Forever Spencer (B&S Series #3.5)

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Forever Spencer (B&S Series #3.5) Page 8

by Kimberly Knight

  “Sharks?” Spencer asked.

  “They can’t get you, Babe.” At least I’d hoped.

  “I know. Still kinda freaky.” She laughed.

  “You both will be here for two nights, and then you will stay on the island in the hotel bungalows on the water. We have a restaurant here underwater and a submarine at your disposal if you need to use it—or want to for that matter—a library and a spa, but you have this big tub here in your room.” Kerri pointed to the step-up bathtub on the left side of the room.

  “It’s so pretty,” Spencer said, looking around the room at the ceiling.

  All types of tropical fish swam overhead. There was a little sitting room beyond the bed towards the back of the room. Kerri left after telling us that if we needed anything, to let her know.

  We sat in chairs in the sitting room and gazed up at the huge aquarium. Actually we were the aquarium in the scenario. The fish were out in the South Pacific Ocean while we were in the large glass oxygen tank.

  “This is amazing,” Spencer said.

  “See why I wanted it to be a surprise?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she said, not taking her eyes away from the ocean.

  “Oh wow, what is that?” I asked.


  I pointed to the right of me, “Is that a…”

  “A shark?” she asked, fear lacing her voice.

  “No,” I chuckled. “It’s a stingray.”


  “Do you think the fish know what we’re doing?”

  “Yeah, and they’re jealous,” I said, sucking Spencer’s nipple into my mouth.

  “I feel like we’re shooting a porno.”

  I smiled against Spencer’s skin. “Babe, they’re fish.”

  “It’s still weird.”

  “Why don’t you close your eyes and I’ll make you forget?”

  I peered up at Spencer, she down to me. “Okay,” she said licking her lips.

  And just like that, Spencer forgot about everything but screaming my name.


  Our two days in our underwater hotel went fast, but it was a once in a lifetime experience, and I was lucky to spend it with Spencer.

  We checked into a hut that sat on a pier on the crystal blue water and then went for a swim. We had no stress. No Blake to worry about. No Club 24 to worry about. No BKJB to worry about. All I had to worry about was making Spencer happy.

  I knew that Spencer didn’t like me drinking so much. It wasn’t me. So much shit had happened in the last two years, that letting loose once a week had become me, so I wanted nothing more than to spend a week forgetting our worries.

  Each night, we ate dinner on the beach as the sun set, followed by being wrapped in each other until morning. We would laugh, talk… and you know, fuck.

  “Dance with me,” I said, using the iPod dock in our room to play music from my phone.

  “Here?” Spencer asked, scrunching her eyebrows.

  “Yeah,” I smiled.

  Spencer gave me a strange look. It was weird that I asked her to dance randomly. We didn’t dance unless we were out at a club or something, but I had a few tricks up my sleeve.

  I pushed a button on my phone, starting the short playlist that I’d made for this moment, and You by Chris Young started to play.

  “Country?” Spencer asked, stepping closer to me.

  “I’m a Texas boy after all,” I said as I winked.

  We swayed back and forth, and each time the beat picked up, I twirled her around and we would laugh. It’s crazy how some songs speak the exact words of our relationship. Chris sang about how he used to work late but now rushes home. That was true for us. I hated working late now. I wanted to be home with Spencer, wrapped up in a blanket on the couch each night. And I had no idea what love was before Spencer. She rocked me hard.

  “I thought we would dance to slow songs,” Spencer said.

  “Nah. What fun is that?”


  We danced in the glow of the moon shining in from the window, the only other light coming from a lamp in the living room.

  As You came to an end, Bruno Mars started to sing Just The Way You Are. I didn’t need Bruno to help me seduce Spencer, but that fucker could sing.

  The Way You Are was more difficult to dance to, but I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her flush with my body. She didn’t know it, but this song was another step to my master plan.

