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The Scent of Rome

Page 25

by Lise Gold

  Nadine seemed touched by her words, and she reached for her hand and kissed it. “Does that mean Rome is making you all romantic?” Her charming smile sent shivers down Rome’s spine, and she cleared her throat, searching for the right words.

  “A little, maybe,” she said in a whisper. “But I think that most of all, you’re the one who’s making me feel romantic.”


  “Hey, what a surprise.” Nadine frowned as she opened the door to let Eliza in. “Is Rome okay?”

  “Yeah, she’s fine. Sorry for the impromptu visit. Rome explained where you lived the other day and your name was on the doorbell.” Eliza looked over her shoulder and lowered her voice as she stepped in. “Your neighbor just accused me of being possessed by the devil before he removed the cross from around his neck and held it up while he babbled something in Latin at me.” She shrugged. “I only offered to help him carry his groceries upstairs as he seemed to be struggling.”

  Nadine shook her head and rolled her eyes. “Oh God, I’m so sorry about Luca. It must be your colored lenses, it probably freaked him out.” She walked ahead into the living room. “Don’t worry about him; he’s harmless.”

  “Good to know. I was worried he might try to tie me up and call a priest.” Eliza chuckled as she followed Nadine, then fell silent as she looked around. “Christ, what is this?” Her eyes darted from the ceiling to the walls and the fireplace before she scanned the furniture, her mouth gaping.

  “Like it?”

  “Like it?” Eliza repeated. “Can I move in with you?”

  Nadine laughed and pointed to the far end of the room. “The balcony is through there. Do you want coffee?”

  “Oh yes, please.” Eliza lingered for another moment, looking both confused and impressed, then moved on, taking everything in as she followed Nadine into the kitchen instead. “I’m sorry but I had to see your kitchen too,” she said with a sigh, eyeing the antique sideboard like she was considering stealing it.

  “I’m a collector. If you’re ever looking for something, I know all the best places.” Nadine put two cups under the espresso machine and handed her a pot of sugar to take outside.

  “Thanks, I’ll keep that in mind,” Eliza said as she opened the impressive doors to the balcony and sat back at the small table, looking out over the courtyard through the enormous black shades she’d pulled from her purse. “This really is a stunning place, Nadine. Is it expensive?”

  “Yeah, it’s pricey but worth it,” Nadine said as she put the cups down and joined her. “I have my perfume room in here too, so moving would be quite a hassle. I hope I’ll be able to stay here for at least another couple of years.”

  “Why would you not?” Eliza asked, stirring sugar through her coffee.

  “It’s my last night on the job tonight,” Nadine said, pointing at the red gown she was wearing. “I don’t normally dress like this around the house.” She grinned as she studied Eliza’s outfit; a lilac jumpsuit with a wide, studded belt and huge platform wedges. “Although I suspect you go through everyday life looking fabulous.”

  Eliza chuckled. “Yeah well, it helps me in my job. It’s all about perception, right? I take it you know everything about that.” She held up a hand. “I’m sorry, is this a bad time if you have to go to work?”

  “No, it’s fine. I have another forty minutes until I have to leave.”

  “Your last night, huh? How does that feel?”

  Nadine gave her a wide smile. “It feels amazing. I’m a little uneasy of course, about the financial side of things, but in general I can’t wait to get tonight over with. I should have quit a lot sooner.”

  “I’m sure it will work out for you, that perfume you gave me; I’ve had so many great reactions from people telling me I smell good, and those boxes you sent over will be coming with me to LA next week.” Eliza leaned in and continued in a whisper. “I’ve been invited to Ella Temperley’s birthday party.”

  “No…” Now it was Nadine’s turn to gawk. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “Nope. I don’t know Ella personally but her co-star in her latest movie is a good friend of mine. He’s not really big yet, but he’s on the brink of breaking through and he invited me as his plus-one.”

