A Devoted Heart (The Heart's Temptation Series Book 2)

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A Devoted Heart (The Heart's Temptation Series Book 2) Page 7

by Genevieve Matthews

  “I’m going to look in the bathroom for some bandages for your hands,” I say.

  “Oh, I brought some. I set them right here on the dresser.”

  “Great!” I say, a little too enthusiastically. I decide to grab one of the pillows off of her bed and put it in my lap. “Come sit by me and I’ll get you all fixed up.”

  She sits down next to me, setting the bandages on the bed and her hands in my lap. I take them in mine and look at the fresh gouges in her palms. It takes every ounce of my restraint not to lean over and kiss her hands. I must be fighting this urge too long because she says, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” I say, “I can’t help thinking about what could have happened if I hadn’t come along tonight.”

  “Well you did. You always do. You’re always there when I need you, Brogan.” Her eyes are big with a tint of red from crying tonight. I feel the magnitude of this moment playing out between my heart and my brain. My heart would lean over and kiss those beautiful, soft, pink lips. My brain would make a joke and avoid the intimacy and eventual destruction that a romantic relationship would inevitably bring.

  I smile, pick up the bandage and start wrapping her hand. “We’re there for each other,” I say.

  She smiles back and the moment passes.

  Chapter Fourteen


  To take my mind off the fact that when I woke up this morning, Brogan was gone, I decide I need an excursion to distract me. And because I’m alone in my apartment again and I don’t want to explore how this makes me feel, I make it a girl’s day. It’s that perfect time of the year when summer is coming to an end and the days are starting to hint at fall.

  I pull into the parking lot and sit in my car and wait for the other girls to arrive. About ten minutes later, Abbey’s car pulls in with a perky-looking Bree waving energetically from the passenger seat. Finally, my mom pulls in while we’re all packing up our backpacks and getting everything loaded onto our backs. I’m carrying snacks and water for Bree and I, she’ll have enough work carrying that baby around inside of her.

  “You look like you’re about to pop!” Greta says as she walks up and gives us all hugs.

  “My official due date is today!” Bree says. “I don’t feel anything happening yet, though, so I thought I’d hike around the woods today and see if that doesn’t encourage this little peanut to come out.”

  “Not while it’s only us in the middle of the woods, please,” Abbey says, “I can’t handle that. And also…eww.”

  I can’t help but laugh. “Nice, Abbey,” I say. She rolls her eyes at me and then winks with a little smile.

  There are only a few other people here when we head into the state park and choose one of the hiking trails. We take it slowly, I don’t think any of us wants Bree to go into labor while we’re out in the wilderness today. It’s incredibly peaceful as we walk through the trails. We stop for snacks and water breaks, have a ton of great conversation and enjoy each other’s company.

  When we make our way back to the entrance, it’s already late afternoon and the sunset is a gorgeous pinkish orange on the horizon. After we ask a random woman to take our picture, my mom gets in her car, waving as she pulls out of the parking lot.

  “Call me as soon as anything happens,” I say to Bree as I pull her in for a hug.

  “I will. Hopefully it’ll be sooner rather than later,” she says.

  Abbey and Bree get in their car and drive off as well.

  “Cate?” I’m about to get in my car when I hear my name.

  “Jake. What are you doing here?”

  “Oh, I’m in the area for work. It’s a beautiful day for some fresh air and thought I’d take a break.”

  “Wow, well that’s a crazy coincidence.” My phone starts to vibrate in my pocket. I pull it out to check to see who’s calling and when I see Brogan’s name, I have the overwhelming urge to take the call. “Sorry, Jake, I need to take this call. It was good seeing you though.” With that, I get in the car and close the door, giving Jake a smile and a wave as I answer the call.

  “Hey,” I say.

  “Hey, I’m glad I got you. I want to apologize about last night. I was such a prick.”

  “I’m sorry, too. I get pretty worked up sometimes.”

  “You want to get together tonight? Whatever you want to do, your pick.”

  I turn my key in the ignition so I can start the drive home, but the car makes a few clicks and stops.

  “Shit,” I say. “Ah, yes, I’d love to do something but I’m at the state park and my car won’t start.”


  “Yeah, that’s what I said.”

  “Is it making any noise when you try to start it?”

  “Yeah, it makes a kind of clicking sound. Here, I’ll put the phone on speaker so you can hear it.”

  Once I’ve switched to speaker I try turning the key again. The same thing happens, a few clicks and then nothing.

  “Damn,” he says, “I’m not sure, but that almost sounds like your battery. I don’t know for sure until I take a look at it though. If I leave now I can be there in about a half-hour.”

  “Are you sure? Otherwise I can call Triple-A.”

  “Call them, too. But at least I’ll be there so you’re not sitting in a secluded parking lot alone.”

  “That would be awesome. Thanks, I’ll see you soon.”

  I immediately call Triple-A and tell them my location. The idea of sitting by myself in a secluded parking lot is not sitting well with me. As soon as I get off the phone, there’s a knock on my window and I jump a foot.

  Jake is back standing outside the window. Clutching a hand to my chest, I step back out of the car.

  “You scared me!” I say.

