Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8)

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Free to Love (The Colson Brothers Book 8) Page 15

by Reese Madison

  Chris and Angela fell apart.

  I stepped in and grabbed Angela’s arm to get in her face. “We’re leaving.”

  “No, we’re not. What are you doing here??” She tried to free her arm and failed.

  “As long as you sleep in my bed you don’t sleep in anyone else’s.” I pulled her off the desk and down the hall.

  Chris followed. “Look buddy. She told me you weren’t sleeping together.”

  I rounded on him and pinned him by the neck to the wall with my free hand. “She lied.” I let go before someone calls the cops. Angela is fighting me too hard so I threw her over my shoulder on my way through the sea of parting people to the front door.

  She shoved her hand down the back of my pants and grabbed my nuts buckling my knees.

  I set her on her feet and gripped her jaw. “Keep your fucking mouth off him.”

  “Off who?” Some squeaky bitch from my left asked.

  “Nobody.” Angela glanced over at her. “We’re leaving.” She grabbed my hand and pulled me past the tacky blonde to the door.

  “You fucking whore!!!” The blonde launched herself at Angela.

  I let go so she can do her thing and watched as the two women made their way outside. It took Angela no time to ‘arrest’ the blonde against the window and tell her in her ear, “A piece of advice. Drop the desperate bullshit.” She shoved off and headed to her bike. “Fuck this bullshit. Let’s go Lars.”

  The guy she’d been kissing a minute ago ran out and over to where Angela is mounting her bike and begged, “Don’t leave. Please. I can’t do this kitchen without you.”

  “Sure you can. The only reason you want me here is because I’m a better fuck than your little bimbo over there.” Angela righted her bike and put her thumb on the ignition. “You can send my money to the usual PO Box.”

  “Are you coming back?” He glanced at me. “When you’re… done?”

  She shook her head. “I don’t think so Chris. Take care.” She started the engine and backed up.

  My intrusion led to two solid days of the silent treatment from her. She’s resorted to sleeping on the couch. Which means poor Theo, or Thor, I can’t figure out why she uses two names for one dog. When I ask she just shrugs.

  I tried to pick her up last night and carry her to bed but the bitch bit me. Every time I try to talk to her about my grocery store problem she flicks me off.

  About ten minutes before the punishment was to reach forty-eight hours she flopped down on the couch with a bottle of whiskey and said, “You suck.”

  “Probably.” I took the bottle and a swig before handing it back.

  “You cost me a really good lay.” She took a swig.

  I figured that out two days ago. “How many more of these men am I going to have to run off?”

  “You won’t meet them.” She took another swig.

  I took the bottle for another swig, and to slow her down. “Probably a wise decision.”

  “What’s your deal Lars? Either you hate me or you don’t. Which is it?” She asked sounding more irritated with me than usual.

  “Until I figure it out you need to keep your smart mouth off other men.” I held the bottle out of reach. “It’s going to cost you.”

  She rolled her big hazel eyes and picked up the remote instead. “I’m so sick of arguing with you.”

  “Then don’t.”

  She laughed flipping channels. “Yeah right. Every time you open your mouth I want to punch you in the face.”

  “You should try kissing me instead. Shuts me up, and you don’t have to listen to me be a dick. Two birds, one stone.” I offered. Seems fair to me.

  Obviously she doesn’t agree. “I’m not kissing you.”

  “I don’t see why not. We have four months to kill, might as well enjoy it.”

  “We don’t even like each other Lars.”

  “Just think of all the great angry sex we’ll have.” That got me backhanded in the gut. “Oof.” She’s got a good arm. If I’d been ready it wouldn’t have made me flinch. I need to work of that around her. For some reason I keep letting my guard down when we’re alone.

  “You’re sick. Besides, you’re definitely not my type.” She assured me.

  “If guys like that dweeb Chris are your type you need to raise your standards to a real man.”

  “Like you??” She turned looking up at me again. “What makes you a real man? You’re living with me jackass. What kind of man has a babysitter??”

