Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8)

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Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8) Page 3

by Reese Madison

  “True. Service is shoddy out where we’re going.”

  “That’s fine, just do it. I’ll be out in a few minutes. Do you still have my gear?”

  He pressed a quick kiss to Eve’s forehead then rolled away before I could punch him. “Meet me in the mudroom in ten.”

  I’d forgotten just how annoying Cord can be. “Stop.” I whispered for the twelfth time. “Stop fucking moving. You’re scaring the deer.”

  He slid his hand down the front of my pants. “Does she take good care of what’s mine?”

  I leaned back as his fingers spread my legs and filled me. “It hasn’t been yours for years.”

  “This.” He dug in deep bringing me to my toes. “This will always be mine. Have you betrayed me wife?”

  “No. I can’t. You know that.” The idea of any other man touching me makes me sick to my stomach. Cord is the only man I’ve known in every way. He’s my other half. He’s the only one who has a full grip on my dark side. A dark side we share.

  “Is she as tasty as she looks?” Now he’s teasing me.

  “Better. Don’t you make her uncomfortable.” I set my gun down because I’m losing full control of my facilities.

  “Nobody feels like you Mykela.” He’s getting that breathlessness about him I remember all too well.

  “Not yet Cord. I’ll rip you apart in my condition.”

  He pulled his fingers out and aggressively went after my clit while whispering in my ear. “I want to fuck you and taste her on my tongue. I want to feel you come on me while you make her come for you.”

  My knees buckled at his words and my entire body shattered. “Shit.”

  “There she is.” The satisfaction in his voice is almost annoying enough to make me want to give in and fuck that arrogance right out of him. “I’ll give you until tonight. I’ll have my wife. You owe me that. Seven years is a long time to have to fuck women I don’t want to fuck.”

  “I hate you.” I’m not jealous of his women. I’m jealous of his freedom. Damn wedding vows. He blackmailed the fuck out of me. Then he loved me too hard. I’ve never been right since the day he showed me just how much he loves me by taking my virginity. Cord isn’t like any other man you’ll ever meet. He’s got the biggest fucking heart you’ve never seen, and yet he’ll pound you to a wall if it means saving your life.

  He copped a feel under my shirt then backed off. “You know what’s nice about having you back Mykela?”

  “No. Wha-“ Something stabbed my right ass cheek. “Ow!!” I turned to find him holding a syringe. “What the fuck is that?”

  The smile that graced perfect lips rattled something new inside me.

  “Cord. What did you just put in my ass?” I reached for they syringe to see if whatever it is, is written on the label. GPS microchip.

  He pulled it out of reach and backed up. “This is my way of making sure you don’t get away from me again. If you run, I will find you. Do you remember what happens when you run and I find you?”

  I tilted my head to the right feeling suddenly exhausted. “I’m too old for that shit Cord.”

  “Then behave yourself. I meant what I said. Eve is free to go. You? You’re going to live out the rest of your miserable existence up here on this mountain with me whether you like it or not.”

  “You don’t want to make an enemy out of me Cord. You have to sleep sometime.”

  “And I know the knots you can’t get out of. Or have your forgotten?” He cupped my face and set those damn eyes on mine. “Get your deer. Get your hands dirty. Teach your wife how to cook my steaks like I like them. All I need is you. Fuck with me? And I’ll take away your most precious toy.”

  “Don’t threaten me.”

  “Don’t fuck up.” He let go and left the blind.

  I took a deep breath to steady my thoughts and nerves and turned back around to wait for my supper to walk into view. I prefer to only kill what I eat, but that wasn’t always the case. Eve pushed me to a brink I knew was coming, and if I’m honest with myself, I probably asked for. None of this is her fault. Cord is right about that.

  “That’s just disgusting.” Eve covered her face.

  “Get used to it baby. We grow all our own food up here, even the kind that bleeds.” Cord is enjoying his beer a few feet away from where I’m gutting a ten point buck.

