A Devoted Heart (The Heart's Temptation Series Book 2)

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A Devoted Heart (The Heart's Temptation Series Book 2) Page 10

by Genevieve Matthews

  “Wow. Thanks, mom.”

  She giggles as she keeps preparing dinner. “Here, measure out a cup of this mayonnaise. Or you can start crunching these cornflakes to sprinkle on the top.”

  I get busy with my jobs while also processing what she said. Of course she’s right, it’s hard to accept that I’m at the point in my relationship with Brogan where we’re up against a wall. Either something needs to happen or I need to walk away and give myself a chance to experience all of the things that I know I desperately want in my life.

  Chapter Twenty


  Justin, Gibson, and Danny are coming back to town, this time with their dates. It’s a little too ambitious to refer to them as their girlfriends. None of their relationships typically last long enough. I want them to be on their best behavior tonight. The last thing I need is for Cate to be scared off by my buddies and their casual stance on relationships and women.

  I was looking forward to a quiet night alone with Cate but it’ll be nice to take her out with my friends, as my date.

  When I wasn’t at football practice, I spent the time house-hunting while Cate was busy watching Sam. There are plenty of prospects, but nothing jumped out at me right away. So for now, I’m still occupying Cate’s couch until I get an invitation to accompany her in bed.

  I’m sitting on the couch, dressed for dinner, when the door flies open and Cate comes barreling in. With how rickety this old building is, I heard her coming from the moment her foot hit the staircase.

  “I’m so sorry I’m running late,” she says. She doesn’t even bother to wait for my response. As fast as she comes in she disappears and I hear the bathroom door slam shut.

  It takes every ounce of my self-control not to join her in the shower right now. Needless to say I haven’t been able to stop thinking about our time on the couch the other night. Thinking about her naked in the shower feet away has my cock pushing the boundaries of my dress pants.

  I turn on the news and my problem quickly goes away. The distraction makes the time fly and the next thing I know Cate is walking back into the living room dressed in a deep-blue, knee-length, wrap dress. She’s sporting a messy bun that makes me want to throw her down on the bed and see how wild we can make it.

  “You look amazing,” I say as I walk over and take the kiss I’ve been waiting twenty minutes for. “I’ve missed you.”

  She gives me a skeptical look and says, “It had been how many years since we saw each other and you miss me now after one day?”

  “Yes. Now that I have you back in my life I need to make up for lost time.”

  “Agreed. We do have a lot of lost time to make up for.”

  “Tonight is as good of a time as any. Let’s go, beautiful, I’m taking you out to dinner.”

  The restaurant is a cozy Italian place. It’s inside of a building with the original architecture from when the town was initially built years ago. Not to mention it has the best Italian food for miles around. There’s always a wait. I’m not usually a patient man, but I’ll put in the time for this pasta.

  We’re the last ones to arrive, but the guys and their dates have already been seated so we’re taken right back to our table.

  “Hey, Coach! Thought you’d be a little more timely now that you’re the guy running the show.” Justin stands up and gives me a big hug as well as a few powerful back slaps.

  “Just wanted to build the anticipation for you,” I say. “Justin, this is Cate Mercer.” Cate reaches out her hand, but Justin goes in for a hug with her as well. As soon as they pull apart Gibson is there to move into his spot.

  “If there are hugs being passed out, I need to be included,” Gibson says as he also hugs Cate. “I’m happy to give out kisses, too. Just let me know what you need.” He gives her a dorky wink, but it’s the playboy smile that puts me on the defense.

  “You need to keep yourself in check, my man,” I say as I put my hand on his chest and encourage him to give Cate her personal space.

  Danny wisely shakes Cate’s hand now that the other two have me all riled up. Two of the girls are still sitting at the table, only one of them gets up to introduce herself right away. She’s Danny’s date, but we’ve never met before.

  “Hi, I’m Sylvie. It’s nice to meet you.” Cate shakes Sylvie’s hand and I’m relieved that she seems really nice. Justin and Gibson’s dates are busy looking at something on one of their phones when we sit down.

  “Cate, this is Kayla and her friend, Nadia,” Justin says.

  They both look up and say “Hi” and then go right back to looking at the phone. Justin shrugs his shoulders while grabbing his white, cloth napkin and spreading it in his lap.

  “How’s the team doing, Lockey?” Danny asks.

  “Things are going really well, actually. It was an adjustment at first, but I’m having a lot of fun working with these guys. And now that I’m coaching I don’t feel like I’ve had to completely give up football.”

  “You having them run drills in practice like we had to?” Gibson asks.

  “You bet your ass! Those drills sucked, but they whipped our butts into shape. And we learned how to work as a team. Suffering together is great bonding.”

  “Puking in a bush together is great bonding, too,” Justin says. “And not from drinking, from working out too hard.”

  “Not that we didn’t puke in bushes together from drinking, too,” Gibson says.

  “Those sound like the stories I’d like to hear,” Cate says.

  “Oh, I don’t know about that,” I say. “You know enough about my past that’s embarrassing.” I give her leg a squeeze under the table.

