Love and Lyrics (The Wild Diamonds)

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Love and Lyrics (The Wild Diamonds) Page 1

by Piper Snow

  Love and Lyrics

  The Wild Diamonds, Volume 1

  by Piper Snow

  Published by Piper Snow, 2013.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. November 24, 2013.

  Copyright © 2013 Piper Snow.

  Written by Piper Snow.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  About Piper Snow


  Chapter One


  I closed my eyes and listened to the rhythmic chanting from above. I could already feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins, and it only accelerated when I felt the floor below me start to rise up through to the stage. Standing tall and strong, I waited for the mist from the smoke machine to clear before I lifted my arms in the air, signaling to the audience that we had arrived.

  The noise in the arena was mind-blowing, and I couldn’t help but look to my friends and smile. It didn’t matter how tired or miserable I felt just moments ago, whenever I came on stage I was alive again. I could feel again.

  “Hello L.A!” My longest friend and lead singer began her introduction to the crowd while I grabbed my guitar. “I’m Kelly, this hot babe on the guitar to my right is Jaz.” I fist pumped the air and stuck my tongue out to greet the cheering crowd. “Lovely Ella is on the keyboard to my right, and behind me on the drums is the only male eye candy you came to see, the ever sexy and always rockin’, Jesse! And together, we are the Wild Diamonds! And we were...”

  I leaned into the microphone and joined the entire arena to finish our tagline. “... BORN TO BE WILD!”

  The electric energy in the air lit me up as I started strumming the notes to our first song on the set list.

  The first song was always where my elation peaked during a concert. I had the whole night ahead of me, for the next few hours I could just disappear into the music and forget that every other area of my life was dull. But once that first song finished, I sunk lower and lower. With every song we played, I knew I was getting closer and closer to walking off the stage and back into my empty life.

  My happiness came from performing, especially since I hadn’t written a decent song in months. Songwriting was once the part of my job that I was most passionate about, but one day not long ago, the words just stopped coming.

  The emptiness was most noticeable when we weren’t on tour. I’d taken to filling my time by attending parties with celebrities I didn’t like, drinking too much, and sleeping with strangers. In the past I’d at least make sure I was sober and focussed for a tour, even if I spent the time between fooling around and filling the pages of tabloid magazines with my escapades, but this time my destructive habits had come along for the ride. And it scared me a little that I didn’t care.

  I didn’t care about any of it anymore. The fame, the money, the gorgeous guys dropping to my feet. I’d spent my whole life dreaming of all of it, hoping desperately that one day it would all be mine. Turns out everything I was dreaming of wasn’t even real, it didn’t matter. And it certainly didn’t make me happy.

  The harshness of this illusory world of the rich and famous I lived in was never more obvious than when I was in Los Angeles. We were here for the last leg of our grand World Tour, and even though I loved performing for the crowds, I couldn’t wait to get home to New York.

  I was at my worst in this city. I’d lost count of how many bottles I’d unscrewed and guys I’d screwed. I’d always wanted the rock and roll life, but after years of pandering, parties and private jets, what used to be exciting had become a boring routine.

  Getting on stage was when my life went from black and white to technicolor, and I was completely addicted to the high it gave me. I just wished I could find that kind of happiness when I stepped out of the spotlight and into my life.

  The last song in our encore began and even the screaming audience couldn’t drown out the dread I was feeling inside. I needed to find something, or someone, to help me come down off of the high.

  I strummed my guitar and scanned the audience for a cute face, someone who could distract me from my emptiness for the night. By the time the music wound down, I had chosen my prey; a blonde in the second row with built arms and a cheeky grin. The girls around him were practically giving him a lap dance, but his eyes, his attention, was on me.

  I winked at him, and the surprise on his face was precisely the reaction that I wanted. I went one step further by licking the microphone just before the lights went out, giving us our cue to exit the stage.

  Everything I needed to do from that moment on was easy, I’d done it so many times before. I found my assistant, Janice, and pulled her aside.

  “Tell the blonde wearing the blue shirt in the second row to meet me at my hotel room in thirty minutes.”

  “Are you sure, Jaz?” Janice always worried about me. “You’ve got that photo shoot in the morning, don’t you think you should get a decent night’s sleep?”

  “I’ll be fine,” I said dismissively. “Do you need me to point him out for you?”

  Janice sighed, disappointed in me again. “No, I saw you winking at him.” And with that, she was gone, off to fetch my lover for the night.

  Chapter Two

  Once we arrived back at the hotel, I managed to slip away from the rest of the band and locked myself in my room, to start getting ready for my midnight visitor. I pulled two cold beers from the mini-bar and pulled a condom out of the drawer of my bedside table.

  Taking a swig of beer, I couldn’t help but smile to myself as I remembered how nervous I was the first time I did this, how I spent the entire half an hour sitting on the bed worrying that my chosen groupie wouldn’t show up.

  They always show up.

  Even this was a routine now. Perform, drink, fuck, sleep. That was my life now.

