Blue Plague (Book 7): Hope

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Blue Plague (Book 7): Hope Page 13

by Thomas A. Watson

  “Ooofff,” Bruce grunted, spinning around and grabbing Stephanie’s shirt pulling her toward him, then spun her around and wrapping his arm around her.

  “My titties!” Stephanie screamed as Bruce fell back, keeping the two pulled to his chest.

  Jake winced as Bruce landed with both on his chest. Seeing stars, Bruce wrapped his legs around them and held them tight as he tried to get air back into his lungs. “Let me go, I’m going to kill those cocksuckers with my bare hands!” Angela shouted.

  “Calm down!” Bruce bellowed in their ears, making both wince.

  Slowly, the two quit fighting, realizing they couldn’t do anything except claw his arms and they were gradually stopping that. As the two stopped trying to claw his arms apart, they sat breathing hard as Bruce held them tight.

  “You will get a say because you were on the team, but it’s for the team to decide what happens to someone who acted as a coward in combat, not just you two,” Bruce said calmly.

  Feeling the two relax, he slowly eased the strength in his arms and they didn’t try to get away. “Okay, Bruce,” Stephanie said calmly. “But if Omega doesn’t come down hard on them, I’m kicking everyone’s ass.”

  “Stephanie-,” Bruce started and she cut him off.

  “No, Bruce. That was our kids out there along with our clan, and those two put them in danger.”

  “So, I take it, you want to come down on those that Danny hit also?” Bruce snapped. “This was their first time to see walls of blues coming at them.”

  “You don’t run,” Angela said. “None of the others in Omega have ever even tried.”

  It was in that instance that a light went off in Jake’s mind. That’s why his Dad did a lot of the things he did in combat, to show everyone he’s not even worried. Like pulling Buffy up on the RG and dancing as a horde was charging. Yanking his sword out when they were surrounded. His Dad was showing everyone he may be scared, but he wasn’t worried. If death found him, it would find him fighting.

  “Now, can I let you up and you two not try and kill people?” Bruce asked, barely holding them anymore.

  “For now,” Angela mumbled and Stephanie nodded. As Bruce let them up, Jake turned and saw Mike had Nancy down in a bear hug with his legs wrapped around her.

  “I hope Mary never goes off like that because she will whoop my ass,” Jake mumbled as Matt moved beside him.

  “Easy for you to say,” Matt huffed. “Danny can almost kick my ass now when she’s not mad. I don’t want to fight her mad.”

  “We need to train more,” Jake said turning to look at Matt. “Once a week, you and I will spar.”

  “Deal,” Matt said, watching Angela and Stephanie get up.

  “You squished my boobs,” Stephanie said spinning around as Bruce got up.

  “I tried not to so don’t,” Bruce snapped. “They are big as hell and I had spider monkey over here trying to climb on my back.”

  Not able to help it, Stephanie grinned. “Yeah, don’t let spider monkey get your back because she’s hard to get off.”

  “Hey, both of you are pregnant, so I couldn’t do much,” Bruce chuckled then got an evil grin. “Can I kiss them now and make them better?” he asked reaching out for her chest wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Not now, they still hurt,” Stephanie snapped. “Angela hit them with her elbow like a hundred times.”

  “I was trying to get out,” Angela huffed as Bruce reached out, grabbing her.

  “Find a babysitter this afternoon, I’m painting toes and getting kinky,” Bruce whispered then grabbed Stephanie. “I’ll be gentle, but I have to kiss the boobies to make them better.”

  “Oh, yeah,” Angela grinned.

  “I want timeouts,” Stephanie said smiling and kissed him.

  “Pussy,” Angela snorted.

  “I can hear you guys,” Jake moaned.

  “Cover your ears,” the three said at the same time.

  Everyone turned and saw Nancy helping Mike up. “Surprised she stopped already,” Bruce mumbled.

  “Dad shouted he was about to choke her out,” Matt said with a grin.

  Everyone chuckled and Jake looked around at the crowd and noticed nobody had gone to the aid of the four troopers that were down. “Uh oh,” Jake said with wide-eyes and everyone looked at him and saw him looking past them.

  They all turned to see Carroll coming with a big ass switch. “If that’s for me, I’m running,” Angela said.