  We swayed to the words, kissing, and I sang some of the lyrics to her. Just The Way You Are was also a perfect song. I loved everything about Spencer. Her face. Her smile. Her lips. Her laugh. Her eyes. Her hair. Her heart. She’s beautiful. She’s amazing; she’s perfect.

  Our hips swayed side to side, my lips brushing hers between words, and my dick started to stiffen at the anticipation of what was coming.

  As Bruno’s song was coming to an end, my heart rate spiked. I wasn’t sure why, but I felt a little flutter in my chest. Spencer was my wife. I was comfortable with her, but whenever we heard the next song, it did something to both of us.

  “One more song,” I said, slowing our hips as the song dwindled down. I stepped back, our bodies no longer touching. Spencer lifted her eyes to look up at me, and I smiled. I knew what was coming in a few seconds.

  As soon as the thump of the song began to play, I began singing. I wasn’t sure if it was the words or the beat of the song, but Spencer eyes lit up, and I couldn’t resist. This was our song. Our song that started everything.

  A smile spread across her face as I circled around her, nodding my head to the beat and singing the song that I memorized every single word to a long time ago. 50 was singing about being all up on that, and I sure as shit wanted to be.

  My dick was already at full mast, waiting for this little foreplay dance to be over. Every time I heard this song, flashes of our first dance played in my head.

  Spencer bit her bottom lip, watching me as I slowly moved around her. She didn’t turn her body, just her head from side to side when I moved behind her, singing the words in each ear as I passed. I knew what she was waiting for; she was waiting for me to press against her just like in Vegas, just like in Seattle.

  Jeremih began to sing, and Spencer began to move her hips, getting into the song, just like she did in Vegas before I approached her.

  I circled her slowly like I was on the prowl, watching her as she swayed, rolling her hips to the song. Her hands went into her long brown hair, lifting it off her neck, and that was my cue. I couldn’t wait any longer.

  I circled her once more, but this time Spencer didn’t follow me with her gaze as she danced to the song. I didn’t need her to watch me. We were both in the moment; this song did something to each of us.

  When I moved to the back of her, I stepped up against her, rubbing my dick against her ass. She moaned, pressing back against me. We weren’t in public. We didn’t need to be secretive. I wanted to see every inch of her skin as I listened to the song.

  Lifting her shirt, I pulled it over her head, tossing it onto the floor. I wrapped one hand around her waist, feeling her smooth stomach as she moved her ass against my cock.

  Spencer tilted her head, exposing her neck, and I leaned down, kissing it lightly as our bodies still gyrated to the beat of the song. Damn, she was edible. Every inch tasted like heaven—tasted like my heaven.

  Unclasping her bra, she slid it down her arms and then onto the floor with her shirt. She knew where this was headed. We didn’t have to rush off to a hotel room when the song ended. We didn’t have to fight the need we had when we heard this song.

  And this time—this fucking time—I was getting off. Since we didn’t have strangers dancing around us, I wanted to be buried deep in her while the song played on repeat. No song has ever gotten me to the fuck zone like this song, and I’d be damned if I didn’t want to fuck Spencer with it playing.

  My hand glided across her belly, up to her breast and wrapped around her tit. My other hand did the sam
e, our hips still pressed together as Spencer’s head rested on my chest.

  We didn’t speak. We didn’t need to, because the words of the song did it for us. She knew what I wanted. I knew what she wanted; we wanted to fuck like it was Marvin Gaye telling us to get it on.

  I bit lightly on Spencer’s neck, another moan escaping her mouth, and I picked her up in my arms like the bride she was. Carrying her to the closest surface, I sat her down on the edge of the dining room table. My body was already slick with sweat from the dancing… or maybe from my body heat rising from the pleasure building inside. I didn’t know, didn’t care.

  I tossed my shirt on the floor, my eyes never leaving Spencer’s. She was watching me as 50 and Jeremih still sang. Licking her lips, she reached out, grabbing the button of my shorts and slipped it through the slit.

