Cassandra's Chateau

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Cassandra's Chateau Page 10

by Fredrica Alleyn

  She watched the slim anal stimulator sliding in and out of Cassandra’s rear entrance, and watched the other woman’s head moving from side to side in increasing excitement, but then Peter stopped that stimulation and removed the vibrator before turning his mistress onto her back so that he could lie down on top of her and tongue at her breasts and neck, occasionally nipping the delicate skin.

  Nicola’s body no longer needed a towel to dry it, her own heat had done the work and she was burning all over with a terrible need that she was beginning to think would utterly consume her if it wasn’t assauged. Unable to bear the scene in front of her any longer she started to back away, but in her haste she stubbed a bare toe on one of the steps and cried out in pain.

  Cassandra and Peter, who had been well aware that she was watching them, and had only staged the scene in order to excite her senses, quickly jumped to their feet and hurried out of the pavilion doors, pretending to be startled by her presence.

  ‘I’m sorry,’ gasped Nicola, still backing away from them. ‘I brought the towels back and …’

  ‘And decided to see where we were?’ asked Cassandra quietly.

  ‘Yes. I wasn’t going to stop, and I won’t ever tell, I promise.’

  ‘Tell?’ queried Cassandra with a smile. ‘What is there to tell? And to whom? The baron knows very well that I use Peter for satisfaction when I’m alone and in the mood. He wouldn’t mind in the least. He likes people to enjoy their sexuality, and he’s very anxious that you should learn to enjoy yours.’ She glanced at her watch. ‘In fact, I think we should take you back to your room now. He’ll be back within the next half hour or so and I don’t believe you’re quite ready for him yet.’

  ‘Ready for him? I don’t understand. He isn’t going to … ?’

  ‘Make love to you? Yes, he is. Surely that’s what you want, isn’t it?’ asked Cassandra. ‘Don’t try and tell me you’re not already more than a little in love with him. I’ve seen the signs before you know, from other women.’

  ‘Yes, but he isn’t in love with me!’ protested Nicola.

  ‘He doesn’t fall in love, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t the most incredible lover you could wish to find. Your father was very generous when he sent you here. I only hope you’re capable of appreciating all we’ll teach you over the coming weeks. Now, let’s go back inside.’

  Nicola turned to flee, but Peter grasped her by her left arm and then picked her up without any effort at all, carrying her along behind Cassandra into the chateau and up the stairs to the bedroom that she had found so pretty the previous day. Now, as she was laid on the bed, she suddenly felt that it was more like a prison.

  Cassandra unfastened the material from the rings that were still round Nicola’s breasts and discarded it, but the rings stayed in place. She also unhooked the minute triangle of cloth that had covered her pubic mound, whilst letting the leather thong remain between her labia and buttocks.

  ‘Lie down on your back, Nicola,’ she said softly. ‘This is going to be wonderful, I promise you.’

  Since Peter was standing at the foot of the bed and Cassandra had already fastened the bedroom door, Nicola didn’t see that there was any point in trying to oppose the other woman. Silently she lay back on the white bedspread, aware of her heavy, upthrusting breasts and the relentless pressure between her legs that was making her stomach feel tight and swollen.

  Cassandra ran a hand across the girl’s stomach to test it. ‘Yes, you are definitely aroused,’ she murmured. ‘How does it feel when I do this?’ and she pressed her hand into the swollen flesh. The ache between Nicola’s legs deepened and her nipples suddenly longed to be touched by fingers or a tongue.

  ‘Don’t!’ she pleaded.

  ‘Tell me what it feels like,’ insisted Cassandra.

  ‘The baron will want you to verbalise your feelings so you may as well start practising now.’

  ‘I don’t know how to explain it! I just feel so hard and tight everywhere,’ moaned Nicola. ‘And my breasts are throbbing, especially when you touch my stomach.’

  ‘You mean like this?’ queried Cassandra, pressing down once more on the taut abdomen.

  Nicola gasped and her hips moved on the bed. ‘Yes, yes!’

