True Blue (Blue Series Book 3)

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True Blue (Blue Series Book 3) Page 1

by Jules Barnard

  True Blue


  Jules Barnard

  Copyright © Jules Barnard 2014

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations is entirely coincidental.

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  Cover design by Sarah Hansen at Okay Creations

  Cover photograph by Brad Olson Photography

  Formatting by Polgarus Studio



  “Hey, Mira.” I turn in time to see the biggest girl in my junior high school grab my backpack and swing it in a wide loop—with me attached.

  I lose my balance and land hard on the ground.

  “What do you want, Britney?” I say, annoyed, my knee throbbing where it hit the concrete.

  Britney’s bangs are cut short and blunt across her forehead, giving her the caveman look when she glares. “Isn’t your mom a hooker? I heard she sold you to the Sallees.” Her lisp is so heavy it takes me a second to figure out who she’s referring to. And then my face heats at the crude reference to the family I live with.

  Kids give Britney a wide berth, including the three girls on either side of her, but I’m not like other kids.

  I lunge and shove her. Only I’m small for my age, so she barely budges.

  Britney catches my shoulders with her long octopus arms, the other girls laughing behind her. “Do you let their son Lewis kiss you? Eww, Mira. Are you going to be a hooker like your mom?”

  I hate it when kids spread stupid rumors about my mom. I swing out my leg and try to nail Britney in the shin, but I miss.

  “Who will you live with once Lewis doesn’t want you anymore?”

  For some reason, that sentence isn’t jumbled by her speech. It comes out loud and clear.

  The fight drains from my body, my arms dropping to my sides.

  I’m used to being picked on for my size, for where I came from, for the stories about my mom. None of it matters. But Britney said the one thing that does. Lewis and his family told me they’d take care of me, but everyone leaves eventually.

  Britney shoves my shoulders, sending me off balance again. My palms slam to the pavement. I stare at the grainy surface, the heat from the cement coating my skin. My brain races a million miles an hour, and goes nowhere.

  Where would I go if the Sallees didn’t want me anymore?

  I don’t know how long I kneel on all fours, but the sound of feet skittering catches my attention. I brush dark strands of hair off my face and look up…into pale blue eyes glowing with concern.

  “You okay?”

  The boy standing over me has high cheekbones and slightly hollow cheeks. He is tall, but skinny. I like his face. He has kind eyes.

  He glances past me, sending an angry glare over my shoulder. “Leave her alone from now on,” he calls.

  I look around to see that the mean girls have taken off and are halfway across the empty parking lot.

  The boy gives me a quick survey, then grabs my backpack. “Come on. I’ll walk you home.”

  I sit on my butt and pull my knees to my chin, brushing gravel and dirt from my hands. “I’m riding the bus.”

  He swings my backpack over the shoulder that’s not occupied by his large pack. “I’ll walk you there.”

  For all his height, the two backpacks look like they might knock him over, but they don’t. He’s strong.

  We make the trip in silence, and I wonder if he will leave me once we get to the bus stop. I want him to stay. Which is weird. Aside from the Sallees, who took me in when I was three, I’m not comfortable around people.

  “I’m Tyler,” he says, as we approach the pickup spot. His gaze flickers to me, but he doesn’t stare.

  I nod, worried I might say the wrong thing. Tyler hangs out with me until the long yellow bus pulls up. The driver opens the pivoting door and Tyler hands me my backpack.

  His mouth presses together in a serious look I’ve only seen adults use. “You okay?”

  I nod and climb the steps. I watch Tyler through the windows of the bus as the driver pulls away and I take my seat. Tyler walks in the opposite direction, staring ahead, his wiry arm bent where he shoved his hand into his jeans pocket.

  I hug my backpack to my chest and smile.

  I should be upset that the girls picked on me, but I’m not. If they hadn’t, Tyler might not have shown up.

  And I like Tyler.

  Chapter One


  [Three years later

  Alicia Keys’s “No One” blares through the custom sound system of Holly Walker’s living room, her house packed with faces I recognize from the hallways of our high school. The lyrics are like a jab to my conscience, except instead of people getting in the way of me and the guy I like, my fears always do. But not tonight.

  The reason I’m here, when I normally avoid these parties like the plague, is because Tyler Morgan said he was coming. I rode with Zach, a good friend from the Dresslerville Washoe reservation who attends high school with me and my foster brother and best friend, Lewis. Lewis is a study-o-holic, so he doesn’t come to these things, but Zach makes it to all the parties. He’s currently homing in on Ella or Bella—some girl from my English class whose name ends with an a, like those of all the popular girls. Technically mine does too, but if people know me, it’s for the wrong reasons. Bitch and trash have been linked to my name.

  “Zach, you look like you’re ready to pounce,” I say. “There is such a thing as finesse. You could chat with the girl. Get to know her.”

  Zach cocks his chiseled jaw to the side. “Why would I want to do that? Ruins the mystique.”

