Life Altering Beautiful

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Life Altering Beautiful Page 15

by T. A. Hardenbrook

  “You coming by to spar?”

  Unlocking the truck door for Seven I turn to Hunter and frown. “I’ve got to feed her man, maybe another time.”

  “I don’t mind hanging out at the gym for a little while, besides I’ve got some reading to do in my English class anyway” comes Seven’s voice from the truck. “I knew I liked this girl” Hunter smiles as he smacks my shoulder. “Watch it, that’s the only hit you’re getting in on me tonight” I flash glare at Hunter and walk around to my side of Ol’ Red. “Hurry it up padre, I’m going to teach you how to kick it old school” he yells while getting into his car. “Old school” we both ask at the same time. I’m glad I’m not the only one confused by Hunter’s word selection. Pretty sure most of his Spanish came from Sesame Street, considering we know how well he attends his foreign language class.

  I set Seven up at the counter to study and run into the locker room to change my clothes. “Hey man thanks for getting that job done quickly yesterday, it could have gotten ugly had you not defused the situation that fast.” Jason says as he leans against the lockers. “Yeah let’s just say it’s not my favorite place for a pick up, but they are regular customers who suck at placing bets. Basically free money for you.”

  “What is Seven doing here?”

  “We just got done at the doctors and Hunter asked me to come spar with him” I start to wrap the tape around my hands. “How’s her arm doing” Jason asks taking the seat next to me on the bench. “Good, she has to go to hand therapy three times a week, but the doctors say she should get full motion back in her fingers soon” tossing the tape roll into my locker and slamming it shut. “Good, we can start training her in a couple weeks then. This way you can have a partner in crime when you go on runs.”

  “For one she doesn’t know what I do when I go on jobs, and secondly I would never bring her along on something so stupid and dangerous” clenching my hands to my sides to keep myself from punching the idiot and his stupid ass ideas. I was starting to get real pissed, how dare he think I would bring her into this; there is too much good in her to deal with the jackasses I have to connect with. “Hey man no worries, just thought you would have told her by now” Jason says while holding is hands up in peace. Gritting my teeth I narrow my eyes at him as I walk out of the locker room, he’s lucky I’m in the cage with Hunter tonight. Being a bitch for a bookie wasn’t something I like to advertise, I prefer to keep my ass out of jail and the less people know the better my odds are.

  I wasn’t use to getting my ass handed to me in the cage and especially not by Hunter. I couldn’t seem to keep my focus knowing that Seven was across the room. Taking another blow from Hunter I have to step back and clear my head. This isn’t going to work, this is my man space and having her here is just interfering with my testosterone.

  “What’s your deal tonight?” Hunter wipes the sweat off his forehead.

  “Nothing man.” Shake it off Stone, get your act together. “You have yet to land a decent punch tonight dude, I’m basically going all GSP on your ass” Hunter smirks and gives me a cocky ass grin. I chuck my water bottle at his head, making it connect square on the chin. “What the fuck douche” he yells getting all up in my face. I quickly glance over at Seven who has brought her attention to the cage, I can’t help but give her a little wave before I slam my elbow into Hunters side. One good hit my ass, that blow is going to knock your dumb self out for the rest of the night.

  “How’s the studying going” I yell across the gym. Seven looks up and smiles at me as she closes her book and walks over to the fencing. “I don’t think I can fit anything more into this brain of mine” as she loops her fingers into the chain-link. Leaning down I extend my lips through one of the links, grunting to get her attention. “You’re not an ape Stone” while rolling her eyes and softly presses her lips to mine. “Baby I’m king of this jungle” beating my chest. “I know where this is heading Stone, and no I won’t be your Jane” licking her lips to tempt me.

  I don’t know what to say back to her; for once my mind is blank. “Hey Stone, will you work over Dragen for a little bit? His fight is this weekend so don’t be too rough on him please” Jason yells from his office. “You alright staying for a little while longer” I ask. “Sure, I’ll go see if Jason needs anything done cause I’m not sticking my nose back in that book” she wrinkles her face in disgust. I nod and turn my attention to the poor soul walking into the cage, I’ve got my groove back and fight or no fight this weekend I am going to show him what Stone Hastings is all about.

