Unbidden Love (Book Five of the Bidden Series)

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Unbidden Love (Book Five of the Bidden Series) Page 3

by Cierlak, Crystal

  She imagined someone else beneath her, as she had the few times she had spent the night with a stranger. They all had their different kinks and quirks, and on the rare occasion when one of them was doing absolutely nothing for her, she resorted to her fantasies, replacing the man between her legs with a more familiar face and body.

  "I am so close, baby." And to her surprise she was almost close. Albert, for all his ridiculous ideals and faults, was well endowed enough to get the job done. She drove her hips down into his and rode him as though he were inside her until release came, squeezing the walls of her empty insides and radiating satisfying pleasure to her sensitive bud. Albert's release followed, hot liquid shooting out of his turgid manhood onto the field of soft, curly hair between his legs.

  Natalie climbed off of him and pulled a few tissues from the nightstand, tossing them in his general direction before untying his hands and retreating to the bathroom to clean herself up.

  Morning light was beginning to crest just beyond the bathroom window, and she found herself sighing with relief. She could soon go home to her own bathroom to wash, then sleep until the deep afternoon. She and Quinn could go shopping with her new earnings and then go out for an expensive dinner. It was a routine she quite liked, and the perfect way to unwind between the strenuous work weeks.

  Back in the bedroom Albert had released himself from his restraints and was dressed in a silk robe in a shade of deep red. Still in her stockings, garter, shoes and nothing else, Natalie waltzed across the expanse of space between them and slid her arms around the man's neck. He tensed but didn't object.

  "Thank you for the lovely evening, Albert," she purred.

  "No, thank you. I believe this is yours." He handed her the envelope she had been expecting, and she took it without question. "I took the liberty of including a special.... well let's just call it a tip for your services. And perhaps an extra incentive to keep our evening together just between the two of us?"

  "Relax, Senator. Just because my body is for sale does not mean my secrets are." Natalie slipped the envelope into the top of her stocking at her thigh and smiled appreciatively up at him. "Should you want to have another evening just between the two of us-" she put her index finger to his lips and then kissed it, her finger a barrier between them, "-you know where to find me."

  Albert cleared his throat and attempted what she thought looked like an intimidating look. "I am a happily married man, you know."

  "Of course you are, sir." She smiled and imagined him trying to scrub the jizz off his stomach before going home to his boring trophy of a housewife. She picked up her coat and slipped it on over her naked shoulders, securing the fabric over her exposed breasts until she was wrapped in it like a dress. "Until next time."

  Natalie exited the penthouse suite and followed the waiting Concierge to the open elevator doors.

  "The Senator seems a little skittish," she said once it was just the two of them in the descending elevator car. "Make sure he knows he is safe here. We want him and his money coming back again."

  "Yes, Miss Harlow," the Concierge nodded. "By the way, ma'am, Mister Fitzgerald is waiting for you in the office."

  Natalie's heartbeat tripled. "James is here?" she asked, not sure if she had heard the man correctly.

  "No, Jackson Fitzgerald. James Fitzgerald's father."


  In the time Natalie was with James he hardly ever spoke of his father, and when he did it was not always in the most flattering light. The senior Fitzgerald was a hard ass even by James' intimidating standards, and meeting the man's blue eyes for the first time as she strolled into the lushly-appointed office on the ground floor of The Golden Palm, Natalie could see exactly what he had meant. Jackson Fitzgerald had given his son his good looks, though his own honey colored hair was darkened by a few locks of deep silver, but he looked harder, tougher. Natalie felt the scrutiny in his gaze immediately.

  "Mister Fitzgerald," she greeted with a warm but reserved smile. "What an unexpected pleasure. Natalie Harlow." She reached out and met him in a handshake, trying not to let surprise show on her face when the hand she touched was deceptively soft and warm.

  "I believe the pleasure is entirely mine, Miss Harlow. I have heard many things about you. I am pleased to finally put a face to the name."

  She gestured to a seat opposite her as she sat behind the desk. She was exhausted and ready to go home, but not even her fatigue could dampen the curious excitement she felt at meeting the man before her. He said he had heard a lot about her, and she could not help but wonder exactly how much. Enough to know she once carried the man's grandchild?

  "To what do I owe the honor of your visit, Mister Fitzgerald?"

  He lifted a dismissive hand as the other unbuttoned his blazer. "Please, call me Jackson. You and I might have met already, albeit under different circumstances. My sincerest condolences on your loss, by the way."

  Natalie breathed through the placid smile on her face. So he knew. "And my most heartfelt congratulations on the recent birth of your grandson. You must be so proud."

  "Indeed," he nodded. Though the lack of beaming joy on his face told Natalie a whole lot more than his words did.

  "How is he, by the way?"

  A small smile played across Jackson’s lips. "Which one?" His scrutinizing gaze continued as he let the question fall into the space between them. "My son and grandson are both well. Thank you. Colin already favors his father's looks."

  Colin! She liked the name. Colin Robertson-Fitzgerald; assuming Celine stuck with the hyphenated name. She wanted to say something about the child's looks - he was certainly blessed in the genetics department - but thought better of it.