  “Sorry,” he laughs and puts his hands up. “I noticed that you were having trouble getting your car started. Can I help?”

  “Thanks. I called Triple-A and they’re on their way. Brogan is coming, too, so I have a ride home.”

  “Okay, well I can keep you company while you wait.”

  “Thanks, that would be nice.”

  I’ve never actually spent very much alone time with Jake. We had classes together in school and we’d talk about things in class, but we never hung out outside of school. He’s a nice guy, but I never felt completely comfortable when I was around him in school.

  Standing in the nearly empty parking lot with him now, those feelings come back full force. I don’t know him well enough to even know what to ask him for polite conversation right now. I’m racking my brain, trying to remember some of the things he was into in high school when he breaks the ice.

  “So are you and Brogan together now? I mean, I know you guys were always really close in high school, but I thought it was a good friendship.”

  “Yeah, we’re good friends. So, no, I guess…to the first part of your question.”

  “Have you stayed in touch all of these years?”

  “We were close through high school. We still saw each other in college when we’d both be home for the holidays or something like that. Then we ended up losing touch when he went pro out of college.”

  “But you’ve managed to find your way back to each other.”

  “Yes, we have. When we’re together, it feels as if no time has passed. Like we’re still doing our homework together under the big hickory tree behind our houses when we were kids.” I smile because all of the memories I have of growing up with Brogan are good ones.

  “So you knew his parents well?”

  “I knew his mom well. His dad wasn’t around very much. But that ended up being a good thing.”

  “That sucks. It’s so hard on kids when they have a parent who can’t act like one.”

  “Definitely. His dad would come home at night after drinking too much and his parents would get into these awful screaming matches.”

  “At least he had you to turn to. You were always really good to him. He never appreciated you enough, in my opinion.”
br />   “Well, he was good to me, too. And we all look back on the past and regret how we acted or regret things we did. We always had a nice connection, though.”

  “He probably changed a lot when he went pro. Those guys can be so full of themselves.”

  “Um, I don’t think so. I feel like he has stayed really grounded compared to what can happen with some of those guys.”

  “So do you know what happened with Brogan’s family?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You know, wondering if you have any inside scoop to some of the drama a few years back.”

  “No, I don’t.”

  “Sorry, I don’t mean to be nosy. Just making conversation.”

  Suddenly I realize that I’ve probably been too loose with my tongue, sharing things that really aren’t mine to share. And I’m starting to realize how odd it is that Jake has only asked me questions about Brogan. He’s being really nosy and I didn’t notice it until I said more than I should have.

  Jake checks his watch and says, “Oh man, I’m sorry but I have to head out. Brogan or Triple-A should be here soon, though. Will you be okay?”

  “Yes, I’ll be fine. Thanks for staying with me.”

  “I wish I could do more.” He leans in and gives me a quick hug and then jogs off to his car. I hold up my hand to wave goodbye as he drives past, but he isn’t looking my way.

  He’s a nice guy but a little odd.

  About ten minutes later, Brogan’s SUV pulls up next to mine. He walks right over to me and gives me a hug. It’s a long hug and it says everything that needs to be said. Things are good between us again and I feel safe now, like I always do when he’s around.

  Chapter Fifteen


  “Are you okay?” I ask as I reluctantly pull back from our hug. Damn it feels nice having her in my arms.

  “Yes, I’m fine. Just glad you were around.”

  “Let me take a look under the hood. Not that I really know much, but maybe something will jump out at me.” I release the lock on the hood of her car and prop it up. It sounded like the battery was dead the way it clicked and stopped so I look over the battery first.

  My heart drops into my stomach when I realize why her car won’t start.

  “What’s wrong?” she asks immediately.

  “Someone detached the battery cables from the battery,” I say.

  “Wait, someone? You mean someone was messing with my car?”

  “I think so. The cables don’t come off like this. Someone had to remove them.”

  “What the hell!”

  “I know.” My mind is swimming with all of the ways this situation could have gone horribly wrong. All I can think is thank God I was on the phone with her when her car didn’t start. “We should call the police.”

  “Really? I mean, what can they do?”

  “I don’t know, but we should report it. What if there’s some creep going around disabling women’s cars in deserted parking lots? Maybe this has happened to someone else, too.”

  “Oh my God, I’m completely freaking out now.”

  I put my arm around her shoulder and give her a squeeze while I pull out my phone and call the police. I find myself slowly rubbing up and down her arm to put her at ease while I speak to the operator on the phone. It’s a quick phone call and then we lean against her car and watch the sun set while we wait for the police to show up. Under different circumstances, this would be really romantic.

  Eventually the police show up, take Cate’s statement, look over her car and tell us they’ll contact us with any information. It’s actually really anti-climatic. The good news is that nothing like this has been reported so it’s not like there’s a serial creeper disabling vehicles around town. Nothing will probably come of it.

  After the tow truck takes Cate’s car, we get in my SUV and I drive us back to her place. We aren’t long out of the parking lot when I feel the need to talk things out about last night.

  “I’m sorry again about getting so upset last night. I had no right.”

  “It’s okay. I shouldn’t have disappeared like that. You had every right to be upset.”

