Cassandra's Chateau

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Cassandra's Chateau Page 22

by Fredrica Alleyn

  As Sophie squirmed Nicola felt a sudden surge of power. She realised that the girl was helpless to object, that whatever it felt like there was nothing she could do to stop Nicola inserting this tube into her rectum and the knowledge worked like an aphrodisiac on the young English girl who even flicked at one of the trembling buttocks with a finger causing a thin red line to appear, before pressing home the device.

  Watching her, the baron knew very well that she was relishing her first taste of authority. The flick of her finger, which would have stung considerably, was an interesting touch of originality and he marked it as a point in her favour.

  ‘Now you may stand up again,’ he told the two girls. Slowly they straightened, both of them uncertain as to what exactly it was that had been inserted into their highly sensitive openings.

  ‘Françoise, you and Giovanni can come and fix the second attachment,’ called the baron. Françoise eagerly hurried forward and smiled as he handed her a round flat vibrator edged with velvet. Giovanni was given an identical one and then they were both told to insert the device inside the front opening of the tight fitting panties, which would keep them in place.

  As Françoise eased back the edges of Monique’s green leather panties she couldn’t resist letting a finger slide the full length of the girl’s inner labia, and when the moist flesh leapt in response she knew that this time it would almost certainly be Sophie who came out the winner.

  When the baron was satisfied that both the anal plugs and the vibrators were correctly in place he told Sophie and Monique to seat themselves at the two ends of the see-saw. As they climbed awkwardly on and settled down against the polished wood a look of fear crossed both their faces and they struggled to keep their feet on the floor to ease the pressure against them.

  ‘Once the see-saw starts moving,’ explained the baron to the interested onlookers, ‘two things will happen. Firstly, the tubes that are inside their bottoms contain a cold cream that warms up when it comes into contact with human tissue. Every time they are bounced against the wood some of the cream will be released until finally the nozzle is empty, and the increasing heat within them will cause constant intense arousal. To add to their pleasure, as they ride up on the see-saw they will be thrown slightly forward and the vibrator inside the front of their panties will be activated. It will stimulate the entire vulva; the velvet will caress the outer edges while a soft sponge centre will actually caress the clitoris itself. This means that on the downward swing the cream is released, and on the upward surge the vibrator comes into play, so there will always be stimulation of one kind or another. How fast or slow they go depends on how cleverly they use their feet, but they have to keep the see-saw moving all the time until one of them finally comes.’

  Giovanni thought it was the most ingenious game he’d ever seen and resolved to construct one himself when he got back to Italy, while even the world-weary Rupert was impressed.

  Sophie and Monique gazed at each other, their eyes wild, their breasts already full and their nipples erect after listening to the baron describing in such detail exactly what lay in store for them. He turned and smiled at the maids. ‘You do both know how to work a see-saw I hope?’ They nodded. ‘Then please begin.’

  Monique thrust upwards with her legs and as she rose into the air she tilted forward just as the baron had described. Immediately the vibrator started into life. It pulsed rapidly against her, the soft velvet sensuously caressing her skin while the pad of sponge against her clitoris moved in circles so that it felt as though her vulva was being drawn upwards towards the centre of her stomach, while her abdominal muscles grew taut with the need for release.

  At the same time as she was struggling with the sensations of the vibrator, Sophie had landed more heavily than she’d intended, her legs for some reason turning to jelly on impact and not cushioning her landing as much as she’d hoped. Because of this the nozzle inside her back passage squirted out a generous amount of cold cream that made her stomach churn and then, before she could even start to think about thrusting upwards and relieving the pressure, the coldness turned to a gentle heat that grew greater and greater until her soft membranes seemed to be on fire and she was galvanised into action. She propelled herself off the ground and up into the air so that Monique crashed downwards with an equal lack of self-control and now it was her turn to feel the cream filling her with its misleading initial coolness.

