Magic and Mayhem: Witchin' Up A Spell (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 5)

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Magic and Mayhem: Witchin' Up A Spell (Kindle Worlds Novella) (Magick & Chaos Book 5) Page 8

by Isabel Micheals

  "Can-it, Angelica! Why must you always be so negative? Look, I know it wasn't one of my best spells, but I'm sure it worked. Why was he able to shift? How does he remember her? What in the Hades is going on?” Brittney demanded, as she went storming off toward her car. “My magic has been wonky all morning. What if my spell didn't work?" she asked to no one in particular. Shaking her head in confusion, she increased her pace… almost at a dead run, as she tried to duck and dodge everyone on the street. The fewer people who saw her, the happier she would be.

  Her intent was clear, get off the streets before anyone else saw her, seek shelter in Serena’s cottage until her magic was back up to par, and get down to the bottom of this mess… fast because there was no way in hell that gypsy witch was going to take her man. Jasper was hers and she'd do whatever it took to win him back, even if it meant making a deal with a Demon.

  Once Brittney reached her car, she drove like every Demon in Hell was on her ass. The normal ten minute drive to Serena’s cottage took half the time. She wanted to use her magic, but was afraid something might go wrong. Although Angelica and Demonica had theories of their own as to why her magic wasn’t working, she’d completely tuned them out after a tongue lashing. No, she had to figure this out herself. She was a smart cookie. She could do this. Couldn’t she? After all, she’d graduated from magic school; albeit in the bottom half of her class, but nonetheless, she’d received her diploma like her classmates. Could she have applied herself more? Sure, but she wanted an MRS. Degree, not a degree in BS.

  Maybe she could call up one of her professors and ask for help, or at least some advice on how to test her powers. Yeah, that might work. Professor Blue Balls always liked the way her boobs accentuated her tight sweaters… amongst other things. He’d definitely be willing to help, or she might have to tell Principal Dried Up how she received an A in his class. Elated that she’d come up with a plan, Brittney looked at herself one final time in the mirror and then headed toward the shower. She needed to make herself look a more presentable if she was going to tango with Old Blue Balls.

  Several hours later, she was more frustrated than before, if that was even possible. Who knew Old Blue Balls and Dried Up would eventually hook up. Damn, it’s amazing what a little sex could do. Old Blue Balls complexion had shifted from a bright blue that made him look more like Stitch from Lilo & Stich, and Principal Dried Up was actually hot. It was truly amazing what a little nookie could do for a couple. Turns our Principal Dried Up had been looking for an MRS. Degree as well. The only difference was that she had succeeded in her quest, which pissed Brittney off even more.

  Frustrated by the turn of events, Demonica took the bull by the horns and finally spoke up. “It’s obvious we’re not going to figure this out any time soon, so why don’t we just relax and go out for a drink tonight. Old Blue Balls was kind enough to cast a spell that would make the women in Adrianna’s forget our debacle from earlier, so we should be okay to show our face in public. Besides, I need to be around other people tonight since you two are boring me to death.

  Grateful for her sister’s short attention span, Angelica enthusiastically nodded in agreement. “She has a point, Brit. We haven’t been to Don Juan’s since Valentine’s Day. Let’s have a little fun tonight. Besides, until we figure out the problem with our powers, I don’t think it’s a good idea to try and summon a Demon.”

  Letting out a frustrated sigh by the turn of events, Brittney hung her head and simply headed to the bedroom to find an outfit for tonight. Even though it was only four o’clock in the afternoon, she needed to start dressing now given she couldn’t use her magic. How had her life turned into such a cluster fuck in such a short period of time? This had to be Serena’s doing. Maybe if she cleansed the cottage of her Dark Magic, things would return to normal. Her powers would be restored and she could continue with her plan to win Jasper back. Hmm. That’s not a bad idea, she thought. Feeling refreshed by her renewed sense of purpose, she skipped to the closet and picked out the sexiest dress she owned. It was guaranteed to turn some heads tonight, which was exactly what the doctor ordered for her ego.

  Chapter 9

  Alec and Sophie entered the farmhouse with tears in their eyes from laughing so hard. The look on Brittney’s face when she noticed them in the diner was priceless. One would have thought she’d seen a ghost. It was obvious their plan was working, given the way she stomped to her car and avoided everyone on the street. They figured it would take much for her to eventually break.

