Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8)

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Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8) Page 6

by Reese Madison

  “Yeah. I also found four people with diabetes up here. It’s leftover from their old lifestyles, but their bodies need medication to help make the adjustment. Some might need it for life depending on the damage.”

  I put my hand up sensing she’s about to go on a roll. “Wait. Before we get any further. When the hell have you had time to see patients??”

  Eve sat up and turned around to ask, “Yeah. When? We’re together all day.”

  “I go out at night after you two fall asleep. Most people work during the days around here so I make appointments and wake them up if I have to. Randall is helping me put together a better filing system.”

  “You’re sneaking out in the middle of the night to do an inventory on my town?” I ran my finger under my lower lip. Interesting.

  “Something like that. Once winter hits I won’t be able to do this. If something happens with a patient and I don’t have a medical history I could end up doing more harm than good. Anyway, you wanted a fucking doctor, you got one. I’m recruiting two of the teenagers two days a week after their lessons to train to be nurses. It’ll be a good skill should they decide to leave one day.” My wife has put a lot of thought into this. I’m impressed.

  “I’m not sure what to say Myk. Other than ask, when do you sleep?” Here I thought she’d gotten past her insomnia.

  She shrugged. “Here and there. Eve and I fell asleep fishing down by the river yesterday.” She recalled as if that would make it all right.

  “What’s keeping you up?” I asked curiously. Her insomnia isn’t unusual but there’s usually something fueling it.

  “Well first of all I can’t see patients during the day. They work, and I have to chase Eve all over the place. Half the time she’s chasing you to bug you for something, and you’re kind of a pain in the ass to keep up with.” She accused making Eve smile guiltily.

  I laughed. “Personally I think I should get a blow job for the greenhouse, but that’s just me.” I’m kidding, sort of. I wouldn’t turn it down.

  Eve looked at Myk suddenly. “Idea.”

  Myk raised an eyebrow. “I’m listening.”

  “Can I have him first?”

  I snorted.

  Myk kicked me. “If that’s what you want it’s fine with me. Cord stop laughing you arrogant prick.”

  I waved it off and sat back, “Sorry. I wasn’t expecting that.”

  Poor Eve looks like a deer in headlights.

  I reached over and pulled her over into my lap. “She likes me better.”

  “No I don’t!!” Eve ended up getting tickled until she threatened to pee.

  Nothing happened that night, but then again a lot did. I joke about my blue balls, but I’m enjoying the ride. For the first time in a long time I want to enjoy the seduction.

  The next morning I woke the girls up and took them to the shed with my dirt bikes in it. I have four, two 175’s and two 250’s. I use the 175’s for teaching some of the younger more inexperienced residents up here.

  Eve jumped on a 250 and took off like a pro. Myk tried to take the remaining 250 but I quickly explained why that was not an option for my big ass. She begrudgingly straddled green and white 175 and followed me to go find Eve.

  That’s pretty much how we spent our day. Finding Eve.

  Now I’ve known some bitches that can ride circles around men, but this is just plain ridiculous. The good part was, I haven’t ridden like this in a long time. She ran circles around us. It was invigorating.

  I have my two favorite women and some much needed wind therapy. This day will go down in history as one of favorites, right up there with giving Mykela my last name, and the day Lars saw to it her father would never be able to damage either of us again. Opposite ends of the spectrum I know, but it is what it is.

  Eve was still pumped when we got home so she was happy to make dinner. We pretty much passed out like drunks in a frat house to a movie after that.

  I woke up at some late point and carried them one by one to bed. That was nice. Myk is my world. Eve is essential to hers, and growing on me like a rabid weed. Falling in love with her is easy, let’s just hope I can keep them both.

  Even though I said I’d never let Myk go, I’d have a hard time keeping her against her will. That’s why for the first time in our history I’m willing to do whatever it takes to keep her.