  “You know I’m perfectly capable of living on my own again” Seven says as we drive back to my place. “Do you really want to room with Tammy and see Trent all the time?”

  “No” she sighs and looks out the window. “It’s just I miss Tammy” her eyes starting to fill with tears. “I know little one, she’ll come around eventually” as I reach over and grab her hand. I give it a squeeze and bring it to my lips, placing a soft kiss to her knuckles. Seven offers a week smile then turns her attention back out the window. From the small amount that Seven has actually shared with me I gather that she doesn’t want to discuss it further. It kills me to see her hurting, and it sucks even more knowing my stupid sister is behind some of those tears.

  All she had to do is tell me what is going on in that pretty little head of hers, there would be no judgment of whatever it was and I couldn’t love her any less because of it. Her pain is going to be the death of me, and I would gladly take my last breath to keep a smile on her face.

  “I’m so tired” as she lets out a little yawn. “Well we’re almost home little one, then we can cuddle up in bed and sleep till we leave tomorrow” giving her a warm smile. “Leaving tomorrow?” Seven questions. “Thanksgiving is Thursday, we are going home to see dad” as I look at her funny. “I didn’t even realize I was coming with you” she whispers. “Seriously Seven? You’re my girlfriend and you don’t have any family around, of course you would come home with me” shaking my head at Seven’s comment. “I don’t want to intrude Stone, I can just stay at the dorms” giving me a weak look of remorse. “Shut your trap Seven, I really don’t want to hear your sad story. You are coming home with me tomorrow and that’s it, game over” gripping the steering wheel tighter.

  Why in the hell would she think I could just leave her alone for the holidays? Her parents must have done a number on her to think she is really going to be alone. “Stone I didn’t mean to make you mad, it’s just I haven’t done the family for the holidays thing in a while” she searches my eyes for some sort of softness. I let out a small sigh, I thought she had finally accepted us being exclusive and knew I wasn’t going anywhere. This little chat in the truck just totally felt like we are backsliding into the old Seven.

  Stopping at a red light I lean over and kiss Seven’s cheek, “Don’t worry about, as long as you come with me tomorrow I’ve got no hard feelings.”

  “And if I don’t go?”

  “Well then it’s an automatic death sentence my dear, no health pack for you” I say with a grin. “Someone’s been playing one too many games of Call Of Duty” giving me a sassy smile. There’s the girl I have fallen in love with, and there is no such thing as too many games of COD.


  The alarm goes off early in the morning, “Stone either shut the damn thing off or get out of bed” I mumble while trying to cover my head with the pillow. I don’t even know what time it is but I know it’s an ungodly hour that should never be seen to the human eye. I feel the cold air rush around my body as Stone throws the blanket off himself, “don’t get up” I moan as he crawls over me. “I’ve got to hit the gym before we go” he leans down and places a kiss on my forehead. “You suck” Hunkering back down in the blankets, there was no way in hell I was getting out of this bed.

  Stone tries to be quiet as he shuffles around the room getting ready, but once he hits the bathroom it sounds like a stampede of elephants in his small apartment. “Stone you suck at being quiet” a
s I haul myself out of bed, searching the floor to find something to put on. “Baby you could just stay naked” he leans on the doorjamb with a naughty smirk on his face. Grabbing a new pair of undies and shorts out of my bag I turn my back to him and slide them on. “I can’t go naked with you to the gym can I” I throw over my shoulder. “You’re coming with me?”

  “Well Jason offered to pay me if I help him with some paperwork, and then proceeds to leave me with a pile the size of the Empire State Building” reaching into another bag and grabbing a tank top and sweatshirt. “Well I guess Jason actually did something smart for once” Stone smiles as he grabs his gym bag and comes over to swat my ass. “Hey no touching the employee” batting my eyelashes at him. “Well technically you belonged to me before you started working for Jason” as he walks down the hallway.