  “Fuck that, we are getting on a chopper,” Bruce snapped seeing the snarl on Carroll’s face. “She is pissed.”

  They all sighed, seeing she was headed for the first two men on the ground and Bruce laughed as everyone moved the hell out of the elderly black lady’s way.

  “Grans,” Darrel and Eric shouted, dropping their gear and running over to stop their grandmother.

  “If those boys knew what was good for them, they would stay the hell back,” Bruce said letting the girls go.

  Darrel and Eric got in front of Carroll spreading out their arms and blocking her. “Grans, they been beat down enough,” Eric pleaded.

  “They ain’t been switched yet,” Carroll snapped. “You two done good out yonder and I be proud of ya, but I ain’t sittin’ back letting two yellow cowards off that wanted to run when theys no place to run to.”

  Gene ran over to Eric and Darrel. “Boys, get the hell out of her way,” he barked. “If she thinks it will help, then let her go.”

  “I think both of their jaws are broke,” Darrel said, glancing over his shoulder at the two trying to get up.

  “Nope, I know they are,” Gene said grabbing them and pulling them back. Automatic gunfire erupted and everyone hit the dirt with many rolling as they landed.

  Bruce moved his body off Angela and Stephanie, looked up and saw Jake holding his SCAR in the air in one hand and his suppressor in the other. “Boy, I’m going to spank your ass,” he said getting up.

  “Shut it!” Jake bellowed, shocking Bruce. “Am I still over Omega right now? Fuck yes, I am! Now, all you limp dick fuckers get in formation before I start shooting at you, and you can’t get far enough away before I drop your ass!”

  Everyone moved over and the three thousand plus got in formation as Jake strolled over, throwing his SCAR on the pavement. “This is my fault and I’m sorry. I wasn’t scared out there, but I was pissed off that I had to be in charge. Why? Because the last time we went out, Matt killed more blues than I did, and I couldn’t shoot enough this time to catch up! Hell, Buffy’s ahead of me now with her knife, God damn it!” he screamed, frothing at the mouth.

  “Being in charge, I can’t fucking have fun, bitches! But I fucking did it and seems some of you thought I was acting worried!”

  The formation looked at him frothing at the mouth with more than a little apprehension. “Worried! Fuck no, I wasn’t worried you new bitches! Now, I have to listen to them rag my ass!” he bellowed so loud, Jake seemed to levitate off the ground.

  “I didn’t get to turn on my ghetto blaster! I didn’t get to show Danny my new dance move! I had to fucking be in charge! Excuse the hell out of me, that I couldn’t do that and do what I normally do out there, you little limp dicks!”

  “Every troop that has been with me in the field knows I like to have a little fun out there but Nooooo, not with some of you new cocksuckers! I have to worry that you are going to fucking cry because a wall of blues are coming at us! My dick got so hard seeing that, I wanted to order an advance into Houston when they ran off, but could I? Fuck no, because some of you pansy asses thought I was worried! Fucking David is ahead of me killing blues with his fucking pistol, you motherfuckers, and he doesn’t shut the fuck up about it! My only saving grace is he had more new guys in his platoon than anyone else, and couldn’t get serious about killing because some of you were fucking worried about dying!”

  The formation stared at Jake’s purple face as he breathed heavily, praying he didn’t go for a sniper rifle and start using them for target pract
ice. Suddenly, Jake relaxed and the formation all jumped.

  “Now, as many of you know, my family loves these little outings and we have to fight to go on them. Matt and I had to fight to see who went first. I choked him out, then had to fight his wife, my own sister because I choked out her husband and my best friend. Why did I fight so hard?” he asked with a gentle smile.

  “BECAUSE I WAS AHEAD IN KILLING BLUES, YOU SLIMY COCKSUCKING WHORES!” He bellowed as loud as he could and it was reported they heard him over a mile away. “I had more than all of them and now, I’m at the fucking bottom of our game because some of you pussies were too terrified to fight!”

  Closing his eyes, Jake straightened up, taking a deep breath to relax again and the formation gave a startle like a flock of birds. Opening his eyes, Jake smiled at the formation. “Even though I’m getting beat by all my family in our little game, I will take responsibility for you pussies, but this will be the last fucking time because Buffy killed over a dozen with her fucking knife,” he said still wearing the smile speaking loudly but calmly.

