The Return of Edgar Cayce

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The Return of Edgar Cayce Page 4

by C. Terry Cline Jr.

  The truest rule by which to judge a person is not age, but seasoning. Some old souls bring forward lessons from prior incarnations and they are born wise. When they have learned all that this plane has to teach, coming back to a human existence is a boring waste of time. Thereafter they usually go to a higher plane.”

  Q: Is there any one religion that most nearly attains the level of understanding that you have espoused?

  A: “Certain swamis schooled in the ancient Vedic scriptures know these things: when their purpose on the planet Earth has been fulfilled, they have the ability to close their eyes and abandon the human body at will. Their form of worship makes them at home in a Christian cathedral, Jewish synagogue, Greek temple, Chinese pagoda, Hindu temple, Islamic mosque, Buddhist stupa, Egyptian temple, or Shinto shrine. They believe in the fundamental truths taught by all the great bibles of the world. They adhere to the precepts of the Rig-Veda that ‘Truth is One (although) men call it by various names.’

  They accept all saviors and prophets, and honor all saints. The accent is on love and service, sympathy and inclusiveness. All races and nations, creeds and religions find a place within their fold.

  This does not mean an entity should forsake his own religion and go to the Rig-Veda instead. Rather, the entity should endeavor to lift his religion to a comparable state.

  Good mannerisms defeat bad customs, therefore practice good habits and the bad will be displaced. It is easy to slip into sloppy behavior and difficult to extricate yourself thereafter. Hence, begin early to commit the subconscious to worthwhile pursuits. Attitudinize posture and beware of affected poses. Present yourself humbly and suppress pretensions with a modest demeanor.

  Every entity has powers he himself does not always realize. It is possible to defy gravity when under stress. Feats of incredible strength have been documented by entities under pressure. Part of this comes from one’s friends who may materialize at critical times in an entity’s life. Thus, survivors of life-threatening situations claim someone, or something, appeared to guide them out of danger. It was the friends, the so-called guardian angels, who stepped in to give the entity strength and resolve. Sometimes they see these friends, other times they merely sense them. Those friends are always available to you when needed.”

  Q: What is the key to attaining a happy marriage?

  A: “As already stated herein, caring one for the other in equal degrees of intensity builds romance. Mutual need determines the depth of love. Marriage should be an extension of courtship. Romance should not end with marriage. Being cognizant of the needs of the spouse, and always vigilant in answering to those needs, happiness will be an everyday aspect of the coupling.”

  Q: Will there ever be world peace?

  A: “As foretold by the King James Bible, yes, for a thousand years after the Second Coming.”

  Q: Is there really an Antichrist?

  A: “Yes.”

  Q: What form will the Antichrist take?

  A: “The fruits of the spirit of the Christ are love, joy, obedience, long-suffering, brotherly affection and kindness. Consequently, the spirit of the Antichrist is hate, contention, strife, fault-finding, lovers of self, lovers of praise. These spirits of the Antichrist take possession of groups, masses, and show themselves in the lives of men.”

  Q: What is hell?

  A: “Hell is of your own construction. It is what you have built for yourself. You and you alone set limits of the hell you will endure.

  We are through for now.”

  Q: Will all the world’s religions ever come together as one religion?

  A: “In the beginning, Man entered the Earth plane as unattached spirits; individuals were more thought forms than individual personalities as seen today. It was Man who fashioned the human bodies which they now occupy. Hoping to discover the best form with which to experience all the sensations available to the entity, they experimented with many shapes. From tiny bodies to giants that were ten to twelve feet tall and well-proportioned throughout, the spirits tried them on. In the early period there were both giants and pygmies, monstrosities from the mixing of the thought forms. As thoughts, the spirits sought a suitable configuration for earthly existence and thus the human shape was eventually perfected in the body of Adam.

  Gradually, the laws of heredity and environment took hold. In the days of Atlantis before the great destruction, the Atlanteans were a people of extremes. Some were perfect in form with appealing features; others were afflicted with hideous bodies.

  All souls in the beginning were One with the Creator. That was the only time when religions were one as you speak of it. Man invented the rituals and taboos of various religions, usually for the aggrandizement of Man himself. In fact, except rarely, all religions are one today. It is the practice and rituals of religions that differ. These things we have stated repeatedly.

  Eventually the five races of Man will blend as one. There will no longer be red, white, black, brown, and yellow, but a melding of them into beautiful and perfect humanity. This will take millennia, but it will occur in time. At that point, with renewed appreciation of harmony and unity, in conjunction with discovery of life on other worlds, all mankind will begin to see religion in more compatible terms. This will begin to happen in the year 3300 and will develop thereafter.

  Prognosticating comes with a caveat. Virtually everything can be changed by a sum total of like minds. If Man learns to put aside hatred and overcome enmity, he will be on the threshold of universal awareness. This is what the Creator has always wanted. Toward this end, Man is making progress even now. Mankind is maturing and will continue to do so.”

  Q: Will war ever be outlawed?

