Rescuing Rory

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Rescuing Rory Page 2

by N. J. Walters

  Rory didn’t know how much time had passed before the ship slowed. She knew the moment it went from booster mode into regular flight. She had no idea where she was. Not that it mattered. The only home she’d ever know was gone, stolen by a devious man, someone she’d trusted.

  “Let’s get you up and find you something to wear,” her liberator, or captor—at this point she wasn’t quite sure what to call him—said. It was getting tiresome not knowing his name.

  “Who are you?” She had to know.

  He held out his hand to one of the other men and was dragged to an upright position. He kept one arm around her, taking her with him, and settled her on her feet beside him. “I’m Kal Marks.” He raised an eyebrow when she didn’t say anything. “And you are?”

  Shock hit her square between the eyes. “You don’t know who I am?”

  He shook his head, causing a lock of hair to fall across his forehead. She fought the urge to brush it away. Honestly, she was losing her mind. “Then why did you kidnap me?”

  “Rescue you,” he amended.

  “Okay, why did you rescue me?”

  He released her wrist. It was the first time since he’d offered her his hand that some part of him wasn’t touching her. She missed it more than she should. She felt bereft, set adrift. Which really didn’t make any sense. She might have a name for him but he was still a stranger.

  “Because of this.” Kal reached out and rubbed a finger over the base of her tattoo, tracing the thorny vines before stroking upward over the trail of colorful flowers covering her arm. He started at her forearm, moved up to her elbow and then all the way to her shoulder.

  “You took me because of my tattoo?” Had she heard him right?

  He nodded. “What’s your name?”

  “Aurora Banks. Call me Rory.” Only her father had called her Aurora and only when angry with her. Everyone had called her Rory as far back as she could remember.

  Kal nodded. “Well, Rory. Welcome aboard the Abigail. These are my brothers Garth and Amos. You might recognize Garth from the Exos. The one with the big gun is Amos.”

  Now that she was really looking at them, she could see the family resemblance. They were all big men, although Garth was more heavily built than the other two. And they all had black hair with a shock of white in the front. She looked from one to the other. She hadn’t noticed the lock of white in Kal’s hair during their dramatic escape. No wonder. It had taken everything out of her just to run and stay on her feet.

  Amos was missing the pinky finger on his left hand. No doubt these were tough men who’d lived a rough and deadly life. She had no idea what they did for a living and wasn’t sure she wanted to know. Since their ship was a trader she wondered if they were legit or mercenaries or smugglers, men who’d run anything if the price was right.

  Both of the men nodded at her. They were studying her as if waiting for her to say something. She didn’t exactly know what to say so she nodded back.

  Heavy footsteps came toward them, vibrating through the floor. A red light on the wall flashed to green and the door to the loading bay airlock opened. It had been locked from the other side.

  Rory might have wondered more about that but she couldn’t take her eyes off the giant of a man standing in the doorway. He was taller than the rest, his black hair buzzed off close to his skull. But she could see the strands of white and knew he was another brother. A black patch covered his right eye and his right hand wasn’t skin and bone but robotic.

  “What the fuck are you standing around for? What does she know?”

  Chapter Two

  Kal felt Rory shiver and stepped in front of her. He knew most folks found Flynn intimidating and they were right to be scared of him. Flynn might be his brother but even Kal walked softly when he was on a tear about something.

  “We just got on board. I’ll get some clothes for Rory then we’ll talk.” He met Flynn’s gaze and willed his brother to back down. If they frightened Rory they might not get anything from her. And they needed the information she had. Badly.

  They might have a reputation of being the badasses of the known galaxies but they’d never hurt a woman. Which meant they needed her on their side.

  He ignored the niggling thought in the back of his brain that wanted to protect Rory from all harm, the impulse that made him want to punch his brother for frightening her. She was shaking, although that might be as much from cold as anything. She was basically naked. And as much as he liked looking at her body, he didn’t like the idea of her being cold.