  ‘Well, that’s good. That means your body’s responding well. Peter, I think with just a little more stimulation she’ll be ready for Dieter. Fetch her a glass of the damiana cordial.’

  ‘What’s that?’ asked Nicola as Peter went off to do his mistress’s bidding.

  ‘It’s a drink made from a plant that grows in the desert in Mexico. The leaves are infused for days before being drained and the liquid’s then mixed with honey and a little vodka. It works best when you’ve drunk a glass or two for several nights in a row, but I think that even one should be of assistance today.’

  ‘What does it do?’ she asked nervously.

  ‘It stimulates your nerves and sex organs, which means that you’ll get maximum enjoyment from everything the baron chooses to do. Good, here it is. Make sure you drink it all down.’

  Nicola sat up and sniffed suspiciously at the liquid, but the smell was fresh and once she’d taken a cautious sip she found it delicious and quickly emptied the glass.

  ‘Good girl!’ said Cassandra reaching out and letting her fingers brush over the girl’s dark nipples. ‘In a few minutes the baron will be here. Until then, just lie back, close your eyes and look forward to all that’s going to happen to you.’

  ‘Don’t you mind?’ asked Nicola curiously. ‘Won’t you be jealous, wondering what’s going on in here?’

  ‘Of course not,’ laughed Cassandra. ‘I’m going to help him.’

  Nicola sat bolt upright. ‘No! I don’t want anyone here when he …’

  ‘What you want is of no interest to the baron, I’m afraid,’ responded Cassandra quietly. ‘Listen, I think I heard him outside!’

  The two young women sat in utter silence, even their breath inaudible, and then there came the lightest of taps on the door. Cassandra turned to Nicola as Peter opened it to let his master in.

  ‘You know, I really envy you,’ she said, her eyes wide in apparent sincerity. ‘I can still remember how it was for me the first time he took me. Not that I was a virgin, but I’m sure that won’t spoil it too much for you. He can be very patient when he’s in the right mood.’

  Nicola stared into the seemingly innocent eyes and felt her stomach lurch with terror, but Cassandra simply smiled then stood up and walked towards her lover. ‘We’ve done everything you said,’ she murmured softly. ‘I think you should find it an interesting experience.’

  The baron stroked the side of her face. ‘I’m quite sure I will. Peter, you can leave us now.’ As his manservant hurried from the room the baron crossed the carpeted floor and looked down on the girl so arousingly attired with her tightly encircled breasts and clearly visible leather thong.

  ‘Well, Nicola! At last it’s time for you to become a woman. And once that’s accomplished, there are many many delights still in store for you.’ He ran a finger down the centre of her stomach and watched her flesh twitch in response. ‘Yes, many delights,’ he murmured almost to himself, and then he started to take off his clothes.

  Chapter Six

  When he was quite naked, the baron sat on the edge of the king-size bed and his eyes drank in the pale, virginal body of this girl who had been sent to him so unexpectedly. Normally he was not particularly excited by virgins; once he had been, but now that his tastes were so sophisticated they held little excitement. There was too much to teach them before they became really interesting.

  This girl was different though. He knew her stepfather, knew the man’s own sexual perversities and lifelong quest for more and more extreme thrills. And once, briefly, he had known her mother too. He could still remember how she had felt in his arms the one time he’d possessed her during the course of a party shortly after her marriage. He’d been young then, but he’d managed to arouse her to heights that wer
e clearly previously unknown to her in the brief time they were alone together.

  With parents like this, even though her mother had quickly subdued and denied her own sexuality, the baron had no doubt that this girl would take quickly and easily to his ways. And there was something about her, some hint of a desire to travel along any road he chose to show her, that quickened his pulse.

  Cassandra hadn’t been like that. Cassandra had needed to be led in a different way, but her aptitude had proved astonishing and varied. He was prepared for the fact that Nicola’s aptitude might not, in the end, be as great as Cassandra’s. For him, the excitement lay in finding out if this were so.

  ‘From now on I want you to keep as still as possible, Nicola,’ he said firmly but kindly. ‘When you move your body more than I want you to I shall say so, and if you can’t control it yourself then I shall have Cassandra do it for you. Do you understand?’ She nodded. ‘Fine, then we begin.’

