Book Read Free

Burning Through Gravity

Page 10

by Addison Moore

  “Money can land you in unexpected places.” It comes out more of an apology. “What’s the story with you? Are you the bachelorette of the century?”

  “Not really. I’m not a fan of getting hurt. I’m not a fan of people in general. It’s just easier to stay away.” Her fork drops to her plate as quick as the smile slips off her face. People have hurt her, and now I’m one of them. “I’m twenty-three. How old are you?”

  “I’ve got ten years on you.”

  “Then you should understand that I haven’t had the time to amass the reputation you have and, if I did, I’m sure at twenty-three there wouldn’t be such generous monikers attached to my less-than-good name.”

  “Touché.” I refill her champagne flute to the brim. She’s pecked her way through her salad but hasn’t even looked at the steak. “You’re not hungry?”

  “I’m mostly vegetarian.”


  “We barbequed every animal known to man at Shipwrecks.” I’m floored by the revelation.

  “I wasn’t in my right mind. Everyone knows eating red meat elevates your risk of cancer, and don’t get me started on chicken. The entire damn bird is toxic. I think milk is lethal too, but I make concessions for ice cream.” Her eyes linger over mine a second too long. “But you know all about how I feel about ice cream, don’t know?”

  “I bought a tub,” the words stutter from my lips in that exact stupid order. Shit.

  “Wow.” She laughs openly at the idea, and I like her a little bit more. And here I didn’t think it were possible. “You have great expectations.”

  “With you here, they’ve all been met.”

  We finish up, me with one bite out of my perfect rib eye, and her with the lion’s share of the salad. At least of one of us is mildly satiated.

  The polite conversation has long since departed, and we’re looking at one another, smoldering from the flames that still burn from a few weeks back. It’s a blaze I’m hoping we’ll never be able to put out. She can deny it all she wants, but I’d bet every last cent I own that she feels the same.

  “You mind if I give you the tour?”

  “Does it include your bedroom?” Her amber eyes steady over mine, and I know for a fact the wrong answer has the power to bury this night.


  “Good.” She springs out of her seat, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Stevie Eaton has raised her defenses so high it’s taking all of my conscious efforts to scale that wall. But I’ve never been one to turn down a challenge, especially when it comes to something I want. And God knows I want Stevie Eaton. I want all of her, from the inside out. I want to hold her and promise her that the entire world isn’t out to hurt her—least of all me.

  She will get the tour of the bedroom. It may not be today, but I’ll make sure that, soon enough, it’s her favorite room in the house.

  I walk her through the main living areas then downstairs to the back of the property. The house sits nestled on a hundred and twenty acres. It may not be close to the beach, but I wanted space and privacy more than I wanted to hit the surf in the morning. I bought Cash the beach house hoping he’d keep out of trouble. Not sure I quite succeeded in that.

  “Nice.” She takes in the rolling green hills. “What’s over there?”

  “Avocado grove. This is a working ranch, at least that portion of it. I make a decent living just off the groves alone.”

  “But that’s not your bread and butter these days. Jinx looks like he’s doing pretty well for himself.” She glances down to my feet where the cat is threading himself between us. I pick him up and give him a quick scratch.

  “That he is.” I drop a kiss to his head before gently tossing him back to the ground. “What I really want to show you is this way. We head toward the stables, and immediately her eyes widen. My heart gives a few good thumps. “Have I impressed you yet?” I want to do just that. I want to impress her so damn much she never wants to leave, but, of course, it’s me that I’m hoping she’ll stay for, just like she stayed two weeks at that beach house without a single thought about my bank account.

  “Is that what this is? You trying to impress me?” A laugh bubbles from her throat, and I want to bow down and kiss her neck, feel it tremble for me.

  “Me trying to impress you is what everything will be from now on.” I take her hand and help her down the rocky steps as we make our way to the corral. She might have refused me if she wasn’t wobbling on her heels. I’m sure she wasn’t counting on the hike. “That was me being honest.” I give a sideways grin as we enter the cool shade of the stables.

