Cassandra's Chateau

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Cassandra's Chateau Page 27

by Fredrica Alleyn

  ‘Two minutes to go,’ said the baron softly, highly stimulated as were all the others by the sight of the squirming Cassandra who was making little sounds of rising pleasure.

  Giovanni lowered his head, squeezed the erect clitoris between two fingers on his left hand, flicked sharply with one strong finger against her buttocks with his right hand and at the same time let his tongue glide into the crack between the burning cheeks of her bottom, licking tenderly in this most sensitive of spots.

  Cassandra felt all her muscles tighten. Her stomach seemed to swell against his knees and her breasts were full and aching so that she wished he had a third hand to caress them too. The tension increased, a pulse started to throb between her thighs and then as his darting tongue suddenly swirled around that tightest of entrances he tapped the tip of her clitoris and struck the hardest blow yet against her bottom.

  With a cry of excitement, Cassandra’s body gave itself over to the incredibly varied sensations that he’d been arousing. Her muscles contracted rhythmically in a spasm of delirium and she pressed herself down against his knees in order to prolong the delicious release for as long as possible.

  Giovanni looked at the baron across the body of his twisting, turning mistress and smiled. ‘You see?’ he said triumphantly.

  ‘I can see that you have an instinctive awareness of how to please her,’ conceded the baron, privately amazed at how easy it had been for the Italian to bring about what was clearly a very intense orgasm, and more aroused than he would ever admit by the sight of Cassandra lost in the throes of her pleasure, despite the presence of the two kitchen maids. He had expected this to cause her some inhibition, to make a climax difficult, but he had underestimated her.

  ‘Get up, Cassandra,’ he said shortly. ‘Don’t bother to dress again. Before it’s Nicola’s turn, Sophie wishes to drink champagne from you. I hope you can oblige.’

  After the relief of the orgasm Cassandra was more than ready to release some of the champagne that was starting to cause pressure in her bladder, but to do it for Sophie wasn’t something she’d considered. However, when the dark haired maid crouched between her mistress’s thighs, streaked with moisture from her recent orgasm, she was as nervous as Cassandra, and the hesitant touch of her tongue against the still highly sensitive tissue meant it was easier than it might have been and within a few seconds a stream of champagne was released into the maid’s waiting mouth. When it stopped Sophie stood upright again, a look of amazement on her face. Rupert laughed. ‘Surprised, Sophie? It’s the best way to drink champagne I’ve ever come across, and it certainly beats a glass slipper!’

  ‘Now, for Nicola,’ said the baron with a tenderness that Cassandra knew boded ill for the other girl. ‘Step nearer, my dear,’ he added. ‘This time it’s my turn to choose how to give you pleasure. Since I’m the host I don’t wish to be seen as selfish, so I shall ask Françoise to join me and we will see if together we can manage to topple you over the edge into blissful release quicker than Giovanni managed with Cassandra.’

  Nicola stared at him, hoping for some sign of affection or encouragement in his eyes but there was nothing except the gleam of excitement that was always there during times like this.

  ‘Take off your costume and lie on your side on the floor,’ he continued. ‘Françoise, fetch the knotted cord and lubricate it well. Then we’ll begin.’

  His words alone were enough to cause Nicola’s whole body to tighten with fearful anticipation, which was what he intended. He needed that tension to accelerate her orgasm. Total relaxation would mean it would take far longer.

  He noticed that it took Nicola less time than Cassandra to take off her corselette, but that she did it in a far less enticing way which failed to arouse him. Once she was naked she lay on her side, her head supported by a cushion that Rupert took from one of the large armchairs, and another was placed beneath her hip.

  The baron also stripped and stretched out full length beside her, one arm beneath her shoulders and the other round her upper torso, his hand at the inward curve of her waist. She pressed herself closer to him, and he felt her heavy breasts harden against his chest. Immediately his erection stirred.

  ‘Put your top leg round my body,’ he murmured. Quickly Nicola obeyed, unaware that Françoise had returned to the room with the lubricated knotted cord.

