbing a hand over my face I let out a sigh “alright I’ve got to make this quick, text me the address.”

  “What are you getting some pussy tonight” he laughs on the other end. “No, more like keeping assholes away from some pussy is my plan for the night” I snarl and end the call. These calls really do come at the most inconvenient of times, but they also pay the bills. I would have had to find a real job a long time ago if Jason had not let me in on his little business during my freshman year. I was a struggling eighteen year old that needed some direction and when I stumbled into Jason’s gym he immediately took me in. It was only natural I eventually started to help him with other things going on inside of the gym, not to mention not having to find a nine to five was an added bonus. I feel my phone vibrate again and glance down to look at the address; well what do you know it’s my frat house.

  This could make for an interesting night; as I fire up Ol’ Red, I already know who is behind this deal, Preston. Who else has that kind of money in college, let alone is dumb enough to lose it in a bet. The jobs I do for Jason are pretty straight forward; he gives me an address and I go and collect the cash. Normally when a tall, buff, dude with tattoos shows up at your door to collect there really isn’t many problems, but for some reason tonight I can’t shake this feeling that it’s actually going to be work.

  A party is in full swing tonight at the frat house; leaving no room to park my truck safely, so the only logical option I see is the front lawn. In reality no one is going to mess with my truck, you can’t miss that this gigantic red beast belongs to me. Maybe it’s the cocky sticker in my window that’s a dead giveaway, or the six inch lift with forty four bog tires on it that screams Stone Hastings. Either way she is safe up on the lawn.

  Walking up the steps I stop and say hi to a couple brothers on the porch laughing at my parking job. “You just park wherever you want Stone?” someone asks as I’m about to enter the door. “Fuck yeah I do, have a problem with it?” stopping dead in my tracks. It’s a good thing the little dick didn’t try and continue the conversation; I was really itching to punch someone tonight and preferably Preston’s ugly face.

  The house isn’t as packed as the back to school party but the same concept is in full motion. I ask around for Preston, not really wanting to spend the next hour looking for his ass when I have left the little one and my sister at the bar. Someone mentions the deck so I head to the back of the house. “Body Shots” Preston yells standing on the counter in the kitchen. Of course there are dumb girls just flocking to the island for this asshole, and my sister wonders why I was pissed when I caught her upstairs. I yank the dumbass off the counter causing him to spill the bottle of Grey Goose he has in his hand.

  “What the fuck Stone, this is for drinking not spilling” he says as while wobbling on his feet.“I’m here for Jason, not the booze.” His eyes get wide with fear; I can tell he has had one too many drinks this evening and I’m betting he wasn’t prepared for a grab this soon. “I uh” Preston stammers while scratching his head. “Upstairs” I growl and follow him out of the kitchen and up to the second floor.

  It takes forever to get there; between the women trying to talk with me and keeping the drunken president walking I’m finally able to slam the door to his presidential suite. “Stone brother, I don’t have the money tonight” he struggles to say while backing himself further away from me. I wasn’t up for this shit tonight, seriously any other night I would have made him figure it out but there was a pressing situation back at the bar that needed my tending to. Calmly walking over to where he stands I lean in real close while grasping the front of his shirt. “Alright Preston, since your only redeeming quality is that you’re my brother and I could really give a damn what actually happens to you I’ll give you till Monday. Two days you got that?”

  He silently nods his head; the terror in his eyes is evident. I really hope I don’t have to chase his ass down when I get back to town on Monday; with any luck he mans up and pays his debts. It’s always awkward when I have to get physical with someone I know; but then he did touch my little sister, maybe an ass kicking is just what this fucker needs. Slowly I release my hold on his shirt “Monday Mr. President, don’t fucking forget” as I toss open the door. I can’t get down those steps and out the door any quicker if the house had been on fire. The only thing on my mind now is getting back to Banjos. I’ll deal with Jason and his money later.

  I finally get back to the bar close to last call. I’m still all worked up and in no mood to deal with any more shit tonight, I just need to find Seven and Tammy and make sure they get home safe. What I really need to do is either beat the shit out of someone or fuck a girl's brains out. And I know between the two which one is going to win, as my fists clench tightly at my sides.

  Scanning the room I quickly see the dumb blonde head of my sisters bouncing up and down at table full of men. I can’t see Seven with all the people surrounding the table and I am definitely going to kill my sister if she let her leave alone. Walking over to the table in the corner of the bar I notice the back of a guy and a chick who is all sorts of wrapped around the man. Red hair flies over the man’s shoulder and that’s all I need to see to send my testosterone filled pissed off mood tonight into overdrive.

  I swear it only takes me three steps to be next to the dead man as I grab Seven’s arm and yank her off that no good piece of shit she is connected to. Seven stumbles on her feet as I pull her tight against my chest, feeling her body against mine does cool me down a little, but I’m sure this man is going to be at the receiving end of my furry soon.

  Grabbing her face I make her look at me, she appears smashed. Her eyes are almost closing and practically too limp to stand. “Are you drunk Seven” I question harshly. She giggles what the fuck? Closing my eyes I try and take a moment to calm down, any second I am about to explode and I know it will only end up with me spending a night in jail. Opening my eyes I look at Seven all snuggled into my chest, what this small woman does to me is outrageous. I’ve never been the protective type to anyone other than Tammy, but I want this little red head in my life permanently. Suddenly the little remaining balance Seven has is gone and she goes limp in my arms. Thankfully I’ve got a good hold on her, partially because she is so drunk and the other reason is to keep my hands from knocking this dick weeds lights out.

  “Seven, wake up, come on Seven” I gently shake her in my arms. “Hey man, who the hell are you?” Suddenly Mr. I’m going to let a drunken chick paw all over me has some concern about who I am. “Stay the fuck in the chair man if you know what’s good for you. Tammy, Truck Now” I growl keeping my eyes narrowed at the pretty boy sitting on his ass. Tammy quickly walks over to my side and ducks her head; she can tell that I’m in no mood to deal with her drama tonight.

  Gently I pick Seven up in my arms “let’s go”
I glare at Tammy. “Hey when she wakes up dude tell her I had a fun time” the douche bag laughs. I instantly start to turn around; this fucker is going to need a hospital. “Stone” a weak voice calls to me. I quickly look down at the fragile girl in my arms “yes little one?” Seven sighs and snuggles deeper into my arms “take home now please” she whispers. Almost instantly the rage I feel disappears from a few simple jumbled words from this little red head. Lightly kissing the top of her head I whisper “sure little one, home it is” and walk out the door.

  Considering that neither of the girls are capable of driving tonight, I decide to leave Seven’s car there. Gently placing Seven into the cab of the truck I turn and look at my sister who about three sheets to the wind tonight as well. “Seriously Tammy what were you guys thinking tonight getting this drunk?”

  “Don’t fucking worry about it Stone, just take us back to our dorm okay” she grumbles as she pushes her way past me and tries to haul her drunk ass into the truck. Giving her a shove she barely makes it onto the seat “I can do it myself asshole.” Yeah she tells me all the time what a big girl she is and how she can take care of herself. I laugh as she tries to buckle herself into the seatbelt, missing the strap several times. “Sure you can Tammy” as I shut the door. Looking over at them both completely wasted I decide that leaving them in the dorm alone isn’t a great idea, so the only other option I have is bringing them back to my apartment.


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