  As the cream grew warmer Monique’s breasts swelled yet more and her neck and shoulders became mottled with the flush of sexual arousal. The vibrator had nearly toppled her over the edge, she could still feel the results of Giovanni’s tongue against her inner sex lips. Now it was the turn of her rectum to endure intense stimulation.

  Cassandra watched intently as Monique’s stomach bowed inwards due to the maid’s attempts to control her muscle spasms and she could tell from her contorted features how hard she was working, but Sophie had already had enough of the sensual touch of the vibrator and was pressing her weight down again. Monique was the lighter of the two and all too soon she found herself once more in the air, and this time the rhythmical vibrations against her straining, despairing flesh proved too much for her and with a strangled cry of anguish she climaxed, slipping forward against the bar as her whole body twisted and turned. This caused Sophie’s legs to tremble which meant that her buttocks bounced too and yet more cream was injected into her.

  Sophie was quicker to appreciate the dangers of being left right on the edge of a climax before the next round of the contest started and so, knowing that Monique had already climaxed, she allowed this final stimulation of her delicate internal tissue to trigger off her orgasm as well and shuddered with sweet release.

  The baron, realising what she had done, raised his eyebrows and whispered to Rupert. ‘We must make sure it is Sophie who loses in the end.’

  ‘Why?’ queried Rupert.

  ‘Because she believes she can outwit Monique. I shall enjoy disillusioning her.’

  Once more the girls were led to chairs for a rest, from where they watched silently as four sets of leather straps were produced from the cupboard, together with two small tubs and an assortment of what looked like watercolour painting brushes.

  Once their break was over they were led to the wall bars. Rupert and Giovanni then lifted the pair of them onto the bottom rung with their backs pressed against the bars and fastened their wrists and ankles with the straps so that they were spread out in an X shape. The baron studied them for a moment, admiring Sophie’s thick black pubic hair and Monique’s pale skin that was covered in tiny freckles.

  ‘Remove their panties,’ he said thoughtfully. ‘I would prefer them to be hairless for this.’

  Their ankles were released but not their arms which meant they couldn’t do anything to prevent the tight fitting leather pants from being eased down their legs and over their feet before they were rebound.

  Once they were in place, Françoise and Cassandra came forward and carefully spread a thick pale cream over each of the maids’ pubic mounds. The cream was cool and contained tiny granules that made the skin smart slightly, especially when the two women then proceeded to rub it carefully into the tender skin, making sure that every crease at the top of their thighs was covered thoroughly as well as the outthrust mounds themselves.

  Finally, when completely satisfied, each of the women put on a soft mitten to protect their hands before moving the cream around with tiny circular movements that caused sharp pinpricks at the roots of the pubic hair. Both the maids squirmed restlessly against the bars, and the men watched them with rising excitement, waiting to see how they would look when they were totally smooth.

  ‘Does it sting?’ enquired Cassandra of the wriggling Monique. ‘Try and keep still, it’s less uncomfortable that way.’ Monique tried, and although it wasn’t easy, certainly the sensations eased. ‘There, that’s better,’ Cassandra murmured. ‘Now it’s time to wash it off.’

  A bowl of hot water and two thick fl
annels were produced and at last the bound girls felt the soothing touch of flannels on their by now burning flesh as the cream was wiped slowly and methodically off, taking with it every trace of pubic hair. When Cassandra and Françoise stepped back the maids’ smooth and startlingly naked pubic mounds were clearly revealed to the onlookers.

  The baron nodded. ‘Excellent! This next part of the competition requires little effort from you both, which is fortunate as the final part will tax you to the limit. In a moment Françoise and Nicola will paint you both with honey. When they have finished, Rupert and I will lick the honey off you. It should prove a most agreeable experience for us all I think!’