  I wondered how I should greet my suitor this time. Throw on some sexy lingerie, or just lay naked on the bed, ready to go. I’d done both before and seeing the reactions on my guests’ faces was priceless. It was starting to become a game for me – how far could I go? I knew no-one would ever refuse me, I could tell a guy to do just about anything and he would do it.

  Before I could decide whether to strip naked or not, there was a knock at the door.

  “You’re late,” I said as I pulled the door open, his handsome face smiling back at me adoringly.

  “Oh, sorry. I just stopped to get you these.” He blushed a little as he pulled a bunch of flowers from behind him, handing them out to me.

  “Aww, how sweet! No-one’s ever brought me flowers before!” I lied.

  I stepped aside to let him in before closing the door and throwing the flowers on the entrance table.

  “Beer?” I asked, handing it to him before he had a chance to answer me.

  “Thanks.” He drank it nervously, and I almost felt sorry for him. He had no idea what he was in for.

  “So, what did you think of the concert?” I asked, hoping a bit of conversation would ease his nerves.

  “Oh, it was awesome! We had a killer time.”


  “Me and my friends, we’re, like, huge fans. I’m not usually into chick bands but you girls are totally rockin’.”

  “Thanks,” I cringed, regretting my attemp
t to get him talking. “Well, what was your name again?”


  “Dan, I assume you know why you’re here?”

  Dan swallowed hard. He knew exactly why he was here.

  “I heard rumors that you like to invite guys up to your room to wind down after a show.”

  “Well, unlike a lot of rumors about me, that one happens to be true. But let’s not tip-toe around it, all I want from you is sex.”

  His jaw snapped open in shock, but he didn’t say a word, so I continued.

  “I don’t care what you do after you leave this room. You can brag to your friends, hell, you could sell your story to the papers for all I care. Make a few bucks out of it, you wouldn’t be the first. But right now, you’re here for me, got it?”

  Shock was written all over his face, but he managed to nod in reply.

  “Good,” I finished my beer and took his from his hand, placing it on the bedside table.

  Watching him closely, I lifted my tank top over my head and threw it to the floor. Wearing only my black skinny jeans and a bra, I pressed myself against his chest, until my lips were touching his.

  Finally, he awoke from his daze and started removing his shirt, revealing his tanned chest and smooth abs.

  I pushed him down on to the bed and climbed on top of his muscular body, already feeling his powerful force between my legs.

  “I can’t believe this is happening,” he whispered as I unclipped my bra and threw it behind me, his eyes locked onto my hard nipples.

  I placed a finger over his lips, indicating silence, and he responded by wrapping his lips around it and sucking hard, making me pleased that he was ready to play.

  I pulled him up by the shoulders, straddling him. A warm hand pressed against my back, arching my left nipple directly into his eager mouth. I sighed in relief as my focus moved out of my mind and into my body, the distraction was working perfectly.

  “Yes,” I whispered as his tongue traced over my nipple again and again.

  I ran my hand down his chiseled chest, stopping at his belt buckle, and yanked at it, signaling for him to take off his jeans.

  He stretched back onto the bed and unbuckled his belt as I stood up, ripping his jeans off and onto the floor. He sat up and moved to the edge of the bed, gently undoing the zipper of my jeans and pulling them down. I smiled in anticipation at the sight of his erection pushing against his boxer shorts.

  Gently, he slipped a finger into the waistline of my black lace panties and started inching them down, the fabric tickling my soft skin before falling onto the floor.

  With his eyes locked onto mine, he slowly traced his fingers down my neck, over my breasts and down my body, before reaching my clitoris. My head tipped back in desire as I placed my hands on his firm shoulders, resting against him as he stroked me with his index and middle fingers again and again.

  I could barely control my yearning when he finally slid his fingers into my wetness.

  I closed my eyes as he quickened his pace, sliding in and out of me until I couldn’t hold on any longer. My breath caught in my throat as I came all over him, my knees buckling, unable to withstand the pleasure.

  But it wasn’t enough, I needed more. I reached over to the bedside table, grabbed the condom, tearing it open. He pulled off his boxer shorts and rolled the condom over his penis as I leaned in and began kissing his neck.

  “Fuck me,” I whispered, and that was all the instruction he needed.

  With a firm grip on my hips, he began lowering me onto him. I bit my bottom lip in expectation as I felt him enter me gently.

  But gentleness was far from what I wanted. I wanted it to be hard and rough, I wanted to feel alive, I wanted to forget the world and disappear into my core.

  In one sudden movement, I pushed myself down onto his shaft, the lips of my soaked pussy spreading to accommodate him.

  He felt so good inside me that I couldn’t restrain myself, and he stifled a moan as I forced myself onto him again, my desire too intense for me to take it slow.

  Pleasure rippled through my body as I began rocking my hips against him, pushing him deeper and deeper into me. I felt my body heat up as I slid over him from tip to base again and again.

  “Fuck me!” I pleaded, our naked bodies slamming against each other in a fit of rapture.

  “Oh God, Jaz,” he moaned as he squeezed his fingers into my hips, his mouth finding my nipple again and sucking it passionately, sending sparks through my entire body, right down to my clitoris.