  “Is that what we’re going to talk about all night? Football and puking?” Gibson’s date Nadia has finally put her phone away. She rolls her eyes and giggles to her friend Kayla. There’s a moment of awkwardness until Danny turns his attention to Cate.

  “So, Cate, what do you do?” he asks.

  “I own a coffee shop in town with my friend, Bree. We started in the city and were able to expand to Winterhaven a few years ago.”

  “Wow, that’s impressive. Starting your own business so young,” Danny says.

  “Yeah, well, my dad passed away when I was pretty little and my mom set aside money from his life insurance for me. I used that to open the coffee shop. I always thought owning my own business would be a challenge. I really get into the marketing aspect of it all.”

  “Do you love coffee? Is that what made you decide to open a coffee shop instead of something else?” Sylvie asks.

  “Yes, I do love coffee. But I think it also appealed to me because I can have a lot of creative freedom in a store like that. We can choose our own drinks and create our own brand. We sell baked goods from the local bakery as well so I feel like we help promote other small businesses along with our own.”

  “That’s awesome. We’ll have to stop in on our way out of town on Sunday,” Gibson says.

  “I’m sure I’ll be working. Bree just had a baby so she’ll be on maternity leave for awhile.”

  “What did she have?” Justin asks.

  “A little boy. She has two boys now,” Cate says.

  “I have a little boy, too. They’re so much fun. I’ve got to show you some pictures.” Justin pulls out his phone and starts flipping through his photos. He flips the phone around and hands it to Cate.

  “Oh, he’s so adorable! How old is he?” she asks.

  “He’s almost fifteen months.”

  “That’s a fun age,” she says.

  “Yeah, he’s with his mom a lot, but I see him as often as I can. It’s hard with a schedule where we travel so much.”

  “I bet. It must be really hard being away from that little cutie,” Cate says.

  “It’s not hard being away from his ex, though. She’s such a hag,” Kayla says.

  “Seriously, Kayla. Not now,” Justin says.

  I get the impression he’s regretting inviting her for the weekend. Or maybe that’s ho
w I’m feeling right now. He probably met her in a bar and I can guarantee there wasn’t a lot of talking going on at the time. I know because it used to be me. Hanging out with these guys exposed me to a much different party culture than I had ever experienced before.

  I don’t regret my past, though, because it helped me see what I want for my future and what I’ll never go back to if I can help it. I do find myself feeling protective of Cate right now. I want to shield her from the ugliness that comes along with living life in the spotlight. Even if that spotlight is dimmer for me now, I don’t know if my life will ever be completely private, free of Sunday morning articles in the sports section and word-of-mouth stories that end up in gossip columns.

  I hope that Cate knows what she’s getting into and is willing to stick it out with me for the long run.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  The main course passed without any more drama. Thank goodness. I am thrown a little bit by our company tonight, I won’t lie. I haven’t had to be around cliquey bitches since high school and it’s a huge bummer that ten years later I’m finding myself in this situation.

  It makes me wonder if Brogan has been with women like this over the years. If his closest friends have such poor taste, did he follow suit? He already started dating women in high school that he didn’t care about. I’m not stupid so I know how much of high school is about image and popularity.

  I know that’s why Brogan asked girls out for whom he didn’t feel anything, instead of asking me when we could have had something pretty amazing. At least that’s what I thought. Or maybe the fact that his dad was such a tool really did a number on him and his ability to have a normal, functioning relationship.

  Whatever his issues were or might still be, I feel like he’s finally coming around. I push my plate away, leaving the last few bites. I look over at Brogan as I sip the last of my wine. He looks relaxed and really happy and I can only assume it’s because he’s enjoying this time with his friends. Something he doesn’t get enough of now that he has moved to Winterhaven.

  I’ve also drained the last of my second glass of wine so I find my thoughts straying to how intimate it feels when he puts his hand on my thigh under the table. It’s his way of letting me know that he is claiming me as his in front of his friends and these other women. This small gesture takes away any question of whether we are friends or something more.

  Not to mention that the way he keeps subtly touching me throughout dinner is really working me up for the next round of private time, clothing optional.

  “So, Cate, how long have you known Brogan?” Sylvie says. I feel my face blush. I’m sure she caught me staring at him and now I feel like I was caught with my hand in the cookie jar.

  “We’ve actually known each other since we were little. We grew up in the same town together. He was my next-door neighbor,” I say.

  “That’s so cool. He’s a really nice guy.” Now it’s her turn to blush. She smiles shyly at me and takes a drink of her wine. “But I’m sure you already know that,” she says.

  She has been extremely pleasant all night so I come to her rescue on this one. “You’re right, he is really nice. The kind of guy that’s always there when you need him. Do you know Brogan well?”

  “No, not at all. Danny has told me stories and we actually met years back, but I’m sure he doesn’t remember that anymore.”

  I’m not sure what she means by that but I’m really hoping their past meeting wasn’t anything intimate. I don’t have the confidence in myself to know that I’ll be able to maintain my composure if she springs something like that on me. So I do the logical thing and change the subject.

  “How long have you and Danny been together?”