  “Alright you two, stop giggling and tell us what happened,” Zara commanded.

  “Yeah! Did she take the bait?” Zoe asked anxiously.

  “Oh, she took the bait alright. When our nemesis arrived back home, she was flustered and desperate for answers. When none presented themselves, she began carrying on a conversation with herself, which was a bit disturbing. From what I can tell, she’s the epitome of one who flew over the cuckoo’s nest, if you know what I mean,” Phoebe said, twirling her index finger in a circle to indicate Brittney had fallen off her rocker.

  “I’d have to agree with Phoebe, I think she’s ready to break,” Zeva chimed in. “When she summoned Professor Blue Balls and Principal Dried Up, we used the opportunity to glamour ourselves and take their place. When she inquired about her powers, we threw out a few farfetched ideas, but none of them were helpful. By the time we were finished with Brittney, she looked as though she wanted to murder us, especially when her ploy to seduce Old Blue Balls didn’t work.”

  “Ugh! She must be really desperate if she’s willing to bonk a warlock who looks like he just walked off the set of Lilo & Stich. I know when we were in Vegas, the Blue Man Group promised an unforgettable experience, but he’s taken that promise to a whole new level… and not in a good way. Know what I mean? Maybe if he got a little nookie action from time to time, his complexion would return to its true color,” Zara suggested, shivering at the thought of Brittney and Old Blue Balls doing the nasty.

  “It’s funny you should mention that because as far as Brittney is concerned, Old Blue Balls has hooked up with Principal Dried Up and has found his true color,” Zeva said, as Phoebe began laughing.

  “I have to tell you, today was the most fun I’ve had in a long time. Thanks for letting me help out,” Phoebe replied, still smiling from their antics.

  Sarah’s heart warmed at the joy she saw on her mother’s face. When they’d rescued her from Jacob, their maniacal father, she wasn’t sure if her mother would ever be the same. She shivered thinking about all of the things her father had done to her mother when she wouldn’t turn over her Dark Magic. For years, she had thought her mother was dead, only to realize it was a sick ploy of her father’s in order to amass more power. Thank the Goddess he’d gotten what he deserved in the end. Now, they just needed to help Jasper and Claire. She too felt guilty for dragging Claire into this mess. She wouldn’t be surprised if the woman never spoke to them once this fiasco was over. They’d endangered her life on more than one occasion and now she had a psychotic witch trying to destroy her over a man of all things. Although Fate could be a cruel bitch at times, she could also bring you much joy. While Sarah felt sorry for the gypsy, her instincts were telling her that Claire was exactly where she belonged… with her new family, whether she realized it or not.

  "Great! Now we just need to lure her to Don Juan's tonight and take that Buffy down once and for all," Alec replied, excitedly. He couldn't have been happier that their plan was working. Soon, Jasper would be his old self, Brittney would be spending the rest of her days in the pokey, and they all could move on with their lives. He just hoped by the time it was all over, his best friend had figured out a way to keep Claire by his side indefinitely. His Beta hadn't been fooling anyone. They all knew Brittney had ripped his heart to shreds and he was lonely. His façade as a manwhore was just that… a façade. He wanted his fun loving friend back, who laughed at corny jokes, watched football with him on Saturdays, and came over for a drink and
just to chat every now and then. It had been a long time since they'd had a guys' outing. Maybe he'd suggest one once this was all over.

  Everyone had been so deep in conversation, no one realized that Jasper and Claire had returned from their walk. So, when Claire said, "She'll show up at Don Juan's tonight because her ego is bruised. She's always relied on her looks to build her confidence and what better way to do that than have a few men fight over you. Brittney is shallow, so all you have to do is show up at Don Juan's and wait. She'll definitely be there."

  "How do you know all of this? Did you have another vision?" Alec asked, eager for anything that would give them a leg up on Brittney's next move.

  "No. I've met several shallow women like Brittney over the years, and it's always the same. They're defined by their looks and will manipulate any situation to become the center of attention. That woman has drama written all over her. Trust me. She'll show up at Don Juan's, so I suggest you be ready. She's not as stupid as you think," Claire replied.