  As Nicola gloried in the baron’s embrace, the Brazilian woman lightly parted the cheeks of the girl’s bottom and before Nicola knew what was happening the cord was slowly being inserted into her rectum, coiling within her as the knots, which increased in size, passed through the tightly puckered opening.

  Nicola tensed and tried to move but the baron’s arms tightened around her. ‘Keep still, soon it will be sufficiently deeply inserted to take effect.’

  ‘You’ve only got four minutes left, Dieter,’ called Rupert.

  The baron was aware that Nicola was a long way away from having a climax and began to worry that he would fail to beat the Italian’s time with Cassandra.

  The head of his penis nudged against her vaginal opening and he lubricated it in her moisture before thrusting deeply inside her. ‘Every time I thrust, pull me towards you with your leg,’ he whispered.

  As his tempo increased and Nicola’s body caught the rhythm she felt her excitement rising, and it heightened still further when he let his hand slip from her waist and slid it between their bodies instead, moving it firmly and steadily over the hood of flesh that covered her clitoris.

  This indirect stimulation, accompanied as it was by his measured forceful thrusts, quickly had Nicola whimpering with excitement and she pressed herself against him as fiercely as she could every time he reached the maximum point of penetration.

  Very slowly the tiny flickers that heralded her orgasms began to spread through the lower half of her body, and they built slowly but sweetly so that she heard herself uttering tiny cries of delight.

  The baron, however, wasn’t interested in a slow build-up; he was too aware of the passage of time and when Rupert called out that he had one minute left he glanced over Nicola’s shoulder to where Françoise was kneeling at her back and gave a nod. Françoise waited until their two bodies were tight against each other and then with a cunning twist and pull she removed the cord by one knot, and the feeling of it slipping out between her sensitive rear entrance made Nicola tense sharply.

  ‘Again!’ said the baron as Nicola’s breasts swelled and her legs began to tremble. ‘Quickly now!’

  Françoise let her fingers linger for a moment at the base of Nicola’s spine, and the girl’s breath caught in her throat as she waited for the strange dark pleasure that she knew would follow. The baron’s hand skimmed over the clitoral hood, pushed it upwards and sought out the nub itself. Then, at the precise moment when Françoise pulled the cord out by yet another notch he gave three short taps against the base of the exposed clitoris whilst plunging as deeply into the writhing girl as it was possible to go.

  Every fibre of Nicola’s being seemed to be filled with an electric current and her body heaved, while her arms and legs were flung wildly around as the deep intense pleasure swamped her with a shattering series of jolting sparks of delirious relief.

  She had scarcely become still before the baron had disengaged himself and was glancing at Rupert. ‘Well?’

  ‘Sorry, you took thirty seconds too long,’

  The baron was not pleased. He pulled Nicola to her feet and stared deep into her eyes. ‘Why did you take so long?’ he asked softly. ‘Would you have preferred Giovanni? Or Rupert?’

  Nicola’s eyes filled with tears. ‘No!’ she protested. ‘I only ever want you, and it was wonderful.’

  ‘Not as wonderful as Giovanni was for Cassandra it seems.’

  ‘It’s difficult when people are watching,’ she murmured.

  ‘Indeed? I’d have expected better of you after all your training.’

  Watching the English girl, Giovanni felt a faint stirring of pity. He hadn’t taken
much notice of her before because he’d been so obsessed with Cassandra, but her distress and the baron’s disinterest in it, brought out a surge of protectiveness which surprised him.

  ‘Very well,’ said the baron, pulling on his clothes. ‘That’s our turn finished with, Giovanni. Next, I think Sophie and Monique should choose how they wish to be entertained. What have you decided upon, girls?’

  Cassandra and Nicola stood naked and silent against the wall while the young maids flicked a quick glance at each other. ‘No ideas?’ queried the baron.

  ‘Yes, we have,’ said Sophie, always the bolder of the two. ‘We’d like them both to be taken to the punishment room and put in chairs there for us all to work on.’