  “Not very long, only about a month. Though, I know for some football players that would be considered a long relationship.” She laughs a little uncomfortably and finishes her glass of wine as well. “Danny isn’t like the rest of them, though. And I can tell that Brogan isn’t really like them, either. And that’s a compliment.”

  I signal to the waiter and ask for another glass of wine for each of us. Three glasses is dangerous for me but what the hell. It’s helping to calm my nerves and get through this dinner.

  “Here’s my tip for you if you want your relationship to last,” Nadia says. “Don’t ask, don’t tell.”

  I think she’s actually talking to both Sylvie and me. She has been checked out for this entire dinner and now she’s leaning over on the table, looking at us both so intently you’d think she was about to reveal the cure for cancer.

  “Does that go for you or him?” I ask.

  “Both of us,” she says.

  I don’t know what to say to that. I suddenly feel like I’m in the twilight zone and it isn’t because of this third glass of wine.

  “Well, you know…whatever works for you guys,” I finally say.

  Sylvie nods in agreement.

  Brogan had been deep in a conversation with the guys, presumably related to football, when suddenly his arm is around my shoulder and he’s pulling me close. I feel his lips softly against my neck right behind my ear. He whispers, “Everything okay?”

  “Of course,” I say.

  “Am I going to have to carry you home after that glass of wine?”


  “Finish it up and I’ll take you home.”


  It’s more like a half-hour later when we’re finally back in his SUV and he’s driving me home.

  “Are you going back out with the guys after you take me home?” I have completely relaxed in my seat and could close my eyes and fall right asleep.

  “I might meet up with them for a drink. Do you want to come?” He’s smiling at me because he knows if I had one more drink I’d be passed out on the floor.

  “And have the opportunity to hang out with Kayla and Nadia again? Absolutely.”

  “I knew you wouldn’t pass that up. I can see why you’d want to spend more time with them, they’re so charming.”

  We both laugh a little too hard and I know for a fact I’m laughing because of the wine. Those girls probably make most people drink themselves into oblivion. I’m glad Brogan’s on the same page as I am, but when our laughing quiets down I finally blurt out what has been on my mind all night.

  “Did you date girls like that in New York?”

  He doesn’t answer me right away and I instantly start to worry. I’m already regretting the question, mostly because I don’t think I really want to know the answer.

  “Not exactly like that, but I know what you’re asking me. I did date girls who were social-climbers and after me for my money.”

  “And a pretty face,” I say.

  His confession hurts more than I expected it would. I’ve never let myself think about the women he has been with in the past. I’ve been with other men and it doesn’t mean anything to me now. But for some reason, picturing him with those flakey, empty girls really turns my stomach.

  Maybe it’s because he chose girls like that over me and I’ll never understand why.

  I hate that I can feel myself becoming emotional. Damn, why did I drink so much wine?

  “Catey, it’s in my past. It doesn’t mean anything to us. My future is with you.”

  I know he’s right, but I’m overwhelmed with my emotions right now and I can’t stop looking out of my window.

  “Hey,” he says, “look at me.”

  After a minute I do. He’s driving but he glances over and meets my gaze. The love that I see in his eyes nearly breaks me.

  “Have you been tested?” I ask.


  “If you’ve been with a lot of skanky women like that, have you been tested to make sure you didn’t catch anything from them?” I know that I’m being mean, but I can’t help myself. I’d rather lash out than turn into a blubbering mess in front of him in the car.

  “They weren’t skanky.”

  “No? How do you know? N
adia’s relationship advice for me tonight was ‘Don’t ask, don’t tell.’ If these are the kind of women you were with, how do you know they weren’t banging the entire team?”

  “Jesus, Catey! It wasn’t like that!” At this point we’ve pulled up in front of my building and I’m ready to get out of this SUV and get inside.

  “Have fun with the guys tonight, Brogan. I’m going to bed.”

  I’m out of the car and up the steps before I hear the engine die and his car door open and close.

  “Catey!” I hear him yell as the front door closes behind me. Without slowing I stomp up the stairs, fiddling for my apartment key on my keychain. I hear the front entrance door open as I reach my apartment door.

  I have to jiggle the key in the lock the right way to get it to turn and the steps creak and groan as Brogan takes the stairs two at a time. He’s too fast and I’m unable to slam the door behind me like I’d like to for my own gratification.

  I’m across the apartment making a dash for my bedroom when I feel his hand grab mine and pull me back toward him. I expect him to pick up where we left off with the argument from the car but instead his lips find mine and devour me with a frantic passion strong enough to set this place on fire.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  I pull away from his kiss even though my body is screaming for more. I need to get the thoughts of him with other women out of my head. I’m a mess of contradictions right now. I want him to leave but I want him to fight for me more. I want him to throw me down and have his way with me but I want to scream at him for making me feel so insecure.

  “You didn’t let me finish,” he says. He has his arms on my shoulders, holding me in place. We’re so close right now I’m starting to feel light-headed. The combination of his kiss and the way his deep blue eyes penetrate through to the deepest parts of me has me swimming in a fog of desire.


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