  Kal unbuttoned his shirt and handed it to Rory. She took it and slipped it on, pulling it tight around her.

  Flynn dragged his hand over his short hair. “Okay. Get her dressed and fed and bring her to the bridge.”

  Kal took her hand and led her toward his brother. “This is Flynn. He’s the captain of this heap of metal and bolts.”

  “Bite your tongue, boy.” Flynn sounded gruff but Kal could hear the teasing beneath it. They all loved the Abigail. She was their livelihood and their home.

  Rory edged as far away from Flynn as she could get. Kal led her past him and into the corridor. There was no doubt where he was taking her. He wanted her in his room where he could protect her. Not that his brothers would harm her but he didn’t like the idea of her being afraid.

  She peered up at him. Once again he was struck by the pure blue of her eyes and the thick lushness of her lashes. Her nose was small and pert, her lips plump and full. Her chin was gently curved, much like the rest of her body.

  “You’re wearing a battlesuit?” It was said almost as an accusation. He felt the corners of his lips turn up slightly. She might look delicate but she had courage.

  “Of course I’m wearing a battlesuit.” He turned right and paused outside the door to his quarters. His shirt hung on her slender frame, the sleeves covering her hands and the hem hitting her mid-thigh. He missed her more skimpy attire.

  He placed his hand on the security lock and it slid open when it confirmed his identity. Kal then put his hand on her back and urged her inside.

  Rory stopped through the doorway, which automatically triggered the light by his bedside table to come on. She peered around the room and he tried to see it through her eyes. It wasn’t a large space but it was functional and had some amenities. He had his own bathroom, complete with gel cleansing unit.

  “Would you like to get cleaned up?” He walked to the sliding door that separated the bathroom and bedroom and pushed it open.

  She nibbled on her bottom lip and Kal barely swallowed a groan of lust. It had been months since he’d gotten laid and his dick was more than ready to remedy that problem. The last time he’d had a woman was in the back room at a dingy bar on Ramos 3. The woman had been a professional and it hadn’t taken that long to conduct business. The encounter had left him cold and Kal hadn’t bothered with a woman since. His hand was more personal than a quick fuck with a hooker. Now his libido was roaring back to life, reminding him he was a man and Rory was all woman.

  “Okay.” She kept one eye on him as she made her way to the bathroom.

  He put his hand on her arm and she stopped. “I’ll be waiting right here.”

  She nodded, stepped into the small room and slid the door shut. Kal heaved out a breath and raked his fingers through his hair. He’d get changed while she was busy. He wasn’t a fan of these rough trousers and much preferred a flightsuit. The battlesuit would stay. They all wore them when they weren’t sleeping. They were always ready to meet any threat.

  Rory stood in the small space unable to believe what had happened. For the first time in months, she was free. Okay, maybe not technically free but it was the first step.

  She dragged the hated wig from her head, dropped it on the floor and stomped on it. Her scalp itched and she scratched it. Her own hair was red and cropped short. The captain of the Exos hadn’t liked it so she’d been forced to wear the wig. Not that she’d minded so much when she was in the cage. The length
of the wig had allowed her to cover her breasts from view.

  Tears threatened but she swallowed them back. Crying wouldn’t help, wouldn’t bring back all she’d lost. She surveyed the bathroom and practically jumped in the small gel cleansing unit. She shucked the shirt Kal had given her and yanked off the thong she’d been forced to wear.

  As much as she hated the thong, she tossed it onto the floor of the unit. The fabric was so thin it should dry or at least come close. Gel cleansers worked great on skin and hair, not so much on clothes.

  When she was naked, she hit the start button and a fine spray of gel mist covered her from head to toe. It was followed by a blast of heat and then the drying light came on. A minute later, she stepped out totally clean and refreshed. The smells of booze, sweat and desperation were gone from her body, and she felt cleaner than she had for months.

  She wrinkled her nose at the clothes on the floor but she didn’t have anything else to wear. Beggars weren’t choosers, she reminded herself. She pulled on the underwear and shirt, making sure it was buttoned. There was a brush on a shelf so she helped herself to it, smoothing out her hair.

