The Scent of Rome

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The Scent of Rome Page 10

by Lise Gold

  “Not at all. I’m glad I could introduce you to the wonderful world of same-sex delights.” Nadine bit her lip and gave Rome a stare that she recognized too well by now. “I might not do relationships, but that doesn’t mean this thing going on between us isn’t special to me. Because it is.”

  Rome nodded, a warm buzz settling over her. It was comforting to hear that it meant something to Nadine too, because to her, it didn’t feel the way she’d expected casual sex to feel. “It’s special to me too,” she said, noting Nadine had used the present tense. She was grateful they still had another night, but she also worried what spending more time with Nadine would do to her. Luckily, she’d have five weeks to recover from her sudden crush. Surely it would fade?

  “Follow me,” Nadine said after dinner as she crossed the living room. She stopped at a grand fitted floor-to-ceiling bookcase that covered most of the side wall, filled with classics and books on chemistry and biology. She pushed at one end of the bookcase, and it creaked as it turned inward, creating a small opening they could squeeze themselves through. “Secret rooms used to be popular in Italy. It’s where the rich hid their money in times when the banks were in trouble, or during the war,” she said, using the handle on the inside to close the door before flipping a switch that turned on the lights and set off a roaring ventilation system. “Sorry about the noise, I have to do this each time I’ve opened the door as I don’t want any smells to get in here.” She waited for a minute, then switched it off again.

  “My God…” Rome looked around the large room that, in contrast to the rest of the house, looked as sterile as a hospital ward. “I assumed your neighbors lived behind that wall; this was the last thing I expected.” The walls were white, the floor was rubberized, and the only original pieces of furniture in the room were a large old teak desk and a matching chair. In a corner stood something that looked like a dishwasher and on top were metal racks holding an assortment of test-tubes, glass flasks and beakers, and several sets of scales. Sliding frosted glass doors covered the entire back wall behind the desk. They were lit from the inside, and Rome could see the silhouettes of hundreds of bottles. Nadine opened the doors, revealing rows and rows of oils. The lights that shone from underneath, highlighting the names written on them, made for an impressive sight.

  “This is my fragrance organ.”

  “Your fragrance organ…” Rome repeated, casting her gaze over the bottles.

  “Yeah, I have just about anything here. Three-hundred-and eighty-nine core oils. Everything from the most basic to the very, very rare ones.”

  “I thought you did everything in the lab,” Rome said.

  “No, as I mentioned before, the lab just helps me to work out formulas so that factories can produce it in bulk.” Nadine pointed to a selection on the left. “These are the natural and fresh ones that you like; pine, wet soil, cucumber, lemon…” She picked a bottle from the back of the shelf and held it up. “I travelled halfway across the world to get my hands on this, but sadly, I rarely use it. It just doesn’t mix well with other oils as it’s best in its purest form.” She opened it and held it out for Rome to smell.

  “It’s kind of floral but not overwhelming. Like a natural scent.”

  “Yes, it’s Bulgarian rose. Pricey and rare in its purity. And this one…” She picked another one and opened it. “This is neroli, also very rare, and it’s actually from Italy. It comes from the bitter orange tree and has a honey-ish undertone.”

  “I like it,” Rome said, after smelling it.

  “You would. It suits your preferred fragrances.”

  Rome ran a hand across the bottles, studying the labels one by one. “This is amazing. What’s your favorite one?”

  Nadine thought about that, then took the stepladder that was leaning against the wall, got up on it and reached for a bottle in the top corner. “To work with, I like good old simple jasmine. It’s supremely sensual, and it also affects emotional balance and the hormonal system. It blends well, and it’s very feminine without being too sweet.” She held it out for Rome, who nodded in agreement.

  “I like it. It’s a little leafy too.”

  Nadine looked impressed. “It is. Seems you have a good nose.” She picked another bottle. “And this is champaca absolute essential oil, the most expensive oil in the world. It’s fresh, citrussy and floral at the same time. It’s also said to be a powerful aphrodisiac, although I’ve never tested it on myself.”