  He took a large, soft powder puff from Cassandra’s hand, slipped his fingers beneath the band of ribbon across the back of it and then very softly moved the puff over the surface of Nicola’s breasts.

  She gave a small cry as the soft down encircled her breasts, brushing all around the sides of each breast in turn and then over the areolae themselves without actually caressing the sharply pointed nipples. As her breast tissue swelled, the metal rings dug deeper into them, making them thrust out even more proudly and emphasising their size, which was now in marked contrast to the rest of her slender body.

  The baron looked into her eyes. ‘Your mother had breasts like these.’

  Nicola couldn’t think of an answer. Thoughts whirled through her brain. How did he know? Had he touched them in the same way? And if he had, was this how her mother had felt? She could hardly bear it as the slow, teasing arousal went on, and between the join of her thighs the leather thong grew slippery with her secretions.

  After a time the baron moved the powder puff down through the valley between her breasts, over her rib cage and then across the centre of her stomach, brushing it from side to side until she was panting heavily because lower still, beneath where he was caressing her, her body was growing achingly tight while her legs felt increasingly heavy and seemed to sink into the softness of the mattress with their weight.

  Now he was drawing the powder puff with wickedly insidious slowness over that tight, hard belly, dipping into the indented belly button and watching her eyes for her reaction as he did so. He saw a quick widening of the pupils and heard the breath snag in her throat as she shifted, trying to escape the sharper, bitter-sweet jolt of pleasure that this caused her.

  ‘Did she have the drink?’ he murmured to Cassandra. She nodded. ‘Good, then her nerve endings are doubtless highly responsive everywhere.’

  By now he knew that Nicola would be desperate for some kind of touch between her thighs but he ignored her whole genital area and instead shifted position so that he could run the soft powder puff beneath the toes of each of her feet. Almost immediately she began to squirm, her toes curling up and legs shifting apart while her lower body twisted on the coverlet.

  ‘Keep still, Nicola,’ he said steadily, but she couldn’t. There were strange, shooting sparks of electricity darting up her legs, directly beneath the thong that was now driving her mad with its tightness, and somehow her body couldn’t keep still. It was twisting and turning, desperate for some other kind of stimulation, something more direct, and closer to the pulsating throb that was beating heavily behind the thong.

  ‘Hold her still across her hips,’ said the baron.

  Cassandra laid her arm over the girl’s lower abdomen, pressing down firmly as she felt the muscles contracting beneath the untutored skin. Nicola’s upper lip was beaded with perspiration and she felt so hot she didn’t know what to do. Every nerve in her body seemed alive and the whole surface of her skin was tingling.

  At last the baron parted her legs and with deliberately cruel slowness he slid a finger beneath the leather thong and eased it out from between her labia, sliding it to one side. It was covered in visible proof of her excitement, and he signalled for Cassandra to lift the hapless girl’s hips briefly so that he could slide the thong down her legs, freeing her from the pressure she’d endured all the morning.

  Suddenly the deep, concentrated ache vanished but Nicola found that now the whole area was aching, and then she felt the baron’s slim, cool fingers parting her outer lips, sliding up and down the slick channel between them, and without even knowing what she was doing she tried to move lower on the bed so that his fingers would touch one particular spot that felt frantic for pressure.

  ‘Keep her still!’ hissed the baron. Cassandra quickly grabbed at Nicola’s hips again. The girl’s eyes were half closed and she was making deep moaning sounds in her throat as he continued to arouse her most tender tissue. When he let his fingers beat a sudden, unexpected tattoo just below where her clitoris was standing erect she thought she’d go mad with need and pushed her pelvis upwards so that he nearly touched the bud itself by mistake.

  The baron was not pleased. He understood how she was feeling, could tell that her body was almost ready to burst with pent-up desire, but he still expected more obedience than that even from a new, untried girl. If it hadn’t been her first time with him he would have punished her without hesitation, but that particular pleasure was something that would have to wait. For now he would simply have to give in to her body’s demands before she brought about her own satisfaction with an unexpected movement.

