Midnight Heat

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Midnight Heat Page 10

by Lynn Hagen

  Magnus knew that Matt was coming for him and was inviting him into the club. For years the two had been at odds and had hated each other’s guts. This was no longer about Anthony.

  It was about one eliminating the other for good.

  Matt moved slowly, scenting the air as he neared the double doors. His neck and shoulders were squeezed tight in painful knots, and the tension coiled throughout his body. Matt might be an alpha, but that didn’t mean he was invincible. He was just as vulnerable as the next shape shifter when it came to bullets or anything that could cleave off his head.

  Before Jason came into his life, Matt would have rushed the club, guns blazing, and a death wish on his shoulders. Now he had a mate and unborn child to consider. Although that complicated things, he would never regret mating Jason. Not ever.

  Nick’s little nudge to date the waiter had changed Matt’s entire world, and his perspective on it. He didn’t want his house to be a bachelor pad any longer. He wanted it to be a home, someplace he could raise his child, where his mate and pup would be safe.

  Wow. He seriously hadn’t considered everything that went into mating. If he survived, he really did need to sit down and sort out his priorities.

  He’d still run Mercury Rising, but maybe he’d let the others handle the warrants. He’d been chasing down the bad guys for more years than he could remember. It was about time he took a backseat and let the others handle the heavy lifting.

  His head snapped to the right when he heard the creaking of a door. Matt gripped his Beretta loosely, ready to shoot anything that twitched the wrong way.

  "Do you seriously think you can best me, and in my own house?"

  Matt glanced around. He had heard Magnus, but he couldn’t pinpoint his location. The disembodied voice seemed to come from all around him. He kept to the walls, unwilling to cross the room and make himself an easy target by moving out in the open.

  He jerked sideways when something flew past him. It had moved so fast that he’d barely caught a glimpse of it, though he’d felt the displacement of air ruffle his hair.

  "I’m better, stronger, and faster, Mr. Romero."

  "What are you, the Bionic Man?" Matt grumbled as he continued to scan his surroundings. He was damn good at tracking people. It was his livelihood, yet he was becoming increasingly frustrated that he couldn’t find Magnus.

  Apparently Magnus had a fondness for games. That meant Matt would have to switch tactics. There was no way he could chase the man down or fight him hand to hand. The vampire’s inhuman speed would make taking him down nearly impossible.

  But that didn’t mean it couldn’t be done.

  Closing his eyes, Matt used his hearing to search out Magnus. When the creaking returned, he raised his gun and fired.

  He heard a loud grunt and knew he’d hit his mark. Matt opened his eyes and raced toward the sound. He found Magnus leaning against a wall, his fangs bared as he held his chest. Blood seeped past his fingers.

  "You rotten fucking dog," he growled. "How dare you shoot me!"

  Matt grabbed Magnus by his throat with one hand and shoved the barrel of his gun into the man’s temple with the other. He curled his upper lip. "Tell me where Anthony is."

  Magnus’s bone-chilling smile told Matt he wasn’t going to like the answer. He pressed the cold metal harder into Magnus’s temple. "Don’t think for a second I won’t kill you."

  "You won’t." Magnus was a little too confident. "Not unless you want to bring down the full weight of the high council on your head."

  "You think they can save you?"

  "I don’t need anyone to save me," he said with disdain. "But, if you do kill me, they will hunt you down and destroy not only you, but everyone at your precious agency. I’m sure you wouldn’t want anything to happen to your mate, either."

  Matt tightened his fingers around the vampire’s throat at the mention of Jason. "There are far worse things than death."

  Magnus pinned him with those soulless eyes. It was hard to threaten a man who seemed to fear nothing, who had nothing to lose. "I am far worse than death. Ask my nest of vampires."

  God. Matt wanted to double-tap this son of a bitch. The world would be better off. At least his coven would be. It was truly frightening to know that this twisted fuck lead so many vampires. How much of his cruelty had rubbed off on his people?

  Matt wasn’t sure he wanted to know the answer. Would anyone really blame him for ridding the world of this evil?