  "So what brings you by at-" she fished into her coat pocket for her phone and glanced at the display, "-this very early hour on a Saturday?"

  Jackson Fitzgerald smirked at the unspoken implication. "I like to fly overnight so I can rest and continue on with my business as soon as I land. Audra informed me that you had taken over management of this club in her absence. Of course she did not mention you were also a participant."

  "Then I suppose your son never told you how we met, Jackson," she replied quickly.

  The elder Fitzgerald's lips pursed together and his blue eyes flashed at the almost silent challenge she had thrown at him. One trait he certainly did not share with his son was James' trademark intensity. Quite the opposite, Jackson's face was bright but reserved.

  "As a matter of fact he did not. Please understand, I am not judging you, Miss Harlow."

  "I would not be offended if you did. The money your son spent on me for my participation in this club paid my student loans and helped launch my company."

  "And provided you with many important connections," he added.

  She smiled. "Yes it did. Again, I must ask. Why are you here?"

  Jackson leaned back in his seat and casually rested his right leg over the left, his eyes never once leaving hers. "My son has decided to take a leave of absence, and has asked me to step in and take his place."

  Natalie felt the crease between her eyes above her nose become more pronounced as she processed this new information. "For how long?"

  "The foreseeable future." There was the slightest indication of an accent in his words, yet another trait he shared with James. Natalie leaned back in her seat and folded her hands in her lap. Jackson continued. "I will take residence at The Jacqueline until he, Celine, and the children are well enough along to formally make the move to the house in Montecito. I imagine at that point he will reassess whether he wants to return or not."

  Her thoughts went immediately to Frankie, Celine's daughter. She, James, and her business partner Joe Gallo - who was Frankie's biological father - had only recently come to a custody arrangement that allowed for Joe to see his daughter on a regular basis. If James was staying in New York for the time being, what would that mean for Joe's visitation? She thought better than to ask Jackson.

  "We will have to sch
edule a formal meeting so you can meet my team. I will call Alice Monday morning to set it up." She wanted to ask whether or not Audra would be returning to Los Angeles any time soon, but, again, she thought better than to ask.

  Apart from conversations about work via personal assistants and email, they had barely spoken in the weeks since Audra left for New York. Their last conversation, however - right before Audra left - had played over and over again in Natalie's head.

  'Natalie he knows. About you and me. You and Joe... He's pretty much said he wants nothing to do with me.'

  And then of course there was that other bombshell that followed in the wake of learning she had Yoko Ono'd the power duo of James Fitzgerald and Audra Robertson.

  'I think I may love you... I have no grand illusions about you loving me back... We both know that anything that might have happened between us would have been short-lived. Incredible and fulfilling to be sure. Worth it, even. But short... And despite the deepness of my affection for you, Natalie, I don't know that I love you enough to risk what I have with him. He's my family.'

  'What do I do if I think I love you, too?' Natalie had asked. They kissed as Audra admitted she did not know what to do either.

  Then, 'It's enough for me just to hear it.' A kiss, a promise that she would be in touch, and Audra was gone. Their exchanges since had been too brief. Audra texted to let Natalie know that her sister Celine had given birth early, but that the baby was fine, and that she would be extending her stay in New York to spend time with her family. Natalie was floored when Audra asked her to manage The Golden Palm in her absence, but did not object. She never once mentioned James or gave any indication that their relationship was still on the rocks. Natalie just assumed the duo would get back together eventually. There was too much history between them, both professionally and personally, to have everything come to a sudden end.

  Lost in thought, Natalie barely registered when Jackson stood and re-buttoned his blazer. She snapped out of her reverie just in time to accept his hand again in another firm shake.

  "I look forward to working with you, Miss Harlow."

  "Please, call me Natalie."

  "Natalie. Good morning," he said before dismissing himself from the office. She absentmindedly shuffled loose paperwork around on the desk, feeling with increasing conviction that she had missed something her brain was only just figuring out. Something he said. About James and...

  Wait a minute... She rewound the last few minutes in her head.

  'I will take residence at The Jacqueline until he, Celine, and the children are well enough along to formally make the move to the house in Montecito.'

  Surely he misspoke.

  Or she was gravely mistaken.

  Because he could not possibly have said that James and Celine were moving back to California. Together.

  By the time Natalie made it home the sun was officially beckoning the city of Los Angeles into the morning, and she was exhausted from both physical and mental exertion. She shut the front door behind her and stepped into the foyer, stopping short when she caught sight of Quinn roaming around the kitchen in nothing but a tank top and boxer shorts.

  "Hey," Natalie called softly. "You're home."

  Quinn smiled around the spoon that was in her mouth before pulling it out and dipping it into the bowl she was holding. "Got home about an hour ago. Successful night?"

  Natalie reached under her coat to retrieve the envelope that was still tucked in to the hem of her stocking. She opened it without much ceremony, glancing at her fee for pretend screwing the Senator. He had indeed been very generous with his tip.

  "Very successful. I saw yours as well."

  Quinn took another spoonful of what looked like ice cream and fed it into her mouth as she took a seat at the kitchen island counter. Natalie joined next to her. "It's not weird that we were both Candidates the same night, right? We are not violating some type of office code of conduct?"

