by Chuks Gerry
Be quiet, private are you alright? She asked directing at the man on the ground.
I’m okay ma’am, they hit like ladies,’ he jeered at them as he got up to his feet.
The boys scoffed at him.
Alright back to business, you guys can all me Agatha. I work with the department of state security, special intelligence unit and with me here is private Martins,’ she said putting the gun inside its holster while motioning them to relax.
Base on a tip, we’ve been gathering informations on Alhaji Nasiru for almost two years monitoring his business dealings and transaction, intelligence reports have ascertained he stole huge amount of money from the corporation and stacked them in foreign bank accounts which he uses to purchase arms and weaponary under the disguise of the office of the ministry of defence. The arms are then illegally smuggled into the country and diverted with no trace which now points to the fact he have links in the force headquarter in Abuja. We suspected your husband got wind of this activities and threatened to sing to the board and relevant authorities before he was kidnapped alongside some members of the board whom later turned up dead mysteriously,’ she paused to make sure what she was saying sank in.
Right now I can cathegorically tell you Alhaji Nasiru is not only involve with the Al-sahad sect but also responsible for the kidnapped and assassination of your husband and his colleaugues among other atrocities. We have enough tapes and recording to buttress that fact.
What then are you waiting for, arrest the motherfucker,’ Eugene retorted.
We will but we have to tread with caution still. Alhaji Nasiru has very powerful connections in Abuja, people capable of anything. The last thing we want is for him to whistle while we are still in the game and my cover blown open, also your son’s life will be at risk too. My office has been alerted about his intentions and he will be rounded up tonight. You guys must have to follow my orders so as not to get hurt.
And you expect us to believe that you ain’t a fraud or something,’ Val pointed.
I just poured out the nitty gritty of my whole operation to you folks, classified information. Besides it’s not like you guys have a choice either when you’re on death row,’she said walking towards Hajiya Fatima who gave her a blank stare. She put her hands on her frail shoulder consoling,
I know your son, he ran here when the entire town witch hunted him. The documents Alhaji Nasiru desires from you, he thought he could use your son to retrieve it. I foiled their plans by helping him escape. Your son is smart, intuitive with an astute sense of comprehension. Please don’t believe the lies they spread about him,’ she said sternly in a sweet tone.
She braced up, heaved and took several steps round the room.
This compound is heavily guarded, it will be difficult to carry out a clapdown operation here,’ she sighed, too many lifes will be lost.
Private Martins gave her an ambiguous signal and she hurriedly picked up some of the trays on the floor.
Not too worry, do as instructed, my men are everywhere,’ she said walking towards the door when it suddenly flew open and two men stepped inside.
What is going on here? One of them asked in a slow husky tone rubbing the back of his head tiringly, they were both looking drowsy and inebriated. In that moment Agatha and private martins quickly transited to the dutiful roles of head of staff and cleaner they both were.
What does it look like; I asked the cleaner to assist me clear up the dishes.
But you don’t need to when you could have easily send one of the helps to do it instead,’ the second guy quipped rubbing his eyes with both palm.
Have you forgotten this is weekend and most of the helps are off duty? The only one available is busy at the market besides doing this myself with the aid of Martin isn’t too much trouble. Anyway I hope you guys had fun with the brandy I sneaked out?
Ah madam that was what with used to press down the sumptuous meal you arranged for us,’ they reply grinning in appreciation.
Please I hope the bottle is properly disposed of so that oga don’t set eyes on it because he will be back anytime soon. You know his stake concerning working and drinking.
Offcourse madam, that matter is settled.
She winked at them and went away. The door was locked after they’d left and everyone went back to their default position. Even with the troubled thoughts plaguing their mind and desperate efforts to remain awake, one by one they soon fall prey to the mesmerizing power of sleep.