  “That’s so cool.” Nadine bit her lip and hesitated. “But you shouldn’t be dragging my perfumes with you, I don’t expect you to…”

  “Nonsense,” Eliza interrupted her. “Work is pleasure and pleasure is work for me. I’ll be talking up the Carbon app too; Nero is paying for my flight because it’s a great opportunity to network, so it’s a win-win. And if I can help you out while I’m there, that’s just a bonus. I believe in your product, so I’ll happily endorse you.” She ran a hand through her lilac hair, then flipped it to one side. “Anyway, that’s not why I’m here. After making a few discreet enquiries, I’ve been approached by a couple of women who have been victims of Matteo’s gropey hands in the past and I’ve asked them to meet me in one of the coffee shop close to the office tomorrow so that I can preserve their anonymity until such time as they agree to help with the case. One by one,” she added. “They’re going to tell me their story and I’m taking their details for Rome’s lawyer.”

  “That’s good news,” Nadine said. “I mean, it’s tragic, of course; there’s nothing good about them having been subjected to his harassment, but maybe they’ll finally feel like they’re getting justice.”

  “Yes, they’re very angry but also very scared about management finding out. Rome told me Matteo already got wind of the fact that she’s planning on suing him, but he has no idea others will be involved.” Eliza paused. “I’m here because I hadn’t thought this through properly and now I have a problem. If I’m there tomorrow and someone from the office sees us together, they might start talking. Everyone knows who I am; it’s hard to be incognito with lilac hair and my height.”

  “Yeah, you’re hard to miss,” Nadine said with an amused look. “So you want me to meet them?”

  “If you wouldn’t mind. It was silly of me, I should have considered the ramifications before arranging where to meet them, but I was so relieved to have some people approach me that I chose the first place that came to mind. And I don’t have their phone numbers; only their email addresses, since they work at Nero, but I can’t exactly email them at the office to tell them the plans have changed.”

  “No, I get that,” Nadine agreed. “Of course I’ll help. Just tell me where you want me to meet them. How many are we talking?”

  “Seven women so far.”

  “Seven?” Nadine needed a moment because her blood was boiling. “He’s harassed seven women plus Rome and gotten away with it?”

  “Yeah, but as I said, that’s what I have so far. There might be more.”

  “Jesus…” Nadine balled her hands into fists until she felt the sting of her nails digging into her skin. “And none of them have spoken to the police or HR?”

  “I don’t know, I haven’t asked them, but my guess is they haven’t.” Eliza finished her espresso and stood up. “Well, thank you very much for the coffee and for helping me out. Give me your number and I’ll let you get ready or whatever it is you do before your dates. Good luck tonight.”

  “Thanks.” Nadine grabbed one of her cards from her purse on the sideboard and gave it to Eliza. “Here, just text me the details.”

  “I will.” Eliza hesitated before they headed back to the front door. “I just have one question before I leave, and please tell me if I’m being inappropriate.”


  “Can I please take a look at the rest of your apartment? I’m so curious after seeing your living room and kitchen that I just have to know what your bedroom looks like.”

  Nadine burst into laughter and waved her over as she headed for her bedroom. “Of course. Come on, I’ll give you a quick tour. I think you’ll like my perfume room, too.”


  “Flavio, how lovely to see you again.” Nadine gave Flavio a kiss on
his cheek and sat down opposite him at their table in the St. Regis. She’d been apprehensive about accepting tonight’s date initially, partially because she’d already been on three dates with him, and partially because she was worried Matteo might be there and she wasn’t sure if he’d recognized her that night with Rome. Rome hadn’t heard anything about that though, and it had been a while since her assault, so she assumed it was fine. Besides, it had all gone so fast, and it was unlikely he would make the connection between the perfectly presented and polite woman at Flavio’s side and the woman in dark clothing, sneakers and a baseball cap in the alleyway. Just in case, she’d left Angelo out of it tonight, hoping Flavio would behave himself. However, when she looked down, she realized the table was only laid out for two people. Oh God, not again.