  For as long as I’ve known him, Zach has kept girls at arm’s length. Emotionally, not physically. The guy gets around. I can’t fault him. I do the same thing—the emotional distancing, not the hook-ups. That rumor is false.

  He tips his chin up. “You okay here? I’m about to get my swerve on.” He flexes his chest. “How are the delts? Lookin’ good?”

  I shake my head. “You’re lame.”

  He hugs me in a friendly headlock. “Love ya, Mir. Go hook up or something. It does a body good.” My shoulders stiffen. He has no idea how close to the truth he is. Zach gives me a little shake. “Loosen up, girl. You got all tense.”

  I share everything with Zach and Lewis. Except my love life. That would just be weird. Zach’s manwhoring provides hours of banter, but it’s a different story to talk about me and boys. That’s where having guy friends who are like brothers gets iffy.

  “Would ya leave already?” His lingering is making me nervous, and I’ve got enough on my mind, wondering if my plan for tonight will work out.

  Zach kisses his biceps and winks before striding off, angling his wide shoulders past the bodies crowding the living room.

  I peer out, searching for my own quarry.

  Since Tyler arrived an hour ago, I’ve been watching him like a stalker chick. Not really my style, but I’m running out of time. He’s leaving our hometown in a few weeks, and if I don’t make a move now, I’m afra
id I’ll lose my chance.

  I run a shaky hand through my long, dark hair, and pull a wavy handful over my shoulder, the ends brushing my upper waist. Out of the corner of my eye, I catch the guy next to me checking me out.

  I have no interest in other guys. Only one person holds my attention, and he’s the one I walk toward.

  I’m like Zach tonight, in hot pursuit. Normally, I let men come to me. I may not be popular with the girls, but with boys it’s different. Lewis and Zach treat me like a sister, but with other guys…Well, they want something. Not that I put out. Despite what some people say, I’ve only kissed a few guys, fooled around with a couple of them, but never given it up.

  I’m not sure why I’ve held on to my V-card. No one expects it of me, and I don’t feel pure. It’s possible that living with Lewis and his family has rubbed off on me. That I’ve grown standards without realizing it. But I think I haven’t had sex when the opportunity arose for a different reason.

  There’s only one person I want to be with.

  My advisor paired me with Tyler as a math tutor over a year ago. I might have requested him when I found out he was looking for students to assist. The kindness behind those clear blue eyes when Tyler scared away the group of mean girls in junior high did something to me. I’ve never forgotten him. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t remember that day. He’s never mentioned it, and I didn’t remind him during our numerous study sessions together.

  I watch as Tyler checks the downstairs bathroom just off Holly Walker’s living room. He’s bulked up since we were kids, become broader in the shoulder and filled out in the chest, and he’s taller than most of the guys at our high school. His face is still chiseled around the cheeks, though it’s filled out and angular in the jaw. Tyler is laid-back, but attentive, and I like hanging out with him as much as I do my friends. Maybe more.

  There’s something about Tyler that’s different from other guys. I’m aware of his every move, the way he smells like peppermint and some kind of bike oil from the mountain biking he does, mixed with his laundry detergent. When he shows me equations while we study together, I want to smooth my finger over the calluses on his thumb where he holds his pencil too tightly. Sometimes, when he’s not looking, I’ll stare at the dark stubble on his chin that shines reddish in the light, and wonder what it would feel like to rub my lips against that stubble and kiss his neck. It’s distracting.

  Tyler will leave soon for college. I should wait it out and ignore my feelings. But I won’t. I’m going to do something I’ve never done before: open up.

  Long enough to lose my virginity to the boy I like.

  After trying the downstairs bathroom and finding it locked, Tyler shoves a large hand in his jeans pocket and makes his way to the second floor.

  I glance around to make sure no one’s paying attention, and follow him up the stairs.

  Tyler is a year older than me, but two grades higher, because he’s super smart and skipped freshman year. Holly’s party may be the best chance I have to make a move before he graduates in a few weeks.

  The second floor is pretty crowded as well. Tyler moves up another flight, and I stay back until he reaches the landing.

  There are four levels to Holly’s house. Her parents are loaded, their home equipped with an indoor hot tub and an elevator. A gazillion bedrooms litter the upper levels. It can’t be too difficult to get Tyler alone.

  He knocks on a third-floor bathroom and enters, closing the door behind him. Most of the party is on the lower floors. Few people wander the top two, so there’s privacy up here.

  I walk quickly to the end of the hall and peek inside one of the darkened bedrooms. It’s empty, so I lean in and set my crossbody purse next to the door, closing it behind me.

  My chest is pounding. I press my hand to it and breathe deeply, trying to get calm.

  I’ve sensed something between me and Tyler. I don’t think he’ll reject what I’m offering, but it will be a challenge to make myself vulnerable around someone other than Lewis or Zach. I tend to push people away. But Tyler teases me. He doesn’t take me too seriously, the way most guys do. Somehow that makes the idea of opening up easier. I wish I could have more with Tyler before he leaves, but I’ll settle for this.