  “I doubt you’ve ever needed an aphrodisiac.” Rome shot her a flirty smile and wafted her hand over the bottle Nadine held out. “Hmm… it’s good, but I preferred the previous one. How expensive are we talking?”

  “Over two thousand dollars an ounce.”

  “What?” Rome’s eyes widened. “Then this cabinet must be worth a fortune.”

  “It is. That’s why I needed a well-paying job to fund my passion.” Nadine reached for the next. “This one is pretty exclusive too, I’m sure you’ll recognize the scent.”

  “It’s very familiar,” Rome said, inhaling over the bottle. “But I can’t put my finger on it.”

  “Frangipani.” Nadine carefully put it back. “It blends well in perfumes, but it also reduces stress and inflammations. If you’re ever feeling anxious, just dab a little behind your ear and believe it or not, it works. And this is agarwood, also known as oud, and it’s used a lot in the Middle East. The perception is that it smells of money and it’s also used to treat the digestive system, the kidneys and used as pain relief. The tree it derives from is currently a threatened species so I’m not using it anymore.” She gave Rome a knowing smile. “Because that wouldn’t look good on my Carbon account now, would it?”

  Rome laughed. “No, it wouldn’t, so thank you for that. So, all of these oils have medicinal qualities too?”

  “Most of them. Take this one for example. Just be warned; it’s very strong.”

  Rome grimaced when Nadine opened the bottle and laughed when she realized what it was. “Cannabis?”

  “Yes. Proven to work against inflammations, skin irritations and hormonal imbalances. And again, it’s great for pain management of course, but some countries or states would argue with that. I can’t actually use it as it’s illegal in many parts of the world, and also, it wouldn’t make you smell great, but I like my collection to be as complete as possible, so I added it anyway.”

  “Incredible. You really do have everything.”

  “Everything apart from one thing.” Nadine leaned in to absorb the aroma emanating from Rome’s neck, causing a shiver to run down her spine. “God, you smell so good. I really, really want to bottle this.”

  Rome laughed. “I don’t think my neck is classified as a fragrance.”

  Nadine kissed her mole and smiled against her neck. “It is now. It’s called the scent of Rome.”


  “I bet you did a lot of thinking after I left yesterday morning.” Nadine stroked Rome’s hair, cherishing the closeness while she could. It was four am, and Rome would leave in a couple of hours. Although that was perfect, since it might get too serious for Nadine’s liking if she stayed any longer, she didn’t like the prospect of saying goodbye. Rome was lying on top of her, and they were both spent after indulging in each other for hours. They didn’t feel the need to sleep, both aware that this would come to an end soon. “American girl comes to Rome in the hope of getting funding for her super smart invention. She gets the deal of her life, then ends up sleeping with a woman for the first time two nights in a row…”

  “You guessed right, I have been thinking a lot.” Rome smiled lazily at her, tracing a finger over Nadine’s lips.

  “There was no guessing involved, you’re about as straightforward as they come.”

  Rome chuckled “I’m not sure how to take that. I wouldn’t mind having some of that mysterious air about me that you have.”

  “No, I like that about you. That there’s ambiguity.” Nadine met her gaze and hesitated. “Anything you’d like to sha

  “No, nothing to share.” Rome shrugged. “I have no answers to my out-of-character behavior. Maybe you were right; maybe it was the moon,” she joked, unwilling to go any deeper and admit that she felt more than she had in a very, very long time. “Do you have anything to share?”

  Nadine shook her head. “Only that I want you to know that I like you, and that I hope we’ll see each other when you’re back. As friends,” she added. “And maybe a little more every now and then.”

  “Every now and then as in during a supermoon?” Rome asked with a grin.

  “We could do that.” Nadine sighed. “Or any full moon. Supermoons are quite rare so that might not be enough because someone as irresistible as you should be sampled regularly.”

  “Full moons work for me.” Rome moved down and kissed Nadine’s breasts that she just couldn’t get enough of. “In fact, I’m starting to think it’s an excellent excuse.”