  A chicken waddled by getting her attention. “Oh look! It’s so pretty! Look at those feathers!!” Eve took off after the chicken.

  Cord is watching her ass and shaking his head. “I’m not sure if she’s a farm girl or a child.”

  “Both. Eve is squeamish around blood, but not around animals. I’ll tell you her story someday, just not right now.” I promised so he’d leave it alone until a more appropriate time.

  “I can see that. Makes me want to ruin her.”

  I pointed to the stack of meat I’m making. “Make yourself useful or it’ll be midnight before we eat.”

  He set the beer aside and grabbed a handful of sealant bags. “I meant what I said about tonight.”

  “You’re no rapist Cord. If I’m not ready you’ll wait. Here.” I tossed him a perfect cut that I’ll show Eve how to cook later. “Put that one aside for tonight.”

  Eve is fidgeting in the back seat of the truck on the way up to the house. I can’t put my finger on it because the music is too loud. Cord is drowning me out because I just laid into him for bringing up old shit once again. Evidently he hasn’t gotten over the fact that I left him seven years ago. Not that I blame him. I’ve been sucking the life out of him most of his life.

  It wasn’t until we got inside the house and Eve ran full force down the hall to the bedroom that I looked at Cord and raised a brow. “Is it just me or is she up to something?”

  He shrugged. “She’s your wife. You go figure it out.” He set the meat on the counter and headed to the large antique bar I found in Bisbee many years ago. He had to have had it taken apart and put back to together to get it up here.

  “Noooo!! Dammit!! Come back!! Shit!!” Eve obviously has a problem that sent us both down the hallway and crashing through the door at the same time.

  We stopped short when she looked up and a tiny little yellow chick popped out from between her big beautiful breasts and landed clumsily on the floor. Two more popped out and landed on the floor with her help this time.

  I looked around counting five chicks, and that’s not including what I can hear under the bed. “Eve.” I pinched my nose. My wife just smuggled chicks into our bedroom.

  “But they were cold!!” She argued.

  Cord shook his head before looking under the bed. “How many did you bring up here??”

  “Five. I think. Shit.” I opened my eyes in time to see yet another one escape her cleavage. “Maybe six.”

  Cord palmed his face as two chicks headed down the hall for the ultimate freedom and run of the house. “Two chicks I can handle. Six?? No. Get these little peckers off my floors and out of my house before I finish taking a shower.”

  “But it’s cold, and they’re just wittle babies!!” Eve argued with her usual child-like beg.

  Cord raised an eyebrow at her then pointed to the floor. “I cut, sanded, sanded, and sanded some more. Then I polished. Then I sealed. Then I polished and sealed some more. These floors are reeking of my blood sweat and anger at having had my wife leave me. You will get those fucking chickens off my floor or I will tan your beautiful ass until those tears are at my hand and not my wife’s.”

  I ushered Cord out the door as my wife deflated even further. “Just go. Take a shower in the guest room. That was your doghouse room anyway. Make use of it. I’ll get the breakfasts off your floor.” I promised feeling a headache coming on. I need this over before it turns into a migraine.

  Eve and I gathered up the chicks after about an hour of hunting and missed grabs. It finally came down to elaborate trapping methods. Fortunately we had a few good laughs so it wasn’t all for naught.

  Cord is not amused as he s
its on his perch by the bar sipping scotch. “Larry is on his way up to take them back to their proper home. Eve?” She looked up when he called for her. He crooked his finger. “Come here.”

  She shuffled over with her adorable pout in tow. “I’m sorry. I just-“

  “Stop.” He touched her chin forcing her into the same blue tractor beams I get sucked into. “No more animals in my house. If you want to have pets you’re going to have to keep them in the barns. That means they don’t enter my house. Otherwise I don’t care what you adopt. Are we clear?”

  She nodded. “I’m sorry. Do you hate me?”

  “Absolutely not. If anything I find you even more attractive. You have a good heart. Just keep the animals outside.” He tapped her nose.