  A: “It is outlawed now. Already powerful nations have stepped in to tribal disputes to end a threat of genocide. This became law with the Nuremburg trials of Nazi criminals in the late ‘40s. There will always be internecine battles between families of Man. To prevent the spread of those quarrels a strong government must be ready to intercede. For now that is the United States. It will eventually become Russia and China.”

  Q: Will there ever be an international government?

  A: “It is already taking shape with currency in common, such as the euro. Collapse of the American dollar and rampant counterfeiting will bring about banking laws that will dictate forms of government. That is tantamount to international control.”

  Q: What about North Korea’s leader, Kim Jong-il?

  A: “What about him in what regard?”

  Q: Will he be a threat to world peace?

  A: “No. He will leave the Earth plane soon. His youngest son, Kim Jong-un, will take over the government of North Korea and move toward peaceful relations with his neighbors. Other nations will thwart plots to assassinate the new leader. Kim Jong-un will lead his nation to prosperity and peaceful coexistence.”

  Q: Who will be the American president when you come back in 2050?

  A: “There are too many variables to make an accurate prediction. A new political party is forming; old alliances are changing. The best prospects are names you do not know because they are too young at this time. The American public is losing faith in their elected officials. This is a common sequence of events with declining societies. Representatives become self-serving with exorbitant perquisites. Public discontent will alter many careers.

  For the moment this consultation is finished.”

  Q: With wars and diseases killing so many people, what is the value of one life?

  A: “Every entity is a microcosm of the whole. A single molecule is a study of the universe in miniature. A grain of sand is indicative of the beach. Each life is a part of the Creator. The Creator does not look upon the mass that is humanity, but rather the individual of whom the mass is comprised. Life is a manifestation of God, therefore the value of one life is great.”

  Q: What do you expect to find when you return?

  A: “The world will be the old world yet, people will be intrinsically the same. There will always
be interest in what the future may hold; toward that end this entity hopes to be of value. But remember, rebirth of the body human does not bring with it a memory of this incarnation. That must be learned anew, with each new borning. For this entity knowledge of self will come in subsequent years following discoveries of past lives and readings such as this.”

  Q: Will you be able to reveal future events upon your return?

  A: “It has been said so.”

  Q: Do you equate yourself with Christ and the other prophets?

  A: “Absolutely not. The prophets of which you speak brought messages from God. I am devout, but not divine.”

  Q: You have said that Islam will be the major religion. Does that mean Christianity will be less important?

  A: “Not at all. Presently, Christianity is the largest religion in the world. That includes Catholic, Protestant, Eastern Orthodox, Pentecostal, Anglican, and many others. At the time of this reading, Christianity comprises 33 percent and Islam 21 percent of the world’s religions. Islam will become predominant by weight of numbers. Then it will begin to lose adherents in the next two hundred years.”

  Q: Was Mohammed a true prophet?

  A: “Yes.”

  Q: Was Christ the Son of God?

  A: “As has been stated repeatedly, all mankind is the progeny of God.”

  Q: Have extraterrestrials ever visited Earth, and will they return?

  A: “You are them and here you are.”

  Q: Are tragedies punishment from God?

  A: “No.”

  Q: Survivors often attribute their survival to God. Is that justified?

  A: “Yes, in that many times it is their friends who see them through. But the friends do not deliberately inflict suffering upon the entities.”

  Q: Please name the greatest prophets to have served mankind.

  A: “Early prophets included Hosea, Joel and Amos. Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel are Major Prophets along with Moses and Noah. Then there’s Daniel in the English Bible. Twelve Minor Prophets are named in the Greek Twelve Prophets book Dodecapropheton. Consider also oral prophets who left no record of their teachings, including Jahaziel, Huldah, Ahijah, Elijah, Jahu, Oded, Shermaiah, Azariah, and Hanani. Read 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel. As it is understood in the present plane, the word ‘prophet’ means an authorized spokesman for God. To name them all would take hours. Many have come and gone on to other planes with little notice except locally.”

  Q: Where was the Garden of Eden?

  A: “This was not a walled space with a clearly defined gate. It covered an area in southeastern Turkey near the present town of Urfa. Wildlife was abundant, food easy to acquire. Archaeologists have discovered Gobekli tepe where early Man overlooked a land rich with all they desired. The failings of human nature, including boredom and waste, ended the cornucopia referred to as Eden.”

  Q: As a result, Man became mortal and must die?

  A: “Death in the context that those previous incarnations will not be remembered, yes. But in fact spirit souls do not die.”

  Q: In the study of 14,000 readings you gave prior to January 3, 1945, you gave advice on buying stocks, drilling for oil, finding proof of ancient civilizations, as well as health problems. Is that what you intend to do upon your return to this plane?

  A: “Helping commercial interests with selfish motivations was a mistake. Hopefully that will not happen again. From this plane looking back over that incarnation, reaching the Universal Wave should not be trivialized.”

  Q: After your earthly demise, did you meet God?”

  A: “At sunrise you gaze into the golden eye of God, and in the peaceful shroud of dusk you hear the nocturnal beat of His celestial heart. Not a minute passes when you are not near to God if you wish to be. Death of the body releases the spirit to a freedom that spans the universe. The encounter of which you speak is with the friends who have stood by your incarnation. To be closer to God takes more than one incarnation.”