  Natalie shrugged. "Probably. You could always complain to H.R."

  Quinn laughed and set the bowl and spoon down on the counter. "Yeah I will get right on that. Right after you tell me why you look like you do."

  Natalie glanced down at herself. A year ago she would have been mortified to have been around another person while wearing nothing but a coat and stockings.

  "The Senator liked it."

  "I meant your face," Quinn clarified.

  Natalie sighed and pushed the thoughts of James and Celine out of her mind. That was a question that could be answered later. “It is nothing that cannot wait. Do you have plans for dinner tonight?"

  "With you!"

  "Shopping first?"

  Quinn nodded. "Shopping first. Go upstairs. Take a shower. I bet the moment you are in your own space you will feel better."

  "Good idea. Good night, Quinn."

  "Night, Natalie."

  She headed upstairs and went straight for her bathroom. A shower sounded heavenly after a night as Candidate Four. She stripped and turned on the shower, testing the water before stepping under the stream and letting it cleanse the night off of her. She brushed away the stray thoughts that came to mind, determined not to spend her last waking moments thinking about things that would only fester in her mind and permeate her dreams. There had been too many nights spent seeing the faces of those who had left her in her dreams.

  When she finished she wrapped herself in a towel, grabbed for the few items of clothing she had been wearing and headed for her bedroom.

  Her eyes immediately registered the soft glow of candlelight. "What the-" she muttered in surprise, nearly dropping the items she carried from her hands.

  "Hello, Natalie."

  James Fitzgerald sat completely still in his chair, staring deep into the crackling fireplace before him, the tinkling of melting ice in his drink the only sound in the lavish study - other than the fireplace. How long he had been sitting there he did not know, nor had he any clue how many times he had refilled the glass with more amber colored liquid.

  ‘You selfish son of a bitch!’

  The words reverberated around the walls of his mind as though they were being yelled for the first time all over again. After more than a decade of friendship, James had never once heard Audra scream at him. Not like that.

  The fight had been one for the books. An epic. He had downed three shots of alcohol in succession just to try to get the vitriol out of his ears. He kept drinking until the words were a mishmash of angry sounds, until they eventually quieted as he numbed his heart and his mind. But the morning sun was chasing away that numbness, bringing with it every memory of Audra the night before.

  ‘When did you turn in to such a fucking coward?’

  ‘Watch your mouth!’ James bellowed, pointing a finger in her direction.

  ‘Get that out of my face before I break it off! How dare you?’

  James’ finger retreated as he turned around. He could not stand to look at her face any longer. ‘It is done, Audra. My father is already on a plane to Los Angeles.’

  ‘So that is it then? You are just going to turn your back on the business we built together? You are going to abandon me like you abandoned Natalie?’

  James turned and clenched his fists at his sides in an attempt to hold himself back. Never once before had he found Audra to be so contemptuous, so absolutely angry with him. It took all of his effort to remember that there was still too much history between them to ruin it all by doing something stupid. He would never hurt her, but she swung more damage in her words than anyone ever could with their fists, and all he wanted to do was punch through something, if only to alleviate his own anger.

  ‘I had to be the one to tell her that you were gone, James, to watch her face fall as she drew her own conclusions. I had to break her heart for you!’

  ‘That is bullshit, Audra, and you know it!’ He inhaled deeply to alleviate the anger shaking his body. It didn't help.

  ‘No it fucking isn’t!’

  ‘I do not hav
e to stand here and listen to you try to blame me for the problems in your love life,’ he spit at her.

  ‘No, but you will hear me out about this, James Fitzgerald. You cannot just turn away from everything we have built because you are angry. You are not a child. There are jobs and lives at stake. Not to mention billions of dollars.’

  ‘I have made my decision, and there is nothing you can do about it. Once Celine and I are settled in Montecito with the kids I will decide what I am going to do next. My family is my priority right now, Audra. It should have been this way a long time ago.’

  Audra’s eyes narrowed as she looked at him, incredulous rage clearly boiling her insides. ‘So you are both cowardly and delusional.’

  ‘Excuse me?!’ he yelled.

  ‘If you are going to try to convince me of the history you seem to have rewritten in your mind, then save it. I refuse to play a part in your revision of reality. I have sacrificed too much of myself, of my life, all in service to you and what we have built together. So if you are going to leave me, then I am going to leave you.’

  ‘What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” he shouted after her as she stormed out of the room.

  ‘It means that from this minute forward I do not give a shit what you do, James. I will be damned if I let you completely destroy my life in your quest to destroy your own.’

  James flung the glass into the fireplace and watched as it shattered into the flames. No matter how angry he was still, he could not leave things unsettled with Audra. There was more history between them than he shared with any other woman. They could survive this. It would take time, but they owed it to each other to try. Whatever their feelings were towards each other - or for the others in their lives - James and Audra were a pair. A team. Family.

  And he needed family more than anything.

  Natalie stared into Audra's chestnut brown eyes, not sure if she was really looking at the woman sitting in the middle of her bed, or if she was merely imagining it.


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