Damsels in Distress

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Damsels in Distress Page 20

by Nikita Lynnette Nichols

  Latricia opened her eyes to see waterfalls cascading down Portia’s cheeks. She embraced Portia and held her tight. She let go of Portia and turned to Ginger. “I better get that garbage bag out to the living room. It’s getting messy out there.”

  Ginger got a single trash bag from beneath the kitchen sink and gave it to her. Latricia squeezed Portia’s hand, gave her an assuring smile, and walked out of the kitchen.

  Portia looked at Ginger. “Can you believe that?”

  “If I hadn’t witnessed it, I wouldn’t have believed it.”

  “You think she knows?” Portia asked.

  Ginger frowned. “Heck no. I don’t care how sanctified a person may be. There is not a black woman on this earth who will love, hug, and pray for her husband’s mistress the way Latricia just did. Trust me, she doesn’t know about you and David. I will say this though, come tomorrow night at nine o’clock, I’m gonna be sitting at Progressive. I gotta get me some of that anointing power. Whatever the Holy Ghost is pouring on Latricia, I’m gonna make sure my cup gets filled with it.”

  When Ginger and Portia walked into the living room, they saw that Celeste had unwrapped the crib the two of them had purchased. Celeste sat in a chair in the middle of the room surrounded by a highchair, bassinette, swing, a baby bouncer, many boxes of newborn diapers, baby bottles, and so many blankets, bibs, and onesies. Someone had taken all of the bows that Celeste had removed from the gifts and put them in her hair.

  Celeste opened her last gift. She held up a yellow knit sweater and pants set with booties and a cap to match. The living room filled with oohs and aahs.

  “Thank you, Lady Elaine,” Celeste said. “This will be his homecoming outfit.”

  Celeste looked at all of the gifts she received. “I wanna thank everyone for coming. Tony and I appreciate all of you and we can’t wait to welcome our son. All of your gifts will come in handy and will be put to good use.”

  “There’s one more gift,” Ginger stated. She gave Celeste the small gift-wrapped box and card. “This one is from Tony. He wanted you to open something just for you.”

  Before Celeste unwrapped the box, she opened the card and read the words out loud: “‘My darling CeeCee, you are the love of my life and the woman of my dreams. I have truly found my virtuous woman. I asked God what gift I could buy for the mother of my seed and He told me that the one true gift has already been given. It was when He gave you to me. You are my very special gift. Inside this box is a token of my love and appreciation for having you in my life. I thank God for you. You are amazing. And I’m thankful that no one but you is my baby’s momma. Love, Anthony.’”

  The entire living room was quiet as Celeste opened the box and held up the $850 platinum crucifix she had been admiring for months. “Oh, my God,” she cried out.

  The crucifix sparkled. More oohs and aahs came from every direction.

  Ginger made frappes with ginger ale and ice cream sherbet. Portia sliced the cake and served all of the guests. The women sat around the living room, listened to music, and offered boy names to Celeste.

  Chapter 18

  Let the Good Times Roll

  After the shower, Celeste lay across Ginger’s bed to wait for Anthony to arrive. She was exhausted and needed a nap after so much excitement from the baby shower. Portia vacuumed Ginger’s area rug in the living room and Ginger put away what was left of the food. Portia placed the vacuum in the linen closet then went into the kitchen and sat down at the table to enjoy another slice of cake. “Ginger, do you remember what you said I could do with this cake?”

  Ginger had hoped that Portia would have forgotten. “Remind me. What did I say?”

  “You said I could smash cake in Celeste’s face.”

  “I said that?”

  “Yes, you did. And I can get her good while she’s lying down.”

  “No, Portia. I paid good money for that comforter set. And smashing cake in someone’s face is childish.”

  “But you promised me I could do this,” Portia whined. “I was looking forward to it.”

  “I lied.”

  The doorbell rang and Portia jumped up to answer it. “Hey, Tony.”

  Anthony walked in and greeted Portia with a hug. He saw many boxes of baby clothes, a huge box that held a swing, a bassinette, a playpen, a Diaper Genie, a three-month supply of Playtex bottles, five cases of newborn Pampers, and a crib. “Wow, y’all women don’t be playin’ at these showers.”