  Sex…with Tyler.

  There goes my heart, racing again. I swallow and try to compose my face, if not the vital organ ricocheting inside my chest. I walk down the hall and lurk outside the bathroom Tyler entered, psyching myself up for what I’m about to do.

  A few seconds pass before Tyler exits with his head tilted down.

  Now or never. I step in his path, bumping lightly into him.

  “Tyler,” I say, feigning surprise. He grabs my arms to steady us, his face inches away. I smile coyly. “If you wanted to touch me, all you had to do was ask.”

  Wow—lame. I need to work on my pickup lines.

  His expression is blank, and for a moment, I wonder if I’ve botched it. This whole sexual aggression thing is harder than it looks.

  “Mira.” His gaze softens, settling warmly on my eyes. “I thought I saw you downstairs.” He grins—which gets my heart beating faster than ever.

  Most people think Tyler’s eyes are his best feature. They are devastatingly beautiful, but I have to go with his smile. It snares the deepest part of me, rendering me light-headed and dumb.

  That smile is a menace. And I can’t get enough of it.

  My chest does a clench-flutter thing, my mouth twitching into what I hope resembles a happy expression. “How’s it going?” I say, as if this is the first I’ve seen of him tonight, though I’ve stalked him like a panther.

  “Good. You been here long?”

  “For a little while.” I grab his hand and tug him down the hallway, keeping my shaky grin in place. “Do you mind helping me with something? It’s just back here.”

  His brow furrows in concern. “Sure, anything.”

  Yet another reason Tyler is perfect. He spent ridiculous amounts of time helping me with math, until I didn’t just improve my grade, I aced the class. Me? An A in math? It’s all because Tyler cares when few people have. As though he sees potential in me that most people think doesn’t exist.

  I open the bedroom door and walk inside. “It’s just this way.”

  Tyler chuckles nervously, but he steps into the room behind me. The light from the hallway frames his tall, athletic build. He plucks at his T-shirt and peers around. “So—what’d you need?”

  I reach behind him and shut the door, bathing the room in pitch. I press my chest to his and wrap my arms around his neck.

  “Just this.” I kiss him.

  His lips are still at first, his body tense. Then his mouth melts. Enflames. A kiss that sends a shiver through my belly, his tongue teasing mine, hands tightening on my waist…

  My breath hitches. This is a mistake. I should have picked a different guy. One who doesn’t affect me so much. I like Tyler, and when he leaves…

  I pull away.

  Tyler’s hands slide to my hips, without letting go. “Mira, what’s going on? I mean, I’m not complaining…”

  What am I doing? I’m ruining it. This is what I’ve wanted for so long and I’m screwing it up.

  Of course he’s wondering why his aloof tutoring student is hitting on him. I thought he liked me, but I wasn’t a hundred percent sure. Based on the intensity of that kiss, I think we’re good in the attraction department. I need to stop freaking out, and go with it.

  “Is this okay?” My eyes have adjusted to the dark with only faint light shining through the window. I stand on tiptoe and kiss his strong jaw, trailing my lips down his throat, my hands wandering across his wide shoulders and chest to a narrow, flat stomach.

  His breath catches and he pulls me closer. “Are you sure? I mean—I didn’t know.”

  I silence that thought with another kiss, my mouth parting and taking whatever he’s willing to give. Tyler is over six feet tall and I have to reach to meet his mouth, but he’s holdin
g me firmly, his lips moving eagerly with mine, sending more flutters through my belly, loosening my body along with my nerves.

  The more his kiss gives, the farther those flutters spread and migrate, running out of control. He tastes like breath mints, his lips soft and warm, caressing in a way that has my hands shaking against his chest.

  Normally, I’d let the guy take control and stop him when he wanted to go too far. But despite Tyler’s eager mouth, his hands haven’t left my hips.

  He’s a nice guy; what did I think would happen?

  Obviously, I’m going to have to make the next move too. I run my fingers beneath his shirt, against his warm, smooth skin, touching the contours of a toned chest, built from hours of after-school sports.

  I’m just getting into fascinating chest terrain when Tyler pulls away. My fingers freeze and I look into his eyes, their brightness all but gone. In this light they are dark and murky with startling depths.

  “Mira, what about downstairs? The party…”

  No thinking.

  In answer to his question, I raise the hem of his black T-shirt. His arms go up automatically, allowing me to pull the soft cotton over his head. I drop it to the ground, the dark fabric disappearing in the shadows.

  Reaching behind him, I fumble for the door and lock it. I grab his hand and lead him to the bed. “It’s okay. No one will come in.” I sit on the edge of the mattress and gently pull him down.

  He doesn’t say anything at first. It might have something to do with the fact that I slipped my top off. I’m bared from the waist up, with the exception of a pretty black bra I splurged and bought on sale from Victoria’s Secret.

  Tyler touches my naked shoulder. “Ahhh…?” His eyes remain on my breasts for a second, then flutter to my face and lock on my eyes. “I like you. We don’t have to do this tonight.”


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