The next couple of day that drift by added modicum of hope on what could better be termed an unfeasible attempt. Torrential downpour inundated the entire plain with water which subsequently reduces activities on the valley drastically. Aliyu brisk movements was fast paced, stealth and determined, transparent beads of water pummeled his face and body like tiny pebbles, forming little ponds on the footpath as he progresses. Using his hands as a shield and also to brush off water from his face for betterview, he hastened his movements furthermore to get back before anyone becomes aware of his absent, his thought quickened with each step he took. Today he couldn’t help but congratulate himself on fixing a major puzzle which could have been a major impediment to his entire plan. Mariam will require an update ASAP and will definitely be pleased with the news he has got, he thought smiling inwardly.
On reaching base he went straight to his lodge whistling a familiar tune in his stride. Dusk was upon the surface of the earth and the sky radiated a bluish orange hue across the horizon. Activities were obviously dead in this cold as most people devoid of any assignment chose to remain indoors. The routine gaurds were on their duty post but none threw him as much as a glance talkless of stopping him as he tottered to his room dripping wet. He stood at the doorway for a moment shaking his body ferociously before entering inside to grab his towel and dab himself dry.
Wow! He exclaimed from the chill, taking off his his wet clothes he flings them where his dirty laundries were. He tied a towel round his waist and stretched out on his mattress to rest a little before proceeding to have his bath when the door was jabbed open in a flurry and Rabiu plunged inside, soaking wet also and almost tripping on the slippery floor. He quickly steady himself gripping firmly on the door hinges, looked across the room his eyes settle on Aliyu. He took a towel and dab his face entire body, opened his cupboard and took out a bottle of gin and two glasses. He served the drink, handing Aliyu a glass which he gladly took, smiled and gulp down. The tingling effect was immediate, revigorating every single staled nerve in his system, infusing them with substance. He poured himself another shot and discussions flowed, from mild chats to clantering humorous argument accompany with loud laughters as the room was soon became filled up with other colleagues drawned by the force of the bottle of gin. The banter went on for the better part of the evening till almost midnight before they started exiting one after the other to their various lodge. It wasn’t long after they’d left Aliyu called it a night, not before stepping out to urinate, by now the downpour was merely a drizzle. On getting back feeling light, he layed down on his mattress faced up taking a deep breath.
You’re planning an escape, ain’t you? Rabiu said suddenly with a cool certain tone as if it was already public knowledge he was planning the unthinkable. Aliyu heart took several leaps as if it was lacking oxygen but his countenance remained calm, struggling with his thoughts and not giving forth any immediate reply.
Don’t let me assume you’re fast asleep already or you’d chose to just ignore me,’he continued. Someone told me he’s been seeing you coming back from the plains at odd hours,’ he said tidying his bed and landing heavily on top of it.
Whatever plans you’ve got up your sleeve keep it to yourself because I won’t hesistate to deny you peradventure you get caught.
Will you just shut up and let me sleep,’ Aliyu yelled at him. There was a brief silence afterwards following his outburst for several minutes. Aliyu turned and tossed in his bed his mind deluge, juxtaposing between his thoughts and fear. F
rom the other end of the room a lone voice pierce through, more menacingly
I want to reinforce what I’d said earlier because I won’t hesistate to deny and report you to the authorithies if I discover any unscrupulous wrong doing on your part not withstanding our friendship,’ he warned before shrugging and dozing off, leaving Aliyu nonplussed forlorn in oblivion.
Following last night epistle Aliyu had no choice but to mitigate his plans, focusing instead on work coming home very tired and dosing off immediately his head hit his pillow. Mariam played her part of avoiding him after becoming aware she was being watched, even not acknowledging his presence with a glance when they bump into each other occassionally. But things soon change when a guard, a good pal intimated her on the minutes of a high profile meeting held some nights back. Sanni had unsurprisingly been quite vocal about her case before Kazeem, berating her in the worst possible way. He had insisted she should be sent out of her quarter to leave with other hostages or married off to any of the top officers. Kazeem had concurred and promised to make his decision known on or before the initiation ceremony which is coming up in a couple of days. Mariam was stunned, taken aback by all she’d heard but nonetheless surprise. Her fate here was sealed the day she recieved news of Rasaq’s death and since then her continue survival was tentamount to walking on broken bottle. The only hope she has of not being tossed around like the other ladies to satiate their lustful desires and meeting an early grave is Aliyu. He was her plan B and its high time he manned up and get back on track she’d concluded.