  Before Portia closed the door, she noticed the empty parking spot where she had parked the Escalade. Darn. David really came and got it. For just a brief moment Portia thought about reconsidering getting back together with David. “Nope, I’m not gonna do it,” she mumbled to herself. She closed the door.

  “Where are Celeste and Ginger?” Anthony asked.

  “Celeste is lying down; she’s probably asleep by now. Ginger is in the kitchen putting the food away. You want something to eat?”

  “Nah, I’m cool.” Anthony proceeded to stack boxes on top of boxes.

  Portia went into the kitchen and spoke to Ginger. “Tony is here and my truck is gone. I can’t believe that fool actually came and got it.”

  Ginger wiped her countertops with a wet dish towel. “Good-bye and good riddance is what you should be saying, Portia. Go and wake up Celeste. And be careful; Tony says she wakes up swinging.”

  The doorbell rang again.

  “I got it,” Anthony yelled. He opened the door and greeted Joseph. “What’s up, dude?”

  Joseph entered the foyer and shook Anthony’s hand. “What’s going on, Tony?”

  Anthony sighed. “Man, look at all of this stuff.”

  Joseph walked into the living room and looked all around. “All of this is for one baby?”

  “One baby.” Anthony sighed.

  Ginger came into the living room all smiles and went directly into Joseph’s arms. “There’s my sunshine.”

  Joseph lifted Ginger and set her back on her feet but held on to her. They were wrapped around each other like pigs in a blanket. In Joseph’s arms Ginger felt warmth, comfort, and complete. If she had a wish it would be to stay in his arms forever. She smiled then exhaled loudly.

  Clearly Ginger and Joseph had forgotten about Anthony. He decided to make his presence known. “Get a room, will ya?”

  Ginger looked at him. “I have a room, three of them as a matter of fact, but we ain’t going there, okay?” She looked at Joseph. “I missed you, did you miss me?”

  Joseph nuzzled Ginger’s neck. “You have no idea.”

  “I made you a plate. Are you hungry?”

  “I could eat but I’m gonna help Tony load these boxes in his truck.”

  “Finally, somebody is showing me some love,” Anthony joked.

  Ginger kissed Joseph’s lips lightly and left the men alone. In the bedroom she saw Celeste sitting up on the bed as Portia kneaded the lower part of her back.

  Ginger came and sat at the end of the bed, placed Celeste’s left leg on her lap, and massaged the heel of her foot. “Are you tired, momma?”

  Celeste moaned loudly. “That ain’t the word. I don’t have any energy to do anything.” She caressed the left side of her swollen belly. “This boy is already trying out for football. He hasn’t stopped moving since this morning.”

  “Ooh, can I feel him move?” Though Ginger had been pregnant twice, she had never gotten far enough in either pregnancy to feel the fetuses move.

  Celeste reached for Ginger’s hand and pressed it on her belly. In only a few seconds Ginger felt movement beneath her fingers.

  “I feel him moving,” Ginger said excitedly. “I can really feel him.”

  “Okay, it’s my turn,” Portia said. She reached around Celeste and pressed her open palm next to Ginger’s. Her mouth dropped open. “Oh, wow. He’s doing somersaults.”

  “And he’s been doing them all day long,” Celeste complained. “I’m ready to go home, get under the bed, and hibernate.”

ia chuckled. “You can get under there and get stuck if you want to. I don’t know who you think is gonna haul your big behind out from under there.”

  The three of them laughed.

  “Those are cute T-shirts you’re wearing. It is a little presumptuous don’t you think?”

  “Nope,” Ginger answered.

  “You couldn’t make up your mind so we did it for you.”

  Celeste looked at Portia. “Oh, really? Well, what if I told you that Anthony and I had already decided on godparents and neither of you made the cut?”

  “Celeste, you can try to pull that trick if you want to,” Ginger stated. “After all the crap that Portia and I had to put up with during the last nine months we deserve the right to be the godmothers. We earned the title.”

  “And besides,” Portia chimed in, “who, other than us, could possibly be chosen? Your parents are deceased. You can’t stand your only sister and you really ain’t got no other friends beside me and Ginger.”

  “That is not true, Portia.”