  Cassandra felt a heavy weight in her stomach at the sound of the words. She wasn’t surprised; after all, both girls had suffered there at her instruction and their desire for revenge was understandable, but she knew that the experience would be hard to endure.

  ‘And you girls will direct the form the punishment takes?’ enquired the baron with interest.

  ‘Yes,’ said Monique, anxious to show that she was as keen as Sophie.

  ‘That should be very interesting. I have a feeling that the outcome of this particular episode may decide the main issue that is at stake here tonight.’

  ‘Which is what?’ asked Giovanni.

  ‘Why, whether Cassandra or Nicola remains here with me at the chateau of course,’ said the baron.

  Nicola’s eyes widened. She’d wondered, half-hoped even, that this was the case, but to hear it spoken so casually was unbelievable. She wondered how Cassandra could take it so calmly – she hadn’t even moved a muscle at her lover’s words – but then she realised that Cassandra had known all along, probably because she understood the baron so well.

  ‘The punishment room it is then,’ he announced. ‘Monique and Sophie, you may lead them as they are to the chairs, and there we will ensure that their sensuality is tested to the limits of their endurance. I wish you both well,’ he added. Cassandra and Nicola were then hustled out of his presence and forced to walk naked up the two flights of stairs to where the final event of the evening was to take place.

  Chapter Fifteen

  It was Nicola’s first glimpse of the punishment room, and the sight of the dark interior, its gloom broken only by a pair of spotlights whose beams lit up two of the most extraordinary chairs she had ever seen, made her turn to run from the room.

  The baron caught hold of her arm. ‘You may of course leave, Nicola,’ he said politely. ‘But if you do, then I must ask that you pack immediately. Our evening will have been spoilt, and you yourself will have proved entirely unsuitable to become a member of my household.’ With that he stood to one side.

  ‘I want to stay with you,’ Nicola blurted out.

  ‘Then stay; the choice is yours.’

  Slowly she went back to stand next to the naked Cassandra, who knew the room only too well and was preparing herself for what lay ahead.

  ‘We want to use the jumping beans,’ said Sophie.

  This startled even Cassandra, who had only ever used them once on anyone, but that person had been Sophie who had clearly never forgotten the experience. Françoise made a sound of approval as the baron unlocked the cupboard and removed all the necessary equipment, including the jumping beans. He then got the two naked young women to bend forward so that he and Rupert could insert the jumping beans into their rectums.

  The beans were activated by internal body heat and once inside the delicate tissue they began to move around, turning in somersaults and knocking against the highly sensitive walls of the back passage. Nicola started to make thrusting movements with her pelvis to try and counteract the strange, unnerving sensations that were shooting through her, but Cassandra kept still, knowing that movement would only make it worse.

  ‘Now they can be fastened in the chairs,’ said Sophie, watching the two women’s faces with satisfaction.

  ‘First handcuff their wrists behind them,’ Monique reminded her, and within seconds the leather covered metal rings were clamped around both sets of wrists. After that the chair seats were removed, and now Nicola saw the soft sheepskin covered seats with the hole in the middle. She eyed them, and the high back of each chair with the cut-out holes, with increasing puzzlement.

  Françoise massaged each of the waiting victims’ breasts with lavender scented lotion before they were actually put in their place. She took her time, carefully manipulating them both so that their breasts swelled and grew hot with desire. When she was satisfied with her work she pushed them towards the baron and Rupert.

  It was the baron who sat Nicola down on the seat, and lined her breasts up with the holes, pushing against her spine so that they started to go through, but because of Françoise’s attentions they were too large and she moaned with discomfort.

  ‘You are expected to keep silent during this,’ he remarked, and then went around to the far side of the back of the chair and pulled on the elongated nipples, forcing reluctant flesh to spill through, eased on its way by the moistness of the lotion.