  The smile dropped off and the formation moved like it was about to run. “She killed two fucking matrix kids with her knife! Do any of you fucking know how hard it is to chase those little bastards down and stab them in the head?” he said with his voice getting louder.

  Throwing his hands out and taking a deep breath calming back down, Jake let the breath out slowly. “Now,” he said acting like he was trying to remain calm. “Because we had some pussies with us, I’m at the very bottom in the family game. Am I mad? I’m not going to lie,” he said looking at the formation. “I’m fucking livid, but I’m going to let it slide this time and this time only. I’m going to go out on my fucking own to get back in our game. You motherfuckers ever make me get at the bottom of our game again, I swear to God and everyone here I’ll string your ass up in a tree using your ass for bait till I’m winning the game again.”

  “Each and every one of you better thank God I won to be the first out because Matt would’ve shot some of you pussies. Matt and I don’t like getting on the belt-fed machine guns because we can’t keep an accurate count on how many we kill. If the blues are kind enough to gather in large groups for us, Matt and I feel we should respond to that kindness by taking them out one at a time, to show them we care and to be thankful.”

  Jake stopped, looked around, and saw many of the new people were actually trembling. “Danny, Mary, and Buffy don’t really care. They are just happy to sling some lead and kill the fuckers. I didn’t add Mindy, David’s wife, because she was,” he stressed loudly. “At the bottom of the list because little Mindy likes to shoot them in the legs and watch them crawl around before she kills them. She has her own game to see just how much damage she can do to a blue before it dies. Now with the magic bullets she is just killing them outright, but thanks to you bitches, she’s ahead of me.”

  Spinning on his heel, Jake started pacing in front of the formation. “I will take responsibility for some of you acting like pussies and if you don’t believe me, just ask the original members of Omega. They will tell you about our game and how competitive we are. I’m going to have to listen to Danny rub this shit in my face, but because I didn’t explain myself to the new pussies before we left, I’ll take the responsibility. But this is the last fucking time,” he snapped coming to a stop and spinning toward the group.

  Like a murmuration of a flock of birds, almost a hundred troops took off running when he spun at them. Then stopped and moved back into formation.

  “But this will be the last fucking time, do I make myself, crystal fucking clear?” he growled.

  “Yes, sir!” the formation shouted.

  “Thank you,” Jake smiled and spun on his heel continuing his stroll in front of the group. “Now, about the two troops my mothers were beating down. Yes, I did pull my pistol on them because they were leaving the line to take off running. Where they were running to, I have no fucking idea because as Omega, we are always surrounded and outnumbered. To you new people that joined us, it was I who said you could join Omega outright because you were combat troops. I figured you would hold your ground. Hell, the age limit for combat troops here is thirteen. We did make an exception for Buffy because she is so damn cute wading into combat.”

  Many trembled as they cast eyes over, looking at Buffy playing with Herman and tossing him up into the air, catching the blade.

  “To all of you new people, you better ask yourself; are you really one of the baddest motherfuckers on the planet because that’s all we allow on Omega or Gamma. If you aren’t, we will find you a nice spot to play with your pussy as we play with our dicks. Now, do I have any fucking questions from you bitches who put me in last fucking place?”

  Not one person so much as moved as Jake looked across the formation. “Will this ever happen again?” he asked with a smile.

  “No, sir!” the formation shouted.

  “That’s good because after I go out and kill a few thousand blues to get off the bottom of the rankings, if I have to do it again, some of you are coming with me to act as bait.”

  A shudder ran through the formation as Jake spun on his heel and walked back across the formation to stand in the middle. “You will break down by platoons and discuss what should be done to the two cowards, but they will not be killed or expelled from this clan. That is my gift to them because I didn’t explain why I need my own time on these little jaunts in the wilderness. I’m sorry, I’m not my father who can run a battle, dance as it’s happening, then yank out a fucking sword to play with,” Jake told the group. “In case you’re wondering, he’s not in our game because he kills too God damn many and we can’t catch him. But give us time and we can multitask like him, but so help me God; if you put me in last place again, I’m chopping off some fucking dicks.”