  I set the bottle down and moved quicker than her, which isn’t easy, to pin her to her back under me on the couch. “This kind.” I got bit twice before she relented and let me kiss her. When she finally kissed me back I knew to leave her hanging and pulled back releasing her lips against my will, but it had to be done. “Now you can have your whiskey.” I sat back letting her up and gave her the bottle.

  “I should crack it over your head.” She sat up pulling her feet under in the opposite corner then took a long draw then sunk into the couch.

  “You can, but it won’t change the fact that you kissed me back.” I pointed out sitting up a little straighter to enjoy the taste of her kiss lingering on my lips. Damn she tastes good marinated in whiskey.


  Damn him.

  Why did he have to kiss me so thoroughly?? And all in the span of like five seconds. He teased me. He powered through until I caved, then quickly took himself away. I have this image of a carrot being dangled in front of a horse’s nose to make him walk in my head. I hate carrots.

  I found a movie then dropped the remote in his lap, “Don’t like it, change it. I don’t care.” I took one more small sip from the bottle then handed it back. “Keep that.”

  “Where are you taking us now?” He asked setting the bottle on the floor to his left.

  “I don’t know. I was just driving. It happens a lot, you’ll get used to it.”

  “That will only work for so long. I need to find work. Slider only gives me so much money a month, so I will need to find work.”

  I sighed having forgotten about that during my withdrawal the last two days. “Oh yeah. What kind of work do you want to do?”

  “Having to check the ‘Have you been committed of a felony?’ box doesn’t leave me too many options.”

  “True. When I sober up I’ll give it more thought. I know a lot of people across this country who pay under the table. There has to be something you can do. By the way, why don’t you have a parole officer?”

  “I do. I’m allowed to check in by phone, except pay phones are hard to find anymore. I’ll use your phone when it’s time.”

  “You don’t have a cell phone?” I asked realizing I’ve never seen him with one.


  I shook my head. “Tomorrow.” The whiskey is kicking in making me sleepy. I covered a yawn and thought about getting up.

  He slid over and dropped his arm around my shoulders.

  “What are you doing?”

  He slapped a pillow on his lap. “Lay down. I want to watch this on the big TV.”

  “Fuck it. Behave yourself.” I slid down and curled up to get comfortable. Huh. This is cozy.

  He grabbed a handful of my ass. “Stop bossing me around. You’re the babysitter, not my mother.”

  “You have a mother? I thought you were hatched.” I asked thinking I’m funny.

  “Doesn’t everyone?” He asked as if dismissing the subject.

  “Is she- Alive?” I half tried to look up for him but it was too far so I gave up and put my ear back on his thigh.


  “Do you talk to her??” I can’t imagine him with a mother. Is he a jerk with her too?

  “Go to sleep Angel.” He patted the side of my knee that’s pulled up to my chest.

  “My name is Angela.” I yawned.

  “I’m well aware of that.” He stumped me with that one. Fortunately I’m too drunk and tired now to care and fell asleep.

  The next morning I roll
ed to my back and covered my face with my hands. “Ow. We’re not driving today. I’ll puke.”

  “We need to do something.” He informed me sounding angry as the bed moved indicating he’s getting up.

  “I’m going to drink water, sleep, and pee all day.”

  The covers disappeared. “Get up Ranger. If you lay in that bed all day I’ll end up in there with you, and we both know how that will turn out. Brush your teeth so you can earn your breakfast.”

  “What? Never mind. Go away. I’m sleeping.” I rolled back over and hugged my pillow.

  “You have five minutes Angel, or I drag you off that bed.” His threat was amusing.

  Too bad I didn’t take it seriously.

  Five minutes later I’m kicking and punching at him while hitting the floor. “You dickhead!!” Cold water hit my face. “Asshole!! What the hell?!!”

  “I told you to get up.” A towel landed over my head. “Dry off and get your ass cleaned up and in here. We need to talk.”

