Love and Lyrics (The Wild Diamonds)

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Love and Lyrics (The Wild Diamonds) Page 4

by Piper Snow

  “Gee, I wonder why?” Ella said sarcastically, a cheeky grin forming across her face.

  “You’re totally falling in love!” Kelly squealed, making me cringe. It was much too early in the morning for that level of excitement.

  “Okay, lover girl, have fun writing songs about Eli!” Ella teased as they started walking down the hall.

  Jesse stared at me for a moment, then looked at them with a confused expression on his face. “How come Jaz gets to stay here and I have to go to brunch?”

  “Because she’s in luuuurve!” Kelly called. “You’re just a whore.”

  Jesse shrugged before reluctantly following them down towards the elevator, and I giggle to myself I closed the door.

  I didn’t want to lose this feeling of inspiration, as it had been months since I’d written anything worth recording, so I immediately pulled my old notebook and pen out of my suitcase and sat down at my desk to start writing.

  Hours later, I came out of my muse-like state and admired all the work I had done. A stack of papers now sat proudly on my desk, about ten songs’ worth in total.

  I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d written like that, and the burst of energy it gave me was incomparable. I smiled, finally feeling like my old self again – the Jaz that was fiery with passion and hungry to create music for the world to dance to.

  I leaned back in my chair, stretching my neck and back muscles before standing up and heading into the bathroom for a shower.

  As the steaming hot water flowed over my skin, I wondered when I would see Eli again. I touched my fingers to my lips as the memory of him played over and over again in my mind. I craved his touch, his hands, his tongue.

  I traced my fingers down my stomach, over my mound, and began circling my clitoris again and again as I re-lived our kiss in my mind. I placed my other hand against the shower wall as I came undone, my legs trembling beneath me.

  I turned the shower off, stepped out and wrapped a towel around myself, when I heard another knock at the door.

  Assuming it was Kelly and Ella again, I quickly made my way to the door and pulled it open, wondering what on earth they wanted this time.

  “Oh!” I gasped as I saw Eli standing in the hall, a bouquet of flowers in his hands.

  His jaw dropped in shock as he took in his view, his eyes quickly darting away, trying to look anywhere but at my dripping wet, half naked body.

  “Shit! Sorry!” he said, holding a hand up to cover his eyes. “I didn’t mean to interrupt, I just wanted to invite you to dinner.”

  I quickly stepped behind the door, trying to cover myself up. “It’s okay, come in. I’ll just go get dressed in the bathroom.” I hurriedly walked over to my suitcase and took it with me into the bathroom as he waited patiently in the entry way.

  I dried myself and threw on a tank top, short-shorts and sandals, feeling completely embarrassed but also somewhat disappointed that he hadn’t arrived a few minutes earlier – perhaps he could have helped me in the shower.

  I shook off my naughty thought and tried to remain casual as I opened the door to the bathroom and stepped out.

  “Hi, sorry about that,” he said, an awkward smile on his face as he held the flowers out towards me. “These are for you.”

  “Oh, thank you!” I said as I took the flowers, taking a moment to inhale their beautiful aroma. I pulled faux flowers out of one of the hotel vases in my room, filled it with water and placed Eli’s flowers in there, all the while trying to explain myself. “Just so you know, I don’t usually go around opening doors half-naked, but I thought you were someone else.”

  His smile dropped and hurt flashed in his eyes.

  “No!” I held my hands up apologetically, having realized what I just said. “I thought you were Kelly and Ella. That’s all.”

  I was relieved to see his smile re-appear, and I was taken aback by how much anguish seeing him hurt caused me.

  “Can I get you something to drink? I have soda?” I offered, desperately trying to change the subject.

  “No thanks, I actually came to invite you over to my place. I’d like to cook you dinner, if that’s alright with you?”

  “Oh, that sounds perfect.” I tried to hide my growing smile, but it was impossible. I was so happy to see him again.

  His eyes lit up, and I was pleased to see he was just as happy as I was.