  “It’s a pleasure to see you too.” Flavio stared at her, his eyes lighting up. “I’ve missed you.” He cleared his throat and straightened himself as if suddenly aware of his sentimental behavior.

  Nadine shot him a sweet smile but didn’t reciprocate his comment. “Thank you. Where are the others?”

  “It’s just us tonight,” Flavio said, looking unsure of himself while he awaited her reaction.

  “Okay.” Nadine shrugged. “That’s fine. Any particular reason?” At least I don’t have to sit next to him, now. She folded the napkin over her lap and sat back.

  “No, no reason. I just like your company.” Flavio took the wine menu from the sommelier and continued as he scanned the list. “I tried to book you for next week too, but the agency said you weren’t available anymore.”

  “That’s right, I resigned. I’m almost thirty so it was time to give up soon, anyway. It’s been fun, but I want to do more serious stuff now.”

  “That’s a shame. Would you consider working for yourself? In the same field, I mean?”

  “No, I’m afraid not.” Nadine shook her head. “My escorting days are over, and this is my last night.” She tried not to gloat as she said it, but it was hard to hide her excitement. There would be no more pretending after this, and no more lying to her mother. The dress Flavio had sent for her was gorgeous, and for the first time, she’d actually contemplated keeping it.

  “Right.” The disappointment was apparent in Flavio’s expression. “You see… I’m getting divorced.”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry to hear that.” Nadine was baffled by the fact that he was discussing his marriage with an escort, but if that was what he wanted to do, she’d play along. “Do you want to talk about it?”

  Flavio sighed deeply and scratched his bald head. “My wife filed for divorce last week. She’s been seeing someone else.” He shook his head in disbelief and looked genuinely affected. It seemed crazy that he portrayed himself as a victim, since he’d been hiring girls to accompany him for years. He probably had girlfriends on the side too, but Nadine figured he’d never expected his wife to have affairs too, even after putting up with his own bad behavior. “Thirty years,” he said regretfully.

  “Thirty years is a long time. That must be difficult.”

  “Yes, our family is falling apart and I’m not going to lie; that’s very hard. And on top of that, my business partner is being sued by our own employee,” he added.

  “Oh?” Nadine managed to act surprised. “What is he being sued for?”

  “Sexual harassment.”

  “Right… That’s serious. Did he do it?”

  “I don’t think so,” Flavio said. “I only know him through the company we set up together; we don’t run in the same circles. It could damage our business, even though the case is against him and not Nero.”

  “But if he did it, he needs to be punished, don’t you agree?” Nadine asked. If there was a small chance that she could get Flavio on Rome’s side, she would do everything in her power to convince him. She was both relieved and surprised to learn that he and Matteo weren’t that close, as they’d seemed like two peas in a pod on the occasions that she’d seen them together.

  “I suppose so.” Flavio shook his head. “I mean, if he is guilty, yes, he should be punished.” A moment went by as he pondered over something. “You’ve met the woman in question; it’s Rome.”

  “Oh my.” Nadine frowned and she locked her eyes with Flavio’s. She had to think very hard about what she was going to say next, because if Rome wanted to continue to work for Flavio, it was inevitable that he would find out about them at some point. Frankly, she’d never expected him to bring up Matteo’s case, and she hated being unprepared. “I had a coffee with Rome last week, but she didn’t mention it,” she continued casually, hoping he would fall for it.

  “You spoke to Rome?”

  “Yes, I bumped into her at the shopping mall and we got talking. Don’t worry, I didn’t tell her about our arrangement,” she lied. “But sexual harassment, my God… I did notice she looked quite uncomfortable around him, last time we had dinner.”


  “Yes. I noticed it right away.” Nadine wasn’t sure how far she could go, but she decided to take a chance and continue her quest. “You’re a good man, Flavio,” she said without trying to sound overly dramatic. “And if it gets to the point where you have to make a difficult decision, I know in my heart you’ll do the right thing.”