  As much as she might want to, she knew she couldn’t hide in here forever. Kal would eventually come looking for her. They’d obviously rescued her for a reason and she couldn’t help but be curious as to what it was. They’d gone to a lot of trouble and life-threatening danger to get her here.

  When there was nothing else left for her to do, Rory took a deep breath and slid the door open. As promised, Kal leaned against the far wall with his arms crossed over his chest. He was wearing a black flightsuit that zipped up the front. It wasn’t tight but there was no mistaking the fit body beneath it.

  She wondered if he was still wearing the battlesuit under it. Some instinct told her he was. Rory didn’t think the men on this ship ever relaxed. There was a hardness, a battle-readiness that clung to all of them. She recognized the type from her years of travel with her father.

  Kal pushed away from the wall and walked toward her. The way he looked at her made her feel more naked than she had dancing in the cage on the Exos. His gaze went beyond her body and peered at her soul.

  She swallowed hard and fought the urge to run back into the bathroom and shove the door closed. Not that the puny panel would stop him. And she was no coward.

  He halted right in front of her, forcing her to look up if she wanted to see his face. She all but stopped breathing when he traced his index finger along the curve of her cheek and across her jawline.

  His lips twitched and he fingered one of her short locks. “Red?”

  Self-conscious about her hair, she rubbed her hand through it. “Yeah. The blonde was a wig.” Did he like the blonde better? And why the hell should she care what he liked?

  Rory took a step back and Kal dropped his hand back down by his side. “I like it. Suits you.” He turned away and went to a built-in chest of drawers and pulled out the middle one. “Here.” He tossed something toward her and she automatically caught it.

  She shook out the bundle and smiled. Workout pants. They’d be big on her but they would cover her nicely. She pulled them on and drew the string at the waist tight. The pants slid down slightly but her hips kept them from falling to her ankles. She bent down and rolled up the hem several times to create cuffs.

  When she stood, Kal frowned at her. “What?”

  “We don’t have any shoes small enough for you.” He returned to the chest of drawers, opened another one and drew out a pair of socks. “Here. These will have to do.”

  “Thank you.” Rory sat on the edge of the bunk and pulled them on. This was the most clothing she’d worn since the day— No, she wouldn’t think about that. She wiggled her toes and enjoyed the warmth the socks provided.

  Suddenly aware she was sitting on his bed, Rory jumped to her feet. Sure enough, Kal was watching her and there was an undisguised heat in his eyes. She swallowed hard, surprised she didn’t feel the sense of disgust and aversion she usually did when a man’s attention came her way.

  She’d gotten very used to being leered at while dancing on the Exos. She’d heard every lewd and crude suggestion and been pawed on many occasions. The bouncers were supposed to keep the men from touching women in the cages but they’d turn a blind eye if they were bribed.

  Kal’s gaze made her feel different, as if she were running a low-grade fever. Beneath the rough shirt, her nipples pebbled. Even though she was fully dressed, she felt more exposed than she’d been in her life.

  Rory wrapped her arms across her chest and turned away from him.

  “Rory.” Kal was right behind her. She didn’t have to look over her shoulder to feel his presence. She was ultra-aware of him.

  What was wrong with her?

  She’d grown up on a long-distance trader surrounded by men, and never had one of them left her feeling this way. Her skin felt especially sensitive, almost prickly. Maybe she was allergic to the gel in his cleansing unit.

  Strong hands closed over her shoulders and gently squeezed. “Everything will be okay.”

  She laughed, the sound bitter to her ears. “You can’t promise that. No one can.” Her father had often promised her that same thing and look what had happened. He’d died and left her alone. Her life had quickly taken a downward spiral after that.

  Kal turned her until she was facing him. She didn’t want to look at him but, really, she had no other option. Her eyes were drawn to him like steel to a magnet. In the dim lighting of the room his face appeared even harsher, the scar more prominent.