  “Shall we go, then?” He held his arm out for me to take, and I melted. I slid my arm into his, and as we walked out the door and towards the elevator, I felt as though I was walking on air.

  Chapter Eight


  “Eli, this is beautiful,” I said as I admired his home. Standing in his living room, I was surrounded by dark oak floors and walls, the earthy tones throughout making it feel as though we were in a private cabin in the woods rather than a million-dollar Malibu beach house. It smelt like him, and I instantly felt at home.

  “Thanks, I designed it myself. I needed it to feel like I was far away from L.A, far away from everyone, you know?”

  “Absolutely,” I nodded, knowing exactly what he meant. “I have a cabin in up-state New York that’s just like this. I go there whenever I find myself getting too caught up in the craziness of the outside world. Haven’t been there in a while, though.” I remembered the last time I went there, with a newly shattered heart and a bitterness so sour that I could still taste it. I spent a whole month sitting in that cabin, letting all my anger and hurt spill onto pages and pages of lyrics that would become the best songs on our next hit album. Songs that were fueled by pain that I have to sing every time we perform, reminding me of how I had been betrayed.

  I hadn’t written like that since. Until this morning. I smiled to myself, realizing that this time, the songs I wrote weren’t full of heartache, they were full of hope, love and something so sweet it was hard to describe. I couldn’t wait to sing those songs again and again at every performance for the rest of my life.

  “Can I get you something to drink?” Eli’s voice snapped me out of my rose-colored daze. “I have an amazing selection of non-alcoholic beverages,” he said with a wink and a smile, and my heart flipped excitedly. “It includes bottled water, coffee, green tea, and soda.”

  “Tea would be great, thanks.”

  I took a seat on a bar stool at his kitchen counter as he prepared the tea. “It’s good to know someone else who doesn’t drink,” I said, feeling grateful he came into my life at just the right time. “It makes it much easier for me to resist the temptation.”

  “I’m glad to help.” His eyes sparkled as he smiled. “I know it’s hard, especially at first. But it gets easier. You’re doing amazingly well for a newbie.”

  “Thank you,” I smiled. “I really do see this as sort of a new beginning for me. The end of ‘Jaz Malone: Party Girl’, and the birth of ‘Jaz Malone...’” I paused, not knowing how to finish that sentence.

  “How about ‘Jaz Malone: 2.0,’” he laughed.

  “Ha! That’ll have to do for now, I guess. Until I figure it out, until I figure me out. I’ll tell you something though, the papers are gonna hate me. How will they ever sell their crap without my crazy, self-destructive antics?” I chuckled.

  “Screw ‘em. Unfortunately, there are plenty more party girls out there just dying to take your place,” he said as he placed a cup of green tea in front of me and began pulling pots and pans out of the cupboard behind him. “You’re one of the smart ones, Jaz. You’re taking responsibility for your life and making changes. You’re creating a better future for yourself. You should be very proud.”

  “Thanks.” I blushed a little, not used to hearing such nice things being said about me. But I knew he was right; I really was creating a better future for myself. I smiled, feeling proud of myself for the first time in years. “Can I help you with anything?”

  “Nope, you just sit there and enjoy your tea. I’m going to cook you the finest vegetarian dinner you’ve ever had.”

  “Oh wow, th
at’s a pretty big statement to make,” I teased. “I’ve had some pretty amazing veggie meals in my time.”

  “Well, all those will look like dirt compared to what I’m making,” he grinned.

  “I’ll be the judge of that. But I’m already excited. No-one’s ever cooked me dinner before.”

  Eli stopped and spun around on his heels to face me, surprised. “Seriously?”

  “It’s true.” In my year-long relationship with Trent, he never even made me a sandwich let alone dinner.

  “Well, prepare to be amazed, Jaz Malone!”

  I didn’t say it, but I was already amazed.

  Later, Eli pulled a chair out for me at his outdoor dining table, and I was mesmerized by the view. The ocean glistened in the light of the setting sun, and the candles he had lit were flickering gently in the evening breeze. The smell of dinner coming from the kitchen was making my stomach rumble, and whatever it was, I knew it was going to be good.