  “If you want to break it down I belong to myself thank you” I yell as I slip on my shoes. Stone pokes his head back in the bedroom, “Don’t try to deny it, your mine forever” he smiles. My insides instantly turn to mush and I’m pretty sure my ability to walk just went out the window. This man has a way with words; those three little words meant more to me than anything I’ve ever heard in my entire life. “Stone I love you” verbally pouring my heart out to this man. He gives me a wink and walks back down the hallway. I know he wants it to be special when he tells me I love you, but shit it’s a blow to my heart when I don’t hear it back.

  “You almost done” Stone pops his head around the door to Jason’s office. “Yeah just give me a second” as I shuffle some paperwork on his desk and shut the computer off. “I’m going to change, meet you in the truck?” I nod my head and walk over to the printer to pick up the last piece of paper. Grabbing the stack that apparently Jason has forgotten about I went to sorting the pages into the appropriate folders, how this man ran a business I couldn’t tell ya. This page contains a bunch of brackets and what looked like contracts that are printed off.

  What in the hell is this about as I skim the pages of the contract, wondering if these should go in the new enrollment folder. I hear the horn honking outside and I’m betting that’s my impatient boyfriend as I write out a sticky note on the questionable contracts and place them on the desk for Jason to deal with later.

  I quickly shut off the lights and lock the office door, slipping the keys back into my pocket I run through the gym in hopes that Stone will stop with the incessant honking. It was going to be a long drive if this man honked that horn one more time I swear!

  “Is it just us for dinner tomorrow” I ask Stone as we reach the long country road to his dads place. “Um yeah I think so” he says vaguely. I know when this man is not telling me something, and right now all the red flags are being thrown. “What are you not telling me Stone” I ask. “Seven its nothing to worry about right now” he says while keeping his eyes on the road. “Bullshit Stone!”

  “I don’t want to do this in the truck Seven, we can talk later” he says calmly. I know I don’t always open up to him, but it’s for his own good. All I wanted to know was what was happening tomorrow, and this jerkoff couldn’t even give me a straight honest answer. Pulling down the long driveway it suddenly dawns on me why he is being so elusive to my question, “is your sister coming home?”

  “Seven if I told you earlier you would have stayed home” he says quietly. “Tell me what Stone” I shout as my heart starts to beat faster and my palms become sweaty. “I’m sorry baby but she is bringing Trent home with her” as he looks over to me offering a small smile. Oh fucking witches flying on vacuums, Trent is joining us for Thanksgiving. My vision becomes blurry and I can’t get a full breath in. I notice my body starts to shake and my teeth are chattering, full blown panic attack is now in effect.

  The truck slams to a stop and Stone grabs my face in his hands. “Seven breathe, you can’t let this man have control over you” he says as his thumbs run over my cheeks. I don’t think it could get any worse than right now, I am about to die from the shock of dealing with an asshole. “Seven listen to me, he can only hurt you if you let him baby. You have to be strong, you are an amazing woman and can push past this” his voice is calm and reassuring. Deep breaths my mind keeps saying, and gently my body starts to follow suit. I can’t keep letting that creature win, I was the bigger person in the situation and gosh dang it I was going to survive.

  “Good girl” Stone says while still holding on to my face, forcing me to look into his eyes. The clear blue color of his irises reminds me of the ocean; there can be calm days and rough ones on the beach. I was going to fight for the calm days, this man needs me to and I am going to give it all that I have to make it happen.

  Stone parks the tuck and offers me a reassuring smile, I haven’t faced Trent since the night I broke his nose. “What the hell it can’t get much worse right” I mutter to myself and climb out. “Um Stone, where am I going to sleep” I ask as he grabs our bags out the back. “You’re lucky I’ve got a big bed little one” he winks and gives me a naughty smile. I’m pretty sure I just ruined another pair of panties, but there was no way I was doing the dirty with his dad in the house.

  “There’s the girl that has captured my son’s heart” Stone’s dad yells he walks down the grass to meet us. “Hi Mr. Hastings” I give a small wave with a sweet smile. Grabbing one of the bags from Stone, his dad shakes his head and gives me a smirk. “It's Dad now Seven, we’re going to have to work on that” he bumps his shoulder into Stone. “Sorry” I offer as we walk into the house. “You know when your sister’s going to show up” as dad hands Stone the other bag to place in his room. I shrug my shoulders and follow Stone down the hallway. “No clue dad” Stone throws over his shoulder as he walks into his room and tosses the bags on the bed. I’m instantly drawn to the dresser filled with trophies and pictures. Picking up one of Stone is his high school football uniform I can’t help but feel butterflies in my stomach.

