The Return of Edgar Cayce

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The Return of Edgar Cayce Page 7

by C. Terry Cline Jr.

  Why is it any less miraculous that a single cell is created from the swamp of nutrients required to make life, after which the cell divides into two, and then four, finally becoming a mass that is the first creature? One species evolved into two and then there were four. Ultimately from that one-cell beginning, all of God’s earthly creatures came into being. In Earth time it took millions of years, but that is but a twinkle in universal time. The miracle of life is no less mysterious and magnificent on the cellular level. It is matter touched by the Supreme Being. Explain that process to a child! It is simpler to say there was Adam, and from Adam came Eve and from the two of them came children and thus humanity was born.

  What made the universe? There was one cell and it became two; it is the same process on a larger scale. Science validates God. The more learned Man, the more will he become convinced of God’s existence.

  The material body that is Man has the same basic structure as all other animals. Animals are kin to plants. As has been stated herein, a single molecule is the universe in miniature. There are more molecules in your body than there are stars in the heavens. The molecule is constructed of atoms, as few as two and as many as hundreds of millions.

  Everything is constructed of atoms. The human body is not so different from all other things, liquid or solid, living or inert. Except for variations in shape and function, all things are built of the same blocks. The universe is a miracle. Truly God is great. Praise Him for what He has done!

  We are through for the moment.”

  “By the year 2042 bee populations will have declined to catastrophic levels, killed off worldwide by a deadly combination of causes. Scientists blame a fungus, a virus, inbreeding, and pesticides for the decline of domestic and wild bees. Without bees to pollinate crops, farm production declines. To compensate for the loss of produce, growers increase use of chemical fertilizers.

  It is true that the decline of bees is the result of multiple causes, but the primary reason is indiscriminate spraying to eradicate pests such as mosquitoes. In tropical and subtropical areas where mosquitoes are a problem for humans, annual spraying has become commonplace. Killing the mosquitoes also kills other insects. As a result, the food chain is disrupted. Birds that normally feed on insects have less to eat and the avian numbers decline accordingly.

  The culprits are golf courses fighting broad-leaved invaders on the greens, homeowners killing weeds and farmers spraying fields to eliminate pests. Bumblebees, honeybees, and wild bees are unintentional victims of these widespread uses of pesticides.

  When the root causes are finally identified, in 2042, further attempts to eliminate pests will also have deleterious effects on insects such as butterflies, reducing their numbers to the point of extinction. Birds will suffer, as will amphibians, and as a result by 2050 mankind will be struggling to reintroduce native creatures to local environments.

  Man has disrupted the natural order of life. So-called walking catfish, nutria, kudzu, killer bees, the spread of gypsy moths, Asian carp in the Great Lakes, exotic reptiles released by pet owners in the Everglades, fire ants brought to Alabama by merchant ships, water hyacinths choking Florida canals, and commercial destruction of habitats are unsettling the scheme of nature. Frogs are declining around the world, reducing some populations to the brink of utter annihilation. Clear-cutting the rain forests has drastically reduced the number of jungle creatures.

  Mankind will reap the sad results of wanton attempts to control insects considered as pests. Tourists in bathing suits may be more comfortable without mosquitoes and biting flies, but the ecological price is the destruction of all insects in the region, reduction of birds, and failure of flowers and crops except when pollinated by human hands.

  By the time this entity returns to the Earth plane in 2050, these environmental calamities will be uppermost in the minds of agricultural laboratory scientists. These problems will be further aggravated by the decline of potable waters as aquifers are poisoned by chemical runoff. Rocky Mountain streams, once pure and safe drinking water, are now polluted by melting snows which have absorbed toxic chemicals from the air.

  An international effort to cleanse air and waters of the world will be in full swing by 2070, but the attempts will be frustrating and often futile.

  The importation of biological enemies to combat destructive pests will often introduce new pests to the environment.