  With their arms and legs outstretched, the two maids shivered, fully aware of how tantalising this was going to be. To make matters worse, Cassandra was at the moment putting a tiny pillow in the small of their backs, between their spines and the wall bars. ‘That will stop you rubbing against the wood too much,’ she explained innocently, but the real result was to stretch the skin of their abdomens more tightly as their bellies were thrust out.

  Nicola found that she was shaking with excitement as she approached Sophie. The sturdy, dark-haired maid stared at her with a flicker of something perilously close to dislike in her eyes. Strangely, Nicola found that this only excited her even more and decided that if possible she would make Sophie come before the men had begun to remove the sticky sweet liquid.

  ‘Commence,’ called the baron, and while the two women worked on the maids he pulled Cassandra onto his lap and let his fingers follow the patterns of Nicola’s brush through his mistress’s clothing.

  Françoise had done this many times before and she dipped the pointed sable brush into the pot very lightly, so that not too much of the honey dripped off the end. Then she began on the top of Monique’s small breasts, painting a circle around each one before moving inwards to let the tip dip into the tiny crevice at the top of the nipple itself. Monique gasped with excitement and her nipples swelled, thrusting upwards so that the brush coated them again. ‘You like this, don’t you?’ enquired Françoise sweetly, as she proceeded to work her way down the undersides of the small hard breasts.

  ‘Yes, madame,’ murmured Monique, knowing that even now she would be expected to reply to the baron’s guest.

  ‘Then I’ll tell you where I’m going to go next, shall I? I’m going to paint every one of your ribs, working from the centre outwards. You’ll find the skin there is very sensitive. After that I shall spread some honey in the hollows beneath those wickedly stretched arms because the skin looks so tight I know it would love to be brushed. Doesn’t all that sound nice?’

  Monique was finding that the words, arousing as they did such keen and yet fearful anticipation, were making her ordeal twice as hard as she could only make a strangled sound of assent as Françoise carried out her promise.

  Nicola, who had never done anything like this before, used an entirely different technique. Remembering how her own flesh had responded to various touches and caresses, she twirled her brush deep into the pot and then without warning, stabbed it into Sophie’s belly button. Sophie’s instant reaction was to arch her stomach inwards, but the cushion, so skilfully placed there in advance by Cassandra, prevented this and she was forced to endure the sensation of the brush twisting and turning inside the little dimple with resulting darts of tingling pleasure sweeping through her lower stomach and inner thighs.

  Nichola heard the maid’s gasp and drew the brush very slowly out of the dip and across the rigid stomach muscles until she came to the top of the hip bones. Here she let it wander in a succession of loops and because the brush was overloaded it dripped down the flinching sides of Sophie’s body.

  By this time both of the maids were having trouble controlling their breathing, and Monique’s ragged gasps only made Sophie’s life more difficult as she too found herself panting slightly with the strain of dampening down her rapidly rising desire.

  ‘Time to go a little lower, I think,’ murmured Françoise to Nicola and in unison they knelt on the floor and examined the pale, hairless pubic mounds of their bound victims.

  Françoise dipped her brush back into the honey and painted it along the creases at the tops of Monique’s thighs before sliding the sable bristles in a gentle caress down the line where the outer labia met and enclosed the incredibly sensitive tissue beneath.

  Monique’s bound legs shook as she felt the slow dripping of the honey along her creases while at the same time heavy throbs of desire began to build up beneath her outer sex lips, deep inside the very core of her where she knew it was impossible to exert control for very long.

  Nicola did it differently. With her left hand she opened up Sophie’s outer lips without even touching them with the brush, and then she let her brush coat the hood of skin that covered the swelling, aching clitoris. This meant that the skin became sticky while beneath it the hard little nut-like bud was manipulated by the movement of the hood and coming on top of stimulation of her navel and hip bones this almost precipitated a climax in the dark-haired girl.

  She fought desperately against the rising heat that seemed to be coming from somewhere deep inside her, making her whole body glow and tingle while flickers of pre-orgasmic contractions darted upwards through her pelvic region and across her pushed-out abdomen.