  “Well, then, I’ll be honest.” Her fingers slip from mine as she takes in the shadowed space. The smell of crap and hay clogs up our senses as the sunlight dapples through a crack in the ceiling setting her hair on fire. “I rode a horse the day my sister died. I let the wind take us wherever it wanted and rode that beast until sunset.” She gets lost in a daze staring off past the saddles back in time to that fated day. “The next time I rode was that evening with you.” She snaps back to reality and shoots a grim look my way. “So—here we are.” She looks around. “Third time’s a charm.”

  “Stevie.” I wrap my arms around her waist, and she doesn’t stop me. “I’m sorry to hear that. I had no idea.”

  “How could you? Plus I wanted to ride that night.” She slips my hands off and steps deeper into the stable. “Just like I want to ride now.”

  “I’m glad.” I let my pride and joy out of her stall. “This is Bell, a behemoth quarter horse. She’s participated in a few meets down at Hollywood Park. I’ve had her going on forever. Now she’s just here, killing time. For the most part she’s the stable manager’s baby. Jinx sort of took over my life these last few years.”

  “And now that’s your baby?” She glances down as she says it.

  “That’s right. You up for a quick ride?”

  My eyes snag back on those skintight jeans that give glory to her every beautiful curve, and I’m pretty glad she’s wearing them for two reasons. One, I get to enjoy the view. And two, I wanted us to ride.

  Her mouth opens and closes, and I resist the urge to kiss her.

  “There’s just one horse.”

  “Looks like I’ll have to get another one. But for now, we’ll go double.” I pull the largest saddle I’ve got and situate it before mounting Bell and pulling Stevie up with me. She’s seated mostly over my lap, so if I’m not careful things can get dicey. At this point my body is pretty much trained to respond to hers in the most positive way possible—and I want it to, I’m just not sure it’ll be appreciated.

  We ride out past the groves toward a migrating trail that takes us to the top of the hill, and we pause soaking in the distant ocean view. The sun is just a thin tangerine line lying over the water, and you can see Santa Barbara Island rising out of the horizon like a dinosaur rousing from its slumber.

  “Amazing.” She shakes her head. “Okay, so I’ll admit it.” She twists into me as much as she can. “The official tour has managed to impress me.” There’s the slight hint of sarcasm in her voice, and she feels like the old Stevie again.

  “It’s the unofficial tour I’m hoping to impress you with.”

  She glances down to my chest, then lower. “I know.”

  Here it is, my moment to make restitution if at all possible. God knows I want to. The worse that can happen is that she knocks me to the ground, and I break my back.

  “Evelyn is interested in you,” she whispers.

  “Is she?” I know for a fact she is.

  “You’re the truth teller around here. You tell me.”

  “Okay, she is.” I rest my head over her shoulder a moment, and her soft cheek touches mine. “But the feeling isn’t mutual. I promise you that.”

  “How can you be sure?” Her teeth graze over her lips, and my stomach pinches tight. “I mean, you did sleep with her just a few weeks before you slept with me. One might say we’re on an even playing field. And, for all I know, I�
�m on an even playing field with a lot of girls.”

  “You’re not. I swear it.” My arms circle her waist, natural as taking my next breath. “You’re in a league all of your own, Stevie. There’s not a girl like you, nor has there ever been.” She glares at me from over her shoulder. “I swear on my father’s grave that you mean far more to me than Evelyn ever did or could. At one point I thought we were a perfect fit. I was wrong, and, ironically, she was the one to show me that.”

  “Do you think we’re a perfect fit?” Her cheeks deepen with color, and, once again, I can’t figure out how to read it.

  “I know we are.” My breathing grows erratic, and my dick is ready to go off like a bomb.

  “That doesn’t say a lot.” She’s still raking those warm eyes over my features. “You believed Evelyn and you were a good fit. I guess you have bad relationship radar.”

  “Evelyn and I were a mistake from the beginning. My heart was hollow, and I had no idea what love was, what it could be.”

  “So you know all about love now?” She lowers her lashes a moment.