  “Madam,” he said as he placed a plate in front of me. “Sweet potato, roasted in coconut oil, with vegetables and rice, served on a bed of spinach and kale. Enjoy, m’lady.”

  My jaw dropped. “It looks delicious!”

  He sat down across from me at the table, and gestured for me to take a bite.

  Cutting a piece of golden sweet potato, I placed it on my fork along with some rice and kale, wanting to taste as much of it as possible all at once. I closed my eyes as it touched my tongue, savoring the flavors. I was right, it was delicious.

  “Are you amazed?” he asked, eagerly awaiting my verdict.

  “I’m amazed!” I grinned, before taking another bite. His face lit up, as though I had just made him the happiest man in the entire world. I wanted to make him feel that way forever. “It really is the best vegetarian meal I’ve ever had. No, the best meal I’ve ever had, vegetarian or not. You’re a spectacular chef, Eli.”

  “What a compliment! Thank you, I’m glad you like it.”

  We chatted as the sun set over the horizon, and by the time I’d devoured every last mouthful of Eli’s delectable cooking, only the glow of the candles kept us company. I wanted to sit there all night.

  “Eli, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you, but if I’m sticking my nose where it doesn’t belong, just tell me.”

  “Okay, go for it.”

  “At the club the other night, when you were explaining why you acted the way you did that night at the awards show, you said it was because you’d had the worst day of your life. What happened?”

  He nodded as he placed his cup of tea on the table. “You really want to know? It’s not a happy story.”

  I thought about it for a moment. “Yes. I want to know what happened to make such a kind, sweet guy turn into someone so angry that night. If you don’t mind, that is.”

  “Of course not.” He cleared his throat before continuing. “Well, that day, the day of the awards, I came home from the recording studio early to get ready. I walked into my bedroom to see my wife in bed with her personal trainer. It’s so clichéd it’s ridiculous. If I wasn’t so furious I probably would have laughed. Anyway, I had already committed to presenting at the awards, and unlike my ex-wife, I take my commitments seriously, so I went, taking advantage of the free drinks. And I ended up winning an award... for a song I wrote about her. I bumped into you as I came off stage, right after I accepted it.”

  Suddenly, everything made sense. Even though it was years ago now, my heart ached for him. I assumed he was just a drunken ass, but really he was heartbroken and angry. I could relate to him completely.

  “Eli, I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”

  “I know, it’s okay. I still shouldn’t have taken it out on you like I did. I’m sorry for that. Actually, the look of hurt in your eyes that night is what made me quit drinking altogether, the very next day.”

  “You mean, if it wasn’t for me...”

  “I would never have gone sober. So, thank you, Jaz. It might not have meant much to you, but meeting you that night really changed my life.”

  My eyes widened in shock. All this time, I had no idea I’d had such a profound effect on his life. I felt honored to have played a part in his new life, just as he was now playing a part in mine.

  “If it helps, I know what you went through. Trent cheated on me, too. With the girl he’s now so happily engaged to.”

  Eli shook his head. “Looks like we’ve both been hurt by people who didn’t see how great we were.”

  “Their loss.” I smiled weakly, but I couldn’t deny that for months after Trent and I broke up, I felt like I was nothing, like I was worthless. I guess that’s when I really started to lose control of my life.

  “It really is, Jaz. I hope you know that. Besides, I’m glad it all happened the way it did.”


  “Yep. Otherwise we’d still be stuck with people who didn’t treat us right. And we would never have met.”

  I smiled, having never thought of it that way before. “I guess everything really does happen for a reason.” I stood up and stepped over to the balcony, looking out over the dark waves of the ocean.

  “It really is beautiful here. I’m really glad I came.”

  “So am I,” he said as he stood next to me, so close I could feel the warmth of his skin against my own. “I’ve had a lot of fun getting to know you, Jaz. I’ve never met anyone like you before. You’re amazing.”