  “And no more smuggling chicken nuggets in your boobs. You could have killed those poor little things.” I teased taking her hand and pulling her over to the window. She likes scenic views.

  She squeezed my hand seeming to relax as she finally smiled again. “They tickled. I almost lost them in the truck on the way up here.”

  “I can just imagine Cord’s response to six chicks loose in his truck.” Then again it may not be the first time. Cord likes women, always has. I’ve never been the jealous type even when we were together. If he thought we were serious he was faithful. We’ve had a lot of breaks over the years, and I’m not stupid. I know who he really wants to be with, I just haven’t been able to be that person. Ever.

  “I had a human chick give birth in the truck last year. That was interesting.” Cord mused.

  Eve likes when I let my fingers play in her hair so when her shoulders dropped I knew she was feeling better. I should take better care of her. I’d just as soon die as to lose her, and that was the idea in my head at the time I had my hands around her throat. Kill her, let them kill me. Thank god that didn’t play out.

  Cord was right, I may not have stopped. He saw through my lie but let me get away with it. My inattention to Eve caused all this. Slider kicked me out of his state. I’m guessing that was his way of making sure I knew I’d crossed the line. He’ll let me back, but I have to serve time first. Time with Cord, my husband.

  I looked over my shoulder for him. He’s just sitting there watching us. He looks the same, not a day older. The wavy black hair is still in need of a trim, and his beard is trimmed neatly to about two inches or so. He likes to be able to comb it. Every summer he shaves it off to ‘let my face breathe’. I wonder if he still does that. Now that I’m staring I can see a few greys have salted his whiskers.

  He tilted his head snapping me back. “She okay?”

  “No. I’ve ruined her.” I complained then turned back to bury my face in her hair and neck. “I’m sorry Eve. From now on you have my undivided attention.”

  She put her hand over mine. “No I don’t. Cord divides your attention now.”

  “He’s not trying to come between us.”

  “He’s your husband. He should be trying to come between us.” She pointed out.

  Cord appeared in front of her and leaned against the railing lining the wall of glass. He touched Eve’s chin so their eyes met. “I’ll share my wife with you freely. You and only you. I will not share either of you. Is that understood?”

  She nodded.

  “The answer is ‘yes’. Let me hear you say it.”

  “Yes. This is just between us, and I get to keep Myk?” She sniffled so I know she’s crying.

  “It’s going to take two of us to keep her from drowning in work again. By the way, she did that to me too. When she gets too close she pulls away. That’s my fault. Mine and her father’s. One day we’ll tell you the whole story, but for now just know that this is your new home. I want you both here. Understood?”

  She nodded again then replied as if remembering he likes to hear responses. “Yes. Thank you Cord. I’m sorry about earlier.”

  He rolled his eyes. “I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to keep a straight face again as long as the image of little yellow chicks popping out of your tits is embedded in my brain. That’s by far the funniest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”

  Eve started laughing and suddenly turned around to crash-hug me. “I love you.”

  I hugged her back so hard I pulled her off her feet. “I love you too.”

  Cord messed up my hair as he left us. “I need nachos.”


  Cord Colson

  I left the girls alone and napped on the couch for a while. I can hear them talking but have no real interest in what they’re saying. I just need to be close enough that if Myk loses her shit I can wake up and be near enough to intervene.

  My phone woke me up with it’s usual four a.m. alarm. It’s out of reach so I cussed as I sat up. “Fuck.”

  Mykela flipped on the light and handed me a cup of coffee. “Be quiet, she’s finally asleep.” She nodded to the curves under a blanket by the west wall.

  “Thanks. You sleep?”

  “Nah.” She sat in the reading chair with her own coffee.

  “Am I making a mistake going to work and leaving you two alone?” I asked before sipping the coffee. My eyes closed as the flavor took me back seven years. “Damn you Myk.” She puts a hint of cinnamon in her coffee.