  He eased himself onto the bed and Cassandra quickly slid a pillow beneath Nicola’s hips. Suddenly the girl stopped her moaning and her hips ceased to move as she stared up at the stern-looking man positioned above her. He was staring down at her face and for the first time his eyes didn’t seem as soft and kind as she’d always imagined them. They were darker, filled with a strange excitement that she sensed had very little to do with her and her rising passion, and everything to do with some strange secret of his own.

  His legs lay on the bed between hers and he supported himself on his arms as his penis nudged at the entrance to her vagina, already well lubricated with her juices. Nicola held her breath, her muscles tense, and her earlier excitement began to fade.

  ‘Relax,’ he murmured, looking down at her. ‘Help me; draw me in using your muscles.’ But she couldn’t, she had no idea what muscles he meant or how to go about it, and so she simply lay there, tensed against him despite her need.

  Cassandra swiftly went to the head of the bed and recommenced what the baron had begun with the powder puff, so that within seconds Nicola’s breasts were once more sending signals of arousal to her brain and her hips moved a little, but still the baron couldn’t penetrate her.

  ‘Let your knees fall apart,’ he said softly. ‘Open up to me more fully.’ She obeyed, he felt her vaginal opening expand and at last he could slide into the moist warmth of her. She was incredibly tight and it took all of his self-control to hold back as he angled his body more carefully to ensure that her clitoris was stimulated as he moved in and out of her. Once he was sure that would happen he let his hips move in the way he liked best, starting with slow thrusts and increasing the tempo as his climax built.

  Beneath him Nicola started to cry out with excitement, lifting her pelvis so that the wonderful sensations she was getting increased even more and her hands reached up to touch his chest in a gesture that was half submission and half gratitude. Now the feelings were gathering pace, sweeping up and over her body in a way she’d never imagined possible and as the baron continued to thrust Cassandra lowered her head and let her teeth graze across those long, dark nipples that seemed to be the key to Nicola’s pleasure.

  As the quick sharpness of the graze made itself known to Nicola’s already overexcited body she felt as though she was being gripped in the middle of her stomach by a giant hand that was pulling all her muscles and nerve endings tightly into one focal point and she rose up off the bed as
the first orgasmic waves crashed over her, hearing herself crying out incoherently while the baron continued thrusting into her, feeling his own climax appoaching.

  Nicola’s sharp, keening cry at the moment when her climax peaked was sufficient to trigger the baron’s release and he clenched his teeth, his breath expelling in a long slow hissing sound as his features contorted while his body spasmed in a violent climax that went on and on, surprising both him and Cassandra.

  When it was finally over he carefully withdrew from Nicola and sat on the side of the bed, absentmindedly caressing her still trembling stomach. ‘Now I think we’ll see what a vibrator can do for her,’ he said.

  Cassandra looked at the baron in surprise. ‘I think perhaps she needs some time to recover first,’ she suggested tentatively.

  He smiled at her. ‘How considerate of you. In that case, maybe you would care to show her the best way to use one, and then she can do it herself while we watch.’

  Cassandra wished she’d never spoken, but she could remember all too well how shattering the first climaxes with the baron had been for her, and knew that at this point in time the last thing Nicola would be wanting was the touch of a vibrator on her highly sensitive tissue.

  ‘Well?’ he asked impatiently. ‘Which is it to be?’

  Remembering her role in this new game, Cassandra began to slip off her bikini. ‘I’ll show her,’ she agreed.

  ‘Sit up Nicola,’ said the baron, his hand stopping its casual caresses of her still tingling flesh. ‘Come and sit beside me while Cassandra shows you how best to use a vibrator. Unless you’re already skilled in that particular accomplishment of course?’

  Nicola, her body still in a state of heightened sensitivity after losing her virginity, shook her head. ‘No … that is, I’ve never used anything except …’

  He nodded. It didn’t surprise him. ‘In that case, watch very carefully. As soon as Cassandra’s finished I shall expect you to give us a demonstration.’


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