  I’d never blushed so much in my life. I looked away, not wanting him to see my embarrassment, but he placed his finger under my chin, tilting me towards him. My heart raced in my chest as he brushed his soft lips against my own, and within moments I was lost in the sweetness of his mouth. Everything else faded away when we kissed, and for a few blissful minutes, he became my universe. Nothing else existed except for his smell, his taste, his touch.

  His hands moved down my back and over the arch of my butt, my desire for him to go even lower making me wet instantly. He pulled me closer, and I let out a whimper as I felt his hard cock pressing against me, teasing me. I teased him back by pressing my breasts against his chest, feeling triumphant when I heard a slight moan escape from the back of his throat. He went one further in our little game of temptation, running his fingers through my hair and arching my head back so he could have full reign of my mouth with his tongue. Gently, he bit my bottom lip, making my legs quiver beneath me, and I returned the favor by slowly sliding my hands down his chest, over his abs, and landing on his cock. My breath caught in my throat at the size of it, my panties now soaked with my juices.

  “Mmmm, Jaz,” he moaned as I slowly rubbed my hands over his package, before he grabbed my hands, holding me back. “We better cool down if you want to keep your promise.”

  “There’s nothing wrong with a little foreplay.” I grinned wickedly, before turning to look out over the sea, giving me an idea. “But, if cooling down is what you’re after, follow me.”

  Before he could protest, I grabbed his hand and led him down the back steps of his porch. I kicked my sandals off when we reached the sand, letting my toes dip into it freely as I ran towards the shore. I slipped my tank top over my head and threw it onto the sand before edging off my shorts and hot pink g-string. I smiled to myself as I heard him gasp from the steps of his porch, where he’d been standing, awe-struck. I knew it was too dark for him to see me clearly, but there was enough light coming from the mansions that lined the beach for him to see I was naked.

  I ran into the ocean, the chill of the water sending shivers down my spine. Once I was in deep enough for only my shoulders and head to be showing, I waved him over. “Okay, I’m cooled off. Your turn!”

  I watched as he walked further down onto the beach, a smile growing on his face the closer he got. He reached my pile of clothes and began unbuttoning his shirt. Even though I could only barely see his face and the silhouette of his body, the thought of him standing naked with me in the ocean was an incredible turn on.

  “Hi,” I smiled
as he swam towards me.

  “If you really thought this would cool me off, you were very, very wrong,” he said, the tone of his voice so devilish it made me gasp in anticipation.

  Without another word, he moved closer and kissed me so passionately that I regretted teasing him with my skinny dipping. I knew there was no way he would let me get away with it without giving me some payback.

  My breath became shallower as he ran his fingers down my neck and over my breasts, before cupping them in his strong, warm hands.

  “You want foreplay?” he asked, his hot breath on my neck making me shiver.

  I nodded, too scared to speak in case it only came out as a whisper. I’d never been so affected by someone before, and I loved the feeling of not being in control, of having someone take care of my every desire.

  He moved one hand onto my lower back and the other down over my mound. I threw my head back and let out a moan as his fingers slid between my pussy lips and began circling my clit. I wrapped an arm around his shoulders before moving my other hand down and stroking his penis, which was hard as a rock. But he quickly moved my hand up and around his other shoulder, before whispering in my ear: “Tonight’s about you, remember?”

  The coolness of the ocean could no longer compete with the heat that was emanating from my bare skin. I leaned in and kissed him, never wanting to let him go.

  I dug my toes into the wet sand beneath us as he slid two fingers into me, pleasure rippling throughout my body.

  “Oh, Eli,” I whispered as he stroked the exact spot where my bliss lived, sending me into a state of euphoria. He kissed me as I came, catching every one of my moans into his mouth.

  He held me close as I caught my breath, and I loved the feel of his powerful, muscular body against mine.

  “Stay with me tonight,” he requested. “We don’t have to have sex. I just can’t stand the thought of waking up in the morning and not having you there next to me.”

  I’d never heard anything so sweet in my entire life, and all I wanted to do was crawl into his bed and fall asleep with his arms around me.


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