  “I’m going to find my own place.”

  “You don’t have to do that. I was upset when I said it.”

  “No, it’s the right thing to do. You’ve been great letting me crash with you, but it’s time for me to get a place anyway. Now that I know I’ll be hanging around.”

  “Okay, well whatever you want. There’s no rush, though. Stay as long as you want.”

  “Thanks.” I lean over and take her hand, give it a squeeze and then hold onto it. She gives me a sweet smile and I feel like the storm that has been raging inside of me since our fight is finally dying down. We’ve never really fought, at least nothing serious, so I wasn’t ready for how it was going to make me feel. I couldn’t sleep or concentrate on anything aside from making things right between us again.

  We’re both equally exhausted when Catey unlocks the door to her place about twenty minutes later. Neither of us slept well the night before and then Catey hiked all over the place today and I overdid it at practice. I’m hoping she won’t mind crashing on the couch and watching a movie tonight.

  “Netflix?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she says, “And a glass of wine. Thank goodness there’s a bottle in the fridge or I’d have to make a run to the store.”

  “You’re still upset?”

  “Honestly, yes. It scares me to think someone messed with my car and I can’t stop thinking about what might have happened if I wasn’t able to reach you. My mom, Bree, and Abbey had already left by the time I got behind the wheel and tried to start it.”

  We’re on the sofa together and my hand reaches to brush the hair off of her face. Her skin feels so soft; I let my fingers linger and I slowly caress her cheek. I want to comfort her, to let her know that I’m here for her and I won’t let anything happen to her…ever.

  “You have to try not to let your imagination run wild. You’re safe and no one is going to hurt you.”

  I’m gazing intently in her eyes so I can see the exact moment when the worry leaves her face and another emotion replaces it, longing. As her pupils dilate, her full, pink lips part, begging to be kissed.

  My mind drifts to our encounter in the sheets the other night and my entire body is instantly buzzing with anticipation. I’ve had a taste of her and now I need to have it all.

  She nuzzles her face into my hand, closing her eyes and enjoying the sudden intimacy of the moment. Unable to resist her any longer, my lips find hers and I’m completely lost. I’m being driven by the need inside of me. Her kisses are like a drug and as our tongues tangle together I’m savoring every sensation.

  Our hands can’t explore each other fast enough. I let mine slide from her face to her body. I’m impatient and rough pulling off her shirt but wanting someone for so long will have that effect on you.

  Her hands fly up to cover her chest as she snaps out of her trance. I put my hands up immediately.

  “I forgot, I’m wearing a sports bra from the hike today.”

  “Jesus, Catey.” I laugh and take a deep breath. “I don’t give a fuck what you’re wearing. I want it off.”

  She slowly takes her hands away. “Okay, sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin the moment.”

  I lean down place a gentle kiss, first on the left side of her sports bra, followed by the right. “Lift up your arms,” I say. My voice is husky, thick with need.

  She raises her arms and I slowly pull her sports bra off. Her breasts bounce free and I immediately take her nipple in my mouth. I suck her nipple to a hard peak then flick my tongue across it before giving it a gentle nip with my teeth.

  The soft moan that escapes her lips as her fingers tug at my hair makes my cock strain against the fabric of my pants. I use my hand to massage and squeeze her full breast as I continue to make her squirm as I play with her nipple.

  After giving an equal amount of attention to he
r other breast, I lay her back on the couch. I remove my shirt quickly and then focus on getting her out of her pants. I can’t tear my eyes away from her as I slowly pull her pants down her legs and toss them on the floor. She looks so beautiful spread out before me, her hair messy from our kisses, her lips swollen.

  I can see how much she wants me by how her eyes take me in and watch my every move. My mouth begins to water as I imagine how wet she is for me right now. Without breaking eye contact I very gently take my finger and massage her entrance. She’s soaking wet so I push my finger inside of her.

  Her eyes roll back and she grabs onto the arm of the couch behind her. She’s completely open and vulnerable to me and I feel like a fucking king, claiming my mate.

  Pushing a second finger inside of her and stroking her clit with my thumb, I lean over her and find her mouth again. She moans into my mouth as we kiss desperately, making up for lost time.

  After a moment, she breaks the kiss. We’re both breathing hard like we’re on such a high we can’t come back down.

  “Do you want me to make you come like this?” I ask.

  “Yes, yes, yes,” she says. Her hips are rocking into my hand, my fingers soaked with her arousal. Every time my thumb rubs over her clit she moans loudly, it’s almost a whimper at this point. “Please, Brogan. I need to come now,” she says.

  I quickly move myself between her thighs and use my tongue to lick her up and down. She tastes so sweet. She’s perfect. I concentrate my tongue on her clit and push my fingers into her again, curling them so I can reach her G-spot.

  I’m working her right up to the tipping point when I hear one of our phones start ringing. Horrible fucking timing.

  “Don’t you dare stop,” she says.

  I don’t even pull my mouth away to answer. After a few more strokes of my tongue she’s coming hard. Her cries of pleasure are music to my ears. I slowly kiss her pussy and suck her clit into my mouth. She squeals and tries to pull away.


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