  After giving it some thought I realized this could work out quite well. Myk is going to need the city at some point. She’s just wired that way. Maybe it’s ADHD, maybe it’s just a need to get outside of her own head. Either way taking her into town a couple times a year during good weather benefits both of us.

  There’s a few town within flying distance, and I can rent a Harley in one and ride to another. Obviously my girls can ride. We’ll fly down, set up in a hotel, and ride wherever we want. Explore. Something I haven’t had much of a chance to do.

  When I feel the need to ride I jump on one of my 250’s and head out. What I’d forgotten was that there’s a difference between the romp of the dirt paths and the smooth feel of the open road. I miss that smooth sailing and sharp turns up and down mountains between various lakes.

  Yes. That’s what we’ll do. Myk can either ride or get her city fix. She likes busy streets where holes in the walls serve what she calls food. When I was younger I liked that greasy fast food type shit, but after living up here all these years it doesn’t appeal to me so much.

  Mykela Colson

  After our day of body-pounding riding down what Eve deemed ‘paths’, Cord and I spent a good bit of the next day going over what he really needs to have a proper clinic. He might have made it another winter or two as things are, but eventually he’s going to end up with one too many emergency calls putting his people at unreasonable risk.

  It was draining trying to explain to him what we needed and why. It was even more draining trying to make him understand why the clinic wants to be as independent of him as possible.

  By the time I got it through his thick skull Eve was bugging us to go eat the dinner she’d prepared.

  On the way down the hall Cord asked from behind us. “How do they propose to make all this money Myk?”

  “Holistic remedies. Some people up here have an abundance of one herb and not enough of the other. They still can’t use it all. I’m starting a collection to put together sellable items in town. We’ll put an inventory together this winter and take them down to sell next Spring.”

  “You’re going to have to have someone there to explain their uses.”

  “That’s what labels are for. I’ll take care of those with the help from the group and Google.” I stopped short seeing the table. “Wow. Is it Christmas?”

  “Actually, it’s Thanksgiving.” Eve leaned over and lit two taper candles in the center of the table. “Sit your asses down. Cord, you open the champagne. Myk, you carve the turkey. I’ll get the rolls.” Eve ordered making Cord and I look at each other.

  He shrugged then sat picking up the champagne. “I guess we better do as we’re told.”

  “I’m just trying to figure out who she got to kill and clean her a turkey.” I lifted the lid off what I’m assuming is a turkey. Sure enough she’s managed to make the perfect turkey. “She is a genius.”

  “Thank you.” She reappeared with a basket of rolls and sat. She passed me a bowl of mashed potatoes and Thanksgiving dinner was under way.

  Cord and I did the dishes while Eve kicked back with a bottle of wine and some Christmas movie I’ve probably seen but never stayed awake through.

  “I can’t believe I didn’t know it was Thanksgiving.” He commented drying a plate before putting it away.

  “I did simply because I’ve been doing your books.” He let me take over about two weeks ago. Cord is smart. He can do or build just about everything, but crunching numbers bores the fuck out of him. I needed something to do while Eve was cooking. He was happy to hand it over.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  I shrugged
, “It’s just another day. I still want to know who she got to dress a turkey for her.”

  “Probably Larry.” He replied.

  My phone rang with a tone I haven’t heard in a long time. I shut the water off and grabbed the towel from his hands to take the call in the bedroom.

  “Where are you going?”

  “Nowhere.” I grabbed my phone off the counter and quickly locked myself in the bedroom before answering. “Hey.”

  “Where are you? Where’s Eve?”

  “She’s with me. We’re on vacation up in- Wyoming.” I decided to lie just in case.

  “I want to see her.” Peter, Eve’s psychotic brother, demanded.

  “She’s happy Peter. Just let it go. Speaking of being let go. How are you out?” Peter has been in and out of psychiatric hospitals for most of her life. He’s fixated on her because their parents died young and she’s all he has left. He doesn’t quite comprehend that he was the cause of their death, and a cruel reminder of everything she’s lost because of him.