  As soon as her nipples were through, Nicola felt the air on her exposed vulva and like many others before her, understood at last the reason for the hole in the seat. Now her legs were pulled back from the knee and rings clipped her ankles to the chair legs so that her chin rested on the top of the chairback, tilting her belly forward and securing her so well that any movement was impossible.

  While this was being done, Cassandra was being fastened in the same way, and finally they were both in place, staring at each other across the backs of the chairs separated by a gap of no more than four feet. For a brief moment, before the others got to work on them, they could see each other’s protruding breasts and strained posture and understood how they themselves must look.

  Cassandra sat immobile and tried to distract herself from the torment of the jumping bean which was making her body tremble with every movement. She knew that it was as bad for Nicola and wished that Sophie had never learnt of their existence because already she felt the need to squirm and push them out, but she knew this was impossible. Only a special device could remove them, a device the baron was unlikely to use for some time yet.

  Now Rupert and Giovanni seated themselves in front of the chair backs. Beside them they each had a bowl of pink liquid. The two women tensed, unable to see what was going to happen but knowing that it would involve some kind of stimulation of their already swollen breasts.

  ‘Begin now,’ murmured the baron.

  Rupert and Giovanni dipped their hands into the bowls and spread the liquid quickly over the two sets of protruding breasts. Nicola gave a scream of shock because it was so hot that for a moment she was afraid it had burnt her and red-hot flashes of pleasure-pain lanced through her upper torso. Once on though it quickly began to cool, and as it cooled it set so that within a minute a thin transparent coating covered the breasts. As it cooled the tissue beneath shrank after its initial expansion beneath the warmth.

  Cassandra watched Rupert as he examined the covering closely, touching it lightly with one finger as though testing for something. She was so busy wondering what would happen next that she failed to hear Monique behind her, bending low with a bowl of her own, ready to arouse the protruding vulva.

  ‘Remove the wax,’ said the baron quietly, and both Rupert and Giovanni obeyed at the same time so that the thin coating was torn off the tender breasts and then held up so that the imprisoned young women could see moulds of their breasts.

  As it was removed, the wax pulled on the myriad of tiny hairs that surrounded the nipples removing them too and the resulting needle-like sensations seemed to be the same as the continuous tiny shocks that were coming from their bottoms as the jumping beans continued their work.

  In order to soothe the skin, more lotion was now massaged into the breasts and Cassandra knew that already her body was beginning to burgeon beneath these incredible new sensations. It felt tight and s
he was very moist between her thighs, her pulse rate was high and there was perspiration down her spine.

  She had no idea how it was affecting Nicola, all she knew was that at this moment, experiencing new extremes of depravity, her highly-tuned body was responding with pleasure, opening itself to whatever was offered and striving already for its first orgasm.

  In this heightened state, the sudden shock of her vagina being flooded by warm water from a tube inserted by Monique during the taking of the breast mould caused the longed-for climax to rush through her and her belly pressed against the inside of the chair back as she shook with pulsations of excitement, while inside her rectum the jumping beans increased in speed and sent thrilling sensations through to her flooded front entrance. This prolonged her orgasm and she gave a moan of ecstasy.

  Beside her, Nicola, who had been experiencing everything that Cassandra had experienced, cried out too but in disbelief and discomfort, unable as yet to derive much pleasure from the baron’s perversity.

  As soon as the douche had run out of the two women, the maids inserted a pair of heavy love balls into each of them, and because of the angle at which they were sitting they seemed to press more heavily than normal against the nerve endings so that even for Nicola quick flutterings of excitement began to shoot upwards through her stomach.

  Next Monique and Sophie got to work on the exposed vulvas with their tongues and fingers, using every trick that they knew to keep their victims excited, occasionally using a very fine paint brush to spread the increasing lubrication around the surrounding tissue.

  While this was being done, Rupert and Giovanni continued to concentrate on the women’s nipples and breast tissue. They rolled the nipples between their fingers, nibbled at the soft undersides of the increasingly swollen globes and licked the surface of the skin before leaving the saliva to evaporate with a cooling sensation that for most of the time was hot from desire and arousal.


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