  Dan started breathing heavier and heavier the faster we went, and I could tell it wouldn’t be long until he exploded in climax.

  I felt my cheeks flush with warmth as I edged closer to orgasm, each thrust pushing me closer to the brink of bliss.

  I started riding him harder and harder, his huge hard-on sliding in and out of me until neither of us could withhold our pleasure anymore.

  I closed my eyes as my body trembled in ecstasy, with Dan moaning in satisfaction beneath me.

  Exhausted, I fell onto the mattress next to him, trying to catch my breath.

  “Wow,” Dan panted. “I just fucked a rockstar.” He smiled, clearly pleased with himself.

  “Yep, thanks for that,” I said as I got to my feet and threw his pants at him. “You’re officially a Wild Diamonds groupie.”

  I headed to the bathroom, closed the door, and turned on the shower, giving him his cue to leave.

  They always leave.

  Stepping under the hot stream of water, I felt satisfied, but I knew that loneliness would be my only bedfellow tonight. A long sigh escaped through my lips, and I wondered what was wrong with me. All my dreams had come true, I had more money than I could ever spend, guys lined up to jump into bed with me, and I did what I loved every single day. I lived in luxury and travelled the world, I was friends with movie stars and had millions of adoring fans.

  “So why am I so miserable?” I thought out loud. I was eternally grateful for everything I had, I’d made all my dreams a reality, but something was missing.

  I craved inspiration, excitement and passion. I wanted to find someone to share all my good fortune with, I wanted someone to come home to. I may never go to bed alone, but I always woke up alone, and I hated it.

  I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a fresh, fluffy white towel around me before leaving the bathroom. Just as I had predicted, Dan was gone.

  I dropped the towel to the floor, switched on the television and fell into bed. Spying his still full beer on the bedside table, I picked it up and started drinking it.

  Chapter Three

  I awoke to the sound of breakfast television hosts talking about one of their favorite topics; me.

  “And Wild Diamonds bad girl Jaz Malone has been at it again.” I sat up, squinting through my tired eyes to see the screen. “This time she was caught seductively winking and licking the microphone at the end of last night’s sold-out concert right here in L.A.”

  “Pfft,” I rolled my eyes. “That’s the least of what I did last night. Get some real news.” I switched off the television and rolled out of bed.

  As I stumbled into the bathroom, feeling less than stellar after emptying the mini bar and passing out sometime in the early hours of the morning, I was shocked by my own reflection.

  With bloodshot eyes, mascara smudged down my cheeks and my short black hair spiked in every direction, I looked exactly how I felt; worn out and messed up.

  I knew where my life would go if I kept this up, I’d seen it happen to my friends too many times before; I’d end up in rehab, jail or the morgue.

  In that moment, I realized it was time I cleaned myself up. No more wallowing in self-pity, no more drinking, no more Dan’s coming in and out of my many hotel rooms. Something had to change, and I had to be the one to change it.

  * * *

  “What do you mean you’re not drinking tonight?” Jesse asked as we sat in a private booth at the Starlight nightclub on Sunset Strip.

  “I’m staying away from booze for a while. And casual sex. And anything that makes me feel like crap.”

  “But it’s Kelly’s birthday!” Ella objected.

  “I know, but I need to be sober for a while. Sorry Kells.”

  “Don’t apologize, Jaz!” Kelly smiled. “I think it’s great that you’re giving up drinking. I was getting worried about you.” Kelly was always worried about me.

  Not much of a partier herself, my lifestyle lately had been too crazy for her. She’s known as the ‘good girl’ of our group, the innocent little virgin who all the guys want but can never have. I, on the other hand, am the ‘bad girl’, the rockstar who all the guys want and can have again and again. But that was all about to change, I was determined to turn my life around.

  “Wait, you’re giving up sex, too?” Jesse asked, a look of horror on his handsome face. I could understand his surprise, he’s more of a player than I’d ever been. He sometimes had two or three girls in his room a night while we were on tour.

  “Casual sex,” I corrected. “No more one night stands.”

  Jesse paused, seeming confused by what I had said. “But what other kind of sex is there?”

  “She means making love!” Kelly cried. “The kind of sex you have when you’re in love with someone, Jesse. You wouldn’t understand.”

  “Neither would you, Kells,” Jesse replied, and Kelly’s eyes dropped down to the table. “Shut up, Jesse.” She had been dreaming of falling in love for as long as I could remember, and I hoped she would find it one day soon.

  “Wait,” Kelly perked up again. “So you’re saving yourself? For love? That’s so romantic!” She cupped her hands together, swooning.

  “I’m not saving myself, really,” I said. “I’m just not having one night stands. If I meet a guy and we start dating, then sure, I’ll have sex. But I haven’t dated since Trent, so...” I trailed off, not wanting to think about him.

  Kelly scooted closer to me on the couch and put her hand on my own. “Just because he was a cheating jerk, doesn’t mean the next guy will be, Jaz. You’ll find a guy who loves you and treats you right, I know you will. We’re only 23, we’ve both still got so much time to find the loves of our lives.”


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