  I pushed my shorts the rest of the way down, stepping out of them and tossing them aside. By the time I was done, Spencer was already shimmying her shorts and underwear down her legs.

  I helped her, removing them from her grasp and adding them to clothes that were strewn around the room.

  “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” I said, hovering over her naked body. She smiled and I stepped closer, my cock teasing her entrance. “And so wet.”

  She bit her lip, reaching between us and grabbing my dick in her soft hand. I watched as she used my shaft to tease herself, running it through her lips, and it glistened from her juices. Taking the hint, I stepped closer, and in one thrust, I filled her, her legs wrapping around me.

  Her body arched, and I groaned. Her pussy was hot, and it felt so good…so fucking good that I was already on the verge of coming.

  Reaching between us, I used my thumb, circling her clit and making her moan. I couldn’t move. If I did, I knew I would come before her. So I stood there, my dick filling Spencer as I used my thumb, massaging her clit with fast circles.

  “Fuck,” she hissed. “I’m gonna come.”

  I rubbed her clit faster, needing her to come at least once so I could move again. I watched her as her eyes closed and her back arched off the wood table. Then she stiffened, her belly clenching as she found her release.

  She opened her eyes, and a smile spread across her face again. I let her come down from her high by kissing her. My dick was screaming at me to get a move on, but I knew Spencer was sensitive. She always was for a minute or so after she came.

  “Ready?” I asked.


  Grabbing her hips, I started to thrust. Spencer’s pussy was like a glove; a warm glove on a cold day. It fit my dick perfectly. Her heels pressed into my ass as I pumped. Leaning over her, I took her nipple into my mouth.

  Just like clockwork, her hands found my hair. I groaned as the feeling of her hands sent a shock down my body. Her touch was like electric paddles, and it was all I needed to feel alive.

  “Fuck,” I groaned, breaking away from her breast. “Now it’s my turn. I’m gonna come.”

  I reached between us, hoping that Spencer could come one more time. Usually I could hold out, but from the moment I knew Down On Me was going to play through the speakers, I was ready to lose myself in Spencer.

  Using two fingers, I rubbed her clit again as fast as I could while I still pumped into her.

  “Almost there,” she panted.

  I couldn’t hold out anymore. My hips rocked so hard that Spencer was inching closer to the center of the table.

  “Hold on,” I said. I meant for Spencer to hold the table, but I was also talking to myself.

  I could do this. I could hold out a few more seconds while Spencer caught up to me.

  She grabbed the table, holding on like I asked and I let loose, pumping as hard as I could. The table started to scoot and just as I was about to explode, Spencer spoke the words that I needed to hear.

  “I’m coming.”

  I groaned, still using my fingers on her as I pounded into her and we both came.

  I rested on top of Spencer, my dick still in her as our breathing returned to normal.

  “How’d you know that was my favorite song?” she asked.

  I lifted my head from her chest, smiling. “I had a hunch.”


  A few days after Spencer and I returned home from our honeymoon, Blake moved out. I couldn’t wait to live alone with Spencer again. Don’t get me wrong; I love my brother, but being able to make love to my wife whenever and wherever I wanted in our house was what I loved more.

  Blake was making strides with opening the nightclub upstairs at the gym. The space was right across from my office, but Blake and Ben were going to seal it off and put soundproofing insulation in.

  We wanted the nightclub to be different than Club 24, but the same. I didn’t want people hearing the loud thump of the bass as they worked out early in the morning; you’d be surprised how many people get their workouts in around one in the morning. If they heard the bass, people partying or seeing drunk people walk in, they’d lose concentration and probably end up canceling their membership. We couldn’t have that.

  We were taking a huge risk.

  I was taking a huge risk on my little brother.

  A week later, Spencer finally called a staff meeting at BKJB. The transition went well. Skye stayed on long enough for Spencer to get the hang of things, and everyone was excited about Spencer being their boss. Everyone, including Acyn.