  “My old doc kicked the bucket. The new bitch they assigned was gullible, and pretty. I fucked her three times before she signed my early release papers.”

  “You’re a pig.”

  “She was hot as fuck. You’d have liked her too.”

  “You have no idea what I like. Look, Eve and I are vacationing off the grid for the winter. We need some time alone to work on things.” That’s partially true.

  “I don’t care. I need to see my sister. She’s all I have.” He informed me like I don’t already know that.

  “It’s not that easy. The only way down is by chopper. I’d have to arrange that, and with the weather the last few days… You don’t want me to risk her life do you?” Please say no. Please say no.

  “Tell me where you are. I’ll come to you.”

  “Peter, I don’t think that’s a good idea. Can you just wait until spring??”

  “FUCK!! Fuck fuck fuck. Fuck YOU!!” It sounds like he’s spitting. “Tell me. Tell me where you are.”

  “No. Enough already. You need to stop trying to control her. Us. If you can calm down and give us this winter I’ll make sure you see her by Easter.”

  “NO NO NO NO NO!!!” He’s losing it. “I’ll find you bitch. I’ll find you and I’ll kill you for keeping my sister from me.” His threat made me roll my eyes. “You don’t scare me.”

  “I still have those pictures. Remember the pictures Mykie??” He’s the only one dumb enough to call me that.

  “Don’t. Please don’t.”

  “Tell me where you are or I release the pictures. Remember the pictures?”

  “Yes. I remember you taking pictures of your passed out sister and your cock in her face. I remember you taking pictures of you raping her. You’ll get put away for good if those come out Peter. I’ll fucking kill you myself.”

  “Maybe I’ll fuck her while you take the picture this time. I bet you’d do anything with my knife against her throat.”

  “You’re sick.” I hung up and slid to the floor.

  Peter is a sick muther fucker. Most of Eve’s issues stem from his abuse. It started before their parents died. They were getting suspicious and tried to confront him. He grabbed the wheel and crashed their SUV into a telephone pole. Eve and I are pretty sure they all survived until Peter suffocated them before the rescue squad showed up.

  The knock on the door made me jump. “Open up babe.”

  I pushed up knowing what I have to do. I opened the door and walked past him and straight to Eve on the couch. I put my hand out palm up. “Phone.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Peter’s out.”


  “I lied about where we are. If he figures out a way to track your cell phone we’re fucked. You don’t want to know what he’s threatening.”

  She sat up hugging her phone to her chest. “How is he out already?”

  “New shrink with a loose pussy. I need your phone babe. No argument. Give me the phone.”

  She put it in my hand. “The pictures.”

  “No internet for you for a while. You can Amazon, but that’s it. I’ll let you know when it’s safe to resurface.” I assured her before chucking both our phones in the roaring fireplace.

  Cord looked between me and the fireplace and back again. “What the fuck was that for?”

  “I’ll explain later.” I sat down next to Eve who is slipping into her scared place. “He won’t find you here.”

  “People are going to see what he did to me.”

  “I’m going to talk to a friend of mine and see if we can’t get ahead of this. I need to start now though. Are you going to be okay?”

  She shook her head and leaned over into me.

  I rocked her for a couple minutes then looked for Cord. “I need you to come here.”

  He stepped over and scooped her up. “Make the calls. Call Joe and have him contact Georgia. One way or another we’ll fix this.” He carried her off down the hall. I called Joe first.


  Cord Colson

  Myk finished her tale as I downed the last of scotch number three. Eve is sound asleep on the couch behind us. “Now you know.”

  “How is she not jaded like us? That woman has the biggest sweetest heart I’ve ever known, and yet she’s probably been through worse than both of us combined.”

  “We went through a lot of the same shit together. We’re jaded because we were brain washed into doing things we’re going to have to face our maker for. She didn’t have a choice. Half the time she had no idea what happened until he showed her the pictures. We’re totally different than she is. Your guilt gets in our way. My anger gets in my way with everything. Eve didn’t have anyone to share her experiences with. Her way of surviving was to bury it all and live in a fantasy world of unicorns and rainbows.” Myk topped off her whiskey.