  “Hmm…” Flavio nodded. “If I get to the point where I believe he’s guilty, then yes, I will. I don’t want our company associated with anything like that. And of course, sexual harassment is unacceptable in general,” he quickly added, then concentrated on the menu.

  “I’m glad to know where you stand.” Nadine batted her long lashes and put her menu aside. It was her way of letting him know he could order for her. It was her last night after all, and so far, he hadn’t been a total nightmare.


  “I’m sorry, I’m really tired. Not sure if I’m up for going out for dinner tonight,” Rome said as she got on the back of Nadine’s scooter. “And Angelo’s place is on the other side of town. Can’t we just go somewhere closer?”

  “Please Rome, it’s important. You’ll see why when we get there.”

  Rome decided to acquiesce as she had little energy left. It had been a hectic Monday, and now that they had a launch date for the Carbon app, she had people approaching her all day long to sign off on budgets and press her to make decisions. It was the first time she had managed a project, and she was learning as she went along. Perhaps that was the most draining part—figuring everything out while pretending to know what she was doing so her team members kept faith in her. The case against Matteo was constantly in the back of her mind, which wasn’t helping to keep her stress levels down either, and she found it harder and harder to sleep through the night as she worried the case would affect her launch even though she’d done everything in her power to keep it quiet. She wasn’t surprised to hear Flavio knew about her plans; HR would have informed him about what was going on by now, but he hadn’t asked to see her yet. At some point, she would have to sit down with him and explain her side of things, but she wanted to wait until they’d filed the petition, and they could only do that once they had a complete list of the names of the women who would be suing with her.

  When they arrived at Angelo’s restaurant, and she saw that it was closed and the windows had been covered with cardboard, Rome sincerely hoped Nadine hadn’t arranged some kind of romantic surprise for her tonight, because she wasn’t in the mood to participate in a private cooking class or wine tasting right now. Still, she smiled and took her hand as they headed for the door, grateful for the woman who always lifted her spirits and made her feel confident and safe. Whatever it was, she’d roll with it, and maybe a little distraction from her worries wasn’t so bad right now.

  She narrowed her eyes and frowned in confusion as they stepped inside and Nadine closed the door behind her. Her first thought was that it was some kind of surprise party, from the dozens of faces that stared up at her, but the situation looked way too serious for that and it was eerily quiet, apart from Angelo
, who was rattling cups and grinding coffee beans behind the bar. He looked up and smiled at her when she met his eyes, and she noticed Eliza was sitting at the bar in the back, too. The dim lighting made it difficult to figure out who everyone was at first, but soon, she started to recognize faces, and it clicked.

  “Hi,” she said quietly. “You’re all from Nero.” There were at least twenty women, herself, Nadine and Eliza excluded, and all of them were young and pretty. She knew some of the women by name, but they worked in different departments, and she’d only seen them in the canteen, in the elevator, or in passing somewhere in the building.

  “We’re with you,” Eliza said, standing up from her bar stool.

  Rome looked from Eliza to Nadine, who pulled out a chair and put down a coffee in front of her. “Eliza found them,” she whispered, shooting her a loving glance. “We only spoke to seven women initially, but they talked to others and invited them here too, tonight. And we’re all here to support you.”

  Rome swallowed down the lump in her throat, lost for words. “Matteo?” she asked, and her eyes welled up when everyone nodded. “I’m so sorry that happened to you.” She paused and looked around the room, tears welling up as she made eye-contact with each and every one of them. “Thank you so much for coming forward. You have no idea what this means to me.” Her eyes rested on the receptionist, whom she spoke to almost daily. “Maria…”

  Maria stood up. “Three times,” she said. “He tried it three times with me. I stopped going to Christmas parties because he gets like that when he’s drunk.” Rome could see Maria’s hands trembling as she continued. “The last time, I said I would go to HR, but he threatened to have me fired if I did. He told me it was my word against his.” She sighed. “I have my mother and my grandmother to take care of, and I can’t afford to lose my job so now, I tend to just avoid him at all costs.”


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