  He fascinated her.

  She reached up and touched his cheek. He didn’t flinch, didn’t move as she stroked the length of the scar. “How did it happen?”

  He caught her hand, brought it to his lips and placed a kiss on the tip of one finger. “Shrapnel from an explosion. It was a long time ago.” Then he sucked her finger into his mouth.

  Rory gasped and barely swallowed back a moan. The unexpected caress sent ribbons of pleasure trailing throughout her body. Her breasts felt heavy, her nipples ached and she didn’t even want to acknowledge what was going on between her legs.

  She wanted Kal Marks. And she didn’t even know him.

  He drew his tongue along the length of her finger and slowly released it. Then he slowly lowered his head, giving her time to object. When she didn’t, he pressed his mouth against hers.

  She made a little sound of pleasure, went up on her toes and kissed him back.

  Maybe it was the adrenaline from their mad escape. Maybe it was because he was the man who set her free from the hell in which she’d been living. Maybe it was simply because she’d felt alone and been afraid for so long. Whatever the reason, Rory knew she wanted this kiss. And more.

  Kal traced his tongue over the seam of her mouth until she parted her lips. Then he slid inside. Rory moaned and stroked her tongue against his. She was vaguely aware of her feet leaving the floor, of his strong arms wrapped around her. But it was distant, as though it were happening to someone else. All her focus was on the heat being generated by their kiss.

  And Kal was a first-class kisser. Not that she had a whole lot of knowledge about such things. A few stolen kisses here and there and two very hurried sexual encounters hadn’t given her much skill or practice. Certainly nothing in her meager experience had prepared her for Kal.

  He kissed her with an intensity and concentration that was enthralling. His tongue explored her mouth at a leisurely pace, mapping the entire area. He sucked on her tongue. Teased her lips. Her hands crept up to wrap around his neck and she arched her body, groaning when her breasts rubbed against his hard chest.

  It felt so good she did it again.

  He tore his mouth away from hers and planted hot, openmouthed kisses on her neck. Then he forged a path to her ear, caught the lobe between his teeth and tugged gently.

  Rory raised her legs until they were wrapped around his hips. She clung to him like the spider vine from the planet Ragnon did
to everything that crossed its path. That brought her mound right in line with the thick bulge in his pants. She panted for breath when she rubbed against him. Her pussy spasmed and she knew the thin panties she wore beneath the workout pants were soaked through with her desire.

  Hard hands cupped her ass and pulled her closer. The heat from his cock radiated through their clothing, warming her. She’d never wanted a man like she wanted Kal.

  He growled and started toward the bed when something beeped. He froze and shook his head. The beep sounded again.

  Rory was shocked by what she was doing. She was ready to have sex with a man she’d just met, a man she didn’t really know at all. Sexual attraction aside, she’d never done anything this brazen and crazy in her entire life.

  She pushed away and he released her, letting her slide down his body until her feet were once again on the floor. He stepped away from her and pressed the communication unit by the door. “Yeah.”

  “Where the fuck are you?”

  Rory flinched at the anger in the voice. She knew it belonged to Flynn.

  “We’re on our way,” Kal answered back and ended the link. He turned to her and held out his hand. “Ready?”

  No, she wasn’t ready. Not at all. She was worked up and flustered while he didn’t seem the least bit affected. She wanted to smack him. Maybe he was used to having strange women in his quarters. Maybe kissing and touching her meant no more to him than scratching an itch.

  She’d have to be careful. She was in danger of building Kal up to be something he wasn’t. He wasn’t like the knights in shining armor she’d read about in the storybooks her father had gotten her as a child. No, he was simply a man, and one with an agenda.

  He wanted something from her. She’d do well to remember that.

  Rory had no idea what Kal and his brothers planned to do with her when they got what they were after. She’d have to bargain for her freedom. If there was one thing she was good at in this life, it was bargaining. Her father had been a master at it and she’d learned at his side.


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