  The year 2100 will be a turning point, when Man admits defeat by the natural forces that have evolved over hundreds of years. In most cases the best defense against nature is to leave it alone.

  Two factors will become major debates for North Americans by the year 2090. The increasing tide of Spanish-speaking peoples will change the balance of races, alter political demographics, and shift the emphasis of minority education. At the same time, all things of Spanish flavor will become the major influence in music, theater, and American cuisine. America will be stronger for it.

  In the year 2095, recent immigrants in America will join those who tried to keep them out, and together they will fight to halt further illegal immigration. This has happened before in the case of European immigrants who gained political power and tried to staunch further encroachment by new arrivals from Ireland, Germany, the Baltic States, Poland, and Greece.

  2105: Drug-resistant pathogens will provoke a major scandal in the pharmaceutical industry brought about by accusations that those organizations knew they were immunizing diseases against their own products. At which point the pharmaceutical giants will lobby the U.S. Government for huge sums of money to develop new drugs to meet the threat. Antibacterial soaps will be banished.

  2110: A new species of termite will be a major problem in the building industry. These termites will gnaw through concrete and will not be affected by the usual poisons. Entire cities will be ravaged by an insect that reduces any wooden structure to shreds.

  In the five hundred years since 1500, three hundred species of birds have become extinct. By the year 2140, another 1100 species will be critically endangered. Destruction of habitats will hasten the process as species vanish forever.

  At the time of Atlantis, 10,000 years ago, the American mastodon, the American lion, American camel, American equine, dire wolf, cave lion, giant beaver, and ground sloth existed in what is now known as North America. They have all become extinct. The steady extinction of various species of animals and plants continues with shrinking habitats, global warming, and the predatory practices of Man. The American bison was almost lost but has since recovered due to conservation efforts. Do not wantonly kill anything.

  2150: DNA reconstruction of extinct animals will succeed. The Tasmanian tiger will be resurrected with DNA drawn from museum specimens and injected into the embryo of a mouse. When the cells become active the Tasmanian tiger embryo will be transferred to a species of domestic cat from whence it will be removed by Caesarian section.

  2175: Similar experiments will be tried in secret with human DNA but the attempts will fail and public condemnation will deprive the laboratories of government funds. Still, in private, attempts will continue in isolated locations around the world. In two hundred years the efforts will succeed and a reconstituted DNA child will be born. The fetus will live seventeen days before dying for want of better lungs. It will be another two centuries before the experiment works, at which point Man will consider himself equal to God. It is a dangerous premise inviting intervention by the Creator.

  Eventually, when intergalactic travel is perfected, the DNA of human and other animals will be sent to other worlds where the result can be brought to maturation and studied. In time, humans of various worlds will be discovered to have originated from a common ancestor, and this will be taken as proof there is a Supreme Being who spread mankind throughout thousands of galaxies. Fundamentalist Earth religions will collapse as men on the earthly plane realize egocentric ideas have been misguided.

  The universal law of cause and effect should be a cause for quiet reflection. A volcano er
upts on one side of the world and it has a direct and immediate effect on the opposite side of the globe. As is herein written, good deeds come back to you. Generosity returns generosity. Likewise, misdeeds beg retaliation in kind.

  Therefore think before you act. Is this something you want to come back to you? Make moves gently, soften the tone of your voice and speak with tenderness. Weigh the intent of words you speak and cast them carefully as you would hurl darts. Once thoughts are unleashed they have a life of their own, and remember that which you think, you are. The place to shape verbal slings and arrows is within, before you speak.

  Live life by two commandments: love God, and love thy neighbor. Truly these are the greatest of the Biblical rules. This does not mean you should spend your existence face down in constant supplication. Live life! Get up and be about your existence. But live the commandment with each breath and every action. Do not plot to avenge a wrong, but forgive the transgressor. Don’t burden yourself with a grudge against a fellow entity. Be kind to those less fortunate than yourself. Do these things and the Creator will be well pleased.