  Magnus growled and jerked forward. The move was so sudden that Matt lost his grip. He flew backward and slammed into the opposite wall just as Colton rushed Magnus. Everything happened so fast, yet everything seemed to move in slow motion.

  Matt shouted as he tried to reach for Colton, but he hadn’t moved fast enough. Colton raised both arms and drove a makeshift stake through Magnus’s chest.

  Magnus threw his head back and screamed seconds before he crumpled.

  Matt’s breathing was labored as his gaze shot between Magnus’s limp body and Colton. When he spoke, his voice was filled with disbelief. "What have you done?"

  There was nothing resembling human in Colton’s wild blue eyes. He took a step back, dropping the stake, before staring at his hands as if he’d never seen them before. He slowly shook his head as he looked at Matt. "He killed Anthony."

  Colton staggered backward, his eyes once again fixating on the dead vampire. "He killed Anthony."

  He repeated those three words as if his brain were on some a loop, his voice barely above a whisper. He was in shock. Matt didn’t blame him. He would be too if he’d just sentenced himself to death.

  "I found Anthony in one of the rooms. He was dead. Eric was there, smiling triumphantly at me. I-I killed him, but before he died, he said his father made him do it."

  That was more than likely a damn lie, but Matt wasn’t going to point that out. What was done was done. "We’ve got to get you out of here."

  Colton nodded and then shook his head. "No, I’m not running." The wild look in his eyes vanished. Colton glanced from Magnus to Matt. "I’ve already put the pack in enough danger for Anthony. I won’t let this go on. I’ll stand before the Consiglio for my crime."

  Matt was stunned. "Do you know what you’re saying? Do you have any idea what they will do to you for killing him?"

  "It’s about time I started cleaning up my baby brother’s messes." Colton’s voice was tight with tears. Matt had never seen him on the edge of crying before. No doubt Colton’s head was pretty fucked right now. Whose wouldn’t be after what he had been through? He’d spent his entire adulthood trying to keep Anthony on the straight path, had gone to bat for him more times than Matt could count, and had just risked everything to avenge his death.

  Colton turned and walked toward the exit.

  "Colton." When he turned back around, Matt said, "You’re not in this alone. I told you that. We’re a pack."

  Colton nodded before he exited the club. Matt had a feeling Colton wasn’t going to let any of them get involved. He would shoulder this alone, regardless of what Matt said.

  Chapter Twelve

  "How long did you say they’ve been gone?" Jason hadn’t stopped pacing since he’d woken to find Nick sitting in the room with him. As if that hadn’t been disturbing enough, the guy just stared at him. Jason wasn’t a puzzle to figure out, yet Nick made him feel that way. The guy had one hell of a poker face. Jason couldn’t read one single emotion on Nick’s face.

  "Five minutes longer than the last time you asked." One emotion surfaced. It was irritation.

  That annoyed response made Jason want to smack Nick. He was already worried enough. He didn’t need Nick acting like a dick. Jason’s emotions were all over the place, too. He wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh, cry, or get fitted for a straitjacket. Were his roller-coaster emotions due to his worry over Matt or because he was expecting? Jason hadn’t a clue.

  "I can’t just sit around." Jason headed for the door, but Nick was out of the chair and
across the room in a split second, blocking him from leaving.

  The man’s upper lip curled. "That’s exactly what you’re going to do."

  "Get out of my way!" Jason slammed his hands into Nick’s solid chest but the man didn’t budge. "I can’t wait while Matt might be fighting for his life. I can’t…I can’t…" Jason turned away, fighting not to cry in front of him. "Just get the hell away from the door."

  "I’m not Matt," Nick said in a low and dark tone. "What you do with him won’t wash with me. What you’re going to do is sit your skinny ass down somewhere and wait until Matt returns."

  "You’re an asshole." Jason turned back around and narrowed his eyes at Nick. "Who the fuck’re you to stop me? I’m not a prisoner here."

  Anger lines formed around Nick’s eyes. "Throw a tantrum. Throw a punch. Throw whatever tickles your fancy, but I can guarantee you’re not walking out of here."