  “I’m getting there.” I lean in and touch my face to her hair. “Can I kiss you?”

  She leans back and takes me in. A fire dances in her eyes as she shakes her head.

  “I think you should kiss Evelyn. If you ever want anything with me, I want you to be sure it’s over between the two of you.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?” I growl it out low, not the least bit amused at how far back we’ve sailed.

  “Date her.”

  “Date her?”

  “That’s right. After a few intimate nights, if nothing progresses past the friend zone, you should know where things are going.”

  “Nothing will progress past the friend zone. I can assure you of that.” I lean back and let out a breath I’ve been holding for the last twenty minutes.

  “Good. Then it’s settled. Once the two of you figure things out, let me know either way. And, if you’re still interested in pursuing something with me, we can start from scratch. Contrary to my behavior, I’ve always been a sucker for a good, slow burn.”

  She throws the words back in my face with a smile.

  “Slow burn.” My throat dries out. “I’m in.”

  We head back to the stall while I try to figure out how I started a date with Stevie and ended up committing to a date with Evelyn.

  Something is definitely up, and, much to my dick’s disapproval, it’s not him.


  Speed of Light


  Friday, the grounds at Jinx Enterprises are littered with far too many people for my liking. Throngs of the unwashed have crawled out from under their laptops, wandering aimlessly with their blank expressions, their ironic Chuck Taylors, and a latte at the ready. Crowds gather, watching sand volleyball—correction, girls in ill-fitted two-piece bikinis playing in an oversized litter box, their ass-cheeks dusted soft as powdered donuts. I suppose that accounts for the hordes of men with puddles of drool amassing at their feet. Ford must be so proud.

  Kinsley called as soon as I left the parking lot and has been chewing my ear off ever since.

  “What was that last part?” I turn away from the dusted ass cheeks and fix my gaze on the effigy of that overgrown cat. Just the thought of seeing the real deal has a smile cinching up my face.

  “I said, the director thinks we’re smoking hot when we’re together. He called us scene-stealers! And the writers agreed. Dillon Collette is going to be my new love interest.”

  “What?” I pinch my other ear shut. “Wait, I thought you said he was playing your brother? I’m confused.” I step into the shadow of the building and spot Ford headed in this direction with a bouquet of gorgeous blood-red roses tucked in his arm.

  Holy hell, I’m in love. Is there anything hotter than a gorgeous man bearing blood-red bits of Mother Nature’s handiwork? My body electrifies just watching him stride confidently across the cobbled walkway. The crowd parts as he approaches, showering him with a chorus of morning greetings. The girls all linger their gaze a little longer than necessary. It’s his own private parade.

  “Yes, he does play my brother”—she continues—“but everyone agrees we have amazing chemistry, so they’re going with it. It’ll be groundbreaking. I’m not sure it’s ever been done on soaps before.”

  “You’re not sure what’s been done on soaps before? Incest?” I spin away from Ford momentarily as he approaches fast with a toothy grin. “Look, I gotta go. You might want to rethink the whole brother-sister thing. I’m not your agent, but I’m guessing sleeping with your brother is going to launch your career in the entirely wrong direction.”

  A light tap flutters on my shoulder, and I jump, hanging up on Kinsley without meaning to. I twist into Ford with his handsome as-all-hell face, those glowing eyes teaching the sun a lesson on what it really means to shine. His dimples are pressed in tight like commas, and it takes far more restraint than humanly possible for me not to land my mouth over his.

  “Oh, hi.” I slip my phone in my purse just as it rings again.

  “Who’s sleeping with their brother?” His brows knit a moment. “Never mind. I’m pretty sure I don’t want to know.”

  “It’s not me,” I smart. “In fact, I’m not sleeping with anyone.” I bite my lip while drinking in those glorious long-stemmed roses. “I’ve never had a boy give me flowers before.”

  “Not even at prom?” Those laughing eyes of his are back, and that tender spot between my legs pulsates a little just for him.

  “I didn’t go to prom. I’m not big on crowds or the people that comprise them, remember?”