  Being generous is more than giving to charities. It is giving of self as well. A forgiving attitude and generosity of spirit have the weight of gold. A benevolent outlook will shine through to your fellow man, and nobody will benefit more than will you yourself.

  The most damaging threat to mankind is the collective attitude that the world is beyond repair. Immersed in bad news, surrounded by disasters, discouraged by financial reversals, suffering deflections from ambitious goals, it is easy to become depressed and discouraged. Back up, take a deep breath and look at the reality of the current plane.

  Yes, there is hunger. Yes, there are wars and pestilence. Suffering comes in many forms. But hardships and deprivations of today are no worse than those of years past.

  Americans have more miles of good highways than any nation in the world. Medical services are excellent. Wars are being fought in other lands, not on U.S soil. No longer are women in the U.S. denied the right to vote or to own property. More citizens enjoy equality of status than ever before. Violent crime has diminished. It is not government policy to seize citizens and cause them to disappear forever. Public executions are a thing of the past. Religions flourish without dictating public policy to the body politic. Through the American courts, citizens have the means to redress abuse. The majority of homes are safe from invasion. Most cities have police protection, fire departments, libraries, and hospitals.

  There are conditions about which to complain and always will be. It is not a perfect world, but in many ways America is the best country on the planet. Social ills are soon confronted. Somebody somewhere is constantly striving to improve this or that flaw in the fabric of American life.

  America is the cornucopia pouring forth abundance to other nations. Americans are the best hope for world peace. Her people are generous.

  Man will survive the millennium in great measure because of America.”

  Q: What is the difference between spirit and soul?

  A: “The soul of Man is a manifestation of God. God made the souls to be his companions, endowed them with divine attributes and gave to them free will. The souls, still in spirit form, chose self-aggrandizement to the extent they became entangled in matter. Their downfall was a disappointment to the Creator. God Himself oversaw the making of Adam who was the first begotten of the Father. He was encased in matter but he was the perfect man. Adam likewise fell.

  Spirit is the primary beginning, the first cause, the motivating influence. God is spirit. The mind of Man is an effect of spirit. Spirit is an essence without form, as gas, odor, and wind; time and space are concepts created by spirits.

  Before birth there are four levels of spirit, which is to say four levels of awareness. The fourth level gives Man insights close to godlike, including the continuum of time and space without limits. But upon birth, the fourth spirit is lost and Man then has the three spirits of human form, including knowledge of who he is and what he is; the three levels of spirit give Man insight into his mortality, his connection to the Creator, and some understanding of the three-dimensional world of the Earth plane. The spirit of Man is the creative aspect of his existence. When Man dies, he regains that fourth level of spirit as herein described.

  Soul is the residue of spirit, the reservoir of Man’s experience, the personality he has been. Soul is the heart of the person. People say he is a good soul. Bless his soul, they say.

  The soul is that which the Supreme Being gives to every entity or individual in the beginning. It is the soul that is seeking the home again or place of the Creator. The subconscious mind is an attribute of the soul. When Man first entered the earthly plane, his soul was a spiritual entity in which there was embedded a spark of Divine Fire. It was Man not God who brought into existence the physical bodies in which the soul now lodges while on Earth.

  In other words, soul is the luggage in which Man transports the sum total of his earthly existences.

  We are finished for the time being.”

  Q: Is it necessary to enter the Earth plane as matter in order to advance the soul?

  A: “Not necessary, but existence in the Earth plane, or the plane of some similar world, will help in the development of soul. To advance the psychic soul one must undergo the growth of experience, whether on the planet Earth, or any of the similar worlds available to the entity. Growth is attained through resisting selfish lusts, ego-enhancing pursuits, and temptations to enrich self through dishonest acts. Knowing that fire burns we do not thrust a hand into flames. Knowing the karmic result of sin makes it easy to resist evil. In human form, we know better and yet often yield to temptations. Denying self the pleasures of transgressions is the way to psychic growth.”