Picking up some kitchen paraphanaliers that was lacking, she scribbled something on her notepad and saunter off. On the way she spotted Aliyu in the midst of his colleagues with his back to her. She hastens up, bumping onto him on purpose and spilling everything she was carrying on the floor. He was startled brieftly but soon lend her a helping hand in putting the items back into the basin. She thanked him profusely, places the basin on her head and was off on her way. By exactly two thirty pm in the afternoon, she was at the designated spot sitted on a dead wood trunk waiting. Ten minutes later Aliyu approached stealthly, looking side ways intermittently to make sure he wasn’t being followed.
I trust you to get the message and come,’ she smiled wearily at him.
What were you thinking setting up this meeting after we had mutually agreed to lay low for the time being,’ he grunted flinging the note she had surreptitiously slid to him earlier.
Plans change, we are back on course.
No way, I won’t dare risk it not when the entire sect is watching.
Tarrying further is even riskier and I will tell you why. Firstly your Nneka is in her first trimester and slowing showing signs of being pregnant, which will soon not go unnoticed and need I remind you what that entails. Secondly I may not be around for long given the plans Sanni’s have towards me. All we have is now, if we fail then so be it,’ she spoke solemnly.
But it is too risky,’ he said hesistating.
I know but delay is not an option either, we could lose everything including the possibility of escaping. Look I brought all the items you listed the last time,’ she said leading him to where she’d hid them. You are to resume back on your mission on mount Histar today,’ she was saying when her voice fades off, becoming suddenly alert.
Aliyu trusting her visceral abilities followed her lead fell flat on his belly, crawling further into the grasslands. They made an arc turn and to his amazement there was someone stalking them who now was wondering were they’d went, looking all over for them.
What do you suppose we do to him? Aliyu whispered across to her.
We can’t allow him return since he has seen us, do the needful while I tranverse the area to check if they are more,’ she ordered wandering off before he could compose his thoughts. Stealthly Aliyu approached his adversary who now was quite baffled as to their sudden disappearance. He picked up a pebble and threw it at him, as he turned around a huge punch landed on his face which threw him backward covering his face in anguished. Aliyu picked up a stick and advanced then stop dead on his track realizing who it was, Rabiu.
What, what are you doing here? He asked puzzled
Rabiu laughed dryly despite bleeding from his nose,’ I came here to catch a rabbit, heard they were much in the grasslands,’he replied cynically.
Oh really?
No, I followed you here dumbass,’he continued sitting up rubbing his bruised chin.
And why did you?
Because I’ve always suspected you were up to no good and this prove I wasn’t wrong. You and that——that whor—
You mean me,’interjected Mariam,’Aliyu I know he is friend of yours but he has to go,’ she whispered to Aliyu.
A little food for thought my men are positioned at the very exit with instructions if I’m not back soon they should come in search of me,’ he said getting up and dusting himself thoroughly.
One last thing though, the both of you should say your last prayers because you can kiss your lives goodbye on your return,’ he smirked at them turning gingerly to take his leave. Mariam gave Aliyu an askance glance which he quickly reacted to,
Rabiu I was there you know I saw everything. I saw Sanni shoot Rasaq in cold blood.
Rabiu swirled around swiftly,’ you said you what?
I saw Sanni murdered your brother. I saw them argued and wrestled, then there was a gunshot, he left him for dead Rabiu.
Liar,’ he roared,’ you’re a blatant liar. Tell me why I should believe a lowlife traitor like you.
Because I saw it happen—-—because I can’t and will never lie to you
Rubbish, sorry but I am out for here,’ he said sauntering away.
Hadiza will never had believed you’d sink this low, she wouldn’t have imagine she gave it all for this,’ Mariam yelled at him.
He stop dead in his track, made a u-turn and came back slowly,
Don’t ever you ever in your life mention that name again else I will be tempted to hurt you terribly,’ he sparked, visibly enraged.
Then don’t do this for your daughter sake, think about her life, her future.
Excuse me, Aliyu what’s this whore talking about?