  The next few hours went by without incident. They strategized and tweaked their plan, otherwise known as Operation Take That Buffy Down according to Alec, until everyone agreed that it was full proof. Claire could sense Jasper's wolf wanted to join in on the action, but knew it was impossible. When he began whimpering, she caressed his fur as a gesture of comfort. Everyone had a role to play. Hers and Jaspers was to remain at the farmhouse where it was safe. They couldn't risk the chance of Brittney getting her hands on Jasper in his current state. Steeling her resolve, she sent up a prayer to the Goddess that all this would be over soon.

  * * *

  When Brittney entered the bar, every man in the room turned her way and perused her body. She looked fucking amazing and she knew it. Her singed hair had been replaced with blonde hair extensions she had found in her cousin's bathroom. Her war paint would have made any fabulously, gay make-up artist proud. The sexy, deep red maxi dress with spaghetti straps and a slit not only accentuated her toned arms and voluptuous breasts, but also her long, lean legs. To top off the outfit, she sported four-inch, black goatskin, fuck me Jimmy Choo pumps that had been embellished with shimmering, gold-tone stars. She wanted to send a message tonight that she was the only star in the room and dared anyone to say otherwise.

  "Damn!" Zara muttered under her breath. She had to give the woman credit, she had gumption. Her outfit was stunning, not to mention the Jimmy Choo pumps that she would kill for in a New York minute. If the woman wasn't their damn enemy, they could have been friends who shared clothes.

  "Quit drooling over her outfit, sis. We have a job to do," Zoe reprimanded through their connection.

  "Oh, shush! You were thinking the same thing I was. It's okay to admit it," Zara teased, knowing it would get Zoe all riled up.

  "True, but unlike you, Zelda and Fabadude, I know when to restrain myself. I swear, sometimes I think your real names are Lust, Gluttony, and Greed," Zoe snapped.

  "Then that'd make you Envy, Sister-Dearest" Zara countered.

  "Z. Don't make me unleash Wrath on your ass," Zoe warned. "Now zip it! I need to concentrate."

  Alec knew the moment Brittney had entered Don Juan's because the hairs on the back his neck went on full alert. He watched from afar, as she demanded the attention of every man in the room. She hadn't seen them yet, which was good because it gave them the element of surprise. He smiled when Sophie began stroking his arm in an effort to contain his wolf. He wanted to strangle the selfish, conniving blonde for everything she and her cousin had done to them. Unfortunately, now was not the time to seek revenge. They needed to help Jasper and Claire. There would be plenty of time to put that imbecile in her place, he just needed to remain patient.

  There was a part of him that wished Jasper could have been here tonight watching her go down, but it wasn't safe for him or Claire. In all the years they had known one another, they'd never gone into battle without each other. He knew things would eventually change when they found their mates, but he hadn't imagined the changes being this drastic. He had always depended on Jasper to have his back and vice versa. Maybe that explained the knot in his stomach and the uneasy vibes he'd been experiencing since they arrived at Don Juan's. They were missing something, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

  Brittney sashayed over to the bar and reveled in the way everyone was looking at her. Goddess, she'd miss this glorious attention. There was nothing like it in the entire world. Now, she needed a drink because it had been a shitty day. Once she caught Shorty's eye, she ordered her usual, a strawberry margarita. Smiling, she held up her drink in a toast and murmured, "Here's to having a better night.”

  "We look freaking amazing if I do say so myself. I'm positive that by the time tonight is over, no one will remember the debacle from earlier today," Demonica said with such pride in her voice that it made Angelica want to gag.

  It was true, they had cleaned up nicely, but something wasn't right here. There was malice in the air. She could feel it. Not to mention, her Spidey senses had been tingling ever since they crossed the threshold and entered the bar. She needed to let Demi know so they could come up plan. "Demi. Demi. Something is wrong in Hooterville. We need to come up with an escape plan and fast," Angelica insisted.

  Rolling her eyes in exasperation, Demi turned toward her sister, place her hands on her hips, and glared before saying, "Dramatic much, Angi! You always do this when you think we're going to get lucky. It's been forever. Pretend your hoo-ha is a fireplace… dust off the cobwebs, open up the flue, and let a big log warm you up."