  “Oh!! NOW you want to talk?!” I threw the towel back at him missing. “I hate you.” It took me twenty minutes to shower and clean myself up enough to face him again. I was also waiting out the Tylenol.

  No amount of Tylenol could have prepared me for Lars while suffering a hangover. Fucker hid my gun. That’s the only reason he’s still alive.

  After a big breakfast and a run I fell back in the couch panting for breath. “You. Suck.”

  “Paybacks.” He dropped a bottled water on my stomach.

  “For what?? Getting drunk on you last night?” I pushed up to drink the water.

  “No, for trying to fuck me in your sleep while you were drunk off your ass. Get up.” He ordered.

  I cringed and tried to remember. Nope. Nothing. I sniffed my shoulder. “Crap.” I stink. “I need another shower.”

  “You need to listen up. No more kissing on other men. If you need to get laid you have a perfectly willing man right here.” He’s slamming dishes into cabinets from when he’d washed them after breakfast earlier. I’ve pretty much lost my kitchen to him because he’s trying to convince me to do all the shopping in exchange. I’m still thinking about it.

  I finished the water then sat up. “Look, I’m sorry for whatever I tried to do-“

  “Don’t apologize for something you don’t even remember.”

  “What did you want to talk about this morning?” I was too busy shoving food in my face to have a normal conversation with him. Then I literally ran off to sweat out the whiskey.

  “You’re going to have to sit still in one place long enough for me to find and keep a job. Four months isn’t long enough. I’m going to pay you to stay on longer.”

  “I’m not your hooker.” I laughed.

  “I’ll cook and do the dishes. If you do the light cleaning I’ll do the heavy. No hookers.” He looked over at me. “No men.”

  “And if I say no?”

  “Then this gets real ugly.” His tone changed to one of warning.

  “Uglier than your big feet?” I asked feeling more like my usual self. You know. The bitch.

  “Much. Are you going to make things difficult?”

  “Always.” I gave him a cheesy smile.

  He narrowed his eyes at me. “Go take a shower, you stink.”

  Lars Colson

  Something about Angela changed after that morning. She almost seems to have relaxed a good bit over the last few days of driving around checking out possible towns to settle for a while. Her remarks were less cruel and more sarcastic. Her threats were followed by hidden smiles rendering them empty. There might just be a chink in her armor after all.

  Then again…

  She turned the iPad back to me. “Check Mate. Maybe we should play Checkers. Don’t inmates like Checkers?”

  I gave her a look like she needs a severe spanking. “You got lucky.”

  She cringed knowing she’d gone too far with the prison remark. “Sorry. Believe it or not I have an idea of what you went through. I didn’t do as much time, but I was locked up.” She kept her eyes on mine as she waited for my response.

  “What did you go in for?”

  “That’s not nearly as important as the fact that nobody can figure out how I got out.” She shoved a forkful of pancakes in her mouth. I’ve noticed she likes my pancakes.

  I thought about that for a minute. “Wait, are you saying you were the first to break out of this pen?”

  She nodded, “And knowing how could allow a lot of nasty people to do the same should I open my big mouth, which I have no intention of doing, but they don’t know that. The problem is the people who locked me up will either kill me, or put me back in if I so much as surface for a second. That’s why no cops. All the cops want to do is pick my brain then lock me back up.”

  I sat back studying her. “What did you go in for?”

  She stabbed at the scrambled eggs a few times. “Mind your own business Lars.”

  “You are my business. What did you do?” I’m pushing her I know, but I need to know.

  She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about it. If you expect me to stick around you need to let it go.”

  “For now. Are you going to stick around past four months? Nobody in their right mind is going to rent me a place to live. If I stay in motels I’ll basically be working for the roof over my head with no chance of getting ahead.”

  She shrugged. “We’ll talk about it again in four months. I’m not very good at sitting still.”

  “When we’re done eating I want you to help me research jobs for ex-cons. That should give us an idea of where to go next.”