  “Since when are you unicorns and rainbows?” I had to ask.

  “I’m safe. I keep Peter away, and those pictures from going public. I’m not sure if I can do it this round. Not without help.”

  “I’ll talk to Joe too. We’ll protect her. Fuck the public. We can keep her off the internet until this blows over.”

  “She’ll Google them. She won’t be able to help herself.” Myk complained taking her drink over to the window where it’s starting to snow.

  I poured myself another scotch and joined her. “You sure you’re okay if I’m with her first?”

  My wife smiled and shook once with silent laughter. “We’ve had our firsts. I think I’ll live.”

  “I’m going to wait until she comes to me.” My wife looked at me like I’d blown a gasket. “Doesn’t mean I won’t seduce the shit out of her, but she has to be the one to tell me when she’s really ready.” I clarified. “Make sure you tell her that.”

  “What if it takes another month, or two?”

  I shrugged having already been over this in my head. “I’ve been pretty lucky in the sex department most of my adult life. A few months won’t kill me. If anything it’ll do me good. Like meditation or some shit.”

  “Shit, is exactly what you’re full of. Why are you really putting yourself through this?” She knows me well, even after all these years.

  “I like her. After what you just told me, she should have this her way. I want her invested in this. In us.” I looked into my wife’s eyes. “I’m done Mykela. Done living without you. Done with other women. A few months of celibacy is well worth the end result.”

  “I’m going back in the spring to take care of Peter. I want you to stay here and take care of her.”

  “No. You’re not going to do any such thing. I swear you try to piss me off at every possible turn. He can’t touch her here. Leave the muther fucker to the club. Georgia is an excellent lawyer. If those pictures get out she’ll see he spends the rest of his life in that asylum, or prison if she can swing it.”

  “I can’t leave her safety to the hands of fools. There’s only one way to take this
fucker down.”

  “Myk. Stop it. You’re regressing.” I pulled her down the hall towards the bedroom so Eve can’t hear just in case she’s faking being asleep to listen in. “Enough. No more. Do you hear me?? How do you think she’s going to feel when she finds out he’s dead? Don’t you think she’s going to wonder if you were involved??”

  “I don’t care. Let her wonder. I won’t have her looking over her shoulder the rest of her life. I can’t get down there and back before the first snow. Obviously.” She motioned towards the living room where we were just watching the first snow come down. “He can’t get up here either. But come spring, he’s done. If I can’t trust you to take care of her I’m going to have to rethink this whole thing.”

  “Don’t threaten me woman. I still own you.” I grabbed her shirt and lifted her off her feet while pinning her to the wall. “Don’t test me Mykela. I let you go last time. I won’t let you go again.”

  “Put me down.”

  I shook her hard enough her head bounced off the wall one good time. “I will chain you to this fucking mountain.”

  “You couldn’t keep me chained before, and you never will.”

  “Okay okay. Cord, back off. Let go.” Eve pushed between us.

  I stepped back shoving Mykela into our room. “Go to bed. I don’t want to see you the rest of the night.”

  “Cord!!” Eve yelled at me sounding horrified as she raced to Myk’s side. “Don’t be mean!!” She begged.

  “Talk to your wife Eve. She’s got it in her head to go down and kill your brother this spring.” I ratted out my own wife. Fuck it. I won’t lose her again. I can get her out of just about anything, but not prison.

  She gasped and rounded on Myk. “We talked about this!! You promised!!”

  I left Eve to finish my dirty work for me. Go baby. Go.

  Mykela Colson

  “Cord’s a dick.” I complained as my wife glared at me.

  “Agreed, but that’s beside the point here. You’re a doctor Mykela. You save lives. You don’t take them. There’s no way Peter can find me up here. Let it go.” She begged.


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