  "Demi, don't make me tie a Chasity belt around your va-jay-jay. Again. Now focus, already. I sense a trap and we need to be prepared," Angelica insisted.

  "Then tell Brit and we'll leave. Duh! It's not rocket science," Demonica replied sarcastically.

  "In case you haven't noticed, she's ignoring us you ignoramus," Angelica exclaimed. "So, quit your bitching and help me."

  Begrudgingly, Demi did as she was told, even though she thought her sister had fallen off the turnip truck. Again. She really needed to figure out a way to help her sister embrace her hoo-ha, or they'd end up like Principal Dried Up. The mere thought of such an atrocity made her shiver.

  Brittney continued to ignore the imbeciles bantering in her head. Instead, she took another sip of her drink and enjoyed the cowboy line dancing on the dance floor to "Save a Horse (Ride a Cowboy)" by Big & Rich. Although she didn't give a damn about the horse, she wouldn't have mind riding that cowboy for the night, especially if he was hung like a horse and from the looks of him, the odds were in her favor.

  "Yummy. Come to mama, big boy," Brittney growled under her breath. If Jasper could get his pole waxed by that gypsy hussy, she could have a little fun as well. Turnabout was fair game tonight. Besides, a little slap and tickle with the hottie on the dance floor was exactly what she needed to turn the shit storm of a day she’d had upside down. She envisioned her night, ending in kisses and rainbows from all the Big Os that stud muffin would give her.

  Swallowing down the last of her margarita, Brittney sat the glass on the bar, swiveled on the stool to stand, and immediately froze. The jukebox had started playing Mary Chaplin Carpenter's "I Feel Lucky", but the cowboy was nowhere in sight. In his place were Jasper and Claire line dancing like they didn't have a care in the world. He never lined danced with her like that when they were dating, or even after he popped the question.

  Angry beyond belief, Brittney straightened her dress and ignored her inner demons' plea to leave. It was time she fixed this shit and claim her man once and for all. If she couldn't have Jasper, no one would, especially some hippie wearing, wannabe witch who wasn't even pretty. "What in the hell does he see in her?" she murmured before slowly walking toward the dance floor.

  Alec caught Brittney on the move out of the corner of his eye. He knew the moment they had come up with their plan, it'd be too tempting for her to walk away. Slowly, methodically, he watched as she made her way toward them on the dance f
loor. "Come to papa, you unscrupulous witch," he whispered under his breath.

  "Stop, Brit. Please stop! We beg of you. It's a trap," Angelica and Demonica pleaded.

  "Enough with the whining. I'm going to make it clear to everyone tonight who Jasper belongs with once and for all. I've had a shitty day and I be damned if my night will turn out shitty as well. Pull up your big girl panties and hang on because we're going in," Brittney said in a hushed voice.

  Brittney was only a few inches from reaching Jasper and Claire when all hell broke loose. Sheriff Buford burst through the door and started waving his gun around like a fool. Again. He stormed toward Shorty and said, "I'm tired of your patrons creating havoc on a Saturday night. I told you the next time this happened, I was going to Nip. It. In. The. Bud. like I should have done in the beginning."

  In an effort to contain the chaos that was unfolding before her eyes, Zara first attempt to freeze everyone in the bar resulted in her accidentally blowing up one of Shorty's stuffed animals and forcing several patrons to dive toward the floor in order to avoid becoming collateral damage.

  "Shit! That wasn't supposed to happen," Zara groused in a low voice.

  "Breathe, Zara!" her sister instructed in a soothing voice. “We need you to freeze everyone, not blow shit up.”

  "Geez! You think, smartass?" Zara snapped back, frustrated she had once again lost control of her powers.

  Taking a deep breath, she concentrated harder and eventually froze everyone in the room. Their first objective was to contain Brittney. The second was to confiscate Sheriff Buford's gun before he hurt someone, or himself. The latter was more likely. It was only a matter of seconds before she unfroze Zoe and Nicolai, as well as Claire and Jasper (aka Alec and Sophie). Stefano was already making his way through the crowd toward Brittney. There was only one problem, she was nowhere in sight when he arrived at the spot she was last seen.


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