  I hadn’t seen Acyn since he testified at the trial, and even then, we didn’t speak. He looked at Spencer the same way I looked at Spencer, and I didn’t like it. His only saving grace, which saved him from being throttled by me, was that Spencer didn’t look at him the way she looked at me.

  I knew she was grateful that Acyn had been at Ryan’s bachelorette party, because he was the one to realize Spencer was gone. I was grateful, too, but that didn’t mean I had to like the guy.

  What I especially didn’t like was that he and Spencer were going to a health expo in Los Angeles in a few months. I trusted Spencer, but I didn’t trust Acyn. The shitty part was that I wasn’t going to the expo.

  Spencer was going to represent BKJB and Club 24. She was bringing Acyn and another staffer to the expo, and I needed to trust her. She owned twenty-five percent of everything, and I didn’t want to step on her toes. Plus, I had to stay behind and make sure my brother didn’t fuck anything up.


  “I can’t believe you’re going to be a dad in a month,” I said to Jason.

  “I know. It’s crazy, but we’re ready.”

  “Well, you better be.” I chuckled, helping him put together the crib he bought.

  “I know Bec is. She’s tired of being pregnant. Hand me that piece over there,” he said, pointing to a wood slat. I handed it to him. “When are you and Spencer going to have one?”

  “We just got married three months ago,” I said.


  “Look how long it took you to have one.” I tightened a screw, thinking of Spencer pregnant with my baby.

  “Things are different now. We’re older. Before we didn’t do it because we were building our business.”

  “I know.”

  Was I ready to have a baby? I mean finally have a baby with the woman I loved, the woman I was married to? When Christy told me she was pregnant with my baby, I wasn’t ready. I didn’t want that child, but I was prepared to be the father I needed to be for that baby.

  But this, this was different—this was what I wanted.


  I watched Spencer smile as she talked to Becca at her shower. Spencer would rub Becca’s belly, talk to the baby, and look over at me.

  Did Spencer want a baby? We’d only been married three months, but was she ready?

  “Oh man, the hormones in here are intense,” Blake said.

  I glanced over at him, scrunching my eyebrows.

  “I never thought it was true, but all these women,” he said, gesturing to the room, “want a baby now.”

  My eyes wid
ened. Was that true? I watched Spencer again. “How do you know?” I asked.

  “Well I don’t know about every woman, but Stacey just came up to me and said she wants one.”

  I laughed. Blake a father? Yeah right! “What’s up with you two anyway?”

  The last I’d heard, they were trying to work out their problems. Blake didn’t want Stacey with someone else, and Stacey didn’t want to move to California.

  “Nothing. I mean, she’s here just for a few days. She wanted to come to the shower and see Spencer.”

  “So you two aren’t…?”

  “Nah. I mean, we’re still fucking while she’s here, but we aren’t together.”

  I really had no place to judge Blake. He was where I was when I was his age, but being the older brother, I couldn’t bite my tongue.

  “Does she feel the same way?”

  “Yeah. I mean… I think so.”

  “You need to talk to her. Stop fucking with her… pun intended,” I smiled, trying to lighten the mood.

  “I know.” He sighed.


  “I want a baby,” Spencer said after we’d been silent and listening to music as we drove home from Becca’s shower.

  I looked over at her, wide-eyed. Not because I was shocked, but because my hunch was correct. “You’re ready for a baby?”

  “I think so.”

  “Don’t you think that it should be something that you know?”

  “Yes. Do you want a baby?”


  “Well, in nine months really.” She laughed.

  This is what adults do. They discuss if they want to have a baby. They don’t poke holes in condoms. They wait until the time is right. “How about we wait until next month when Becca has her baby? You know, get a feel for it.”

  “I guess,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest. “It’s just that all the baby stuff was so cute.”

  “You know that they don’t stay that small, right?” I asked, laughing.

  “Yes,” she said and stuck out her tongue at me. “I just have the itch now.”

  Holy hell, Blake was right.

  “Well…,” I said. A thought popping into my head. “We can practice and scratch that itch.” I winked.


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