  “It’s absolutely true, Celeste. Just face it. You are evil. You always have been and you always will be.”

  Celeste rolled her eyes at Portia and Ginger chuckled.

  Anthony came and stood in the bedroom doorway. He saw his wife sitting on the bed getting pampered. “How much y’all charge for that? Can I have next rubdown?”

  Celeste smiled at him. “Hey, baby.” She caressed her necklace. “I love my cross, thank you.”

  He returned the smile. “You’re welcome.”

  “You see these heifers’ T-shirts?”

  Anthony read the bold black letters. “I thought you weren’t gonna tell them, just yet, that we had chosen them as the godmothers.”

  “You are so busted!” Ginger shouted out to Celeste.

  “We knew it,” Portia said excitedly. “Sittin’ there trying to make us think we weren’t your first choice.” Portia waved her hand at Celeste. “Chile, please.”

  “Oh, shut up,” Celeste said to them. Of course Portia and Ginger would be the godmothers. Celeste never thought differently. Her plan was to let her best friends sweat out the wait before she announced her decision. But Anthony’s big mouth spoiled it.

  Celeste extended her hand toward him. “Can you help me up?”

  Anthony assisted Celeste out of the bed. Ginger slid Celeste’s shoes on her swollen feet and Portia placed Celeste’s purse on her shoulder. Celeste hugged and kissed her friends, thanked them for a wonderful shower, and followed Anthony out of the bedroom.

  “You wanna stay in my guest room tonight?” Ginger asked Portia.

  “No. Give me the keys to your car. I’ll swing by and get you for church in the morning.”

  “Don’t bother,” Ginger said, rotating her aching neck and shoulders. “I don’t plan on waking up until the afternoon. I’m saving my energy for Progressive’s broadcast tomorrow night.”

  * * *

  With Portia finally gone, Ginger’s living room was empty and clean, just the way she liked it. She found Joseph at the kitchen table eating.

  “I see you found your plate. Did you warm it in the microwave?”

  He shook his head from side to side and stuffed a forkful of cold spaghetti in his mouth. “I was too hungry for that. These barbecue wings are the bomb.”

  Ginger sat on Joseph’s lap and fed him a forkful of potato salad. Then she took a napkin and wiped the corners of his mouth.

  “I get the royal treatment, huh?” he asked.

  “I know how to treat my king.”

  “I can get use to this.”

  “You might as well,” Ginger said.

  When Joseph confessed that his belly was full, Ginger opted to take a shower. Joseph sat on the sofa in the living room and watched a basketball game and waited for her.

  Fifteen minutes later, Ginger stood in front of the television wearing a long white silk nightgown. “I’m exhausted. I’m going to bed.” She pressed the power button on the television and went toward the bedroom. “You coming with me?” she asked over her shoulder.

  Joseph rose from the sofa and followed her. Ginger lay on the bed and turned onto her right side. Joseph pulled his shoes off and lay behind Ginger and wrapped his arm around her waist and held her. Within moments he felt Ginger’s head go limp against his chest; then he knew she was asleep.

  Chapter 19

  Let the Church Say Amen

  Ginger read the directions that Latricia had given her to Joseph as he exited off of Interstate 290 and turned left onto Wolf Road. “Latricia said go to the stop sign and make a right and we should see the church straight ahead.”

  When Joseph arrived in the church’s parking lot, he parked his car, exited, and came around to the passenger side and opened Ginger’s door. She placed her hand in Joseph’s and stepped out. Chivalry was not dead and Ginger was happy about that.

  An usher greeted Joseph and Ginger with a smile as they approached the door of the main sanctuary. “Welcome to Progressive Ministries.”

  “Thank you,” Ginger responded. “We’re guests of Latricia Hall’s.”

  Joseph and Ginger were escorted to the second row from the front of the church. Latricia sat on the end seat. She saw Ginger and stood to hug her. “You came,” she said excitedly. “I don’t believe it.”

  “Why not?” Ginger asked her. “I told you I would be here.” Ginger placed her hand in Joseph’s. “Latricia, this is Joseph, my sunshine.”

  Latricia shook his hand. “Hello, sunshine. It’s nice to meet you, and welcome to Progressive.” Latricia stepped out into the aisle and allowed Joseph and Ginger to enter the row. They sat in the two empty seats next to Latricia.