  “Getting a little drawn to astrology after all, are you?”

  “Maybe a little.” Rome circled her finger around Nadine’s nipple and smiled when it rose to attention. “So, tell me something about the Aquarius star sign.”

  Nadine shot her an amused look. “Okay, let’s see… Aquarius is an air sign, despite the ‘aqua’ in the name. People born under the Aquarius star sign are generally rebels at heart; non-conformist, eccentric, often with unusual hobbies and jobs.”

  “Is that all true?” Rome chuckled. “Or are you making it up?”

  Nadine nudged her. “Hey, I’m not making anything up. Whatever source you use to research signs, they’re all very consistent, and I know a lot about this stuff. Anyway, Aquarius people are also stubborn,” she continued. “They appreciate their own space and time to dream, and they need their independence.”

  “That could also be true. I don’t know you well enough to be sure, but I can imagine you’re stubborn. What else?”

  “No, enough about me.” Nadine waved a finger in front of her. “Let’s talk about Libras.” She narrowed her eyes and smiled. “Libra is an air sign too. The scales associated with Libra stand for balance and symmetry. People born under this sign like to learn, and to put their knowledge to use. Generally, others are attracted to their air of intelligence and they use that to their advantage. Libras love the outdoors, hate chaos and mess and will do just about anything to avoid conflict.”

  “Not bad,” Rome said. “But that can be applied to a lot of people. What else?”

  Nadine let out a dramatic sigh and laughed as she shook her head. “God, you’re the worst. It doesn’t matter what I say, because you’re just going to tell me that’s all general too. What I will tell you, is that Libras are best matched with Gemini and Aquarius because they’re all big thinkers and they inspire each other.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “Just that we’re well-matched.”

  “I have to agree on that. You certainly inspire me.” Rome wished she could stop her goofy grin from spreading, but that didn’t seem to be an option when she was with Nadine. “On so many levels.”

  “Oh yeah?” Nadine pulled Rome’s face down and sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, making Rome moan and shift on top of her.

  “Uh-huh. So many.” Rome swooned as she looked down on what could only be described as the most gorgeous and charismatic woman she’d ever encountered and realized there was so much more that she wanted to know about Nadine. “Do you ever go back to New York?” she asked.

  “Sometimes. To visit my mom. Why?”

  “No reason, I was just wondering about your family.”

  “I don’t have much family, apart from my mom. No one that I’m particularly close to, anyway.” She hesitated. “My mom doesn’t like to fly, so she’s never been here. We’re close in the sense that our relationship is good, but she doesn’t know what I do for a living. I could never tell her about the escorting.”

  “What did you tell her?” Rome asked.

  “My mom thinks I manage a store.” Nadine let out a sarcastic chuckle. “A fashion boutique. It’s good enough for her to be proud of me but not big enough for it to be a terrible lie. I will tell her about my perfumes though, as soon as I get the business off the ground. She knows I’m creating perfumes but she doesn’t know I’m about to commercialize them. I used to boil rose petals in the kitchen when I was younger and bottled the water for her to wear. It didn’t really smell of much, so sometimes I’d steal a couple of drops from her perfume or my father’s cologne to mix with it. They always turned a blind eye and dabbed some on, even if it smelled horrible.”

  “That’s so adorable.”

  “Yeah, they were good like that. My dad even wore it to work if I insisted.”

  “Did your mom meet someone else after your father passed away?” Rome asked.

  “Yes, she remarried seven years after he died, then got divorced, and now she’s dating someone again. He’s a nice guy and knowing she’s got company makes me feel less guilty about being so far away from her.” Nadine paused while she played with Rome’s hair. “What about your parents?”

  A serious frown appeared between Rome’s brows as she pondered over how to answer. “It’s complicated, I guess. As I mentioned before, I’m not very close to my dad but we’re okay. We go for lunch once a month, if we’re both around, and we see each other at the occasional family gathering.”