  Nicola knew how very close Sophie was to coming, and her hand shook so much with excitement that the brush strayed off the hood and lower, to the delicate tissue beneath. At this, Sophie’s hips bucked and she tried frantically to pull herself away from the unbearably arousing sensations the brush was causing.

  Having slipped lower by accident. Nicola let the brush continue downwards, so that she could spread a thin coating of honey around the entrance to the vagina, already sticky from Sophie’s own arousal. She then moved the tip of the brush back up, lifted the hood and circled the newly exposed clitoris with the lightest touch she could manage.

  Sophie was just about to come. Her skin was stretched so tightly across her breasts and stomach, the pulse within her beating so insistently against the paper-thin membrane between her front and rear openings, that she felt sure she had lost all control but at that moment Monique gasped aloud as Françoise let the tip of her brush slide between the maid’s outer lips and burrow against the damp, soft flesh inside.

  Hearing this gasp distracted Sophie for a second, and this was enough to bring her back from the edge of her climax. Realising that the moment had passed, Nicola spread the honey almost harshly over the rest of the pulsating damp tissue and then pressed the outer lips tightly, trapping the honey smeared inner lips so that they stuck together like a tight warm parcel within which the clitoris continued to throb urgently in its need for satisfaction.

  The women now withdrew and the baron and Rupert moved to take their place. To Sophie’s dismay the baron stood in front of her, and from the expression in his eyes she had the feeling that she was going to lose this round, and lose it quickly.

  As Rupert began to lap at the honey his wife had spread beneath Monique’s arms, following the trail from there across the middle of her breasts to the rigid, gleaming nipples, the baron simply drew the entire nipple of Sophie’s left breast into his mouth and then sucked and licked on it with increasing pressure while his teeth grazed against the unendurably sensitive skin.

  Despite this, Sophie managed to dampen the sparks that were threatening to set her whole body alight with a climax that was now painful in its need to be released. Having repeated the process on the other breast, the baron decided to let his tongue stab into the maid’s belly button, just as Nicola’s brush had stabbed earlier, and again Sophie felt the first stirring of her final orgasmic spasm but somehow she managed to contract her muscles against it, although she flinched with the resulting discomfort in her engorged pelvic region, which had been poised on the brink of relief.

  ‘Very good,’ murmured the baron, listening to Monique’s tiny cries of growing excitement and loss of control as
Rupert too worked his way down her stomach. ‘Let us see how well you can control yourself here.’

  Sophie’s heart sank as he knelt on the floor and using only his long, clever tongue parted her outer labia, flicking forcefully against the hairless lips in order to prise them away from each other, so well had the honey done its work.

  Immediately she was open to him and he lapped at the entrance to her vagina, tasting the sweetness of the honey mixed with her own special flavour, and then he stopped for a tortuous moment so that all she could feel was his breath on swollen, hot and sticky flesh. She went rigid with tension, wondering where he would strike next and this tension only added to her almost unbearable state of arousal. She began to moan.

  ‘Let yourself come,’ murmured the baron. ‘I know how much you need the release. Let it happen, surrender to what your body wants. Think how glorious it will be when those muscles can finally go into those incredible contractions that give you such pleasure.’

  His words were torture and Sophie tried to block them out; tried not to think about what he was saying and how badly she did need to let her body take over, but it was impossible. When he put his head between her thighs again and drew his tongue up along her slick inner channel in one heavy caress before flicking softly against the hooded clitoris she wrenched her arms, attempting to pull herself higher up the bars and evade him.

  ‘You’re very close,’ he whispered. ‘Isn’t that true, Sophie? Answer me.’

  ‘Yes, Monsieur,’ moaned the girl. ‘I am very close.’

  Monique, who could hear every word, was very close too, but Rupert was taking a more leisurely approach to the task and at the moment she was still in control of her body although it was becoming more difficult with every minute that passed.


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