  She cleared her throat. “Lily?”

  “Here Miss Angela.”

  “Just Angela is fine. Can you do some research for us? Lars here needs a job.” She asked between bites. Bitch can eat. I like it. I also like that she seems to enjoy my cooking.

  “Might I suggest the mob? I hear they’re in need of some henchmen.” Lily replied all too easily.

  Angela snorted almost choking on her bite of sausage. “Oh shit. Ouch. Don’t do that when I’ve got a mouthful.”

  “Fuck you Lily.” I shot back flicking off the ceiling even though I know her CPU is in the dash. Her speakers are in the ceiling. Lily and I don’t get along real well. I think she sees me as an annoyance to her new best friend Angela.

  “You can if you’d like sir, but I’m afraid my exhaust pipe is a little to large even for a man your size. Perhaps a hooker would be more to your liking. I can find four within a thirty-“

  “Enough Lily.” Angela cut her off.

  “Yes Miss.”

  I sat back losing my appetite. “Who programmed this bitch?”

  “Joe said some chick named Laney. Evidently she’s a bit off her nut. He warned me there could be some sarcasm involved. Lily?”

  “Yes Miss?”

  “Let’s try to find our friend here some serious help, shall we?”

  “Yes Miss.”

  “She doesn’t like me either.” I complained then wondered why I give a shit. Oh yeah, I’m stuck with these two for a few months. Longer if I can’t get my shit together. Angela is growing on me for some fucked up reason. I’m not sure if I like her, but she tastes good, and she keeps me on my toes. I can’t remember the last time I actually found someone to be anywhere near this entertaining.

  “That probably has more to do with her man-hating programmer than your personally.” Angela sat back and put her hand on her stomach. “Did you pick up any training for your release while inside?”

  “I can do all facets of construction from swinging a hammer to electrical and plumbing. The problem isn’t my skillset, it’s my record. They offer you any release training?”

  “I wasn’t supposed to get out.” She replied casually. “that boils us down to small towns. Hear that Lily?”

  “I figured that out ten minutes ago Angela.” Lily informed her curtly.

  “A simple yes or no would suffice.” Angela rolled her

  “Yes Miss.”

  “I’m not sure I like the idea of living with two smart ass women.”

  “Trust me, we’re not happy about living with your big grumpy ass either.” She gathered her dishes and got up to put them in the sink. “I’m going to lay down until this headache subsides. If you put the leftovers away I’ll do the dishes when I get up.”

  The mental image of her sleeping peacefully in that bed is torture. “You’re killing me woman.” The only reason I’m not following her in there is because she has a nasty headache. She had a vicious nightmare last night and woke up with the headache. She doesn’t remember me talking and holding her until she calmed down.

  I got up and followed her to the bedroom.

  She glanced over her shoulder sensing the movement. “Go find a hooker, just don’t bring her back here.”

  I caught her arm before she got too far and got in her face. “I’m done with hookers. The only woman I want is right here driving me fucking insane.” I let go and stood upright. “Close the damn door.”

  “I’m too tired to ask what the hell your problem is.” She slid the door shut behind her.

  I finished eating so there were no leftovers before doing the dishes. Compared to washing dishes in prison this is nothing.

  For some reason I can’t seem to leave Angela alone. I like the way she smells. Just being close to her is enough. Touching her is calming. Unless she’s punching me in the fucking face. Bitch has a mean right hook and a hard head.

  After a full three torturous minutes of resisting the urge to join her I slid the door open and carefully sat on the side of the bed.

  “You’re not stealthy.” She said sleepily.

  “Mind if I watch TV?” I picked up the remote and turned it on before waiting for an answer.

  “Why did you ask if you’re just going to do it anyway?” She asked as I turned putting my back to the headboard.

  “I’m giving you an opportunity to be nice.”

  She turned her head on her pillow and looked up for me. “If I sleep with you will you stop this trying to act interested in me bullshit?”


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