  Jason considered taking Nick up on his offer, but seriously, how could he get mad at someone who only wanted to protect him? It would make Jason a rank bastard, but as worried as he was, he’d wear that title proudly.

  "Don’t you have a bone to bury or a car to chase?"

  Something dark moved behind Nick’s eyes. Jason was pushing his luck. He saw that. He knew that. So why in the hell didn’t he shut up?

  "There’s a full moon tonight. Why don’t you go howl in the backyard?"

  "Boy, you’re pushing it," Nick warned. "I’ve killed men for less."

  Jason was acting childish. He normally didn’t act that way. Okay, maybe he did. He turned away and headed toward the balcony. The night had begun to cool off with the approaching storm. It was too dark to see any thick clouds, but the distant lightning veined through the sky, telling him the rainstorm was getting closer.

  He stood there and enjoyed the breeze, wondering if Matt was okay. Jason rubbed at the dull ache in his chest. Although he hadn’t known the alpha that long, it physically hurt to think of his mate being harmed.

  All he wanted was reassurance that Matt was fine, but Dickhead wouldn’t give him even that. He wanted to kick Nick in his balls. Jason wasn’t looking for pity, but showing a little understanding would have gone a long way in calming him.

  "Unless you think I’m going to jump from the balcony, I’m sure you can go hover somewhere else." Jason turned his back to Nick, angry at the guy. He was angry at the wind for blowing, the stars for shining, the crickets for playing their nightly song. Oh, who was he kidding? He was pissed because Matt was off fighting some battle and Jason had been left behind to worry.

  He wasn’t good at worrying. It drove him up the wall. He’d rather be running and screaming as vampires chased him down then sitting in a room biting his nails.

  This really sucked.

  "You got a mouth on you." When Jason looked over his shoulder, he saw how Nick’s eyes flared with anger. "Better be lucky I don’t teach you respect."

  "You’re right," Jason said while rubbing at his temples. "I’m sorry. I’m taking this out on you and I don’t mean to."

  Nick seemed mollified by Jason’s apology. His feathers unruffled enough that a touch of sympathy graced his dark eyes. "If something happened to Matt, Colton or one of the other guys would have called."

  That didn’t settle Jason’s nerves, but it was the best he would get from Nick. Unless the guy had psychic abilities, he wouldn’t know what was going on. They were both in the dark.

  "Has he ever gone to battle like this before?"

  Nick took a seat across the room from Jason. "He has."

  Jason refused to get angry at Nick’s cryptic answer. If he got smart, Nick would clam up on him. "How so?"

  He shook his head. "That’s not my story to tell. You’ll have to ask Matt."

  Jason let out a long breath and rolled his eyes. Crossing his arms over his chest, he leaned into the doorframe of the balcony. "Whatever," he muttered under his breath.

  He balled his fist and pressed it against his chest. Fuck, man. How could he…Jason shook his head. This feeling couldn’t be love. Not this soon, not this strong. It was impossible to love someone you just met a week ago.

  His hand fell to his stomach and he covered it with his palm. He still wasn’t sure if he was carrying Matt’s child. He tilted his head to the side, staring at the darkened woods. So much had happened in such a short time.

  Jason stiffened. Was that…had the shadows beyond the trees moved? God, he was losing it. Now he was starting to see things. He’d lie down for a while, but Jason knew he wouldn’t be able to sleep.

  Nick walk from the room. "Nick?"

  But he didn’t turn and he didn’t answer Jason. He disappeared around the doorframe, leaving Jason to stare at the empty hallway. Jason followed, but Nick was nowhere to be seen.

  "Nick?" He padded down the hall, wondering where Nick had gone so fast. There was a slight chill in the air, making Jason rub his arms as he sought out the wolf.

  The lights in the hallway were dim, and the floorboards under his bare feet creaked as he walked along. "Nick?"

  He jerked when he heard a noise. He never used to be so jumpy. But ever since he’d found out about Matt’s world…

  Screw this. He turned and headed back to his room. He needed to pull himself together and stop letting the slightest noise spook him.

  Jason closed the door, and was halfway across the carpet when he stilled. Something was…off.