  Q: From the Universal Wave, considering a return to the Earth plane, do we have a choice of where we will be born and under what circumstances?

  A: “From the vantage of the spirit plane, we know what experiences we need to progress. We select a general existence that will best fulfill our karmic needs, male, female, one race or another. Having been born to the existence and deprived of the overview of the fourth level of spiritual awareness, we are less philosophical about the ordeal we suffer. Unaware of how we got there, suffering accordingly, this is the grit of spiritual advancement. Make the most of your existence; serve the needs of others, follow the commandments, and in the twinkling of the cosmic eye you will be back to the Universal Wave in a more advanced spiritual state.”

  (From a woman who lives in New Zealand):

  Q: If it is true that I as a woman create my own universe, and my husband creates his own universe, and these are in conflict with one another, how is the reality of the conflict resolved? (We are now divorced.)

  A: “There is no conflict; these are parallel universes— you may share them or not but that does not alter your universe or his. In your sleep if you dream, and in his sleep he dreams, and neither of you dream of the other, in no way do these dreams clash with one another. Upon awakening, you are together (or not) and the reality of the Earth plane is established once again. It is possible for a family of several entities to each have a universe of their own, interlocking or separate from one another. The choice of universe is up to you, in the spirit realm and in the Earth world as well.”

  Q: Are Americans in good hands with the present politicians?

  A: “As has been indicated herein, those who are dedicated will continue to act on behalf of their constituents. Almost all politicians are good representatives when first elected to office. Over a period of time they become frustrated by an inability to accomplish what they set out to achieve. Cynicism sets in and the politician begins to think more and more about what must be done to get reelected to office. The people who elect the officials are also responsible for the onset of bitterness that politicians begin to suffer. With angry correspondence, insulting face-to-face confrontations, letters to newspaper editors assailing the politicians, constituents in
duce a state of resentment. Eventually the disillusioned politician feels he has given more than voters deserve. The art of politics is compromise. All too often people feel betrayed by the politician’s compromises, when in fact that is the only way anything will be accomplished. The candidate may even learn to despise the people who put him in office. This is not new. Citizens insulted the first meetings of the Roman Senate, about 500 BC, when elected representatives were chosen from the richest members of the Roman Republic.”

  Q: Another question about reincarnation. If we have a choice about where and with whom we wish to be born, how do we end up with so many of the relations we’ve had in prior incarnations?

  A: “Although it may not be the wisest choice, entities tend to go where they know other entities. Thus relatives from the past tend to come together in the same proximity. Entities may renew connections with past relations, but not necessarily be linked in the same way. Fathers become brothers, brothers become mothers, and sisters are males in a mixed bag of blood relatives. Connecting again with a former relative may be a good karmic lesson if the previous relationship was abandoned without resolving troublesome issues.”

  Q: Are you saying we can’t deliberately team up in the same way with past loved ones even if we want to?

  A: “Not at all. You may elect to meet old loves and cruise through an existence with no karmic challenge. But the mortar of psychic building is trial, not contentment. Adversity is the way to build character and improve karmic standing.”

  Q: You’re saying we have to suffer to advance. Is this why God-fearing people of the Bible suffered such horrible lives?

  A: “Heat of a furnace anneals steel and human suffering tempers the soul.”

  Q: Why would anyone follow Christ since to do so guaranteed a miserable ending? Why didn’t Jesus protect his disciples?

  A: “We remember those who suffered. The agony of crucifixion is an indelible image imprinted upon the consciousness of mankind. There were countless souls who encountered no pain at all. Their stories are seldom recalled. Keeping the faith throughout torment is a test to be admired. This is not to say you cannot have happiness; indeed you can. But remember the poet’s line that luck’s a chance and trouble’s sure. Bad things are bound to happen in life. When they do, meet them with confidence. Know that your soul is maturing with the experience. Do not abandon hope. Persevere. Have faith. That is how the soul is strengthened and karmic debt is resolved.


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