  “What about your mom?” Nadine asked, immediately regretting her question when she saw Rome flinch.

  “I don’t want to talk about her.”

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”

  Rome shook her head. “No, it’s fine, it’s just…”

  Nadine silenced her then, kissing her as she cupped her face. She sensed that Rome was looking for a way out of the conversation, and it was the only thing she could think of to distract her. Her kiss was met with a moan, and Rome gratefully reciprocated, lacing her fingers through Nadine’s hair until they were entangled in a fierce make-out session. Nadine pulled the covers over them and cherished the wonderful feeling of Rome’s bodyweight. Her mouth felt so perfect, her skin warm and soothing, and for a moment, she wondered what it would be like to have this every night. To have someone by her side who just simply was right for her. Someone who made her smile and laugh and who loved her… As quickly as that thought came, she shook it off, remembering she didn’t do any of that stuff, and neither did Rome. No, this was the perfect arrangement, and it was more than she’d ever had before. It was enough.


  “This is for you.” Nadine felt herself blush as she gave the small bottle to Rome.

  Rome studied it and smiled, reading the label that only said: ‘For Rome’. “Is this the scent of Rome?”

  Nadine laughed. “No, it’s definitely not your scent, but I think you’ll like it. I threw it together while you were in the shower. It’s not perfect and it might be a little overbearing on some of the ingredients, but I just wanted to give you something to take home.”

  “Thank you, that’s incredibly thoughtful.” Just as she was about to open the bottle, Nadine took it back, pulled the glass stopper from the top and sensually ran it along her neck and wrists. She shivered as she took a deep breath, not sure if she was reacting to Nadine’s touch or the intoxicating perfume now pervading her senses. “I love it.”

  “You do?” Nadine had no idea why she was feeling insecure all of a sudden, but she was. The woman she’d been a little too obsessed with for her liking was leaving and for some dumb, inexplicable reason, she was worried Rome would forget about her. In a moment of panic, she’d gone into her hidden perfume room and fueled by inspiration, she’d instinctively mixed oils together, creating something she thought Rome might like. The result was far greater than anything she’d achieved before in such a short amount of time, and it mattered to her what Rome thought of it. She leaned in and inhaled against her skin one more time, running her nose along her neck and her hairline.

  “You’ve got to sto
p sniffing me, woman,” Rome joked.

  “Come on, you’ve got to indulge me, I’m not going to see you for a while.” Nadine bit her tongue before saying something she might regret later. Something along the lines of ‘I’ll miss you’ or ‘I’ll be thinking of you’, because the truth was, she really was going to miss Rome. What had started out as an innocent flirting game had ended in passion and a sense of closeness that was entirely new to her. It felt dangerous, and so she said nothing more as Rome cupped her face.

  “Thank you,” Rome whispered as she got on her tiptoes and kissed her one last time. “Take care, Nadine, I’ll see you when I’m back.”

  “Yeah. I’ll see you soon.” A hint of sadness flashed over Rome’s face before she turned and made her way down the stairs, and Nadine realized Rome was having a little trouble saying goodbye, too.

  She closed the door behind her and walked over to the window where she watched Rome get into the cab that would take her back to her hotel, so she could check out and pick up her luggage before heading to the airport. Surprised at the lump that settled in her throat, she quickly made her way to the kitchen and focused on the coffee machine, cursing herself for feeling the way she did. It was ridiculous to get emotional over someone she’d only spent two nights with, and she figured she was just a little tired. She contemplated going to sleep, then changed her mind and made herself a double espresso. Luca was probably wondering if she’d forgotten about him.

  “Melanzane di Nadine,” Nadine said, holding up the oven dish when Luca opened the door. It was lunchtime, but as she had to work tonight, lunch would have to do.

  He shot her a beaming smile as he grabbed the bottle of wine she had clenched under her arm and walked ahead into his kitchen. Although Luca was usually at home, she’d checked with him first and brought him some groceries as he never seemed to have much in the house. “You’re late,” he mumbled in Italian, then shot her a wink.


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