  For years I would only drink the coffee she made. After she left seven years ago I didn’t buy cinnamon for the longest time. Denise likes to bake so she brought some up a while back. I keep hiding it in the back behind other spices. Myk must have found it.

  “I know, you love me. Eve is safe with me. I know what she did was my fault. If anything I need to be the one making the amends. Do you mind if I steal your truck and take her back down to the farms? She really liked all the animals.”

  “Not at all. I’ll take the Gator down. You need her to be happy here don’t you?” I asked picking my wife’s brain.

  She nodded. “I have to come to terms with my bullshit. I thought by having a life without you, without the constant reminder of what I am, that I could do that. I was wrong. By the time I figured it out I knew you’d never take me back, or if you did you’d punish me by making my life a living hell. Then I met Eve.”

  “How did you meet her?”

  My wife smiled a little over her coffee. “She was the bartender at my local haunt. I found myself flirting with her. Then she kissed me. I haven’t been able to let go since, even though I know I’m bad for her.”

  “Gee. I wonder what that feels like.”

  “It wasn’t you that was bad for me, it was me that was bad for you.” She argued.

  “Only because I let you, us, get sucked into his insanity. He preached power and invincibility to children. I was older. I should have saved you sooner, instead I let my dark side rear it’s ugly head and dragged you right into it.” I set my coffee on the table and got up. “I’m going to work. Your phones are on the bar. Take them and my truck. My guys are pretty good, but if anyone spooks Eve you have my permission to kick their ass.”

  “Always the protector.”

  “Never the protected.” I finished for her. “Just take it slow today, and keep her out of the damn chicken coops.”

  Myk rolled her dark green eyes. “I’ll try.”

  I don’t know how the girls tracked me down, although it probably wasn’t too difficult around here. I was very happy to see them getting along as they approached with a cooler. “I could get used to this.” I took the cooler and set it down to open the lid. “I see you met Cheryl.”

  “And Janis. She gave us some fresh fish for tonight. This place is amazing Cord.” Eve is obviously still high on my little homestead. It happens when people first get here.

  “I agree. It wasn’t supposed to get this big, but if it was any smaller we wouldn’t have half the luxuries we do.” I handed them each a container I know contains pot roast with potatoes, carrots, and onions.

  “Speaking of which, you owe the seamstress a couple cattle.” Myk complained shooting Eve a scolding look.

  Eve shrugged. �
�We need clothes.”

  I swallowed the first bite before informing them. “You can order shit online. Remind me tonight Myk, I’ll set you both up with separate accounts. The chopper goes down once a week this time of year to pick shit up.”

  “What happens in the winter?” Eve asked between bites.

  “We’re locked in up here in the winter. In an emergency, and weather permitting, we have a dog sled team. The snowmobiles can’t carry enough fuel to get all the way down, although we’ve come close. I want to start running drills involving both soon, but everyone’s been busy lately. Meat needs preserved, vegetables cured and canned. All that shit.”

  “Myk will save us.” She replied proudly.

  “I doubt there’s any real equipment up here for my skills to be worth a fuck.” My wife, ever the pessimist.

  “I take it you did make it by the clinic today?” I asked her.

  “No. I wasn’t interested in a good laugh.”

  Eve elbowed her. “Stop being a bitch.”

  “I can’t help it.” Mykela is obviously bothered by something she doesn’t want to share with Eve. I made a mental note to ask her about it in private later.

  Later came after dinner and after Eve had fallen asleep with her head on Myk’s lap to the news.

  I’m keeping my distance on the other end of the couch but within reach to poke my wife in the arm with my foot.

  She looked over. “What?”

  “What’s eating you?”

  “Right now? Not her.”

  I gave her a look she knows well.

  “Come on, that was funny.”

  “No, it wasn’t. Seriously. I know something is bothering you. What is it?”

  She sighed and looked down as her fingers moved Eve’s hair off her neck. “I had a surgery scheduled for today. When I called in with my family emergency it pissed a lot of people off. My patient died two hours ago. On the table.”


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