  “I remember. And I’m sorry to hear you didn’t go.”

  “I bet you had twelve dates.”

  “Good guess.” He touches his finger to my nose. “I had three.”

  “Sounds like an unholy trinity.”

  “Believe me it was. I was going through an experimental phase.” He pauses for a moment as if reflecting on it.

  Crap. The whole point is to make him want me, to make his mouth water like a man dying in the desert each time he lays those crystal meth eyes on my body, not to remind him of orgies from seasons past.

  “So.” I lean into the flowers and take a quick sniff and moan. “Mmm, they smell like air and sunshine.” Or more to the point like nothing, but who cares? Roses!

  “These aren’t for you.” He pulls them back and buries a sly grin in his cheek. “They’re for Evilyn.” He pumps a wry smile.


  “I thought so.”

  A thin vein of rage pulsates through me as we head into the building together. Jealousy has come to the party, uninvited, rearing all three of its ugly heads in Evilyn’s direction.

  “Do me a favor, and don’t tell her quite yet,” he says as he walks on ahead. “I’ve got a quick errand I need to run.”

  “Not a problem.” The elevator yawns open just as Bella stumbles into the building.

  “Stevie!” She gives a wild wave. “I’ve got news!”

  “Gah!” I let out a roar as the elevator shuts and bury my face into the carpet-lined wall.

  “What the hell, Eaton? Are you having a breakdown?”

  “He bought her flowers.” It comes out in a low-dying moan. I run through my entire non-relationship with Ford before the elevator doors have a chance to vomit us out. I pin Bella down by the shoulders for a moment and press my lips to her ear. “Breathe a word and die.” We step out, and I flatten my blouse with my hands. “Now, did you say you had news?” I ask brightly.

  Bella staggers for a moment, scouring over me as if she’s not sure whether to call security or console me.

  “I heard a bed opened up in Baxton Hall, and I put in for it. I’m your new roommate. I move in tomorrow.”

  “Oh, that’s wonderful!” I hop a little when I say it, and wrangle her into a hug. “I swear I’m not at all psychotic like they say I am.” I pinch a smile as we head into Evilyn’s offic

  “Girls.” The Evil One gravels it out while spreading papers over her desk and motioning for us to sit across from her. Her hair is wild as if she too just finished clawing out her best friend’s eyes. Not that I was clawing although I hardly qualify as Bella’s best friend, or anyone’s friend for that matter. I’m just now trying to dip my toe in the friendship pool. I sort of sequestered myself after Claire died and kept the world at an arm’s length, but I think I’m ready. I think Claire would have had lots of good friends because liking and trusting people came naturally to her.

  “Your hair.” I smooth my hand over my tresses as if to show her by example. “Ford mentioned he was on his way up to see you.” I cut a quick glance to Bella as we take our seats. I may have ran out of time before I filled her in on my scheme to feign any interest in him and thereby releasing him to Evil. I’m pretty sure that forcing him to date someone who is as clinically insane as she is obsessed with him will only make him want me that much more. Kinsley is right. Men always want what they can’t have. “He’s bringing flowers.”

  “What?” Evilyn slaps both paws over the desk and claws over the glass-covered mahogany. “This can’t be.” She ransacks her purse for a brush before raking it through. “Are you sure they’re for me?” She inspects me with suspicion between wild spurts of spontaneous hygiene.

  “He told me so himself. But he said it was a secret, so if you spill the beans, I’ll deny it.” I give a snide smile to Bella who looks wild-eyed and just as shocked as Evil.

  “God, God, God!” She sings like only a mad woman could. “This is fantabulous,” she chides while plucking out her compact and inspecting her face in a circular motion. She whips out a lipstick and rings her mouth a garish red. No sooner does she snap it shut than a strong knock vibrates against the door. “Look busy,” she hisses. “Come in!” Her voice rides high and dangerous like a kite on fire ready to crash over a schoolyard. No wonder Ford ran the hell away from her. But, then, she is still working for his company… And he slept with her this fiscal quarter. Hey, maybe this wasn’t my brightest idea?


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