  I jump suddenly at the sound of the door slamming, quickly setting the picture back while turning around to see what the commotion was. Slowly walking over to me like a lion stalking his prey, Stone licks his lips in conquest. “Stone not with your dad here” as I hold my hands out in front of me trying to keep the distance between us. His eyes sport the look of determination; his hands start unbuttoning his shirt, I know exactly what he wants.

  “Don’t you dare Stone Hastings” I warn him as he reaches out quickly to grab me. I can’t help but let out a giggle as we fall back on the bed. His mouth crashes into mine with such urgency that my body flips a switch and I let him claim his prize. Feeling the heat of his skin from his bare chest I run my hands over his mouth watering abs, I need him to be naked like right now.

  Grabbing his shirt I pull it quickly off his arms, letting my hands linger on his biceps as they flex while hovering over me. I can’t get enough of this man and my hands fly to his belt, trying desperately to unhook the latch while still favoring my right hand. Stone breaks away from our kiss and gives me a sexy smirk, “Let me do that for you” quickly slipping the belt off along with his pants.

  I can’t help but hold my breath once I realize he is going commando, nothing separated me and his very large manhood that was now set free from the confinements of his pants. I let out a little whimper as my eyes fixate on his package; I need to feel him desperately. “Why in the hell are my clothes still on” trying to control the drool from the sight of this stunningly beautiful naked man above me. He has all my sense working and it’s not like it is the first time I’ve seen him naked, this happened each and every fricken’ time I lay eyes on him. He is the only one for me, the mere sight of him naked makes me lose my mind in a single glance.

  Slowly Stone slides my long sleeve over my head taking caution to not bump my still tender hand. His lips trace the edges of my bra, leaving his hot wet kisses down my cleavage and trailing down on my belly. Suddenly I feel his tongue slid under the waist of my jeans causing instant shivers down my spine. My hands are drawn into his hair, slowly directing his
head lower on my midriff. I can feel the button on my jeans being undone as he gradually lowers the zipper. Lifting my hips off the bed I let him slide my pants down my legs, as he trails his lips down to my piggy toe.

  “Stone I want you now” a sense of urgency in my tone. Every ounce of my body was screaming for this man to take me, and he insists on being slow about it. I force my eyes open and glance down to see what is taking this man so long, he is kneeling between my legs with a lustful smile filling his face. “Please Stone” I whine desperately. “I like to hear you beg Seven, it makes me hard knowing you need me so badly” he leans closer over my body. “Stone just do it already” I say impatiently, this man has set my body on fire and I need him to put it out.

  In one quick motion Stone enters me and the feeling of sheer bliss rocks my broken body. His hands wander over my breasts as I arch my back to take him deeper, I want to feel all of him inside me. “Baby you feel so tight” he mutters while closing his eyes. Using my good hand I shove his chest hard causing him to pull out quickly. I hear a little grunt as his eyes fly open. “I want on top” biting my lips in lustful desire.

  Stone wraps his arm around my waist and swings me up as he falls underneath. I straddle his legs and slide his hard length into me, gasping as I take the last inch of him into my body. I find my rhythm and start to increase the pace as I throw my head back in ecstasy. “Slow down baby I’m not going too last long like this” Stone’s voice cracks as he grabs my hips to brace himself. But I can’t slow down, I was on the edge and having the control of this man was sending me into overdrive. Suddenly shudders rock over my body as I slow down my speed, grinding my hips in deeper as I hear him gasp and feel his hard release inside of me.

  I manage to bring my breathing back down as I lean forward and press my lips to his. Stone eagerly accepts my kiss as his hands rub up and down my hot sweaty back. “Hey your sister just pulled up” Stone’s dad’s voice comes from the other side of the door. My eyes grow wide in horror, “oh my god Stone, I hope he didn’t hear us?” as I rest my forehead on his chest. Patting my ass I hear Stone let out a small snort, how was I going to face his dad now?


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