  Q: Does that mean we have no chance of actually meeting God?

  A: “If meeting God is the goal, you must strive for spiritual perfection. Devote your life to doing good things.”

  Q: In the Bible, people who devoutly believed in God suffered inordinately. According to the scriptures, God punished Man with terrible afflictions. What kind of God is that?

  A: “Plagues, pestilence, floods, famines, and earthquakes are not caused by God. Those are normal cycles of natural phenomena. To explain them, Man says that God moves in mysterious ways. That is a roundabout way of blaming God because He did not stop misfortunes. God has set in motion the ongoing cycles of nature. He has sent your friends to help you, but it is beyond the power of your friends to avert calamities of global proportion. All they can do is help you cope with danger. Do not fault God for natural disasters.”

  Q: Are you positive that what you say is correct?

  A: “The Universal Wave is available to anyone if they will but listen. Traveling the galaxies in spirit comes after the entity is free of the body human. If earthly Man will pause and reflect, he will hear the voices of infinity. Those who practice meditation are most likely to contact the spirits with oversights of the past, present, and future.”

  Q: Are our deceased loved ones truly with us, or do we only imagine that?

  A: “If you wish to be in the presence of a person on another plane, make yourself receptive with quiet introspection. Visualize the human form of the spirit you wish to be with. Imagine the features as you remember them, the contours of face and body. Don’t hurry. The entity you seek may be billions of light years away and busy with other thoughts. Concentrate. Do you see the eyes and brow, the lips and chin, the body as it was in the last earthly incarnation? Bask in the presence of your loved one. Upon the death of someone dear to you, for a period of time the deceased entity is with you constantly. Eventually, the images begin to fade. Do not be distressed. That means the spirit has found the way and is off and about. The sorrow you feel is for self, not the spirit who passed to another plane. Do not begrudge the transition. Be happy for them. Be happy for yourself. Go on with life.”

  Q: I am afraid of dying. Is there anything you can offer that will ease my fears?

  A: “When you are weary after a long hard day, do you dread sleep? In a truly restful sleep you are free of pain and worry. Upon awakening, have you ever wished to slumber longer? How wonderful it is when you can do so, slipping back into the unconscious. That is how you will welcome the end of earthly life. Lay down your head fearlessly and succumb to sleep. The arms of Morpheus will deliver you into the magnificent reveries of eternity.”

  Q: Can you define what is good, and what is evil?”

  A: “There is no such thing as good or evil. What many define as ‘evil’ can be forgiven. What many define as ‘good’ can devolve into something despicable.”

  Q: Does that mean there is no hell?

  A: “As has been stated, hell is created by the entity. He alone will endure the punishment of his own making.

  Do not trivialize the project at hand with temporal inquiries. If this subject cannot be treated seriously, perhaps you are the wrong one to transcribe these dictations. To minimize the readings is to suggest a lack of faith in them. If you harbor doubts about the veracity of these readings, you cannot produce notes faithfully. You apologize to this entity for doubting the source of insights, suggesting skepticism as to the universal connection between us. Answer me, please.”

  (My rejoinder): Mr. Cayce, forgive me for occasional disbelief in what has been revealed here. Admittedly, if these thoughts are not yours, to whom do they belong? Certainly not me. I don’t remember ever thinking about these topics before. When I go to reference sources to check spelling and facts, again and again all you’ve said is true. But how do I convince myself that these thoughts are not from my own subconscious mind?

  (He said): “Perhaps you need to step back and meditate on all that is happening here. Seek the truth through contemplative lucubration. When you h
ave decided what you want to do, call for me again.”

  (I said): Please don’t leave. Let’s go on with the work. Do you have anything you’d like to say at this time?

  (He said): “As concerns public celebrations over the death of Osama Bin Laden, be not of good cheer for the passing of any entity.

  Admittedly to the Western world this entity was a fearsome terrorist. Nevertheless, his passing from the earthly plane should be regarded soberly and without merrymaking. Your worst enemy in this incarnation may be your best friend in the next. Or vice versa, a good companion this time may be a destructive force in subsequent associations. As heretofore stated, judge others kindly, for that which is today may be reversed tomorrow.”

  Q: May I impose upon you for a personal question regarding myself?

  A: “No. That is not the purpose of what we do here together.”

  (I asked anyway.)

  Q: Years ago I had extrasensory perception. My father was facing open heart surgery and he was afraid. He asked me if I thought he’d survive the surgery. I looked within and saw nothing unsettling. I assured my father he’d be all right. He died after the operation when an orderly placed a mask over his face to put moisture in his lungs. It was supposed to have been there for ten minutes. The orderly forgot it and as a result my father drowned. If ESP serves no purpose to me when it’s important, I wanted nothing else to do with it. This is my first venture into the metaphysical since then. Please explain to me how I missed the signals of impending death of a man I loved so much.

  A: “Your father asked if the surgery was a threat to his life. You answered truthfully. His death was the result of a careless attendant’s inattention to duty. Your ESP did not fail you.


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