  Ginger looked all around the sanctuary. She couldn’t tell that she sat in an old movie theater. The entire building had been gutted, rehabilitated, remodeled, and redecorated. She whispered in Latricia’s ear, “This is absolutely beautiful.”

  It was exactly 9:00 p.m. Elder DeAndre Patterson stood in front of the Radio Choir. The music started and Latricia leaned into Ginger and said, “I hope you’re ready to get your praise on.”

  Ginger saw that already the saints were on their feet encouraging the choir to go forth and do their thing.

  “Sang, choir. Y’all better sang tonight,” the people encouraged them.

  “You know, Lord, whether I’m right,” the Radio Choir sang. “You know, Lord, whether I’m wrong. You know, Lord, whether I’m right or wrong. Whether I’m right or wrong.”

  Latricia stood and joined the rest of the congregation in song. “While I’m down here praying, Lord search my heart. Search meeeeeee, search me, Lord. Search meeeeeee, search me, Lord.”

  The energy inside the church was electric. Both Ginger and Joseph stood and blended in. “Search me, Lord. Search me, Lord. Search me, Lord. You know Lord, whether I’m right or wrong. Whether I’m right or wrong.”

  When the song had ended the people sat. The announcing clerk walked to the podium to tell all of the radio listeners about the good news the Lord was doing at Progressive Life-Giving Word Cathedral.

  Ginger looked to her left and saw Apostle Donald L. Alford walking up the steps to the pulpit, followed by an entourage of deacons and armor bearers. Apostle Alford knelt to pray before taking his seat.

  Ginger leaned into Latricia. “Where is his wife?”

  Latricia pointed toward the soprano section in the choir. “She’s the third one from the left on the front row.”

  Ginger sought out the first lady and saw blond shoulder-length hair, a petite nose, and small lips. She sat with poise. Without even trying the first lady exuded class.

  “She’s beautiful,” Ginger commented.

  “That’s Gloria but we call her Lady Glo ’cause she shines.”

  After the Radio Choir sang the last song, Apostle Alford took his place behind the podium. “Everybody stand to your feet and let’s begin to worship the Lord.”

  The congregation obeyed their leader. The saints stood, raise
d their hands, and closed their eyes. The musicians played soft praise and worship music as Apostle Alford encouraged the people to open their mouths and talk to God. He sang, “I just want to praise you. I lift my hands and say, ‘I love you.’ You are everything to me and I exalt your holy name on high.”

  Ginger opened her eyes. She saw heads thrown back and mouths open crying out to God. A man and woman ran down to the front of the church and threw themselves on the altar.

  Apostle Alford spoke to the people from the pulpit. “Take your neighbor by the hand and say, ‘Neighbor, nay in all of these things, we are more than conquerors through Him who loves us.’”

  The congregation obeyed their leader. Ginger and Joseph held hands and looked at each other. They repeated what Apostle Alford had just said. “Neighbor, nay in all of these things, we are more than conquerors through Him that loves us.”

  A choir member ran out of the pulpit, down the aisle, out into the vestibule, shouting out praises. A man standing behind Joseph began jumping up and down thanking God for saving his life.

  Don, don, don, don. Ginger heard the drums and organ. Don, don, don, don. The music was a prelude to what was getting ready to happen. Latricia leaned into Ginger and said, “Here we go. It only takes one person to set it off and it becomes a chain reaction.”

  Don, don, don, don. The atmosphere was thick. The air was heavy. The saints were ready to praise.

  Apostle Alford loosened his tie. “I see y’all ain’t come to play. Come on and take twenty seconds and get your praise on. Go on and give God His due.”

  The music and drums took over the service. The sanctuary sounded like a basketball stadium at playoff time. The entire church lost themselves in the Lord.

  Suddenly, Ginger reflected back on the two babies she lost at the hands of Ronald. Then she thought about the bruises and broken ribs she suffered. She remembered having to ask him for permission to go to church. Ginger looked to her right and saw Joseph standing next to her, with his eyes closed, speaking to God in the unknown tongue. Tears were running down his face. Not only was Joseph saved; he was anointed and sanctified.


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