I am talking about your child; I’ve been her guardian since her mother’s incarceration. Don’t believe the lies you were told that she was killed when they raided your hometown.
It is true Rabiu, I’ve seen her and she’s beautiful,’Aliyu concurred,’ you can’t possibly tell me this is the type of life you want for her. She deserve more, she deserve the best.
You’re lying both of you, I –i—I don’t trust you guys,’ he stuttered swirling around befuddled.
You think I’m lying then tell me why Sanni is suddenly so nice to you, giving you promotions, rewarding you excessively when he knows you’re the least deserving. The promotions, wines, dinner parties and ladies, everynight you come home wasted. He’s only trying to douse his internal guilt and when the time is ripe, he will do away with you just like he did to your brother. He’s a selfish prick who thinks only of himself and power, nothing else matters,’ Aliyu remarked. What we are about to undertake will bring hope to not just me, my family, love ones and the general public but also give your daughter the opportunity for a better life. You own this to Hadiza.
Rabiu wanted to say something after several thoughts, opening his mouth to speak but no words came forth, then he made to move but couldn’t pausing in his track. He turned around,
Where is my daughter? He asked swallowing hard.
She is in safe hands for now but I can’t gurantee you it’ll be for long,’ Aliyu replied glancing at Mariam.
He wandered a little while longer, grappling with the revelation.
Carry on with your deeds but know this, what will be, will be,’ he said finally walking away.
I appreciate brother,’ Aliyu said gratefully. Don’t you care to know what Rasaq last words were?
No need for that, it’s a waste of effort crying over spilled milk,’
he replied fuming as he strode along.
Wow! That was a close call,’ Mariam exhaled deeply.
Offcourse I told you so. People are watching eyes are everywhere.
And you did well letting him on those information, astute decision.
Desperate time’s calls for desperate measures, though I really wished he reconsiders and join us on our mission.
Patience is virtue; your words hit a cord with him. We will continue observing him as events unfold but right now we’ve got work to do.
After he was through discharging his duty and handing over to his relieve, Aliyu sets out for mount Histar. It’s been a while, precisely four days since he last came there and quite estastic to be back at a project he’d termed glimmer of hope to a folorn future. He carried the items Mariam brought in batches to the mountain cave and immediately set out to work. Time wasn’t on his side and going by his projection, he planned for them to be out of here on or before the iniatiation night when Sanni the presumably candidate likely to succeed Husseni takes over fully. He tied the anchor rope firmly round a huge rock boulder, throwing the length down the steep rocky slope. Girding up properly and putting on his gloves, he straddled his torch on his helmet. Holding firmly onto the rope pulling to make sure it was firmly hooked, he slid downward slowly. The cascading water drizzling all over his body suddenly began to intensify. Looking up he cursed under his breath realizing what was about to happen. He hurried up sliding down as quickly as he could, feeling the tide rise and the waterfall increasing in magnitude and pressure. Upon reaching the base, he hurriedly crosses over on top of several large rocks crisscrossing the streams to the grassland on the otherside just at the nick of time. Panting heavily he turned and watched as it was all soon swallowed up, the once gentle free flowing stream becoming a torrential maelstrom of waves rocking the entire region.
Like a fish fresh out of water he peruse this new surroundings, acknowledging how bristle and greener the grass were in comparison to what he was used to or perhaps a figment of his imagination. He broke a branch from a tree and used it to part the bushes, as he progressed. He half ran half walk for almost forty minutes before encountering what looks more or less like a bushpath which he impulsively followed for the next fifteen minutes until it landed him on an asphalt pavement. Across the road on the opposite side the path continues to a small enclosed settlement. He took several breaths, sat by the roadside watching as several vehicles flew pass intermittently. For a second he was tempted to pullover one of them and hitch a ride to guaranteed safety, from there he can easily organize a rescue mission having all the relevant details, with the entire military force on his side but then that will be jeopardizing the lives of those who’d risked it all for him. Convinced this was for real, he turned back hoping he dosen’t miss track and get loss in the pitch darkness of the night. He struggled with the poor view his torchlight provided until he was back at the stream, his heart gladdened with this discovery.