  He stood there listening, his gaze darting around when he realized the crickets had fallen silent. It was like Mother Nature herself was holding her breath. What could make them grow quiet? Oh hell. He was about to look like a complete pussy and he didn’t care. Jason would find Nick and stick by his side.

  He spun to run from the room and ran right into Bael.

  * * * *

  Colton drove to his mother’s house, aware he had little time before the Consiglio came after him with everything they had. He’d killed a Magnus, who was not only a coven leader, but a Master himself. A fucking Master. The severity of what he’d done began to sink in.

  As soon as he’d stepped into that room and seen his brother’s lifeless body sprawled out on the floor, Colton had lost it. All reasoning and sanity had fled. His vision had become clouded with revenge and hatred for vampires. He’d wanted someone to pay.

  It’s going to be you who pays the ultimate price for revenge. He gripped the steering wheel until the blood fled his fingers, turning his knuckles bone-white. And now he was on his way to tell his mother she’d lost her youngest son.

  His night had already gone to hell, and now he had to face the only woman who ever managed to make him feel like shit for walking the straight and narrow. Anthony had been a thug and she’d loved him with all her heart. Colton was legit and that was never good enough for her.

  He should hate her. He really should. But she was his mom, and Colton didn’t have it in him to cut her out of his life. Not only was she the woman who had given birth to him, but a female shifter was rare. The only ones he knew were his mom and the two LaSalle sisters. But that wasn’t the point. As rightful as Colton would be to turn his back on his mother…fuck, he just couldn’t.

  He pulled into the driveway and cut the motor. He just sat there staring at the brown-and-white cottage as he remembered playing in the front yard with Anthony when they were younger. Life had been so much simpler back then, so full of promise. His brother had been full of so much potential…

  Until puberty hit and Anthony seemed to lose his mind.

  The living room curtain moved, revealing his mother’s withered face. She used to be the most beautiful woman Colton had ever known. Life had taken its toll on her, had dulled her hair and made her eyes slightly sunken, and her clothes hung from her frame. It pained Colton to see her this way. If his father was still alive, he was positive she would still be the happy, radiant woman she’d once been.

  Letting go of a heavy sigh, Colton got out and walked toward the house, dread knotting his stomach into a ti
ght coil. She was going to flip. The question was, would she blame him?

  The front door opened. His mother moved until she stood on the porch. Her gaze was searching as she stared at Colton. She began to shake her head as she whispered, "No."

  She knew without Colton saying a word. He supposed it was a mother’s instinct, or it could be the fact Anthony was such a fuckup that his death was inevitable. His way of life had come home to roost and he’d paid for his transgressions.

  Colton expected her to slap him, but instead, she fell into his arms and wept. He held her close, unable to tell her that he would die next. He couldn’t bring himself to say a word.

  So he hugged his mother, saying good-bye the best way he knew how.

  * * * *

  Bael appraised Jason with those cold and soulless eyes. The demon flashed him a smile, apparently pleased he’d caught Jason by surprise and that he was unguarded.

  Terrified, Jason took a few steps back. "I won’t let you take me this time."

  "We’ll see about that."

  The doors to the balcony were still wide open. Jason briefly entertained the idea of escaping through them. But the drop would injure him and there was no telling what it would do to his unborn child. He couldn’t take that risk.

  With Nick somewhere else and Matt still not back, Bael had plenty of time to torture him, or do whatever it was he came to do. Jason was screwed.

  He tried to hide that he was panting, his chest rising and falling in short gasps. He didn’t want the demon to see how truly terrified he was, even as fear washed over him in an icy rush. Bael was powerful, and Jason was only human. He didn’t stand a chance against the demon.

  And that’s why Matt refused to let you go with him to see Vane. He wasn’t saying you weren’t his equal, but facing men like this, and you’re only human… Jason felt like crap now for being so mad at Matt. The guy had only been trying to protect him.

  Bael stood there in the middle of the room. He didn’t have to move. Not when he could command Jason with his mind. The demon was dressed impeccably, not a hair out of place, clean-shaven, and nothing like Jason remembered.


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