  With a big smile, Jake looked across the formation and rocked back on his heels. “Any questions? Any at all?”

  No one even glanced around, afraid that would be the sign they wanted to ask a question. “Then fall out by platoons,” Jake said and spun around, walking over to his Dad.

  When he stopped, Bruce gave him a grin. “Very well done, son.”

  “Bullshit,” Angela snapped. “Those fuckers are going to die. I’m not facing Debbie and telling her I let two cowards live that could’ve gotten the kids killed.”

  Jake reached out and took Angela and Stephanie’s hands. “You have to, or this won’t work,” he said.

  Pulling Jake down, Angela kissed his cheek. “Okay, but if I get spanked, you’re getting one also.”

  Jake looked at Stephanie and she smiled. “Okay, Jake, but only this time,” she said and kissed his cheek as Danny walked up with a grumpy face.

  She grabbed Jake and spun him to face her and growled in a low voice. “You realize what you’ve done? Now we have to act fifty times more crazy and a hundred times more insane. Hell, it’s tiring enough just to put the front out we do.”

  Jake smiled and kissed Danny’s cheek which he hadn’t done since he was little. “Yeah, I do realize, Danny. And if that’s what it takes to win this shit, we are going to do it.”

  “Fine,” Danny chuckled then turned to Angela and Stephanie. “What the hell were you two doing out there?”

  “Duh,” Angela snorted. “Our kids were going out on their first mission in charge. Be damned if we weren’t going to be there.”

  “Hello?” Danny said, flipping her hand in the air. “You’re pregnant?”

  Angela narrowed her eyes at Danny making Danny a little nervous. “You sound so much like your father it makes me sick,” she almost growled. “I understand why Debbie said your father gave birth to you.”

  Stephanie slapped Bruce’s chest. “You had Danny, how about having mine?”

  With a serious face, Bruce looked Stephanie in the eye. “I’m not going to lie, even if I could, the answer would be hell, no.” Stephanie let out a gasp. “Hey, if it weren’t for women bearing that part, humans would’ve di
ed out long ago. I can tell you, the first men would’ve seen a guy pass a kid and breeding would’ve fucking stopped.”

  “Pussy,” Stephanie snapped.

  “Big, deep and wide,” Bruce said lifting his chin. “I’ll put on a dress right now, just to let everyone know.”

  Grabbing his arm, “Don’t do that Bruce. I was only playing,” Stephanie begged.

  Ted and Carl came over with their arms over their girlfriends’ shoulders. “What are we talking about?” Ted asked.

  “For men to start having kids,” Bruce said and both Carl and Ted took their arms off their girls and covered their groins.

  “Fuck that,” Ted said stepping back.

  “If that’s the requirement for Omega now, I resign,” Carl said with a shiver.

  “Men really are pussies,” Stephanie laughed.

  “Hey, I’ve only seen one birth and I’m not ashamed to say, I passed the fuck out,” Ted announced as Mike and Nancy came over with Buffy.

  Mike looked at Stephanie shaking his head. “Stephanie, you’re not going to find many men that would even entertain the idea,” Mike said laughing.

  Nancy nodded, “And the ones that say they would are lying their ass off.”

  “Yep,” Bruce nodded proudly and saw Buffy spin around.

  “Are you fucking stupid?!” she snapped and everyone turned, thinking she had addressed Bruce, but Buffy was looking behind him. They all moved their gaze to see Marty just standing off to the side as Buffy charged over. “I had those blues, you dumbass!”

  “Sorry, but that one was coming for you and you had your back to him,” Marty mumbled.

  “I want you to promise right now to never do that again. I knew it was coming and was going to roll with it, then shank his fucking skull as I danced on his chest so his friends could see,” Buffy shouted.

  “I’m agreeing with Jake,” Angela announced. “Bruce, you cheated on Debbie. There is no way Buffy didn’t spawn from your loins. Maybe you got drunk and passed out, but she’s your child.”

  Buffy crossed her arms over her chest and started tapping her foot. “I’m waiting for your promise,” she snapped and Marty just looked down at his feet, but never said a word. “Damn it, you could’ve gotten killed, idiot.”


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